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: Vote for your Favourite Story ...  Voting Ends   31 OCT 2013
1. A Night at the Theatre   -15 (14%)
2. The Scent of the Gold Butterfly   -5 (4.7%)
3. Flames in the Desert   -18 (16.8%)
4. Strip Club Tease   -2 (1.9%)
5. A Journey to True Self   -21 (19.6%)
6. First Sex Experience in Movie Theatre   -16 (15%)
7. Hay Ride   -2 (1.9%)
8. Masquerade   -7 (6.5%)
9. Beach Party Passion   -8 (7.5%)
10. The Monaco Grand Prix   -10 (9.3%)
11. Seduction on the Stage. ( S.O.S.)   -3 (2.8%)
: 103

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : August 31, 2013, 05:48:04 PM »

 11.   Seduction on the Stage ( S.O.S )    PART   1       -     Cheya 

I feel the wind rushing across my face like an invisible wave crashing over me, I started holding my breath the moment I left, wondering what the day would bring to me but there is no way I could prepare for the scope of it all when I sleepy-eyed through the open window

It was in a small sleepy village where I had been residing for my holidays, just a week to clear my mind from the stressful daily life. My name is Valentina, independent novel writer from one of the larger cities.

 I nervously shifted my legs as I happened to let my gaze wander abstracted through the window again, unaccustomed to such calmness, usually I would have been awoken by a loud siren, or noise of the ever new building construction zones around but it was absolutely peaceful, just a few people were passing by down the street and something a little further in the distance caught my attention. God, there was no denying, I was totally and irrevocably bored.

I was unable to make out what was waving down there on the telephone mast so I decided to swiftly slide into my rosy patterned summer dress and take a little walk, it intrigued me and I had been spending enough time in the hotel cabin already so why not just have some fun, I thought to myself!

Making my way down and out to the street, a small summer breeze waving around me and letting my curly raven hair dance to the wind, it was just about to fall off as I quickly held onto the flyer … „ ONLY TONIGHT at 9 PM -  THE NEWEST INSTALLMENT OF RED RIDING HOOD, written and humorously interpreted by V.V. Free entrance.

I raised my eyebrow and questioned myself with a shrug,  “Guess it’s the only attraction around here and since I could very much need some diversion anyway, maybe I should give it a go“.
 It was for from evening but it didn’t seem to be that far away, I wanted to take a peek, since I was dressed already and more and more intrigued by the bill.

I grabbed my purse and it took me only mere minutes to reach the stage, it was open air festival, naturally considering the summer season, only the main stage itself was roofed and everyone was still in the middle of the build up, a small group of supposedly younger guys were standing around in the corner, chit chatting while I just spotted one man working, climbing upwards in the Framework that was at least 15 feet up in the air, fumbling and constructing the lightening for the show.

He was a very tall built guy, toned, a fairly short curled brown mane, a prominent chin and most of all bare chested working in the sun, broad shoulders and clearly remarkable abs that sent my mind reeling immediately, letting a little smile spread across my lips.
 “What are you thinking Valentina ?“ He's probably just another player and by God, I never took any interest in those, I was able to smell most of them a mile away already and I wasn’t the type of girl that threw herself into adventures anyway.

My mind was almost lost in another daydream when my ears picked up  a louder noise, the small group of workers standing aside got into a more heated discussion,   “The Ladder won’t reach up there anyway … god damn it, we never get the right equipment to work with anyway!“ another voice entering the debate made me jump awake again, deep low and yet so calm and captivating „We've gotta fix this issue with the barrels over there!“

Everyone else turned silent for a moment and then agreed, as I looked up, I realized it was the little Tarzan from the framework that swiftly made its way there. So it was his voice ? Curiosity might kill the cat but it clearly sent new sparks of my interest as he pushed them aside and bravely climbed up the barrels, yes you heard right there! Upping the barrels and making his way up and you could guess what happened! I was just about to stretch my arm out and warn them, that it wasn’t such a good idea as the cracking sound already filled the air …
The brave stagehand from before got a very hard landing there

„Eeeeeek … are you hurt ?“ I jumped up and swiftly ran over, the other workers around still standing kinda paralzyed
“No, just my pride ...“

His words seemed to be stuck in his throat right when he looked up at me, he blushed a little ashamed and slowly got back onto his feet again. Boy was he cute! Did I just break his self esteemed behaviour or was he perhaps really shy ? Now he was dangerously sweet and charming, immediately occupying my full attention but I wouldn’t want to make things too easy!

