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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**  ( 282947 )
Hero Member
: 3007

« #315 : November 06, 2013, 02:28:32 AM »

My cheeks are burning with embarrassment and anger as The Commodore shows me off to his leering crew.
He brushes my hair away from my face and holds up a long heavy flogger in front of my face, shaking it, and the falls tickle my nipples, damn him, they stand out proudly like a Pirate Queen should so I toss my hair backwards and glare defiantly at him.
"First your big pirate tits, your thighs and maybe your treasure too," he laughed "so the boys can see that even Pirate Queens cry."
I spat in his face so he stepped back and lashed the flogger viciously across the top of my thigh leaving angry red weals.
"Now then wench" The Commodore grabs my face with his big hand, squeezing my cheeks, pushing my lips together and kissing me harshly and stares deep into my eyes. I stare right back at him, silently taunting him.
He steps back and lashes me again, this time across my full breasts then he steps in again pinching my right nipple, pulling it & twisting.. I turn my head away and close my eyes  so he can't see them watering, I can't speak, I daren't try.
"When I am done with you here, I will take your treasure as well, Pirate!" he hisses and reaches between my spread legs, roughly grabbing my ginger curls and tugging them while his middle finger parts my wet pussy lips and I writhe helplessly.
"See boys, she has pearls in her treasure!" he laughs loudly holding his finger up for them to see my moistness dripping from it.
He allows a drip from his finger to land on his tongue. "I've always wanted to enjoy a Pirate Queen's treasure, Redbush, and yours is worth the waiting"
The name of the Pirate Queen... my secrets are all known to him and I suddenly feel helpless.
The Commodore steps back and whips me again across my left thigh this time, then the right one, then the left one. He methodically works his way up and down with ten to each and occasionally the tips whip into my pussy , causing me to cry out & flinch.
Then he starts on my pirate chest, leaving angry red weals and I writhe more, causing my tits to bounce and the flogger sometimes lashing painfully as I unintentionally expose the tender underneath. My nipples are feeling raw but they just become harder and jut out further like the cannons on The Commodores Ship and they catch even more of the lashes.
I am biting my lip so hard I can taste blood and my eyes are ready to stream when he stops.
"Had enough yet Redbush? I don't hear you squealing or begging for mercy"
I cannot speak, but I throw my hair this way and that as I shake my head defiantly.
He grabs my pussy again, this time forcing 2 fingers into my wet slit and involuntarily I push my hips out towards him before I can stop myself. I am close now, will he realize he could push me over so easily?
Oh yes he does.
"Oh no wench, not yet. You will break. I won't let you slip away to your little subworld where you can float away. You will show to all  the crew your weakness and your wantonness. Mr. Mate, let her down and untie her feet, I think she should meet the gunner's mate!"

« : November 06, 2013, 02:31:12 AM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3007

« #316 : November 09, 2013, 11:11:21 AM »

Carried on the shoulders of two swarthy sailors into the Commodore's cabin, one holding my ankles on his shoulders leering directly at my pussy, I can feel his hot breath on my thighs, the other holding each of my wrists firmly over his shoulders so that my body is suspended between them and writhe as I may , their grip is too strong for me to break.
Mr. Mate holds my arms tightly while the other securely ties my ankles to the bottom corners of the Commodore's bed, then they take a wrist each and bind me in a spreadeagle, but not before the Commodore has  pushed a bolster under my ass, lifting my hips in an obscene thrust off the bed and totally exposing my ginger thatched pussy.
The Commodore dismisses the sailors and locks the cabin door behind them. In this position I cannot see him yet as he struts towards the bed and I close my eyes in dread anticipation of what his next actions will be.
I feel his fingers on my pussy lips caressing them, then with his index finger and ring finger he parts them and his thick middle finger pushes deep into my wet slit making me groan and causing me to get even wetter, I am completely at his mercy, yet will he have any? The anticipation is causing my pussy lips to swell and open and my imagination runs wild with possibilities.
He takes his hand away and I hear him sniff deeply as he raises his fingers to his face.
Then it starts and I am emotionally as tight as a harp-string and I tremble uncontrollably as he runs his big coarse hands over my neck to my bruised breasts, his fingers flicking my hard sore nipples as they pass and making me moan loudly. Then as I lay there, my eyes closed, breathing hard and trying to take myself away in my mind, he pulls and twists my bruised tender nipples and I scream and I shake and I open my eyes to glare and scream defiant obscenities at him, but he bends down and kisses my pussy and my clitoris throbs like a freshly cut thumb.
I see him walk over to his desk and pick up the candle that is shining brightly in its silver candlestick, I see him walk back towards me and I watch like a rabbit caught in headlights as he tilts it and drips the hot wax first onto my breasts, making me bite my lip to not cry out and I pull hard on the ropes binding me so firmly to the posts at each corner of his bed. Then he trails the drips down across my stomach, across my belly, towards my groin, towards my AAAAAAAARghhhhhhhhhh!
He drips hot wax directly on my copper thatch and with his other hand he spreads my greasy cunt-lips and laughing, he drips directly onto my throbbing clit.
"Scream away, Redbush!" he laughed "Can't have the crew thinking you're enjoying yourself now can we?"

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3007

« #317 : November 12, 2013, 02:40:54 AM »

After he's made me scream, more in shock than pain, oh the throbbing, oh delicious sensation, if only he would kiss it now I'd drench him with my cum. But it is not to be, I am to suffer more and my orgasm will be denied further.
"Time to turn you over"
He unties my feet, securing one before untying the other and sitting on my hips, pushing me into his soft feather mattress, leaving my wrists as they are so that my arms are crossed and my face is buried in his goose down pillows.
He twists my long fiery tresses around his hand and pulls my head up hard and slaps my face with his other hand "Tonight I will have you begging me to stop Redbush!" He ties another cord into my hair, wrapping it around securely and fastening it to the bedpost by my right hand so that my head is pulled up and I have to face him. My neck hurts, but I have a feeling I will soon feel stronger pain than this. I see him pick up his flogger from the bedside table and I curse him with a crude obscenity "Never!" I glare at him, my eyes burning, yes burning... with defiance? with desire? with pain & dread?   Oh yes, all of these and more besides.

