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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1151669 )
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: 3007

« #270 : August 12, 2012, 01:39:29 PM »

After Bear slid HB & me his request for a change to his arranged tune, he stomped off, very obviously stressed. After we'd giggled about his choice of tune, I took it up to the DJ and made sure he understood.
Then back to HB and another beer, root beer, that is, I'm not 21 yet!
Then it's James Dean's turn and he comes after he's lost his shirt to stand in front of me & HB for his next item.... I can't resist his lovely thick leather belt, I undo the big silver buckle & listen to the hiss as I slide it out of it's loops and then double it over and make it crack loudly as I pull it apart..... hmmmmmm.. he'll be lucky if he get's this back, I know a little girl who'd love a belt like this..  :)

See Jayc join the other "strippers" at the table and after JD has left, someone starts a chant for Bear. I take a rain check with HB and head off backstage to the dressing room, I hope Bear's got what he needs for the number he's asked the DJ.. better go see if there's anything I can do to help!
I knock on the door, but I needn't have bothered, Bear is coming out hmmmm did I just say that? pmsl. if he doesn't get a standing ovation I'll eat my hat (well I would if I had one lol!)

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3856

« #271 : August 12, 2012, 02:39:07 PM »

I hear the voices chanting my name now… sighs… after all these fine perforamnces mine is going to be a let down,…I shout to JD,… “Just see if you can gather the others here… I might need their help.”

I lift Brandy’s feathered headress up… no that won’t  work... disgusted the pink hat must do.... I jam it down on my head

Thinking to myself  “Here goes“… as I walk slow in my odd outfit,…. onto the darkness of the stage…

Taking pose with head bent down,…hands jammed into the pockets of the duster… as the spotlight  centers onto me.  The song begins with a crack of lightning… the sound of a storm…. Fading as a woman’s voice comes across the speaker, speaking over the against a steady beat as I begin to rock to the rhythm…

Hi - Hi! We're your Weather Girls - Ah-huh -
And have we got news for you -You better listen!
Get ready, all you lonely girls
and leave those umbrellas at home. - Alright! -

The tempo takes off… as the song breaks forward….

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGLZqDXau98Weather Girls…. “It’s Raining Men”

I lift a hand immediate toss the pink hat off immediate as  I step to the stage front, hands pulling to the coat seam., stop and flash it open. My well oiled body in plan site…. Hips shaking in tempo to the beat…then spin across the stage.. The duster flaring open on my legs as I set… Strut… and twist about… back to the audience… hips shaking to the beat as I ease the duster slowly down my shoulders holding it as waist length… my  torso gyrating from side to side… the lift it closing the duster as I  s…timing the drop to the perfect moment.

Then raise my arms outstretched to the side as I rock …the gyrations of the hips emphasized  until a stanza breaks and I twist about and skip off center stage…

Lifting a hand ,…finger pointing to one side of the room, as my body rocks on the tempo as I until I shift,… with a quick pelvic thrust, twist about and bend down…  rising slow with my hands behind my neck,…. Until erect I flex the cheeks holding the pose…. As my eyes drift to the preceding dancers…

I wave at them.. Shouting…waving them on stage///

“Come on…!”

The song just has that natural pull… a worthy finale….and the others move out… Tights zombie boys  skipping out on the tune to join me… others filtering onstage  slow…

“It’s Raining MEN… Hallelujah!… It’s raining men!”

The crowd erupts… and I hear appreciative encouraging shouts from the crowd…The ladies in the bar scream wild., their appreciation for the show clearly evident….

I race across the stage jump and slide… easily leaving a trail of the body oil smeared on the stage….roll off the stage… and move into the audience.. Pulling up to Eve… lifting my arms… hips rolling… hearing a soft murmur…
“Good Input…”

I spin reaching out to find drag my fingers along Jane’s shoulders… hands still behind my head I give her and Karen a long drink of the view as I continue the gyrations before twisting teasingly away… stoppping sudden as  look down into Stones sharp glare… give her a smug smile and sharply jab a couple pelvic thrusts  before sweeping  away, working from table t table as the other dances begin sliding off the stage working thru the other tables, to the pulsing beat of the song.

