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Crystal Lake.
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: Crystal Lake. ( 149044 )
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#45 :
October 04, 2013, 08:01:26 AM »
You mean I could claim ItsAmy123 LOL
That would be interesting
BIg sigh, dabbing my eyes with a tissue, and giggling at the thought of playing .... scrabble with Amy all night
@ Bear -- psst, I got plans for that horse costume with you.. neighhhh problem.
: October 04, 2013, 08:06:49 AM Brandybee
: 17
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#46 :
October 04, 2013, 08:22:54 AM »
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#47 :
October 04, 2013, 09:43:54 AM »
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#48 :
October 04, 2013, 09:56:45 AM »
Clapping with a big smile.
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#49 :
October 04, 2013, 11:35:22 AM »
... SIGH ...
: 48
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#50 :
October 04, 2013, 01:01:41 PM »
Sr. Member
: 450
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#51 :
October 04, 2013, 01:05:16 PM »
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#52 :
October 06, 2013, 08:22:34 AM »
"Long Needles Lodge" or "Long Needles" for short.
I think
"Evermore Among the Evergreens"
would look nice as a carved sign above the door , kind of romantic after carrying Amy over the threshold
My log cabin is called " Moose Lodge" I may get the dwarfs to shift it, and become a neighbour too
: October 06, 2013, 01:22:43 PM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#53 :
October 06, 2013, 11:49:16 AM »
If i look at your house its "Woodstock"
Pleasantville, Moodena, Lovington, Peacity (lol..might sound ugly), Mull of Kintyre, Bluelake Mountain
*sigh* would be funny being neighbours...
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#54 :
October 06, 2013, 02:00:00 PM »
Stone and I have lived on the other side of the lake for the last 2 years. take the lake road all the way around and you will see a sign made from a oak stump "HYPERION HOMESTEAD" but be warned the gate is guarded by a Gnome. in fact there so many gnomes on the property i have lost count
ask Stone for a complete name list
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Campfire at Crystal Lake.
#55 :
October 11, 2013, 05:35:55 PM »
Stanley and Doris flew through time and space from the AB&G and landed on the dirt track on both feet, turning at horizontal warp speed to a slow vertical gliding walk within seconds. Two wispy dust whirls are left in their wake.
The lights from the AB&G could be seen from certain vantage points turning on, then off at sequenced intervals in the distance, almost to the beat of the music, played by The Cocks N Roses at the impromptu Crystal Lake venue.
The Grills glide unseen through the night, passed the parked trucks and towards the music and merriment by the lake.
They close in on the celebrations and hold hands as they mingle in the crowds, noting the dancing couples, the jokes and friendly banter between friends.
They move towards the new build of the cabin and elevate to peak through the window on the top floor. Doris squeezes Stanley’s hands as they see the naked couple inside. Covems is cradling Amy in his arms, wearing his new hat. He proudly shows off all the hard work, he has done and prepared for his new bride.
“They have a beautiful home here” Doris comments, “I wonder what they will call it?”
“Maybe, “Hakan Halona” Stanley smiles. Doris looks at him puzzled.
“It’s Native American and means - Fire of Happy Fortune” Stanley shrugs.
Doris sighs content and the window begins to slowly ice, spreading a crystalized film on the glass pane. “That is one of the many reasons I agreed to marry you, you can be so thoughtful & romantic”
She nudges Stanley, an idea forming, “ I think we should give them a helping hand on their wedding night” she whispers.
Stanley laughs softly and agrees, “You can do Amy, I’ll do Covems.”
Doris focuses on Amy as Stanley does the same with Covems. They both enter their minds and begin a gentle search and scan. They find the libido switch in their minds and brains and ratchet up the sex drive and body responses a couple of notches.
Doris whispers, “You think 5 powerful orgasms will be enough tonight?” she checks with Stanley.
“Best make it 8,” Stanley advises, “Covems will have at least that and be ready for more in seconds. He will be an absolute Stallion on his wedding night and Amy will be Sally Sandbagged for sure”
“That’s a lovely wedding gift for such a charming couple, “ Doris sighs again.
A wonderful smell of jasmine fills the air and wafts over the new Cabin as they float around admiring the new home.
“I think it’s working already.. look” Doris observes, as Amy snuggles into Covems neck and his impressive erection begins to grow.
Doris conjures up two red roses and floats them through the air to lay on the pillows of the newly spoused couple.
They both chuckle and slowly lower to the ground below.
“Shall, we see who else, may need a bit of Grill magic?” Doris suggests, eager to try out more of their mind control powers.