He steps back and draws his arm back above his shoulder then brings the flogger down full length across my ass. I feel the blow ripple my cheeks before I feel the burn and biting my poor bleeding lip I glare defiantly. I ride the sensation, but unconsciously lift my hips in response. I hear him chuckle and he bends down to my face, kissing my eyebrow and trailing his tongue back to my ear, nibbling it and whispers "Who owns you tonight, Redbush?"
Part of me, the real little girl part of me longs to say "Master & Commander, you do. I will serve you obediently, only accept me and use me for your pleasure"  but the Pirate Queen is made of stronger stuff.
"Own me, you pathetic salty dog? You'll never own even a glass bead from my treasure chest! Do your worst, you'll as soon break your ship's mast than break me!" I hear myself shout at him and in response he shakes his head, steps back and lashes the flogger again across my ass and again I involuntarily lift it up as if begging for more... begging for something, that's for sure! He lashes me again and again, I feel a dozen land on my butt and the pain and heat builds with every one, then he moves up my back to my shoulder blades and then back down again, down my thighs to my knees, then back up to my ass, which now feels like a piece of tenderised steak.. rump steak, I think to myself and smile bitterly as I feel myself begin to float.
« : November 12, 2013, 02:45:32 AM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1842

« #318 : November 19, 2013, 10:32:54 PM »

Continued from The AB&G but still in The Pool Room …

Doris was knelt in front of Bear, using him to tease her husband. Only Stanley could see her at the moment with her lips draping on the rock hard flesh. Stanley saw the sides of her cheeks hollowing as she pressured the cock and suckled.  He groaned and watched her red luscious lips, transfixed. She slowly eased down, taking in more of his cock, and looked up at him doe eyed. She leaned forward so he could see down her cleavage.

Stanley knew the message there, she was thinking of him, performing for him, teasing his fantasies. She was sucking another man’s cock for him, filling her mouth, being a hot little tramp for him.
He flooded with a need to fuck his little whore, feel her exquisite body under him. Push his cock down her throat till she gagged and begged for him to mate her. It was many a role play in their earthly life.

Bear couldn’t see her now, she had faded purposely, but he could still feel her, working him, expertly and his powerful animal responses. She liked this power, being the seductive temptress of the moment.

She let Bear see what Mercer was seeing.  Brandybee,  kneeling at his feet, much the same as she was doing now, and she mimics Brandy’s actions to excite him in his vision. She allowed both men to feel each other’s excitement.

Mercer and Bear are primed to their lust. She feels it as she flits in Brandybee’s erotic mind, upping her responses and trampish behaviour.

Brandy is working the men beautifully, intensifying their focus on her and the stimulation she is providing for their own wicked fantasies.
Both men are wonderful subjects to work with.
Both are naturally erotic, inventive and adventurous in their love making and fucking experiences.
Both are bold and neither take much encouragement to take that path to sexual fantasy and fulfilment. The base and natural attraction they have for each other just makes the situation perfect.

They remind her of Stanley, demanding, adventurous, exciting, none judgemental, willing to please their woman before allowing their own selfish need to take them.

Doris has chosen well this night. Three beautiful, sexy people enjoying the carnal pleasures of the flesh.

The action was hot, sweaty, and orgasmic. She emitted more jasmine around the room. Jasmine that contained pheromones to entice, enrapture, empower and strengthen their sexual prowess and responses.

Doris sucked harder on Bear’s cock, invoked erotic thoughts and ensured his invisible binds kept him pinned to his throne. Her ghostly hands massaged his balls and she allowed unseen silk to flutter and stroke his upper body. The sensations were meant to tease and tantalise him and strengthen his resolve to fuck. It was working, he was groaning and testing the binds as he flexed.

Doris whispered her goading thoughts to focus his want on the couple on the pool table , “It inflames you… excites you… the power she wields over you…when you feel it… feel her release on you… you crave it…”

Doris smiled at Stanley watching her. She liked that gleam in his eye. It always fired her.

“You are wicked,” he muttered but was under Doris’s spell too. His words belie his naughty approval. He knows, through experience, the volcanic build up is always worth the firey eruption at the end. His wife was dynamite.

Suddenly there is a shift in energy in the room, that wasn’t her or Stanley. It was like a seismic shake!

“What was he whispering Doris?”  for a moment she was frozen in her actions at the strange voice addressing her.
“What was Stanley whispering to you in the photo?  How much he wanted you… oh… he was teasing you that night wasn’t he. Working your imagination with naughty promises that you knew he always delivered on.”
The tables were turning, this voice in her head, erotic and sexy.
“That night in the bar.. in the photo.”

She turns and sees the framed picture on the wall of a past era. A wonderful time, when she and Stanley owned the bar. It was an old photograph of four men surrounding the pool table, obvious in fellowship with beers and cigars, one burly chap was bent over lining his shot up. A couple against the wall, it was her and Stanley. She is seated on a stool, Stanley is by her, leaning in whispering to her, his hand on her thigh.

“Stanley was working you up that night wasn’t he… he does it so well, makes you excited. So hot for him… remember? Remember that beautiful sexual rush he gave you? He was perfect. You loved the way he made you feel. For one so prim and proper in the upper circles of society he was quite exciting wasn’t he?”