“Now come here you! You've gotta be nursed!“  I sounded way more confident than I actually was as we sat down together on the chairs to the stage and I pulled out some water, cooling pads and a few handkerchiefs!
“You carry a lot of things around there!“  he pointed grinning at my filled handbag but I pretended not to have noticed his hidden tease, replying  “you always gotta be prepared for everything“ and held my head high and you really shouldn’t mess with your nurse!“ elbowing him slightly as we both started to giggle a little.

There he was a bred shy tall build guy, toned, deep brown eyes to lose yourself in, a dark and present baritone voice, yet calming when he dared to let a word slide out of his lips, we stared long seconds into each others, trying my best not to start blushing.

“Soooo where does it hurt?“ i asked playfully!
“Nowhere, I'm all fine!“
“Monito, you just fell way down from the treetop“
He gave me a surprised look and raised an eyebrow  “ Monito ?“
“Yes it's spannish and means cute little ape! And now turn around and let me see what the quarrels with the barrels got you there!“
Hesitating for a moment before he shook his head in stubbornness, repeating  “I'm all fine, thanks“

By God was he cute! Instantly letting my cheeks flush, stumbling to find the right words “just say something smart, try to keep your cool while my heart heavily pounded against my ribcage.

„Fine“  I said.
„Fine, fine“  he mumbled.
Collecting my things together   “You've got a name Mr. Fine Fine?“
„Its Vince“
„Ohh nice to meet you Vince“ I replied casually, even though I was on heels he was a good 4 inch taller than me. I gave him a swift blink with an eye before I turned on my heels, elegantly sashaying away,  knowing  full well that I made quite an impression.
Making my way back home, the time seemed to pass by endlessly slow, i wanted to see him again, secretly hoping that he would still be there when I'll return, which I now clearly wanted.

My stomach growled loudly, but I knew there wasn’t anything great to eat in the cupboards of my cabin, it was time to do what i dreaded whole-heartedly, to get my butt out to the food store, just a swift walk and a few crossroads until i stood right before the only supermarket of this little sleepy nest, lost in my thoughts of the upcoming night i almost stumbled right into my stubborn roadie from before … „Look what we've got here!“ i say teasingly, meeting his shy appearance again, a slight blush, a swift look and „He...Hello“ „How are you doing „Barrel cracker“ ? Getting yourself something to cool down ? I asked with my arms pressed into my hips, my eyebrow raised and teasing smirk on my lips.

„I'm good thanks“ he responded calmly, trying to fiddle the vegetables and baguette into his shopping basket, not looking up to me while i walked closer and closer, gently pushing him against the refrigerated shelf, watching the goose bumps starting to appear on his skin and his priceless shocked gaze while i brushed the back of my hand lightly over his abs. Noticing a sudden hardness pushing against my hips widened my smile, i so got him wrapped around my finger i thought until i realized that it was being bullied by the Baguette that i squeezed in my little affection assault on him, letting my cheeks instantly flush in embarrassment. Just say something Valentina, dont you ever let him notice before i hastily changed the topic and trying to smile away my sudden nervousness.

„Come on, ask me out or i'm gonna make a scene here if you dont! you know a man groping a woman in a supermarket, they might kick you out or worse!“ i smirked teasingly,
„Coffee, i want coffee right now!“ I raised my voice a little, looking around and arguing „Hey, what are you trying to do with my shopping basket, give it back, someone help!“ His face turned completely crimson red and i took my chance smiling, swiftly tugging him by the hand and running out of the little supermarket under lots of confused gazes that were thrown after us, we ran a few meters down the street before we exhaustedly took a breather, laughing at each other.

