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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1212002 )
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: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2070 :
May 27, 2015, 02:35:43 PM »
Coming in after a long time, I walk over to an empty table and put up the pen beside the table. Letting go of all my little goats to run and play, I walk up to Joe and ask for a nice steak dinner for me and some apples and carrots as a special treat for my goats. Getting the food and water I walk back over to the table and cut up the treats in bite size pieces. Giving them a bowl of water, I slowly feed them the treats now and then while I eat my food.
Glancing around the room while I eat my food, I see that nothing much has changed with the place. Once I finish the food, I take the goats outside to a nice fenced in area and let them roam around. Seeing Doc, I ask him to bring in the toys from my car so the goats will have some play things while they were hanging out.
Doc left and brought back the toys with the help of the others. Once the various toys were set up, I sit on one of the logs as I watch my goats get used to the place before we had to go again. However, the goats were so excited about all the nice tall grass in the area that they were running around munching on all the green stuff.
While watching the goats, I see jer come out and comes over and sits on the log with me as he watches the goats run around while we catch up on what has been going on in the achat community.
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: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2071 :
May 28, 2015, 08:33:32 AM »
I payed the cab driver off and stepped out of the taxi, almost absent minded closed the door with one hand while I tucked my wallet back in to jacket pocket.
Not knowing what to expect inside the bar I took a moment to look around the outside, just a quick look as my hands went in to the jeans front pockets. A few steps later and I was pushing the door open, smiling faintly at the thought "This is the bit were the piano stops playing and every one turns to stare at the stranger....."
Pausing to let my eyes adjust to the new light, enough to look around and find the bar ... An empty stool at the end. Allowing the door to close behind me on it's own, I strode confidently to that empty stool at the bar and slid my ass on to it settling my booted feet on to the bar rail I ordered a drink ... "Coffee ... Strong fresh and black please fella " to the guy behind the bar.
I took a look around the bar as he went away to prepare my coffee ... Then I sat there sipping the coffee "Thanks fella ..Pretty good " Nodding to the guy as I sat quietly ....
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2072 :
May 28, 2015, 04:35:56 PM »
Scooping up one of the baby goats so everyone can ooooo and aahhhh over her, we head inside the bar and grill to get a drink. Walking up to Joe, I wait till he gives the new guy his coffee. "Hey Joe, I need a hot chocolate ice cream shake with extra whip cream please."
As I wait for the shake, I turn and introduce myself to the new guy. "Hi, I am sexi. It is so nice to see a friendly new face around here. In case they haven't told you yet, the first drink is on the house as a welcoming to the bar and grill."
Seeing Joe with drink in hand, I turn and get the drink and tell him Covems tab. As I turn to go back out, the baby goat squirms in my arms making me lose the grip on my drink, and it falls and lands in the new guys coffee. Once I get a good hold on the baby again, I apologize for spilling my drink into his and ask Joe for a new one for both of us on Covems tab.
Full Member
: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2073 :
May 28, 2015, 05:27:35 PM »
My eyes narrowed as the girl walked up beside me with, of all things, a kid goat tucked up under one arm. I wrinkled my nose at the smell of the little creature and introduced myself to her resisting the comment on my lips and hiding my thoughts behind my words " Hello ... I'm Wolfie ...Nice to meet you sexi ... " It was then I jumped off the stool in time to avoid the sudden splash of coffee and milkshake over the bar ...
"You need to be more careful sexi .... You might have had to pay my laundry bill ... Or be .... " A slightly twisted cruel smile " Washing my jeans ...But since none of it landed on me I'll let you off ...... This time. " I gave her a quick wink and a grin "Thank you for replacing my coffee .... " Watching as Joe cleaned up the mess on the bar and then replaced both the drinks with fresh ones. "Where's the goat farm at ? " Turning now to look at the girl more fully ...
"Just why are you carrying a goat around with you ... Of all places in a grill bar ? " Thinking that no wonder the poor thing had squirmed around , probably frightened of ending up on the rottisserie or the menu .... There was other stuff going on around us and one maybe two people had noticed the spillage, myself and sexi at the bar ... with the goat .... This could worry some people!!!!
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2074 :
May 28, 2015, 05:40:42 PM »
Hearing his comment about laundry, I laugh. "You wish I would wash your clothes or have my hands on your stuff."
"I just brought the goats in today and they are out back. It gives people a chance for some fresh food and drink. Also, it gives them a chance to meet an animal that there isn't many of left in the world and help save them by giving them a reason for people to want them around. Sometimes the reason is food, milk, or mowing your lawn like these goats can do for you. Today is a debut for the goats here to see if there is anyone that is interested we could have them around more often otherwise they will have to go to the zoo I have to see more of these little darlings."
Nuzzling my face against the baby goats soft fur, I feel her start nibbling on my hair. Laughing, I pull the hair out before she can get too much in and choke herself.