She blushed as she remembered, “Oh my God, that night, that night Stanley was her God!”

The voice continued, “That night in the bar… he had you turned on… so wet..  wanting…was he telling you how much he wanted you. How he wanted to grab you and throw you over the pool table…take right there… right in front of everyone? Fuck you like a shameless hussy…Or was that your thoughts… you wanted him so badly that night you hoped he would… show all how much he turned you on?”

The sexy voice was continuing and bought back those bodily responses she had felt all those decades ago. What was happening to her!

The voice addresses Stanley. The voice knew of them!! She flushed furiously, almost panicking in her shocked state of being addressed and the sinful words he was using.

“What were you whispering that night Stanley.? How badly you wanted her… or maybe a little fantasy. I bet you could work this little beauty up fiercely… make her cum at your will. Remember how it felt… her quivering on you. Ah yes..”

He was talking of her as a … as a ….   Sex object!    Then she quivered with excitement, what was the matter with her!

The voice continued…
“Yes,…I bet you loved watching her orgasms… I bet those words were flowing thru you that night,… and you my beauty,… eyes locked on that beast of a man, had a little fantasy too…Did you share it with Stanley? Was it something you both considered and never had the chance to act on? You fantasized about Stanley sharing you some night. As he whispered those naughty thoughts… you were thinking of what it might be like, locked in passionate embrace taken by Stanley and another man..”

The voice was wicked, he knew of that secret fantasy, was he there? No, not possible. Doris shook her head on the cock embedded in her mouth, partly in answer to her thoughts, partly to shake the sinful voice away. She takes the cock from her mouth but continues to stroke, looking over at the pool table.

Brandy and Mercer's moans filled the room. It didn’t work. The voice was still there.

“Listen to that Doris… feel the excitement…the joy of her in her nirvana,… lost in her desire … passion… you ache for that don’t you.. I see the look in the eyes as you look at me here… primed… wanting…it tickles your core… those lost desires in your soul… you want to feel that again…the feel of lips on the skin,…of a man’s touch caressing your body…”

Bear suddenly leans forward towards her … Oh My God, the voice, the voice is him – Bear!!! – how did that happen? How can he communicate like so?

His eyes pierce her, holding her phantom spirit steadfast.

“Ah yes,… hmmm… all this fondling,… sucking… you have planted a seed of desire…within yourself… you know it… you secretly hold a little  glimmer within your soul… a want… to feel my lips, my kisses… my hands upon you teasing…and yes….the feel of me inside you… yes… yes…”

His words are wicked, sinful, so ungodly.

“I would love to feel you quaking  under me.”

Doris breath catches at his boldness, his arrogance. “As if”  ……. And yet ..” No, No. She belongs to Stanley.”

She needed time to think, to get away from the voice, to get back her equilibrium and rational thought.  She fled and sat in the rafters of a dungeon in The Ice House. She shook for a moment and the voice’s words kept replaying in her mind…

« : November 19, 2013, 10:55:52 PM Stone »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #319 : November 21, 2013, 12:24:02 AM »

Stanley watched his ghostly wife, dressed in her black sexy cloak, hood down now and partially exposing the sexy basque beneath. It pushed her ample breasts up and gave her the most fabulous cleavage. A man could get lost in there easily. Her hair was pushed back so he could see her red ruby lips sliding along the hard shaft of Bear.

He found the image of his wife sucking another cock intoxicating. He knew she was a sexy woman and he was confident in their love that this was for adventurous lust, to please the other and was no threat to the special bond they had always had.

She was teasing him, no doubt, and he liked that attention from her. It strengthened their love. He had always insisted, demanded even, she voice her inner most desires as he had done with her, that there were no secrets or forbidden fantasies and had encouraged, taught and fed her the naughty thoughts and words to make their bedroom antics and love making quite amazing.

She had been a virgin when they had met and a blank sheet to teach. He of course had enjoyed many a floozy he had picked up on his travels as a bachelor, decent women he had seduced and when the need arose, the dirty minded sluts in whorehouses and back streets of towns where such goings on were only spoken about by the male gentry in their secret clubs. 

In those shameful but enjoyable moments of lust, he had used women as toys, as well as made more romantic seductions to the gentile ladies. Either were as good, and both kinds had their place.

When he had met Doris, he was ready to become monogamous and was experienced enough to know, Doris had the potential to fulfill all his sexual desires. She was beautiful, funny, entertaining and had captivated him from the moment he had laid eyes on her.

She had many suitors who were pursuing her, but luckily for him, he had caught her eye and intrigued her. He had enjoyed the chase to ensnare her, and when she had finally accepted his marriage proposal, he was the happiest man alive.

He had taught her how to please a man and she was a willing and inventive pupil. They enjoyed pleasing each other and indulging each others fantasies.
She could role play an amazing slut or even a shy upper crust lady, but most of all, he liked her, loved her as Doris. She had the most gorgeous and responsive body and there was nothing better than to feel her orgasm around his cock as she moaned and groaned under him. Then to fuck her hard and seed her himself.

He watched her mesmerized as she slid up and down Bear’s hard length. Her lips must be causing his libido to rage. He knew of this pleasure as she slid down and then relaxed her throat for the crown to bend into her throat. Her oral cavity acting like a tight pussy and her drool as the excited secretions. The feeling is quite intoxicating, knowing at that point, she can’t breathe and her life is in your hands. The power and trust she has given you, exhilarates and excites the male control.

Brandy and Mercer’s groans and moans enhance the sexual tension in the air. The atmosphere is electric, crackling with the needs of human and phantoms alike.

He can’t resist, he invades Bears mind and is shocked, yet pleased, at the power there. Bear is fighting with body and mind to regain control.

