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: From Slut to Slave  ( 6223 )
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Jokers putita

« : November 06, 2013, 04:16:12 PM »

NAME: Girito  (Sophie)
SEX: Female
AGE: 19
DESCRIPTION: Little Slut needs of guidance (SM role play and all my master desires in order to become a good slave)
AVAILABLE TIMES/DAYS (indicate time zone please): Most nights between 21:00 - 24:00 Central Time USA
A strong willing master
I'm a submissive slut who was born to serve. my slutty cunt is always wet, and i constantly crave cum.
I don't have a master yet, though every day my body aches for one... yes, i'm looking.
feel free to message this little slut ...I'm here to serve ;)

I´d like:
-To be collared, of course
-Give good night blowjobs to my master
-Be shared for my master to his guests (its always a hughe responsability to please a masters guests when he presume his training on slaves)
-My master's hard cock and training
-Positions of your desire (I dont have much poses yet)

I would no like:
-Sissy boys pretending to be a master (one night masters and such)
-Lack of SM and roughness
-Undecided minded masters

-Will do every action in the game with everyone my master tell me to.

Please dont let this little slut "loose in the wild" full of sissy boys who want her for their nonsense BF/GF shit.

Waiting for your rough caning in my ass, wishfully yours (?)

Hero Member
: 3007

« #1 : November 07, 2013, 03:35:47 AM »

Take care. Try and find friends on here first before throwing yourself to one and all.
I was 19 when I joined Achat and very naive. I played the game first before I discovered the forum.
I was fortunate to find good people on here who gave me much good advice.
I did form very real relationships with several people on here and I carry the scars with me.
Please do not be afraid to ask for advice.
Check out the forum, there are topics and postings that you will find instructive. For instance Janine's Dungeon may be a very good place to start.

Good luck and as I said above, don't be afraid to ask. We are a friendly bunch and will try our best to guide you to where you want to go.



I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 5

Jokers putita

« #2 : November 07, 2013, 04:33:41 AM »

Thanks a lot for the advice, and sadly I already find what you mean, and have to block abusive users who wants me to be their REAL webcam whore and workship them while in meantime they planned to record all, or at least they said do, and ask a picture of me naked every few minutes.

I will find friends first and a master after, THXS A LOT FOR YOUR TIPS. Still looking.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #3 : November 07, 2013, 04:57:28 AM »

Hello Girito, amnd welcome in ACHat forum!

I'm sorry you had immidiately bump into the worst part of AChat users, really! aaaanyway......sooo, you are looking for Master!? good to know and i know a place here you will emnjoy....The Ice House! http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1841.0.html

lus, why don't you give a try and join the Story Contest!? http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php /topic,2708.15.html it's open for everyone, so feel free to join!

ok, now.....there is more to see here but i let you find it all by your self! enjoy the place!  ;)

Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : November 07, 2013, 05:06:22 AM »

Hello Girito,
as blue said, be careful. Make sure you don't give private details and never do anything you don't like or feel comfortable.

: 5

Jokers putita

« #5 : November 11, 2013, 01:21:17 PM »

Hello all, Im just want to let you now that Im find my master and get collared as

Master Tangoracer little  slave!!!   :D

Im sooooo happy to have a real master now  ;)

I was nervous about can do my master pleased, but everything goes amazing, and he was pleased for my body.  :o

I hope i can fulfill my masters desires.  :-[

Thanks to all for the help and advice.

Kisses  ::)

« : November 11, 2013, 03:34:39 PM Girito »
Hero Member
: 3444

« #6 : November 11, 2013, 02:30:15 PM »

Girito  You are my Little One   

I only have one Pet and that's My sweet Pet HB 

Hero Member
: 3771

« #7 : November 12, 2013, 05:52:48 AM »

Welcome, Girito!
Glad that you already found a Master. I'm sure that you're in good hands!
Have fun and take care!  :)

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
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