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: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2075 :
May 28, 2015, 06:05:47 PM »
Grinning as you laughed and at your comment "I wish that do I, sexi? ... Mmmm ... Maybe I might be thinking of something else altogether ? " I smiled slightly and lifted the fresh coffee to my lips for a sip of it, forgetting it was still hot out of the jug, having to touch the back of my hand to my lips as the coffee heated them.
Listening to the word about the goats mowing my lawn ... I had this crazy image of a goat pushing a mower around or astride a ride on mower ...I stiffled a laugh at the thought though......just.
"Well I do like goats cheese .... But I think maybe leave them outside in the future ? ... Might save you and the goats from a fate they might not enjoy too much ..... " I thought a bit about that and how much I hated mowing the ... mmm ... not a lawn any more and I did hate that job ... "Maybe you could drop a couple at my place ... They could eat 'till they couldn't walk in my garden ... " It was half a joke half serious ...
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2076 :
May 28, 2015, 06:31:03 PM »
"If they eat till they can't walk that means they ate too much making themselves sick. Goats will not stop till they are way past full. Right now have a group out back knocking down the overgrown grass that the dwarves have not kept up on. Those lazy bums will do anything to get out of work. Might have to take a whip out and make them actually do some work."
Drinking down some of the shake, I feel some of those little marshmallows land in my mouth. Eating them up, I lick my lips because it tastes so good.
"If you do need some goats to knock down some grass, just let me know I'll be around for awhile. Doesn't matter if there is even poison ivy there, their system is quite good it doesn't affect them."
Full Member
: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2077 :
May 28, 2015, 06:56:05 PM »
The words reminded me of a puppy I had cared for as a child... He had been abandoned by the mother and was about to be put to sleep but I'd taken the little guy off the farmers hands and started to feed him. Calling him Kim after the Kipling book ... The first day I'd over fed him and he couldn't stand.... After that I'd been more strict with his diet ... " Mmmhmm .. dwarfs have a away of sleeping too much,sexi ..." I laughed a little at your words of taking a whip to them "Carefull there sexi ... They might not work at all if they enjoy a good whipping from a ... young lady ... " Giving you the benefit of doubt ...
" Mmmm ... I'll give that offer some thought ... I don't think there is anything that would harm them, there's the pond they can drink from ... Mmmm .. Ok ... " Watching as you licked your lips, knowing you probably saw my eyes move to watch .... I lifted the cup to my lips and took a cautious sip of the coffee, watching you over the rim and taking a drink from the coffee cup.
"So .... Maybe I'll get my jungle eaten instead of chopped .... " smiling as I set the coffee down
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2078 :
May 28, 2015, 07:20:16 PM »
Laughs. "I doubt many guys would want me wielding the whip. I'm not the kind of girl they would want at that end."
Snickers at his comment about the jungle. Thinking if he had been a girl, it could have been a completely different jungle he mentioned. "Have to watch out in those jungles though. You never know what wildlife will come to you."
Drinks my shake more and relaxes in the stool. Handing the baby over to Joe, I ask him to take her back to her mom and the rest of the group cause she might want to be with them.
Full Member
: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2079 :
May 29, 2015, 05:33:21 PM »
Laughing warmly, with you and also a little at what you said.... "Sexi you never know. I do know that I wouldn't allow you to wield a whip ... " Then I had an little quiet laugh.
I took a sip of coffee and wondered at that snicker ... Only until I replaced the cup on the bar, swirling the coffee around the cup a little "Ohhh I doubt there would be anything too dangerous ... Nothing with poisonous bite at any rate ... " Watching and moving my coffee to safety as sexi handed the goat across the bar to Joe.
"He'll be much happier out there ... How long have you been a goat herder then sexi ? " Grinning at the tease but keeping my eyes on you. I reached in to my shirt pocket and handed you a card "My business card ... My address is on the back so you know where to drop the goats off when you have the time ...... Oh and when I'm home .... " I smiled and handed it to you ... " Give me a call before you turn up otherwise the alarms may go off ok, Sexi ?"
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2080 :
May 30, 2015, 06:38:01 AM »
Coming out of the office, I was in need of a great cup of tea. The accounts always gave me a headache and I reminded myself, I really did need to chase up Covems tab.
I nearly trip over a couple of goats let loose in the bar.
“What the…” Then I spot Sexilicious at the bar speaking to some handsome stranger, Wolf_A
That answers that question, knowing she was a sucker for cuddly animals.
I call over to Happy & Doc, “Herd the goats up and put them in the pen next to Pachacutie the Panda, will you? With some goat food. I don’t want them tripping up some of our customers.”
I wave to ItsAmy123 and congratulate her on yet another great song and dance. She was getting quite few followers and always packed the bar out with the Cocks N Roses House Band.
I greet the new stranger, Wolf_A and ensure both he and Sexi are topped up with drinks. Then I join Leighdee at the bar. She tells me she’s thinking of buying a cabin at the lake.
“That would be great,” I tell her. “There’s a few new cabins up for sale. LovingSir and Sam_Hawke have not long moved in.”