Stanley chuckles and decides to up his raging libido. Let Doris feel his strength and pure male interest and his strong desire to conquer. She had always been turned on by strong men fantasies and men who know their likes in the bedroom and are not afraid to voice or to action their wants.

Bear’s voice suddenly booms into her thoughts. Stanley hears him too and rubs his hand. This could be interesting as she wasn’t expecting it.
He senses her nervous excitement and is thrilled that Bear is able to correctly read into the photograph on the wall.

He was indeed wicked that night with her and remembered how wet his wife’s panties were when he finally removed them.
Doris heart, if she had a live one would pump blood to swell her sexed up pussy at his words.

Bear speaks directly to him then, and Stanley answers him by showing that image through his eyes of removing her panties slowly and her beautiful juiced up  pussy.. A pussy he had trimmed himself to his liking, only the night before the photograph was taken. The black pubic central strip beautifully accentuated by her pink puffy, wet lips. 

The image makes both men drool from their mouths and their hard cocks.
Doris is shaken, sensing the strong lust of both man and flees for respite.

Bear leans back in his throne, still bound but considerably looser than they were a few moments ago.

Stanley seeks Doris out to take advantage of her nervous sexuality. He does not wish to lose this moment. He finds her in the rafters of the dungeon and smiles to himself.
She is lost in thought watching the scene below.

It is of the Commanders cabin in an 18 century galleon with a pirate wench - Blue, ass up, tied to the bed and her captor- JCM flogging her reddened, sore bottom. Her pussy is sopping wet !

“Interesting times, Mrs Grill,” Stanley whispers to Doris. She smiles at him, still recovering from her shock but the gleam in her eye quite wicked, “Indeed Mr Grill.” 
Hero Member
: 3856

« #320 : November 24, 2013, 06:54:19 PM »

I can feel the reprieve in the moment, that taxing torment has  disappeared leaving me a chance to right the listing ship of my soul. It had been a desperate act which compelled me to dig deep, release the persona which is neatly stored in its compartmentalized part of my brain. With a tenacious  grip it hones its claws and anchors itself as  I pant in the heat of my sexual excitement.

That apparition, even in its dreamy surreal state,…lips locked on my cock had ignited my lust. That strange momentary flash of her … like a burned memory, her pussy swollen, drenched in juices of want…had she been real I would have had her already had her prone on her back, my tongue in her , digging to release the first of many orgasms out of her sex.

I shift uneasy in the throne. The image of that makes me salivate in want.

My eyes drift to Brandy and Mercer watching as her back arches and she shatters hard in her orgasm, just as I had expected. She fucks him with an enthusiasm I have never seen,… and what follows surprises me. As intense as her orgasm had been, watching her slide from the table to her knees and work his soaked cock alive like a sex crazed slut stuns me. Her wanton unquenched lust slurping and stroking,… eyes abased with promising desire after such a hard orgasm is unusual. Mercer has her fires stroked into raging need,… a pinnacled peak I had never managed to inflame. My admiration for his talents grows… and too a dose of humility in that he has achieved that what I have yet to.

It’s exciting to see her in this state, openly brazen in showing her lust. Moreso in the state I am in. Admiration wanes, my eyes follow her movements working that juicy cock over and over… I can almost smell her desire… want… need of him. Her body must be alive, shaking in the tingling anticipation of him. That frenzied look,… a beserker of lust..

I could work with that. It’s a state which pulls the Dom inside to step freely forth, to use all the nuances of her body to my benefit. To tease and excite.. push…

 My fingers clench and unclench, test the weakened binds that hold me, aching to step forward and take command.. She is ripe in the moment for it. Ripe to tease,… to whip that excited state even higher. Were it me I’d have her begging for it… cumming over and over in pleas for my use.

Yes… my eyes hold to her, sultry… sensual… mouth and hands  working Mercer over until he can stand it no longer. Seeing the look in his eyes… I wonder if anything will be left for me.

My eyes close… desperate…the frustration building in a need for release.



Even that Doe eyed apparition…I could see the weakened resolve when she fled. Fleeing with a seed  that  terrified,… excited… disgusted her…a want… unspoken,.. that had stewed unfulfilled.

Diabolically my mind swirled about that image of her..: kneeling...

soaked in her juices...

quivering before my manhood as it drips in lust...

to hold her gaze....and let her know in this moment….she is mine to command….

I growl... the beasty inside wants to play.... and lowly I whisper....

"Come out.. come out... where ever you are..."

Hero Member
: 3007

« #321 : November 25, 2013, 01:34:51 PM »

Drifting away, I lose all sense of the present, the scent of jasmine and the mist swirling around and my mind swimming in the endorphins pouring from my burning ass.
I feel.. or do I sense... fingers trailing across the welts on my butt cheeks. I hear a clanking sound, a thud of something dropping to the floor, I am on the edge of a plateau almost out of my body, not quite comatose but floating in a surreal world where some senses are sharpened to the point of ecstasy and others numbed to dullness. I hear a voice, a female voice.... where did this appear from... "little blu.." it whispers and although I've never heard her before the realization dawns on me that it is Doris. "enough of your lust for pain collecting, little blu.. time to satisfy your Commander's lust now... dear little blu.. let him ravish the Pirate Queen and I'll let you both go back to The Ice House... I want to see how you can serve him, maybe give me some ideas for old Stanley, you will certainly give him some pleasure, he's been watching you too..

