girl n°1 couch on the bed , girl n°2 kneel on the bed over the hips of 1
#1 :
- Kiss ==========> sit and kiss #2
- Caress legs =====> stroke one or both legs of #2
- Breast massage ==> caress one or both breasts of #2
- belly massage ===> caress #2 belly
- Back ==========> swap side to be massaged on the back (maybe not faisible in game)
- Pussy =========> massage #2 or own pussy
- breasts vs breasts => Bend down and caress #2 breasts with her own
- Pleasures faces ==> cause there will surely have some
#2 :
- Kiss ===========> bend down and kiss #1
- Shoulders =======> massage #1 shoulders
- Breasts massage ==> massage #1 breasts
- Belly massage ====> massage #1 belly
- Arms (maybe) ====> massage one or both #1 arms
- Body ===========> bend down and massage #1 back with all her body (can be done only with breasts too , mmmmmmmmm)
- Butt kiss ========> #1 on the belly, #2 gently kiss her butt
- Butt massage =====> #1 on the bely , #2 tenderly massage her butt cheeks
- Pleasures faces ===> cause i suppose there will be one or two
I have not set some pinche nipples or finger ass , cause the idea is really a massage pose . So if someone have some ideas , i'll see if it match the idea of the pose i have