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| | |-+  Current S Pose upgrade requests.
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: Current S Pose upgrade requests.  ( 82412 )
Full Member
: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #60 : January 28, 2017, 07:24:35 AM »

Please add more poses SF where girl can use strapon. Currently, there are only two poses.
Maybe it's much easier just to modify existing poses with switching button, cos many actions (poses) can be done by both participiants. The only difference that girl has strapon.  :D

: 19

« #61 : October 30, 2017, 06:26:45 AM »

Perfect Jasmine!

We need more poses with girls where they can use strapon. By the other hand, that 69 pose, the strapon is nonsense... would love to lick my girl while being sucked. Its not fair!
« : November 10, 2017, 06:01:23 AM PaulinaHard »
Hero Member
: 1379

« #62 : October 30, 2017, 01:38:26 PM »

Perfect Jasmine!

We need more poses with girls where they can use strapon. By the other hand, that 69 pose, the strapon is nonsense... would love to lick my girl while being sucked. Its not fair!

  No it's not fair.

  Achat team are you taking notes ? ? ? ?

Full Member
: 114

Son Of Vikings

« #63 : October 31, 2017, 04:32:18 AM »


Would be nice to have a 69-Pose too for SM just like SS has

On the journey to Valhal
: 19

« #64 : November 09, 2017, 05:01:05 AM »

Well, another thing!

First of all, thanks for that "Romance on the couch" but why I cant have my girl on my lap too? Poses in only one way are also unfair. I want to cuddle her too, to have her in my arms, not just the opposite.

Anyway, as I said, I like it, but it needs to work on both ways, otherwise is UNFAIR.
: 27

« #65 : November 10, 2017, 09:54:02 AM »

Ist right what Paulina say. Romantic moments 1, all Masage Poses ans lover's Siesta. not for FS and also FF thats so bat. Also Show what you feel  Need for all.
« : November 11, 2017, 10:45:48 AM Gwen1977 »
: 12

I, me and myself dont always agree

« #66 : November 21, 2017, 04:25:45 PM »

Hi, I am very suprised by the few poses the S get offered here, especially SS but in general. As an S with a S wife here, not being able to be romantic in a pose very often, when you know others can be, is very saddening. Others can sit and have a glass of wine or just sit on the sofa and chat, we can not! It would be amazing to see this on here. And just on a business note, the more poses, the more income for Achat, the more profit and investment back into Achat. A circle that helps us all. So please please more poses for SS and everyone

:) Davina :)
Hero Member
: 1379

« #67 : November 22, 2017, 05:18:56 PM »

  Yeah.  Agree with you completely 100 per cent.

  We / I have campaigned for over 2 years for more S S poses.  Not to mention F F, F S and M M as well.  If they don't sell as much we aren't going to get them as regular as M F.   

  BUT !!  we all would love equality here.  Equal poses for everyone.  We've tried, Believe me, we have.

  And it's nice that more people are bringing this subject up again.
  :-* :-* :-* 

Jr. Member
: 89

« #68 : November 23, 2017, 12:27:14 AM »

We all would love equality
« : November 23, 2017, 12:28:46 AM Venus_15 »

: 27

« #69 : November 24, 2017, 03:21:15 AM »

I agree with you all. Im Not shemale but some know me well. Paulina and David and more. They know me as friends. Have many female friends. Some bi and some not. Two days ago i only need to sit and talk to a girl but dont working. I need to go to a man and ask to sit. But its not the same. Stay in her arms, just relax. All dont work. There many things you dont talk to a man. MF FF MS SS MM SF all need romantic and sometimes a massage only to feel happy and relaxed.

With special  greatings to all know Ing me. If you need to relax, welcome anytime. Yours Gwen
: 19

« #70 : December 13, 2017, 06:21:38 AM »


Again, the new pose are nice but where are the option for us?

A good way to implement new poses can be doing it for all kind of relations (MS, FS, SS, MM).

And devs, please, always think on the vice-versa actions. Im still would love to have my girl on my lap to carress her... and still a decent 69 is needed! I dont wanna lick a strap... lol...

Thanks anyway!

: 12

I, me and myself dont always agree

« #71 : December 19, 2017, 12:30:51 PM »


Well I agree with all of you and more. I am a TG but want all combinations of sexuality to able to make love to their partners etc and to be able to be intimate and close to them, romantic.