The voice fades and I feel the big hands of the Commander holding my wrists up and there is a flash of steel I still don't see but I sense.. my cords are cut and I feel myself dragged to the edge of the bed, my hips roughly pulled up so that my head is forced down into the feather mattress.. I moan and I'm not sure why, I am on a plane away from this scenario and yet so fully a part of it.
My back, my thighs, my poor breasts and my raw ass, all throbbing......... and the throbbing is concentrated in my pussy, my pussy... longing to be satisfied, pulses like an electro-magnet..... attracting the iron-hard throbbing cock of the Commander as he pulls me onto his engorged manhood and I feel him at my entrance and hear him grunt as he pushes far up towards my heart, his balls slapping on my wet lips, teasing my clit-bar and I want him so badly.
I feel the cold mist again and I hear words forming themselves in my head.... words I wouldn't speak, but I do....
"Ahhhhh fuck me you bastard, fuck me until your knob drops off, I want to drain you until you shrivel up and wither!"
I clench my vagina around him as he thrusts in and out, his grunting becoming more animal and I feel his balls stop slapping as they tighten ready for his climax and then as I feel myself start to squirt, riding the high tide of orgasm, I feel him spurt, warm, right up inside my womb and he collapses onto my back squashing me into the mattress. I turn my head around and kiss him full on the lips, then I trace with my tongue tenderly along the bridge of his nose, across his eyebrows and down to his earlobe, where I pause to nibble and suck. He lies pacified for a few minutes, then responds by tracing with his fingernails along the now purple raised welts on my ass then dragging them cruelly down to the matching weals on my thighs, causing me to hiss.....
"Well. Commander, broken your pirate captive have you?"
I reach down to his now flaccid member and then holding it up, crawl down to take it into my mouth and I lick and suck the creaminess of our combined cum from it, making obscene slurping noises on purpose and I pull him, bringing his hips backwards so that I can rest my sopping wet pussy on his still labored breathing mouth.
"Redbush" he splutters, putting his arms under my hips and lifting me off, "Redbush, is it you or is it blu?"
The mists clear and yet the scent is still overwhelming, but we are back in the dungeon in The Ice House. The Commander's clothes like those of the Pirate Queen are no more and I see our own outfits puddled on the floor where we flung them.
I pull my head off his now hardening cock with a loud plop and turn to face him.
"I think blu is back now, James, but I still have to fulfil my promise to you and Doris"
So saying, I clamber off the bed, leaking cum as I go and I kneel on the cold stone floor at the side of the mattress in my submissive pose, ankles together,  my knees spread apart, my sore bruised breasts pushed forwards, my hands folded behind my back. I shake my head and toss my long copper curls down the middle of my shoulders. I stare straight into his eyes and open my mouth in open invitation, licking my soft ruby-red lips.
He swings his legs over the side, his now fully erect cock slapping his belly as it bounces and he stands before me, resting his penis-tip on my bottom lip.
"You have been well trained little blu..., so now show me how well!"

« : November 25, 2013, 03:24:24 PM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #322 : November 25, 2013, 02:31:38 PM »

I don’t know what force is at work increasing my sexual prowess but I am more than grateful it chose me as a conduit.  I’m unstoppable at this point still fucking the incredible Brandy at differing paces pausing every now and again to kiss her and nuzzle at her neck. 

Brandybee moans her approval with every stroke and I just can’t get enough I am completely lost in sexual ecstasy.

I stop for a moment shuffle back on my knees gesture for Brandy to turn over.  She obliges gladly sticking her incredible arse in the air her wet pussy begging for my man meat but first I bend down and take a little taste of her sweet juices once more the scent and taste if her sex are almost overwhelming the only other scent I am aware of is the hint of Jasmine that has hung in the air since we began.

I work my tongue in Brandybee’s love hole gently massaging her buttocks as I do.   “Ooooooh you tease!”  she purrs.  “I’m sorry just can’t resist your sweet taste” I reply as I get back up to. 

Hands still on her buttocks I place my still rock hard cock against her entrance and pause just long enough for Brandybee to notice the delay before gently easing my way all the in. The sensations seemingly more intense than before we both moan as I build up my rhythm once more.

As I’m thrusting away I happen to glance in Bear’s direction and see an apparition in front of him that looked like a woman and could have sworn it hadn’t been there before could that be waht was holding him prisoner.  Brandy’s moans soon brought me back to the task at hand “Sorry Bear I thought”  then my mind was filled only with her and the amazing sex we were having.

Brandybee starts to quiver fists clenched elbows dug into surface of the table, her moans becoming more urgent.  "Is she cumming again?!" I think  surprised and delighted the same time.  I get my answer as Brandybee cries out in delight while her sex clamps down on mine with an almost vice like grip.  She raises a hand for me to stop I oblige easing my manhood out of her love hole now soaked in her love juices.

After a moment or two Brandybee gathers herself and slips gracefully off the pool table.  Kneeling in front of me Brandy starts to suck and stroke me vigorously and skilfully the sensations so intense I'd have collapsed had the table not been there to support.

She continued working my cock like something possessed like she was desperate for my cum like she needed it.  Well at this rate she would soon get her wish.   

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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #323 : November 29, 2013, 07:16:41 AM »

The enchanting Jasmine is potent as it is absorbed into every pore of my body. I feel amazing, sexy, and desired.

My own desire is insatiable! My body is extremely sensitive to each stroke, each kiss, each lick or flick of the tongue. Each intimate touch causes ripples that are directed to my pussy, breasts and bottom. My responses create a constant wetness and ache between my legs that ensures compliance and enthusiastic willingness to please my partner.

The naughty whispers in my head make my lewd actions seem the right thing to do and in tune with the needs of the man taking his pleasure.

Mercer seems to be similarly affected. He is groaning in his use of me, taking everything on offer.

Each orgasm strengthens our need for more and time of recovery shorter than the norm. As soon as the peak is reached and spasms of joy rack our bodies,  the nagging need is back again. My pussy is wet and hot for more.