„Umm, i kinda lied, i have no idea where the next coffee shop is around here“ i said with a an apologetic shrug, blushing slightly.
We both stared at each other in awkward silence before his expression changed „Oh, dont worry, i'll get us some, i strive to please!“ Vince answered with an almost innocently sweet smile, leading me to a small coffee shop around the corner.

Giving him a cheeky wink i replied „And i strive to tease!“ while i gave him a small little grin, trying my hardest, not to fall for him, he was just so dangerously charming and cute.
We both took our coffee to go and sipped on them as we marched further down the street.

„So will you come to the show tonight ?“
„Oh, planning another balance act on the barrels ?“ i smirked
He shook his head in discomfort „The play silly, there!“ hinting at another poster with his hands and giving me a passionate monolog about the interpretation and meaning. I smiled and followed his lips closely, marvelled at his sight and yet clearly impressed by the sheer fiery devotion he put into his essay.
„Is it any good ?“
„Of course it is, you've got to see it for yourself!“ he replied with almost pouting anger in his voice.
„Hmm, probably not, i've got a busy schedule for the day but thanks for the coffee“ i answered, getting on my toes and putting a little peck onto his cheek, waving him good bye.

He seemed to be a little disappointed at first but quickly regained his normal mood, probably not caring too much.
I definitely felt some sparks there but i didnt want to play it too easy once again, was i playing too hard to get i asked myself on my way back home ?
It took me almost two whole hours to finally decide onto my outfit for the night  but when i finally looked at myself in the mirror, i very much liked what i saw.

I was dressed to kill tonight I giggled to myself! Set up my best makeup and finest dress to impress him. ( The body of the dress looked almost like a  negligee. It was black but in the delicate folds, the effect of the material appeared grey and charcoal black. It was strapless and the delicate material had crinkly crystals of lace over the breasts and nipples holding them gently and secured the negligee from falling. It plunged into a sexy V at the cleavage, tantalizing and teasing of the promise of what lay beneath and ended about 3 inches above the belly button.

The dress was short and the length edge  waved and whispered at high thigh level just covering my blushes. The back plunged into a V straight down my spine and ending at the top of my buttocks. It showed off the slender perfection of my spine almost inviting for each vertebra to be kissed at the sight of the bared flesh.
Highlighting my finely shaped body, the one of the temptress I wanted to be tonight, shining with natural beauty, nearly no make up at all, my eyes a bright blue, were fringed with thick eyelashes and my lips were shiny and extremely kissable. That plus my classy black high heels should surely seal the deal for me i thought!

Just when i was about to surprise him from behind i saw that his arm was already wrapped around the neck of another girl which hit me like a flash, nervousness, embarassment and anger shooting through my veins … i just wanted to vanish, to run away right now … i heard some fainting voices behind me but didnt keep any attention to them, just putting myself to rest, curled up on a park bench a little aside from the event, hardly ever able to notice their sounds anymore.

What just happened ? Why did i run ? Why did i suddenly care so much about someone i hardly knew ? Did i play impossible to get again ? i sighed, letting my head sink into my arms.
„That was just my Sister Silly!“ my eyes popped and my sadness seemed to be swept away in just an instant as he leaned himself against my back whispering those words, his soft fingertips gently washing over my rosy cheeks. My resolve weakened as his big arms pressed the curled up me deep onto him, shly meeting his gaze, my big blue eyes still a little misty

He leaned forward, cheek to cheek from behind, whispering „ I knew you would come back!“
Those words rose my excitement, letting me smile again. A flutter of butterflies started to tingle through my stomach, he was suddenly quite bold and yet still very handsome, exhuding a sudden confidence that only enhanced his sexy masculinity. Like a completely different aura than in public. I hastily wiped my sweaty palms of my long silky legs, suppressing the flutter of nervousness that engulfed me.

If i pressed my butt into him, would i feel his hard- ?“ i wasnt able to finish my thoughts because he then gently turned me towards him, his hands rested on my hips, willing my body deeper into his. A hand ran up my arm, from elbow to shoulder, fingers tapping lightly along the way. His slightest touch had my body churning with need. The need to feel his hands all over my skin, sliding over my body, caressing. Stroking the burning ache deep inside. Awareness buzzed through my veins, my panties damp with my arousal.