“ I think it would be a crime not to, “ Stanley answers, “and I think I see just the people to help on their way” …
Edited by Brandybee in consultation with Stone.
: October 12, 2013, 03:54:23 AM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: Crystal Lake.
#56 :
October 12, 2013, 11:28:12 AM »
The wedding guests mingle and chat around the fire sipping drinks. I toss on a few more logs and get a real good blaze going. Its a beautiful autumn evening, a warm breeze blows through the trees and the turning leaves rattle in response. The campfire smoke begins to move towards me and I say loudly......”I hate rabbits!” and the smoke begins to move away.
A few guests look at me puzzled and I explain.
“When I was a kid camping with my Dad, we would sit around the fire and if the smoke got in your eyes you said I hate rabbits and more often then not the smoke moved to somebody else, try it if you don’t believe me.”
I walk away from the fire and hear Pafe say “I hate rabbits” then laugh as the smoke goes towards Brandy. I grab a few beers and spot Stone by the food table and give her a wink and motion towards the lake shore.
My arm around my spouse we find a large boulder on the shore and sit at the waters edge. We sit close in a comfortable silence looking at the stars and moon enjoying the moment. My mind goes back to the many wonderful nights we came out here when I was courting Stone.
Stone points to all the moon diamonds for the taking tonight and we giggle like teenagers. I turn her head and kiss her deeply. Stone breaks our kiss and points across the lake. From our vantage point we can see the edge of town up on the ridge and we can see flickering lights.
“Is that the Bar?” I whisper
“I think so,” Stone Whispers back
“Maybe the dwarfs are playing games,” I reply
“No, they are all out here with us,” Stone answers.
“Maybe it's just the trees blowing in the breeze,” I offer an explanation.
“Speaking of the bar, did you put up the poster announcing the Halloween party?” Stone asks.
“It's on my desk, I will put it up tomorrow, enough about work,” I kiss her deeply again.
As we snog, a strong blast of wind roars down the ridge and across the lake, I catch a whiff of jasmine, or is it my imagination? Followed by a distinct chill. The blast of wind makes ripples in the moon lit lake, then I see it............ a V of ripples going the opposite direction.
Stone whispers, “Hi Ellie”
We watch in silence and awe and then hear somebody yell, “I hate rabbits!” followed by laughter.
Old Joe sits near the fire enjoying a beer and cigar smiling at the “I hate rabbits war going on.
A strong gust of wind blows through and he smells Jasmine and a cool hand touches his neck.
Showing no surprise, he silently mouths the words, ”Hello Doris, Hello Stanley” ...
: October 13, 2013, 07:48:02 AM Brandybee
Full Member
: 149
If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise
Re: Crystal Lake.
#57 :
October 12, 2013, 01:59:31 PM »
I slowly join the others around the campfire nervously still very new to the group.
Still enthralled by all games and fascinated by all the wonderful people. I'd been to the bar only a couple of times and this my first time at the lake.
From the fantastic performance by the Cocks & Roses to the way Covems and his dwarfs had done such a stellar job on the cabin.
"This is an incredible party," I thought to myself. The newlyweds look so happy, as did everyone.
Looking on the women in particular all seemed a little misty eyed. I couldn't help but become a little misty eyed myself.
As I did a soft sweet scent filled my nostrils I think is was jasmine or something similar.
For some reason, the scent took me away into a dream of dancing with a beautiful woman alone by the lake. Around and around we went completely enthralled by each other and very much in love.
The kind of love I've never known in real life but now I felt it as real as if it were my own.
We spun faster and faster until we both fell over giggling like children.
When we had gathered our senses, we looked straight into each others eyes, but for some reason I couldn't make out face.
I knew she was beautiful, then suddenly a face full of smoke brought me back to my senses I stumbled for a moment then took a slot around the campfire.
Although like I said before, I was new to the group and dateless, I didn't feel alone. I saw Stone and Jayc cuddling on a boulder near the shore. They seemed to be enjoying some "alone" time.
I was sat near Old Joe and laughed at the "I hate rabbits" comments, especially when I asked why. Smoke came our way and in unison Old Joe & I said " I hate rabbits" and strangely, the wood smoke dispersed in the direction of someone else.
We all burst out laughing and a bottle of beer was handed to me.
The smell of jasmine suddenly became stronger and the temperature dropped. Smokey tendrils appeared as I breathed out and my ears felt the chill. I shivered, glad to be near the heat of the fire.