It is obvious from the messages going years back that a huge effort has been put into getting this to happen, and thank you for that

But it is also obvious, unfortunately, that it is not happening

So maybe we need other ideas or ways of getting Achat to see and listen to what we are asking? Do we need campaigns? is there a way of getting a spokesman from here talking direct to Achat? if so, what sort of support do we need to get this to happen?

And please, i belittle no effort made already, as without this effort we would not have the game we do, which we all enjoy or we wouldnt be here.


:) Davina :)
Jr. Member
: 89

« #72 : December 19, 2017, 01:35:02 PM »

One more time!!!! Two last poses, two poses on mens, by mens, for mens!
I refuse to buy them until the pose for SF

: 19

« #73 : December 20, 2017, 06:46:25 AM »

Great idea! Just dont buy any M poses anymore! :(

Im still trying to figure out what they were thinking when developed the FS 69 pose... "Do you have a pussy? Oh, sorry, I prefer to suck a dildo." Totally nonsense! Take off this strap on this pose at once! Is ridiculous!

« #74 : December 20, 2017, 01:52:50 PM »

It’s lunch, no one here to chat with. No one replying to my texts..... so here I am venting in someone else’s thread.   :o  Surprised?  Didn’t think so.  ::)

Shared some time the other night with a dear friend. We both have lots of poses…. collecting dust and plenty of shopping money stashed away, BUT unfortunately for US (our orientation) we found nothing worth spending it on. While catching up, enjoying a chat and each other’s company, we struggled to find even the most basic pose that MF (me primarily) take for granted but are available to few else. No way to sit and enjoy a glass of wine. Give a relaxing massage or just cuddle in bed. All basic poses yet unavailable to so many.

I am lucky. I happen to like ALL flavors and have a spouse that is willing to become any flavor I crave.  ;D  But primarily…. I am hetero, with an occasional impulse for Sushi in the flesh and a special  thing for my LADY, of course,  ;)* And those who know me a bit better than others…. know of my oral weakness for hard BAT n BALLS. mmm, YUMMY.   :P

While Pandorra *hugs* makes a valid argument about the economics of the game and reality…. she is much smarter, I would like to introduce my own argument, That of diminishing returns. I happen to do some quick math at o’dark thirty this morning, my mind just a whirring n unable to sleep.

This is what I came up with while checking out our Achat Shop.

I looked at just the POSES not including the 3-Some ones and did a bit of ANALysis…

Total number of Poses:  395

-   MF       144      36%
-   MS         94      24%                          M*     
-   MM        17        4%

-   FF          58       15%                          F*       
-   FS          61       15%                               
-   SS          20         5%                          S*       

-   G             2          0%    (General, No Gender specific pose packages)

Total possible Poses or each Gender:

-   MF, MM, MS              254      36.7%
-   FM, FF, FS                262       37.9%
-   SM, SF, SS                175       25.3%

From this high level analysis the disparity does not truly reveal itself, sure it shows a slight bias by gender with a more skewed bias by sexuality, but it still does not expose the real crime in this discrimination. So let’s dig a bit deeper and provide an example, one that I happen to enjoy.


OK, I counted….. for MF there is a combined 29 poses specifically for oral pleasures

They break down like this:

   -        Female to Male Oral       11
   -        Male to Female Oral       12
   -        Combo 69 Oral                6

That is a LOT of ways to pleasure your partner orally. As I have already confessed I LOVE this form of sex more than most….. BUT, enough is enough. Sure if ALL other genders and sexuality enjoyed the same poses then go for it….. bring on more oral acrobats but until then I for one am willing to join this boycott and refrain from spending my dollars until this inequality is finally addressed.  AND..... this is just ONE example of the “excess” MF orientations are provided, at no fault of their own.

ohhh, and please let’s not forget what Paulina and countless others before her have commented ….. when it comes to many of the available FF or FS poses…. They seem to come littered with dildos and strappy’s in most positions. They are everywhere, mostly in the way. If they can’t be used as a toy when desired then I agree…. Let’s just get rid of them entirely in those poses. They have their place and time, just not EVERY where or ALL the time.  ::)

wow, TIME sure disappears when I get rambling, my lunch is over, I gotta go…. Work is calling.

Thanks to all for reading and especially those sharing their thoughts and fighting for equal rights. ALL of YOU…. newbies and elders. Alone we are but a whisper, together we become a ROAR. Never give up in what you believe.

*hugs* to all


Grrrrrrr… sorry no time to pretty up my font or presentation. Ran outta time.  :o
« : December 20, 2017, 01:59:20 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
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