„Would you like to get a little more private“ he asked while i eyed his strong and muscular arms „That wouldn't be smart of me, would it ? „What if you're like a creepy Ted Bundy trolling your next victim ?“
Vince looked genuinely amused when he laughed „True, but a lot of people here know me, they could vouch for my good character, well at least that i'm not a serial killer, i guess we have to stay here then“
Damn, as if i wasnt already feeling aroused by this guy, that searing look melted the panties right off me. „Oh and what would suggest?“ i asked curiously.

He turned silent for a moment before his eyes gleamed up and he whispered very softly into my ear.
„I'm going to make you purr for me tonight kitty“ hearing those words echoing in my head filled my yet with the excitement and adrenaline of my restless racing heart and yet a smirk ran over my rosy lips.

“If you can catch me that is!“ i answered in a very seductive and persuasive manner, brushing my fingernails gently over his shirt, he responded by leaning close to me, his arm brushing softly against my straining nipple. I gasped as the contract sent a jolt of arousal straight to my pussy, then i was blushing profusely. Oh God! I had thought he was making a move but he was just reaching for some cables behind me pinned at the wall. Disappointment and embarassment warred within me.
„Sorry, i was just checking the wiring!“ he smirked back at me.

I pretended not to have noticed his devious tease and swiftly catwalked towards the audience again, throwing him one last suggestive look, crooking a finger at him to come after me, sweetly and encouraging him before disappeared in the crowd. Yes i was very stubborn but i said to myself with a confident smile, if he really wants me, he'll come and find me. I made my way further through the people, walking my way through, feeling someone trying to grab my butt „See you're not the only hottie here!“ i sighed to myself, disappointed that i didnt see him just yet, pushing my way through to the other side. Endless minutes seemed to pass while i shifted my legs uncomfortably against each other, the doubt was rising with every passing moment, letting a long drawn out sigh part my lips.

« : March 30, 2014, 09:15:01 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : August 31, 2013, 05:53:23 PM »

 11.   Seduction on the Stage ( S.O.S )    PART   2       -      Cheya   

Suddenly an arm slips around my shoulder, suprising me, i felt a hot breath behind me just moments later „I knew you would still be around here“
„What took you so long Vince ?“ i practially purred.
„Oh well, i dont hunt, it'd be vulgar, i merely dance and enjoy to take my time“ he chuckled.

In a quick and effortless manner he slipped a hand on the nape of my neck and traced his soft lips along my shoulder free silky skin and upwards to my neck, kissing and nibbling very lightly and yet enough to let my excitement swell in an instant as he moves further and further along my jaw line.

I could feel his warmth, his presence, his entire masculine body on my back, clouding my senses as he continued his trail along my wonderland! I was just so incredibly tempted to jump all over him but we were standing right in the middle of the crowd, it was getting dark already, a wonderful starlit night, torches and candles were put all over the place, the stage headlights slightly dimmed to create a more romantic and intimate atmosphere. It was a blissful moment in which i closed my eyes, hearing all the people around me and feeling how my stagehands exploring hands moved further and further down, invading my dress, letting his fingertips run down the smooth and silky skin, admiring my slender curves...
I leaned my head back, meeting his fiery gaze and put a soft kiss on his cheeks. „Mmmm … not here! I whispered almost being brought to the point where i'd have given in to his temptations.

„Oh, my kitty is afraid of spectators?“ he teased and slid his fingers over my tummy, gently caressing with one hand, the other reaching along my lower belly and around my inner thighs, a joyful prickling spreading over my nether regions, desperately hoping he wouldnt notice my state of arousal through the already seeping black lingerie.

