Yes you are all right.
Forum now has four avatars run by the Moderators. The Moderators however cannot gift from these accounts.
Three of them are called
Forum_1 ;
Forum_2 and
Forum_3 These are our Bill Boards to advertise events in Forum in the game. We did try to get them next to the Robots on 24/7 but unfortunately it is not feasible. You will no doubt see them on in the game but, be warned... hehe ... it can be any one of the Mods on with them...
The fourth one is called
Osiris_Forum and is in effect our bank account for Forum. We can only access the account to confirm if gifts are received and prizes awarded. We cannot gift with this account. Only the Achat Gods can gift to the nominated player at our request.
This is one such game where we are utilising Osiris_Forum for the first time.
Sweep Stake Update :1 Lover. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
2 Stone. A$50 Stake confirmed as received
3 Jayc A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
4 Tangoracer. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
5 Bear. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
6 Mrsexlover. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
7. Stray. A$50 Stake confirmed as received.
Total Stake Pot - A$ 350 So come on you potential Sweepers, there is still an hour left for you to gift and sign up to this Sweep Stake