I thought I heard whispers by my left ear and I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise, but, as I turned, no one was there. A line in a song appeared in my head... " You Are My Man" a powerful line in a song... but the name escaped me.
Then I was pulled into a conversation about the unusual spousing ceremony and hoped that Covem's and Amy's white blanket would colour to celebrate their wonderful times ahead.
: October 13, 2013, 07:27:49 AM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Crystal Lake.
#58 :
October 13, 2013, 10:15:32 AM »
“You two need to borrow the horse costume,” Bear chuckled as Lover professed his tongue-in-cheek love for Covems and carried out the splendid spousing ceremony of Amy & Covems.
Covems, Lover and Bear are all strong, handsome, heterosexual males and on occasions, they would tease each other how damned attractive, they were. They all had a strong female following and all had their soft romantic sides too when they wished. And that was fatal to anyone, they showed special attention to.
All were confident enough about their sexuality to covertly flirt with each other. Their bromances at times was quite touching.
I squeezed Bear’s hand as the ceremony concluded and let out a big sigh, so beautiful.
Covems picked up his bride, carried her over the threshold and began the big tour of their new home.
The new build cabin was spectacular and the stables had all been completed in time for his new bride and their new life together. He had even thoughtfully hung a hammock in the garden.
Bear looked at me quizzically, “I best get ready with the Cock N Roses to rock the Lake and get this party dancing,” He kissed me on the cheek, then joined the rest of the lads to set up.
My gaze lingered on his back, those broad shoulders, trim waist and tight jean clad butt. He always took my breath away and made my heart pound faster.
They were soon taking requests and Jayc lit a giant camp fire and ensured everyone had drinks. The dwarfs were serving and playing the perfect hosts for their Master.
The music and laughter wafted across the lake and I wandered to the water’s edge, sipping a Covey-Prilla. I listened to the soothing sound of it lapping and caressing the surrounding land and rocks.
The moon and stars reflected on the water, causing the magic moon diamonds to glint on the surface. It was very pretty.
I slowly walked around and my foot made contact with something tin, causing it to rattle. I leant down to see, and saw half a dozen spam tins, neatly piled. I picked them up, carefully balancing them in my arms to put in the rubbish bin.
I turned to go back to the merriment with my load, not seeing or hearing another couple of empty tins catapulted out of the water to land perfectly in the sanded place, I had just cleared.
I glanced over the water and saw the AB&G in the distance. The widows were lighting up in sequence and then remained in darkness. I stood and watched, wondering whether to send one of the dwarfs back to investigate, but the darkness remained. I decided it must have been my imagination.
A strong waft of jasmine clouded round me and the air seemed to cool till goose bumps appeared on my arms and legs.
I shivered when I felt whispers in my ear. I shook my head, but they were still there, “Drive him wild with desire, wild, desire, desire, wild…” it repeated over and over, then just stopped.
I looked round, nothing and the jasmine and icy cold, dissipated and returned to normal.
I hurried back to the warmth and safety of my circle of friends, dumped the empty tins in the bin and joined in the “ I hate Rabbits / smoke” game. Soon I was chatting and laughing and the strange episode at the lake was a distant and vague memory.
Hero Member
: 548
Re: Crystal Lake.
#59 :
October 15, 2013, 06:25:12 AM »
Sitting around the fire with all our friends, who are playing the "I hate rabbits" game. I whisper to Satoire... "I hope they don't mean us." I feel a buzzing at my side and check my communicator.
Excusing myself from the circle, I go check the message that has come in. "Hmmmm...." I mutter, then I go get Satoire.
"Sat, we have to go." I say quietly to her. She gets up and I take her by the hand as we head for the cabin. "We'll need transportation, maybe Cove will lend us his truck."
We get inside... oh my... the cabin is beautiful! I say so to Satoire, she replies that she wouldn't have expected anything less with Covems involved.
I call up to get Cove's attention and explain that we have to leave, but we need a ride or some other means of transport. A set of keys lands on the floor in front of us. Satoire picks them up.
"Congratulations, you two." We call up to Amy and Covems. "We wish you two nothing but happiness, and we're so grateful to you for allowing us to partake in the celebrations, and also, Dear Covems, for being our friend for all this time."
"If you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to ask us. Good-bye for now. We'll take good care of your truck." Satoire says.
Returning to the fire, we make our intentions known. "Satoire and I have to leave... something's come up that needs our attention. We want to thank everyone for the fun, and for helping to make the happy couple's day even more special."
We get into the truck, Satoire starts it... backs out of the space... and we drive off.
Thanks for letting me share,
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