Fine, he wanted to play, i'd be all up and let my small hands run behind my buttocks, starting over to massage his thighs while i began to rub my back into his groin, almost instantly noticing the rising bulge with a small smile.
„I like what i feel there, is it another Baguette ?“ i smirked and started to shove my delicate fingers in between his jeans, drawing closer and closer to his erection with every single move

His breath on my neck got labored and his strong hands started to teasingly pull on the edge of my string, just pushing it slightly down my ass cheeks, increasing my want even more, igniting all my senses, i could feel the gentle breeze of this warm summer night swooshing over me and causing shivery goose bumps to appear all over me and had to bite down on my bottom lip, trying to stifle in my moans, not wanting to give myself away in front of the crowd, all those people that stood around us, breathing, watching, laughing, i wasnt sure if anyone noticed but yet it excited me immensely, the quickening breath of excitement, the pulse of the racing hearts, was it just mine or his as well ?

My fingertips wandered down along his length, gently letting them tip along the smooth taut skin of his member, watering my mouth and flushing my senses, slowly pulling on the zipper with one hand while the other still massages along his hardness, my palm softly circling over his pulsating blood vessels while i freed his length out of his jeans, only leaving his pants left between us.

„Now now, aren't we a little too curious kitty?“ he softly whispered while kissing his way around my earlobe and down to my shoulder blade.
Turning my head a little to the side i replied „Curiosity is one of the forms of feminine bravery!“
„Oh even a literal? You're growing on me by the minute, soon i have to do something about it!“
„I can feel your growing something already and its definitely not a baguette this time!“
Both of us giggled before i rocked my hips with a little more urgency into his groin, circling and rubbing, increasing the friction while both of my hands held onto his staff, massaging and kneading softly up and downwards and my thumbs rising up to his head.

„Not so fast curious kitty!“ he growled lowly into my ear and his kisses started to turn into little bites, his questing fingers finally reaching my wetness, tapping, teasing and circling his long fingers around my quivering mound.
He then turned for a moment to grab something from behind, we were standing relatively close to the wall, i heard a little noise and was just about to turn!

„Dont look!“ he growled again and grabbed an apple from a food platter standing on the side, sliding it right over my back and up my neck, along my cheeks and finally over my alluring lips.
„Bite it“ he growled demandingly close to my ear, i pouted for a moment in hesitation and confusion. „I'll promise, it will satisfy you“ a devilish grin ran across his lips.
I frowned „It better does!“

The very moment i bit into the apple his movement changed and he grabbed both of my ankles in a vice grip behind my back while he roughly ripped the triangle of my little string apart.
„Hey, thats mine!“ i barked.
„Now its my little souvenir!“
He whispered close to my ear and his fingers started to rub against my swollen entrance, ever so slightly parting them and letting one finger bit by bit enter while his steely manhood continued to rub against my lips from beneath in between my firm thighs.

„You are quite wet!“ he added provokingly as i felt the friction flushing my body and adding to my urging desires, yet absolutely excited but extremely presumptuous of him to play with me like that. I tensed up my endlessly long legs and squeezed his shaft tight in between my embrace, increasing the pressure, not wanting to give him satisfaction to his terms so easily, our actions became more feverish with every move … until suddenly another voice appeared close to us

„So what do you think about the play ?“ What ? They were still playing ? For this short moment i had completely forgotten all my surroundings and was solely focused on the marvellous man on my back.
„Oh it's quite a show!“ Vincent replied with a slight blush, awakening me from my little daydream.
„It's Amazing!“ i sighed with a wide smile! 

„Now that was close! Maybe i should show you my very own stage!“ he whispered teasingly back at me.
„Oh ? Is it worth a look ? i grinned back at him.
„Dont worry, you'll be satisfied! he answered mischievously, chuckling and swiftly pulled my hands, dragging me through the crowd to the backstage area while the play still proceeded.

He wasted no time as we finally reached the area behind the show, quickly turned his head left and right to check before he turned towards me again, i was meeting his casual yet piercing gaze, as he closed the distance between us in a mere second, letting my pulse quicken in excitement.
His rough hands were effortlessly pressing me against the coldness of the masonry before he abused one of the many ropes put in store there to tie my ankles up again, raising my excitement immensely, knowing that someone could approach us any second!