His cock is hardening again and pulsing to be sheathed in one of the orifices of the female form.

He enjoys my mouth, fucking his cock deep into my throat. He holds my head as I drool around him, pushing deep in to my throat, hardly caring if I can breathe. I pick up his rhythm and train my breathing to draw in oxygen as he withdraws.

Instinctively I know what to do. His hard use of my head serves to thrill. I feel the change in him. This is not about the gentle, sensuous sex that he tends to favour. This is about feeding and slaking the lust that has built within him. I am but a commodity to push his cock in to, to sheath him in his need, to fuck till he chooses to stop and a vessel for his seed to shoot in or on to.

He is confident in his need, knows what he wants and how. He picks me up and repositions my body to his liking. He wants full access, to look at me intimately, to see and seek every opening and crevice. He uses his hands to spread me, to rub me, and for his fingers and tongue to probe and tease.
He demands such access and I willingly oblige.

He lays me on a nearby, sturdy wooden beer table, face up and places my hands to grip my ankles. He then splays my bent knees apart. I am like an upturned frog, pussy facing towards Bear. “Don’t loose those ankles” He commands.

Mercer cradles my head overhanging the table, in his hand and gives support to my neck.

He then taps my mouth with his  hard rod, rubbing it along my lips and face.

He pushes his cock, slowly into my mouth once more. Easing in, then out, then in and pushing in a little deeper each time. I gag a little and drool at the new angle of invasion, but he perseveres until I take his full length with ease once more. His balls hit my lower lip and chin and he grinds and rubs, restricting my breathing.

All the time, I continue to hold my ankles.
He holds my head, by one hand underneath, bunching his hand, pulling on my hair to control the actions and begins a slow, deep throat fuck.
He taps my knees to remind me to keep them open for him and Bear to view my wet sex and he gropes my tits with one hand. He squeezes them in turn, making my nipples harden and stand on end. My centre floods with the pleasure of his use of me.

Then he forages at my pussy, testing my wetness and delightfully spreading my juice all over my pubis and inner thighs. He pulls playfully at my pubic hair and labia and taps my heated sex,  before caressing my furrow and circling on my clitoris.
The alternate rough and soft play causes me to writhe and moan on his cock.

He continues to drive in and out my mouth, encouraging me to suckle him and every now and then slides his cock in between my cleavage as I kiss and nuzzle his balls.

I taste, suck and kiss eagerly. I enjoy both sides of Mercer. The rough and raw, then the soft and tame sides of him. The contrast of his teasing excites and pleasures. 

And in my exposed state on the table, I feel Bear’s eyes on me, drinking in my lewd nudity and insane sexual desire, and something more, I sense the eyes from another world watching too. The thrill causes goose bumps in the whispery path of their icy gaze, on my skin. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1842

« #324 : November 30, 2013, 09:50:32 AM »

Doris sits in the rafters, her husband beside her. She surveys the scene below with Bear’s words echoing over and over in her mind …

“Ah yes,… hmmm… all this fondling,… sucking… you have planted a seed of desire…within yourself… you know it… you secretly hold a little  glimmer within your soul… a want… to feel my lips, my kisses… my hands upon you teasing…and yes….the feel of me inside you… yes… yes…”

“I would love to feel you quaking  under me.”

The nervous twists in her tummy tease her, her naughty conscious answering his challenging his words. Deep down, she wanted that raw power, wanted it unleashed in all it’s glory on her. She wanted that forbidden lust for her and to experience and rejoice in it.
Such a man’s desire for her was heady and so tempting. To make him salivate in his want of her, quite empowering.

And yet, she was ashamed that she was having such wicked ungodly thoughts and thinking of  succumbing to the needs of the flesh.

Stanley sensed her unease and smiled down at her, even enjoying the nervous sexual turmoil, he found his wife in.

He leaned into her, “You want him to take you, you are turned on by him, by his strength and experience to take you to sexual utopia. I feel it Doris, I feel your need and I like that lusty little tramp you have inside of you”

Doris, licked her lips. Even as a phantom, she found her mouth was dry and her pussy was throbbing in readiness for heavy lovemaking. The strength of past memories were making her body react as though in life.

Stanley continued to torture her uncertainty. His ghostly hand began to creep under her skirt and up her leg. She could feel his fingers stroking the outline of her sopping pussy and she opened her legs a little wider, unconsiously showing, she was indeed, so turned on.

“Look at them down there” Stanley whispered, “See the Commander enjoying his captive… and truth beknown, that pirate under him, is enjoying his touch. Look at his fingers working that red hot and very wet,”  Stanley paused and chose his word carefully, “cunt”

Doris blushed and thrilled at the ungodly word but watched the couple below. The pirate was secured on the bed, on her knees, ass up. His wet fingers plunging into the sex of the red haired beauty.
She was moaning and Doris could not draw her eyes away, as the Commander, cut her binds and pulled her by the ankles to the edge of the bed.

Her heart beat rocketed, as she felt the shimmers of excitement from the couple.

The Commander lifted her hips high, her beautiful freshly spanked bottom raised up for him. Her face and shoulders pushed into the mattress. He spread her knees wide enough for him to stand behind her on the floor and gain easy entrance to her sopping sex.

Doris could hear her breathing become laboured as she waited. She could feel her excited anticipation. She could see her Master and Commander was slowly stroking his saliva covered cock against her excited vagina.
He would take her when He was ready!

“Isn’t that beautiful?” Stanley cut into her thoughts. “Don’t you want to feel what she’s feeling? That excitement of a true Master teasing and fucking her till she screams with need and fulfilment. I know you do… and I want to see you like that… again and again… Release Bear from his binds Doris. Let him take you, use you and rejoice in his lust for you. Let Him and Mercer enjoy the wonder of two beautiful women in one body”

Doris was so tempted and looked at her husband. “But... It is wrong, you are my husband.”

