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| | |-+  FAQ - Uploading an own picture for your ava
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: FAQ - Uploading an own picture for your ava  ( 45906 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : March 26, 2012, 01:29:41 PM »

- Requirements:

- You have to be paying premium member (it's not enough to have A$ given by another member)
- You have to have at least 99A$ (the price for uploading own pic)

- Log in on the web page and click the 'Character picture upload' link on the right side under account management
- If you are able to upload you will see this:
 Valid subscription
 Paying user
 Enough A$ on account

- Accept the checkbox and choose your pic

If you have uploaded at least one pic, you can change between your own pic(s) and the default ava picby pressing
"Manage my uploaded pics" on the middle of this page.
« : March 26, 2012, 02:40:44 PM Lover »

: 5

« #1 : July 24, 2015, 04:22:13 AM »

 I can't find the character picture upload on my " show profile " page. Where is it ? And if I upload another picture but want to go back to the first one, will it be free ? Thanks.
: 5

« #2 : July 24, 2015, 09:55:08 AM »

Ok, I found, don't bother.
Full Member
: 205

« #3 : July 24, 2015, 10:25:36 AM »

Hello Annie,

good that you found it, and yes, if you uplaod a pic it stays in your account for  as long as you do not manually delete it from your account again. To choose from various uploaded pics just use the "Manage my uploaded pics" link top right, after you clicked on " character picture upload".

greetings Elena


For future reference, if someone else is having trouble finding it. You have to log in on this Website and afterwards in the "Home" section you will find on the right side this menu:

« : July 25, 2015, 01:58:24 AM dirtyElena »
: 5

« #4 : July 24, 2015, 05:04:47 PM »

Thank you. If I may, I really think this "character picture upload" should be easier to find. For exemple, it would be more logical to find it into the " profile page " ... Just my opinion. Thank you.
: 6

« #5 : February 24, 2017, 05:37:14 PM »

I currently keep getting an error message every time I try to upload a character pic. Is there a problem at moment?
: 11

Diamond for ever

AOL Instant Messenger - MichelleDK
« #6 : September 21, 2017, 05:23:13 AM »

I currently keep getting an error message every time I try to upload a character pic. Is there a problem at moment?

Yours angel for sexsy fun
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #7 : September 21, 2017, 06:02:01 AM »

Try another browser.  I know sometimes Google wont work and Bing or firefox will.
See if that works.

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.

« #8 : October 22, 2017, 02:53:50 AM »

I tried several browsers and several images but without any error message my picture never appears correctly at the end.
Just an empty space (chrome) or none (firefox). I figured also to suppress all and retry but no success. Each time 100 lost.
Any help welcome.

« #9 : October 22, 2017, 10:38:23 AM »

Hello Solange75

I cant tell you how long you might wait but the SUpport is the only one who can help you in that matter.

Go all to the top  HOME
log in with same as you log in to game

Than you see that:

look at the RIGHT SIDE ( red arrow ) RECENT Purchase
you will see when and if the charged you.

Make a screenshot and add it to the letter to the support ( top menue line 3rd from right )

Few more other player have the same trouble - one wrote that he got answer from support that they working on that.

But make sure you claim your A$ back.

Hope I could help a bit

: 1

« #10 : November 02, 2017, 03:28:57 AM »

well i have the same proplem with the foto...i try all the browsers but always never upload the pic...the support gives me tha A4 back every time..but i tried more than 20 times the 5 last months and i dont have a pic on my profil :( :( they say the last mounths that they fix the promplem..but i dont see nothing..   is another way to upload one? thanks inna:)
: 1

« #11 : December 18, 2017, 09:13:46 AM »

hi, i am more or less new here and also tried to change the picture by uploading a photo of myself. Tried two times but without success.
Now i found this forum entry and wrote to support...awaiting their reply to get my A$ back...
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