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| | |-+  SOAPBOX: Gender disparity/discrimination against men/male homos
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: [1]
: What should be done to help?
More m-m positions   -1 (8.3%)
More male clothes   -2 (16.7%)
Both 1 and 2   -7 (58.3%)
It's fine as-is   -0 (0%)
there are gay men here?   -2 (16.7%)
: 9

: SOAPBOX: Gender disparity/discrimination against men/male homos  ( 5816 )
Sr. Member
: 262

OK, first I want to say I am a straight male and I do not and will not play with a guy ever (tried it, don't like it for those "if you haven't tried it, how can you hate it?" people).

Anyway, some things I would like to get off my chest

  • Since March, there have been 11 new m-f sex poses created
  • Since March, there has been 1 female outfit addition
  • Since March, females have gotten at least 1 new face option
  • Since March, there have been 4 new f-f sex poses created

So, I call out the developers: why do the men get NOTHING? No new faces, no new outfits, and no new m-m sexual poses (and yes, this is a equal gay rights post). While most STRAIGHT men will be happy with m-f poses, I find it disappointing that men cannot receive gifts (the gift thing says "something for your sweetie)...how can homosexual MEN participate when only GIRLS can receive?

Why do girls get new skirts, etc and men have to deal with the same shit clothing? Where are the full business suits? how about some ties? how about letting us pick the ties independently from a suit/shirt so it's not "bundled"?

Why aren't there any developments on any threesome poses? Some have been suggested (one of my other threads actually).

So, I know this feels like a "soapbox" post, and to some extent it is. As I said, I myself am not gay or bi, but I am speaking for those who maybe are afraid to or aren't aware they can.

I understand the developers are busy, but some of this seems like common sense.

Hero Member
: 1379

K, I just said this, so I'll say it again here.

I have yet to see any gay males demand anything.  If you don't post how are they to know who wants what.  Now the girls have been posting an they got some new positions, not enough, but still.
I don't think its discrimination.  Now correct me if I am wrong but you hetero males do not think about gay sex 24/7 or even a sec unless something brings it to your attention.  So you they have to speak up an ask for more.

Now with men and gifting, I think that is more old fashion crap than anything else.  Its always the men that gift women threw time, taking care of the little women(please), blah, blah, blah. 

So I say this again, post and poll away.  Don't stop asking for what you want an if they see that we are not going away, we just might get what we want.  They have to keep their customers happy or we will start going somewhere else.  Money tends to erase all discrimination or forgetfulness.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

I can't call it discrimination... it's called running a business.

I mean when I started speaking up for F/F I didn't just call for "more" I gave examples, and some I got, some I was pleasantly surprised by.

The gay/bi guys haven't called for more, and haven't given examples. So what would you have the development team do exactly?

Work on the expressed requests of their paying customers or toil on positions that might not wanted by those who haven't said they've wanted them?

That said the guys here HAVE been asking for more clothes and everyone has said guys should be able to get gifts. So I kinda see those as separate.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

First I want to say it's ok to start a topic and to speak for another "group". Many men also supported the wishes the women had.
But - where are the gay/bi men now? No one answered. Maybe they are satisfied (lol, I hope so - double meaning). Or is nobody of them here in this forum? Why not?
I can't believe that all of them are afraid. So it's correct of the A-Team to listen to their customers. And this is the place where we're asking and giving suggestions.

And yes, I want new clothes. They will not be better cause I have to wash them regularky ;)

: 4

I would love to see more group position in general...but especially gay ones in the MMF...Many of the women I have been with voiced the same.  They would like to watch us fuck!  More double penetration...ass/pussy or two cocks in either would be awesome, too.  You've got a fun site...those new positions would really add to the experience!
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

That's actually a very good point stoliand... everyone thinks of MMF in terms of the M's working on the F, but there's nothing that says the M's couldn't work on each other.

Only seems fair since in FFM the guy can watch the two girls.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Jr. Member
: 97

I think that OP makes some great points.

1. There should be more positions for the different gender combinations.  I know maybe this takes time but this should be more equalized.

2. There should be more clothing options for men.  Because right now, the women get a TON of different costumes and the men are stuck with very basic stuff.  I love looking at the women, but I'd also like to dress my avatar sharply and with more good looking variations!  Suggestion:  Why not allow the community to create their own original clothing mod packs? 

Then it would be submitted to the development team and if it is found to be good, sell them in the store, and the original creator gets a small A$ royalty each time the mod pack is sold?  I know that Second Life has a whole industry based on community mod packs and it would make speople feel more invested in the Achat world.

3. Women should be able to gift men.  It's just NOT right that only men can gift women.  That's outright sexist.  Plus this restriction ALSO stops men from gifting other men which is discriminatory as well.  Please get rid of the gifting restriction entirely.  When people buy gifts, they spend money, so Achat's creators make more money.  So there is absolutely no sense in restricting gifting by gender.  The more people that buy gifts, the more money is spent, and the more revenue comes in to make this game better!
: [1]  
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