Stanley pushed two of his fingers into his wife’s phantom pussy to push his point home. She gasped and jasmine scent flooded the room.

Stanley cupped her cheek with his spare hand. “I want you pleasured. I want to see you writhing in a sexual, crazy haze. I want to experience it through Mercer and Bear. Do it Doris, do it for you and for me”

He looked deeply and sincerely into her eyes and she knew, she was lost. In that moment, the decision was made and the binds holding Bear were gone!

Stanley withdrew his fingers, licked at them and in the next moment, he was easing and pushing Doris’s phantom spirit into Brandybee’s frog positioned body on the table. He gave her a last kiss as her face merged and disappeared into Brandy’s.

With a wicked smile on his face, Stanley sat casually on the pool table to watch the events unfold in front of him.

He felt the strength and obscene lust in the room. The strength and power of the fine, lust filled men. The strength and responses of two very beautiful women, Brandybee and Doris, in their anticipation of being pleasured and fucked like never before.

He smiled at each of the two men and injected more jasmine pheromones into the room.   

Hero Member
: 3007

« #325 : December 01, 2013, 03:00:10 AM »

I pull my head off his now hardening cock with a loud plop and turn to face him.
"I think blu is back now, James, but I still have to fulfil my promise to you and Doris"
So saying, I clamber off the bed, leaking cum as I go and I kneel on the cold stone floor at the side of the mattress in my submissive pose, ankles together,  my knees spread apart, my sore bruised breasts pushed forwards, my hands folded behind my back. I shake my head and toss my long copper curls down the middle of my shoulders. I stare straight into his eyes and open my mouth in open invitation, licking my soft ruby-red lips.
He swings his legs over the side, his now fully erect cock slapping his belly as it bounces and he stands before me, resting his penis-tip on my bottom lip.
"You have been well trained little blu..., so now show me how well!"
My eyes like saucers, the brown pupils so deep he could swim in them, gaze up at him in submission and obedience as I start to lick the swollen end of his beautiful penis. Only my head and my mouth must move, my hands stay folded behind my back as I lick around and around his tip now poking into the hole, now licking under with the full length of my tongue so that the rougher part at the back of my mouth is rubbing his most sensitive spot and watching and waiting for his reaction.
He closes his eyes and moans, but it is a test of wills and his hands stay by his side shaking as he tries to control his desire, but he knows as well as I do that, he can't last long.

I close my lips firmly and suck hard pulling him right into my mouth as I slide my head down his length towards his groin. I take a deep breath through my nose and force my head hard against his belly, squashing my nose in his tight curly hairs as his cock goes into my throat and I suck again. I force my mouth to open so I can poke my tongue out and lick his ball sack tight and sweaty and I savor the saltiness. God, how I love this!
"blu, blu......" he moans as I close my mouth again still sucking hard and pull my head backwards, scraping my teeth all the way up his stem to the swollen tip, then stopping, holding the plum-like end just inside my lips, and licking all around and around with my tongue
"Blu.. Blu!.." his eyes are closed in desperation and ecstasy as I pull off him with a loud "PLOP!"
I move my head forwards licking down his shaft towards his balls. I can no longer see his contorted face, but I can feel him shaking and I wonder if he can keep himself from..............
I lick all around his scrotum cleaning the salty sweat and flicking his balls with my tongue, twisting my head so that I can get behind them poking at his perineum and almost to his tight puckered asshole, hiding as it is between his tightly clenched cheeks. I trace back to his balls and gently suck them into my cheeks, first one, then the other, then one each side, my nose rubbing the underneath of his gorgeous penis, the end of it is tangled in my copper tresses, I hope it's tickling...
I pull back stretching his balls away from him and they plop out with an obscene slurping noise as I go back to the tip of him and look back up at his lovely face. I take him into my mouth again, just the tip, and suck hard making it swell up as I poke my tongue into the hole which will soon carry his cum to me.
I bite softly and at last it happens and I have won, he grabs my head with both hands, pulling me hard onto him, forcing himself deep into my throat, then twisting my hair around his hands, he pulls me back and then fucks my mouth hard, totally lost in his urgent lust.
I catch my breath on each backstroke, trying not to gag, and I bring my arms around and tightly grip each butt cheek, pulling them apart, pulling him into me... I can feel him swelling with the urgency and I can feel my pussy getting wetter and I wish something could touch it as I am so excited I feel I could burst too...
He groans loudly and I feel his balls contract and I feel it coming up the huge tube in the bottom of his beautiful big cock and
"Aaaaaaaaaagggghhhh!" he explodes into my mouth and I wrap my arms around his ass keeping him buried in my throat and sucking, swallowing his thick warm cum until his last pulsing twitch, then I catch it on my tongue and stand up only to lay him down on the mattress as his legs buckle, I kiss him hard on the lips, forcing them apart and snowballing the last of his cum onto his tongue and as I do I rub my pussy along his still hard cock and almost cry as I feel my orgasm washing down me and I collapse on my poor worn out James cuddling him into a gorgeous drowsy stupor as I smell the strong scent of jasmine and I hear a ghostly voice  "Thank-you blu and James I'm off to give old Stanley the best sex of his entire ghostly life................"

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1600

« #326 : December 01, 2013, 02:21:51 PM »

Stanley sat on the edge of the pool table watching with interest  as his wife slipped into Brandy. He had never seen Doris like this, a war of pure lust against keeping her martial vows. When he had gave her the nudge she needed so badly to take the plunge and join the carnal delights below, it gave him a thrill and his aura glowed even brighter for a moment.