Old Joe sees my need and pushes a fresh cup of tea in front of me. “Now the day looks better,” I think as I take my first sip.
Jasmine_t sings a delightful song on stage too. As its her first time, I ask Old_Joe to send a bottle of her favourite beverage as congratulations for taking the plunge. (On Covems tab of course)
Lover & FoxyRoxxy and Jingerbird & Tangoracer are sitting quietly at their tables, enjoying the show. I go say “Hi” to both couples and tease they should both try a Yard of Ale and ride the mechanical bull right after to see who stays on the longest.
I congratulate Tango on his jokes and wonderful song he had sung earlier.
Moving back to the bar, Jayc joins me. “Have we got goats in the bar?” He asks as Old Joe places a coffee in front of him.
“You met them already?” I laugh.
“The dwarfs were chasing them round and a couple nearly took me out.” He replied rubbing his shin. “How’s the accounts going?”
“All done. Just remind Covems to pay up, next time you see him.”
Old Joe slides another tea towards me and I smile at him gratefully.
The Cock N Roses begin another great tune and several people get up to dance on the dancefloor.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2081 :
May 31, 2015, 06:44:53 AM »
Seeing that the stage is empty, I grab my mug of sarsparilla and make my way to the mic. I tap on the microphone...
"Is this thing on?"
I'm trying to write a joke about unemployed people
...But it needs more work
Whats the best thing about dating homeless chicks?
...You can drop them off anywhere.
The biggest difference between men and women is what comes to mind when the word 'Facial' is used.
What's the difference between a G-Spot and a golf ball?
...A guy will actually search for a golf ball.
...I'd like to end with a little poem...
Roses are red that much is true
but violets are purple not fucking blue.
Thank you... I'll be here all week.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2082 :
May 31, 2015, 09:45:58 PM »
"I been working with the goats for a couple years now."
Looks at your business card and then glances back at it seeing the whip on the front.
"Alright will bring by the goats sometime to trim up that yard of yours." Waits a little bit pondering what you said. "So, what happens if the alarms go off," I ask wondering if anything good could come of doing something naughty.
At that time, I see Covems gets up on stage and does his jokes. Shaking my head, I smile at his jokes knowing only Covems would do something like that. Turning back to Joe, "Give us some more drinks on Covems tab. Maybe that will teach him for getting on stage to tell jokes and not come say hi."
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2083 :
June 01, 2015, 04:31:47 AM »
It's 3 a.m. and I'm driving home after had spent almost 20 hours at the election point I was assigned and I can cleraly feel my eyes closing time by time. In a rare moment of lucidity, I notice the glowing road's sign of the Bar & Grill light the dark of the night and I can't to avoid to think at how many months are passed since last time I visited the place.
Conscious of the fact that I have to drive for more than 30 minutes to finally go back home, I take the decision to take a break at the Bar and rest a little, and who know,.....maybe I can meet old friends here! So, after had parking my can in the half full and considering how much my feet hurts after all that time wearing heels, I walk to the entrance barefoot, just stopping in front of the door to take a deep breath before opening it.
"I wonder how the place is changed...." I say to my self, just a moment before I open the door and step in.
Inside, the light are low and they make difficult, for my tired eyes, to easily recognize the customers who are sitting at the table. Anyway, I quite sure there are people I know but first think I need is a strong, doubl coffe, so I move to the count where a surprised Old Joe welcome me
"Long tome away from here, HB!"
"Indeed...." I reply, trying to smile despite the fact I'm about to fall asleep "Busy months tooks me away from here!"
"Well, hope we can see you around more, from now on! Coffee!?"
I nod at him, not surprised to see he still smart as usual and friendly, then I answer to his first quention with a nostalgic ight in my eyes.
"Maybe....I missed the place!"
"And we missed you!" Joe replies, handing me a steamy cup of coffee. While I take it, I smile again at Joe, just before looking around at the Bar again: yes, definitely, I missed this place!
Full Member
: 171
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2084 :
June 01, 2015, 04:38:15 AM »
It was almost funny listening to the jokes .... almost ... I was distracted though and only gave the comedy act a glance before I watched sexilicious look over the business card, turning it in your fingers. Smiling at your words and thinking before replying........
"Mmmm That depends if the private security company call the cops or send one of their own guys..... Chances are the cops might just accept that you set the alarms off by accident and are there for a valid reason ... Now ... the security get paid to do a job. They will probably slap you in cuffs first ... I would get a text .... Then have to leave work to come and see what kind of trouble you got in to while cuffed ... Mmmmm ...."
I grinned with mischief in my eyes ... "Then it would depend on my mood ... If I was going to be really wicked and evil I could just tell security that I have no idea who you are .... Or .. "
I grinned and "Thank you sexi " as the fresh drinks arrived in front of us and took a sip of the one placed in front of me watching your reactions to what I'd said ..... Still grinning I watched some one I didn't know enter the bar.
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