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: Achat's Naughty Beauty pageant!!!  ( 17773 )
Hero Member
: 7883

« #15 : April 07, 2013, 01:52:20 PM »

well, Dustin and mercer........it's not like we mods don't want it, it's cause many of the users don't want it! In AChat many users had ask me to echange pics or do some skype things, but i don't want....

never forget you can't know who is really on the other side and for certain things, you need to have full trust with your partner.....that's the point!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #16 : April 07, 2013, 02:43:06 PM »

Just to clarify: If anyone here wants to show his own pics... he may. We don't forbid it or judge anyone doing it.
We just are careful if a member is collecting pics other members. Even this is ok, as long as the collector explains what he is doing with these pics, how he is handling it and how he makes sure no thrid person is able to get them by accident.

Hero Member
: 598

« #17 : April 07, 2013, 08:17:21 PM »

I never said the mods wouldn't want it, I said the odds are it will not happen. If the  majority Of the member on the forum  would like a Naughty Beauty pageant. then Cool. it would be my Honor to host it.

As to the picture, the ones joining in the pageant would only send links to me or to who ever is hosting the pageant. then the Picture will judge by 3 chosen people and then posted by the host. the picture will not be given directly only the link to the picture will be. as we all know the forum can only take picture from web site not form a PCs hard drive.

as to the one who wins. he or she will go down in forum village history as having the best looking penis or vagina. any other rewards can be discuss at other time.

Now a pageant would not begin unless there was at less 10 or more members.

the picture must only be shots of your penis or vagina, small parts of the body is okay but absolutely no faces will be allow in any picture. that will be are safety net.

If you have any add question please ask I will do my best to answer them.

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #18 : April 08, 2013, 10:18:44 AM »

oops sorry looks what started as an April's fool prank by Kingdustin has escalated quite a bit sorry if that's my doing.  While I realised immediately that the pics on here were found on the web.  I thought I would post up anyway to see what happens having not read the fine print :-[
Would be interesting to see how many people would enter a real contest if one were organised.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #19 : April 08, 2013, 01:17:51 PM »

Of course, if people want to enter such a contest, it is a matter for themselves....   personally it is not something  I would encourage.

Before you decide,  may I suggest you read the below topic and then think very very carefully...


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10350

« #20 : April 08, 2013, 02:23:14 PM »

@ mercer:
oops sorry looks what started as an April's fool prank by Kingdustin has escalated quite a bit sorry if that's my doing.
No, you don't have to apologize, it's not your fault. Just a general discussion about a sensible topic.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #21 : April 08, 2013, 03:17:54 PM »

yes, this is a really hot topic......and not only about AChat!

few months ago, near the place i leave, police had caught a 20 or more years old guy who was close to make a 13 girl showing her self naked on cam. of course, they had chat not on cam and he pleay as a same age boy!

This is why we mods tend to advice people here about a project like this: dangers can hide behind everything, but if who join agree with it and who run this thing do it clearly and without any hidden side project, for me there are no problems.

Anyway, follow Brandy's link and read it....it can clarify many things!

Hero Member
: 3856

« #22 : April 09, 2013, 08:40:29 AM »

I think it important to emphasize here that anyone participating understand and realize that the images provided will be in the public domain. A disclosure  of full release of liability should be forefront to this type of event.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #23 : April 09, 2013, 08:57:25 AM »

Bear is right......in the same moment you post a pic of your self here, it become public and everyone in the web can see it. Before taking any decision about joining this idea, think about if you want to share your self with all the worlds or not!

Hero Member
: 598

« #24 : April 09, 2013, 11:21:00 AM »

I agree with everything said so far. Thats why I would strongly urge there be no face allowed in the picture. Just be a Close up of your penis or vagina.

DO think carefully about this.In the end it is all up to you, whether your comfortable show of your goods.

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
Hero Member
: 7883

« #25 : April 09, 2013, 01:42:19 PM »

It's not only about face....try to avoid any mark who can make you recognizable, as tattoo or scars!

Hero Member
: 598

« #26 : April 11, 2013, 11:05:58 AM »

HB thats very true.

true beauty lies in great friendship =)
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