Adera is sitting by herself, Christy must have taken off to handle something in the dungeon…. And I grin devilishly,… 2 left in my revenge…. I had worried her absence would leave me burdened with that charm. I  close in… sweep my leg up and sit on the table before her…leaning back onto the table as I hips raising  in slow rolls…I have to admit, this is display is starting to  tickle the exhibitionist side of me. The skimpy thong  I wear seems to be bulging more than before.

Then head off… as others now filter into the crowd…I catch sight of  Sexilicious and move  to her table …and turn about  raising my hands behind my neck in a wide stance and flex one cheek the other… and feel a sharp smack on the bottom…glancing over my shoulder to see a wicked twinkle in her eye.

Felling the rush of excitement… I reach back… rip the thong off and I twist again and stop…. Front and center in front of Brandy. Naked and oiled before her… my eyes narrow onto her and I step forward with the beat of the tune…licking my lips as I move on her.

Her eyes widen,… a sense of concern as she reads my expression… begins and rising to move away… no doubt that Stone has given her warning.

As she turns from the table I reach out and grab her hand stepping inas I pull her back against me… my body close to hers as  I warp my arms round her pushing her toned bottom back to me.. Gripping a hips as my other hand roams across her… hips gyrating slow against hers… I definite rush of exctiement filling me. My eyes darting around noting the dancers have provided a good distraction in the moment. I search a little deeper,.. Eying the males in the crowd… searching for some objectionable sign from her Neo. My eyes catch to JD’s… perhaps him?

He grins back as he sees me… and begins to move across the bar…towards us…

Brandy shudders under my grip , but is lean down as my hand slips under her top… gliding along her smooth skin as I continue to roll against her …. My excitement no doubt evident as I hug against her bottom…

Whispering in her ear… that night as I laid bound… I think you spoke your wants there… they were far to vivid not to have been thought of before….

Breathing hard ,… near her ear…

“To feel my breath on your skin… my lips caressing it….”

Kissing lightly beneath her ear,,, “My touch….upon you….the slow caress of fingertips…. Exploring….”

My hands drifting along under her top…. Teasing  a slight whimper which betrays  her…

Feeling now a slight movement of her hips against mine…my excitement building as I read her responses…

“The feel of me… against you.. … in you …..you did want it… you want it still,…”

 My hand drifting slow along her thigh… slipping under her skirt as it brushes along the inner thigh…

And I feel her heat… grinning inwardly as I grind tighter…turning us slowly till I ease myself against a table…

Eyes lifting as I see JD standing there….wondering if I will hear him raise objection in the moment…

« : August 12, 2012, 02:49:16 PM Bear »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #272 : August 12, 2012, 04:19:39 PM »

Trying to make some good shot isn't easy, specially when the guys move between the ladies. Fortunately, i had foreseen this possibility and i asked Brandy to provide some free space between the tables, so that i could move freely.

All the guys had work hard on their choreography and seems like the ladies are enjoing every performance. Specially the one of Bear: i see them throwing glances of envy toward Brandy and he seems like a hunter who has finally captured his prey. I don't know what happened between them, but surely, these shots will collect a lot of success both among ladies than among guys!

I continue to observe and capture their voluptuous dance and i have the impression that it will not end very soon! I have to try to walk towards the stage, but at the same time continue with the photos, cause soon will be time to announce a little surprise ....

Hero Member
: 3047

« #273 : August 12, 2012, 04:59:44 PM »

Before Bear steps onto the stage I decide to go take a closer look on the mechanical bull... Brandy did tell me that I should definitely try it as it's lots of fun.

I was a bit hesitant since I'm not really dressed for it, but well... she fell out of her top so whatever happens to me can't be much worse.

Climbing onto the bull my very short latex dress rides up in the back showing off quite a bit of my butt, well at least it will manage to keep my breasts inside. What I hadn't really thought much about was the impact my butt plug would have when straddling the bull... and now it's hard to ignore as it pushes into me very prominently.

