Hey define normal > yes hyper spas >feel good the skin im in >I`m just high on life ! little tits and all !
I`m take that as a good sign I`m not normal > all Artist `s have a wacky side , do`nt you agree ?
And on a looney tune note I`ll finish off w a cyber song !
Down at the rail road station as people getting on
some are going north , some are going south
I`m just going to be gone
Some are born to be takers others just want to give
Some people live just to love , I JUST LOVE TO LIVE
i WAS JUST born to be exactly what you see
nothing more or less ,
im not the worst or the best
Iwas just born to be exactly what you see
Today and every day I`m just me
And would`nt life be so boring if we were all the same
@Lover Thanks baby !