My eyes light up in surprise, holding contact with the fiery and desire full ones of him, his fingertips gently sliding in between my bosoms down over my navel, the back of his hand brushing left and to the right, circling and marching towards my inner thighs, making me gasp in lust and utmost desire, pulling my dress with both hands slowly upwards until my eyes were covered, making me a prisoner of my own dress before his stubbled face traced down over my chest again, gently rubbing and scratching on my now revealed bare naked top, the slender curves and symmetrical rounded breasts free at his gaze.

Drinking at the sight of my naked body splayed out before him. Ohh he clearly didnt need an RSVP Invitation for those as he started to twist my already stiffening nipples in between his fingers, gently rubbing them back and forth while more and more kisses rained down on my body, feasting himself on my petite and enticing body with hunger, cupping my full breasts in between his warm and strong hands, his teeth grazing against a taut nipple before he captured my rose-tipped breasts in his mouth while he teased my sensitive nipple with his tongue and his hands slid over my soft curves.

My arousal reaching higher and higher levels while i struggled against the restrains, making me gasp more and more when he started to part my lips again and pressed his finger into my center, just to slid it back out right away. Continuing his merciless teasing of my clit, pushing back again into me, searching for my sweet spot. The heavenly sensations sent my mind reeling and my head thrashing against my dress as he keeps on stroking my magical spot. I rose my hips to meet his every thrust, writhing in utmost joy, spasming around his fingers and pushing me straight into my impending climax.

He then felt the urgent desire to taste me and hungrily traced his mouth down to my moud, lavishly swirling his tongue over my wetness, slurping, sipping, drinking my essence with utmost relish.

„Oh i'm so going to pay you back!“ i moaned up!
„Shhhh dont fight it!“ he whispered gently into my ear and lifted the negligee just enough to free my lips and put a longing and with burning desire filled sizzling kiss onto my pouting lips.

He broke the kiss for a moment and left me panting, hearing the sound of dropping clothes with a much appreciating smile before he pushed his entire weight against me, his erection angrily rubbing against my lower belly, pulsating and aching, the air filled with the scent of sex, arousal, the audience and actor on the stage behind us.
He leaned in very closely until i could feel Vince speak directly into my ear

„I want you Valentina“ my throat turned dry and my body boiled with lust and need, those words alone nearly made me shatter.
„Mmmm, i want you too, i want you inside of me!“

Lost in sensations, i felt how he devoured me completely, his rigid length gently pushing inside my nether regions made me let out a small cry while he hungrily feasted himself on my still rockhard nipples, making me arch my back even further in such exquisite delight.
He sank into my warmth, silky recesses over and over again, thrusting into me with ardour and passion, with fire and need.

„Almost there. Vince, take me harder.“
„Vince, i'm gonna, ahh, I'm ...“
With loud cries i spilled over the edge and began to convulse around his shaft, shaking and panting in heavenly sensations just in sync with his explosion inside of me, letting the both of us join a moment of pure bliss. God, that was amazing!

When his pole stopped spurting, he collapsed right onto me, capturing me in a rain of passionate kisses before he untied me and we sank to the ground and he finally pulled the negligee over my head, sweeping a piece of sweaty hair off my cheek.

The play finally reached its end and the thunderous applause from the audience kicked in right after we reached the peak of pleasure from our own little one. How very fitting i thought to myself in utmost joy, cuddling a little closer.

„Can you hear them ? They're cheering for your performance!“ i giggled, gently nuzzling into his shoulder.
„But of course, they do! I wrote the play after all, not just ours!“ he smiled mischievously with grinning teeth
My eyes popped open in surprise before i was finally able to reply „Oh my, you get your hands on everything dont you?“
I might, but you are my favorite attraction here by far!
„Of course!“ i laughed and wrapped my arm tightly around his neck, pulling him in close to me, staring deep into his eyes in silence.

You hear that ? sounds like the audience wants an encore!
Not just the audience! He winked playfully.


« : March 30, 2014, 09:15:41 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #17 : October 31, 2013, 05:34:54 PM »

Poster design  compliments of mrsexlover --- Thank you from the bottom of my heart -  Brandybee.  Erotic Story Contest Manager.   :-* :-* :-*

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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