I look around a little wildly as I realize that this ride isn't going to be a very dignified at all... why did I put that inside of me. Then it starts, quite slowly at first, up and forth and then down. I try to stifle it but I can't hold back a yelp mixed moan as my plug presses against my weak spot, I feel my cheeks flushing from embarrassment... and exhibitionistic excitement from all the people watching me.

The machinist increases the phase quite a lot however and it all becomes a very short wild ride with me trying to hold on and trying to keep my dignity, but probably coming off as a total slut.

After being thrown off onto my butt I rise up slowly and a bit unsteadily, trying to pull myself together and brushing some strands of hair from my face... I hope it's not all tussled up. I look around myself seeing some leering at me, looks like some liked it. The machinist then announces the time and I'm surprised as it's not that bad.

I have to hurry back however as I hear Bears strip show starting and I luckily find that the table I sat at is still free so I claim it once more. My heart is still pumping excitedly when his show starts. I smile at the choice of music and I wolf whistle and cheer as he enters the stage.

When Bear comes over to my table leaning over in front of me he provocative rolls his hips and I drink in his well oiled body appreciatively. Meeting his eyes I smile seductively and licks my lips invitingly... mmm I could definitely do with some of that right now I think with a giggle.
« : August 12, 2012, 05:07:35 PM Adera »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #274 : August 12, 2012, 09:42:07 PM »

Sitting there I shift in my seat, sitting up a little straighter as Bear comes on and starts his routine. He is one hell of a dancer and the ladies are loving his moves. Other dancers join his performance and my attention is on those for the moment.

Then Bear is there in front of me, a dangerous glint in his eyes with a hint of desire, probably from the exhilaration  of being publicly naked. The hairs raise on the back of my neck, realising I am on my own .. this is not such a good position to be in.

I naturally rise to flee but Bear catches hold of my wrist and before I know it, I am pinned to him, my butt crushing against his naked cock, and his arm enfold me, trapped. His other hand moves over my body, brushing my hips, my tummy, my breasts blatently  sexual, blatently trying to turn me on and succeeding ... damn it.

The initial panic , turns to a natural  heightened interest ...  an alpha female recognising a fine alpha male specimen, naked, pressed against  me.

The erection pressing against me only serves to make my body respond.  A hot wetness floods to my core ,seeping from my labia and  then absorbed by my thin lacy panties .. the dampness getting larger as his hands roam to tease and tantalise me.

I groan as he grinds and gropes, my own desire building and compounded by  the exciting sense of danger and unpredictability.

He starts to whisper in my ear, his breath and words naughty and exciting, invoking strong images in my minds eye of  ...the erotic, of greedy  desire, of white hot lust.  I’m losing my reason and he knows it, my  female animal need rising up and wanting him.

His hand  wonders under  my top, skin on skin .. my mind screaming my need now and then his other hand creeps up my inner thigh and he touches my woman hood, my panties soaked .. so ready for him. Heart rate  is rocketing and  I’m breathing hard.

 I see JD approach, another alpha male, and glare hungrily at him in my frenzied need......

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3047

« #275 : August 13, 2012, 02:46:03 AM »

I shout "Get a room!" to Brandy and Bear as he grinds against her butt, oh this turned into a really entertaining show.

After the show however, I can't contain my curiosity anymore, I just have to go take a look at The Ice House.

I stand up my table in a sinuous move and head over to the secret passage in the pool room, if anyone where following me they'd probably be confused as I disappear.
Hero Member
: 2755

« #276 : August 13, 2012, 06:31:16 AM »

Now, Mrsexlover is up on stage working the crowd of girls over. They all seem to be pushing closer and closer to the stage to get nearer to all of these hot guys performing. Eh, whatever, not in the mood to fight my way through a bunch of screaming girls for attention.  All of a sudden, he is off the stage and amidst all the girls making it harder to see what he is doing.  Then like the first rays of morning shining through, the waves of girls part and there he stands walking towards me with a mischievous grin on his face. Raising my eyebrows, I watch as he comes closer. Then he stops a little ways a way and starts to put the whipped cream on his chest. MMM he does look good covered and bet he tastes good too. He moves a bit closer to me, and I couldn't help it. I had to lick the cream off his chest working. My tongue doing a little dance over his chest to the beat of the music.