The thought energy in the room was intense and Stanley had to focus to sense individual thoughts from the three living beings in the room. He looked at Mercer his aura was glowing white with hues of red emanating from his waist area and flickering up his back, like flames to the pleasure center of his mind.

 Unable to resist Stanley moves into Mercer's conscious.................. it was intoxicating the pure gratification Mercer was feeling. Stanley jumped out stunned and watched the fellatio Brandy was preforming with Doris's help he reminded himself. He fought off the urge to join Mercer again and looked at Bear.

Bear's aura was glowing white with sparks of intense red spreading out all over like lightning bolts. Stanley merged into Bear.............. Lust, rampant, unchecked and a second feeling............Desire almost as strong as the Lust. He jumped out and found himself perched on the rafter above.

He looked down and could see Brandy and Doris glowing white with red and pink flames like fire embers. Stanley felt like a kid in a candy store. He would enjoy this Menage a trois  from both these virile bodies. He had always desired this. Doris was his wife and their sex life had been exciting. She was open to new things but neither had actually considered introducing a third into their lovemaking.  They had fantasied and enjoyed role play of course. It was a different world and era back then, and he had no regrets, he mused. but now, things were different and both could explore this threesome

Stanley lit one of his phantom cigars and smiled as the room filled with clouds of jasmine. 

Hero Member
: 3007

« #327 : December 17, 2013, 03:44:02 PM »

We get up, James agile & springy, me more than a little gingerly and that's no pun. I admire my skin in the full-length mirror...
I have red flecks all over and cruel-looking weals all up my thighs, some are turning purple already.
I smile and twist back & forth, my reverie is interrupted by a sharp slap to my bruised butt!
"Stop admiring yourself, you brazen hussy!" James slides his arm around me and gives me a big hug, squashing my sore nipples and making me squeal. His eyes sparkle and he kisses me softly
"Ready to head back to the AB&G? I need to get the BBQ going for your ribs you promised everyone."
I slowly pull my clothes back on, wincing at almost everything, then we collect the bags of ribs, boxes of cookies and the tin of my "special" brownies from my car trunk and head back up the long passage back to the pool room & the bar. The soles of my feet seem to be the only bits of me that aren't throbbing, maybe I'll have a brownie to make me feel better.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #328 : December 29, 2013, 01:10:16 PM »

I am lying on my back on the bar table, head hanging as Mercer78 pumps my mouth with his hard cock. It tastes delicious. I can’t get enough.

Jasmine scent hangs heavy over us and seems to energise the sexual heat generated in both of us. I suck on Mercer’s full length as he bends to grope my tits with one hand, and thumbing my clit with the other.

The crudity of my nude upturned frog like position turns him on. He likes being the centre of my attention and likes that I am displayed for Bear.
My hands are holding my ankles, knees spread wide apart, wet pussy facing Bear.  He pushes in my mouth, that little bit deeper, that little bit faster.

He watches his hands obscenely touching and groping as I moan and groan.

I am lost in the sensations of touch and smell and then I feel a refreshing iciness on the top of my body and it sinks down, right to my spine and to the table I am lying on. 

I am fighting for breath, for space and the iciness mirrors my body position before melting and a warming heat begins to rise.

I am squashed, vying for space and suddenly realise, I am not alone, an entity is sharing my body, sharing in the sensations and moans of earthly sex.

We feel each other’s thoughts but she is stronger than me. I sense years of pent up frustrations and the joy that she is now inside me, feeling and responding to Mercer’s touch. My body energises tenfold, reacts and responds with gusto. The secretions from my pussy rush and dribble down my furrow and crevices to pool on the table below. My breasts swell, my pussy and clitoris engorge for mating invite.

I salivate on Mercer’s cock, sucking him, relishing his hardened member. He groans, sensing the new vigour and worship of a wanton cock sucking whore.

The pheromones emitted radiate from my body, engulfing Mercer and floating around Bear, sending out silent signals to the potent males of a willing female in heat for mating.

They smell and rejoice as their bodies react and swell, the inner beasts rising in need to mate and seed. Their chests expand and cocks pulsate to strut their power and virility. 

I feel their power and thrills and anticipation tingle throughout me as Doris picks up on it too and then, we hear a triumphant roar.  Bear is up out of his throne! His bindings gone!

Mercer grins at him and places a hand on each of my knees, spreading them wide for Bear. Mercer thrusts deep into my throat. My nose is buried into his balls, my pussy drenched and ready...

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #329 : December 30, 2013, 04:20:21 PM »

Brandy obeys my command without hesitation gripping her ankles tightly as I fuck, deep into her mouth.  I feel her salivate and my cock throbs and secretes little bubbles of pleasure.

“What’s come over me? This isn’t how I usually behave!?”  I think to myself and although I feel pangs of guilt, it is damn exciting to give such free reign to my most carnal desires. A new form of animal passion has awoken inside me!  I sense an alien presence in my mind and body pushing me to do more, encouraging my hidden desires.  It is exhilarating!
Even more baffling, Brandy is allowing this raw, hot moment, enjoying it even.  I’ve never seen this side of her.  “Is this what’s she’s like with Bear?”  I wonder.

I begin to grope her incredible breasts as I fuck her mouth. The sound of this wanton sex goddesses gulps and gasps turning me on all the more. 
I smile to myself as I see her hand move towards her clit. “mmm you love it, you little minx!”  I think to myself, a wry smile on my face I begin to thrust a little faster.

It’s at this point I hear a triumphant roar. Bear is loose and coming our way but he doesn’t look upset with us, quite the contrary he’s smiling. 
We both lock eyes for a moment, both reading the lusty desire in each other.  Then we look at our sexually charged prey on the table….

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