Next, up is JD. He also gets the crowd a hooting and hollering. Thinks how maybe next time ear plugs should be on hand, for the way the noise level keeps going, everyone will end up deaf. Laughing to myself at this thought, I see JD starting to head back towards me.  Hmmm interesting, I seem to have quite a good place for many to work their way back to me. When he gets up to me, he gently takes my arm and pulls me out of the chair. Then he turns me around and bends me over. Hmmmm interesting lets see where this lead but oh my wait what if he notices how damp I am starting to get. Maybe they need to provide a lot of rooms if everyone feels like I do after such a hot enticing show. Looking back over my shoulder to see what he would do next, I see him slap very lightly and feels like a feather struck me. Frowning a little as if to say "come on what kind of spank was that," the frown quickly turns to a smile as he pretends to take me. Giggling a bit, I reach back with both hands and little by little move the last piece of clothing off his body. MMMM now that feels good but need it a big higher and inside to cure the achy feeling that is building. Before anything more could happen, he was back up on stage, and I slowly sit back down. ARRGGGHH I scream in my head then my scream inside turns to silent giggles thinking how they will have to clean the chairs with all the moisture at this rate.

Finally, Bear gets up on stage and the crowd is going berserk now, but oh the wait sure was worth it. He dances just as great as the others showing off his body. MMMMM so that is what he keeps hiding under there the whole time next time might be more than just a chat with him next time I catch him. As my mind starts to go into dreamland only vaguely seeing the dance, Bear makes his way to me. When I finally realized, he was in front of me showing off those cute cheeks to me. OH THE TEMPTATION but no that isn't how I'm suppose to act. Giggles, then again maybe if I do, he will come back to me later for some fun. With a mischievous twinkle in my eye, I slap his cheek thinking serves him right flexing it in my face. When he looked back at me though, I promise I thought I got a little wink in his eye. Maybe a promise for more, maybe a mischievous thought about someone here. Hmmmm will have to wait and see. As the dance is finishing up, I am starting to rock against the chair thinking to myself.

Ok I need to be filled again but looking around all the guys I know are busy chatting with others at a table, so I quietly get up and move to a quieter place. Sitting down surrounded by no one, I reach down and begin to rub feeling all the moisture that gathered during that hot show. Rubbing just isn't enough my body is demanding more, so I stick a couple of fingers in trying to ease the ache that won't go away. ARRGGGHHH need more, so I stick another finger inside the wet longing pussy. Wishing I had thought to bring a toy with me, but no they are back home so the fingers will have to do this time around. Mewing softly with need, I continue playing trying to ease the fire. Over and over I cum as I play but still the fire rages inside of me.

Hero Member
: 3856

« #277 : August 13, 2012, 09:23:19 AM »

OOC... Gratz on the Hero status Brandybee

: 16

« #278 : August 13, 2012, 09:33:02 AM »

Coming back from my vacation, i find the time to visit the bar and gril i heared so much about.

Seems it is the right evening to check this place out, lost of friends here, and a strip act bye the boys, i get the last part of my martin's act, followed by some others i don't know yet. But i see Tango getting drunk with all that beer and those shots, I walk up to him.

"hey my love seems i can't even leave you alone for some time without you getting in trouble, maybe you must take a example on Martin, he dit got a demotion by chief azrielle, and i don't see him getting drunk all time. Why are you not taking care of Jane. Or do i have to wake Miss Abby for you ?"

By the mentioning of the name Miss Abby, he first looks hopefull up, but as he see my face, his eyes go straight down.

"yes i have been  a badboy, maybe it is time i got a visit from Miss Abby, would you take care of it, i love to see her"

"of course i  arange a visit from Miss Abby for you my love, you just tell me where you want to meet her , maybe you know a place, and i will make shure she pays you a visit"

"I have to check somethings first, but i  will let you know" he reply's

"ok you tell me when you have things sorted out, i will be on that table with Jane and Karen"
Full Member
: 128

Tonight, it's bottoms up!

« #279 : August 13, 2012, 11:12:27 AM »

As I stand in front of Brandy, Bear is groping her body, running his hands up and down her chest and stomach.  I see that look in Brandy's eyes.  I've seen it before and I know what she wants.  I give a wink to Bear as I believe he knows my intentions.

I kneel down and run my index finger up her bare leg, starting from the top of her boot.  I know how ticklish she is so I try to avoid those spots.  Now is not the time for laughter.  I also know of all her erotic spots, those spots that seem to make her blush and feel warm inside.  Up to the back of her knee, lightly touching that sensual spot.  I linger there for a moment and look up at her.

She is glaring down at me, anticipating the torture that I am about to put her through.  But.. she has no idea.  I continue my trek up her leg..  gently kneading and caressing her delicate skin. to her inner thigh.  I can feel her warmth as I get closer to that spot... that spot that eagerly waits for attention.  Her sweet aroma fills my lungs as I gently move her dukes and  panties to the side.  She's become moist to Bear and my touches.  That's a good thing, I think to myself.

I reach back to my rope.. gently tying her hands together.  From my back pocket, I pull out an egg..  not just any ordinary egg.  This one is plastic and mechanical.  I gently rub it between her lips.. wetting it with her nectar.  With a gentle push, it slips inside and out of sight.  I pull back her panties and shorts to their original position.  I hear Brandy moan with delight as she accommodates it rather easily.

I reach into my shirt pocket and pull out a slim remote control.  I push it in the "on" position.  Brandy's eyes light up as if something became alive inside her.  I hand the remote to Bear and say. "She's all yours!" with a smile and a wink.

Live... Laugh... Love...    OR..   Load..   Aim..  Shoot!
Hero Member
: 3856

« #280 : August 13, 2012, 12:27:18 PM »

I can only match JD’s wicked grin with one of my own…

“Perfect,,, thank you…”

Brandy is jerking in my arms… her body jettisoning to the heights, shaking as whimpers and  delighted cries  betray her condition to those nearby. Their eyes drift to her… squirming and writhing on my lap.

The feel of her against me does nothing to lessen my own condition. Her luscious body dancing against my hard cock merely feeds that lust. I hold back though… this is not the time..

Sliding my hand to her breast,.. Kneading it slow and letting my fingers tease those hard points is enough.

I hold her close…whispering…

“This is your want… to feel me…. Feel me feed you and push you to that height… until the peak seems no more and you float on the edge…and you just can’t help it… “

Pausing as my fingers roll her nipple tugging on it  as the other hand  sinks between her legs and pushes down on the pubic mound…firming it’s contact with the buried vibrating  egg.

“You can’t help it….you want to cum in my arms…”

It’s like a trigger… those words… she shakes and tenses, arching back against me… grinding her butt hard on my shaft as the orgasm takes her… shatters her…  convulsing against me in the hard wave… timeless perfect.

Her eyes closed as she gasps under the assault of aftershock… trembles.. squirms against me…gasping… shaking uncontrollable.

I have to close my eyes,… fight my own lust off in the moment… just let it rest and hold her there, .as those around us gawk at her display. I lean down… kiss her shoulder and drag my teeth against her skin.. Waiting until the waves finish rippling thru her and she hangs limp in my arms.

“Someday….we both will find that want met…..just not now.”

I slip from under her and ease her back into her  chair,  leaning her wrecked body across the table to rest. Tucking the control of the egg still vibrating into her hand. I look down on her disheveled appearance grinning. Pausing, I lean down and shift her hat to the side....

"Nice hat by the way."

then pull away making mental note  while  weaving through  the tables to return backstage.

4 down… one to go.
« : August 13, 2012, 01:02:02 PM Bear »

Hero Member
: 3007

« #281 : August 13, 2012, 02:20:41 PM »

Bear has finished his act and after I finished laughing, I gave him a standing ovation, especially when he finally got Brandy where he'd planned to get her.... four down, one to go...... If only they knew......
I give Hentaiboy a big hug, Bear was true to his honor and HB came out of the Ice House glad that she'd gone in, I should never have doubted him.
I look around ... everyone is busy getting either drunk or laid.... or both.. Miss Christy and Janine have been gone a long time.. I'm lost here, when I'm not singing i'm out of place.
I wave a goodbye to no-one in particular and slink off to the pool room, no-one will even notice I'm not there except the boys and they're long gone.
« : August 13, 2012, 03:08:45 PM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1688

« #282 : August 13, 2012, 02:55:44 PM »

During a lull in the action... I walk up to the microphone and give it a few taps... "Is this thing on?"

"It's tough to find...  For love or money...  A joke that's clean...  And also funny.           How do you circumcise a whale?                              Use Four skin divers."            "The ideal man is like a beluga whale.     He has a four-foot tongue and can breathe out of a hole in the top of his head.   Thank you... I'll be here all week."     

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 7883

« #283 : August 13, 2012, 03:01:28 PM »

Ooookey......now, the show of Bear was more different from how everyone was expecting: the involvement of JD and Brandy, with an ending really overwhelming! All the ladies are staring at Brandy with not so well hidden sight of deep envy and i have to admit i am too, a little! But it's not the time for fun now, it's time for work!

When finally Bear leave for the backstage i run to catch the microphone before Lover can went out and declare the performance closed.

"Well well well.......ladies, seems the night is turned daaamn wild! but you know......there is allways the chance to make it go hottest!"

I see Lover's head peeping out from behind the curtain, making me a sign to leave the microphone. I ignore him, turning to the crowd.

"As i was saying.....great performance, but we miss one! He is one of  the pillar of the B & G and he don't need any words to be introduced to you!"

I turn again to Lover, clearly upset for my lecture, then i turn back "He is here, over the curtain, aaand he is not ready for this.." grinning and looking at the curtain again for a second "...anyway, i know all you want to se his performance!"

A long break, turning to the guy who is taking care of the curtain and giving ihim the sign to open it  "He issss......LOVERRRRRRRRR!"

The curtain open and one light pointed on him, while the crowd begin chanting his name.

LOVER                              LOVER                              LOVER                              LOVER

                      LOVER                                LOVER                            LOVER

"Come on, my friend, don't be afraid!" i move closer to him and push him on the front part of the stage. Chant get loud and noisy.

"Sooo, my friend.......seems like everyone want to see your performance! Let's do it!"

Jr. Member
: 84

Sweet man o'mine :) :)

« #284 : August 13, 2012, 04:05:05 PM »

The crowd cheer as Bears music stops but his not back on the stage

His getting his pay back on Brandy  Myself ,Karen and Mona back from her vacation all watch as Brandy losses all control
We watch and wen Bear is finished with her he gives her her pink hat back and disappears back stage. I tape karen on he shoulder and we head over to the guys putting my arm around tango and whisper in his ear "great show my love" kiss his ear as i whisper in it.sliding my hand down over his chest still with oil on my hand from him and bear letting my hand run down lower he pushes he chair back for me swinging my led over and sit down on his lap grind my hips round down on to him feeling him grow under me. I slide my hand down and undo his belt and fly reaching inside and easy his growing cock out in and roll it in my fingers harder it gets leaning forward i kiss him lift my self up pull my panties to one side and slide my self down onto his rock hard cock
As it hits the soft inner walls of my hot sex i hear  HB up on stage then hear the girls start LOVER    LOVER       LOVER       and the spot light lights him up rolling my hips taking tango in deeper turning my body so i can see the stage as the music starts i grind and roll my hips to its beat

Feeling Tango twitch under me i know he wasn't in control and was going to explode deep in my sex very soon i stop and just hold him inside turn and whisper "not yet my love". i Hear him take a deep breath and his body relaxes but his cock stays as hard as a rock . "Good man" i whisper again
Turning back to the stage to watch LOVER  i roll my hips just so my clit hits Tango pelvis  just keeping us both going as i wait for LOVERS show.

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