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: Bitchs Corner  ( 198137 )
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« #255 : August 03, 2016, 11:51:52 PM »



« #256 : August 04, 2016, 07:06:40 AM »

To all the contestants in the Women Achat Beauty Contest

I have be looking into the public vote and due to the inconsistency of some of the voting, I have decided that the public vote will now be a public judge vote



The public Judges

number 3 - 30   (12.90%)
number 18 - 30   (12.90%)
number 11 - 28   (12.00%)
number 8 -  21   (9.00%)
number 5 -  20   (8.60%)
number 14 - 20   (8.60%)
number 21 -15   (6.40%)
number 6 -  10   (4.30%)
number 4 -  8   (3.40%)
number 15 - 8   (3.40%)
number 17 - 8   (3.40%)
number 7 -  7   (3.00%)
number 20 - 7   (3.00%)
number 19 - 6   (2.50%)
number 10 - 5   (2.10%)
number 16 -  3   (1.30%)
number 1 - 0   
number 2 - 0   
number 9 - 0   
number 12 -  0   
number 13 -  0   

(4 Judges that looks like 58 Votes /  Judge that is equals to 232 Votes.)

Total votes - 232

The contest Judges:

number 4 -   27   22.50%
number 1 -   18   15%
number 11 - 13   10.80%
number 15 - 11   9.20%
number 3 -      9   7.50%
number 9 -   6    5%
number 7 -   5   4.20%
number 8 -   4   3.30%
number 6 -   3   2.50%
number 10 - 3   2.50%
number 14 - 3   2.50%
number 18 - 3   2.50%
number 20 - 3   2.50%
number 21 - 2   1.70%
number 5 -   2   1.70%
number 16 -  2   1.70%
number 17 -  2   1.70%
number 19 - 2   1.70%
number 2 -  1   0.80%
number 13 - 1   0.80%
number 12 - 0   0%

Please tell me which panel of judges are  inconsistency?
The Only inconsistency I see is that your judges Fav Nr 1 and 4 are not doing so good on your Public Judges their!

« #257 : August 04, 2016, 07:36:37 AM »

??? I have kept out of this "charade" long enough, hoping that it would settle and disappear.

But, disappointingly it seems their are THOSE that are bound to perpetuate trouble.

For "THOSE" let me tell you a secret ........

     - You, did NOT have to enter this event, no one forced YOU
     - You, did NOT have to PAY 1 A$ to enter this event
           -  Lydia and friends FUNDED for ALL
     - You did NOT have to spend hours of your own PERSONAL time putting this event together
           - Lydia took it upon herself to put all the rules, guidelines & voting together for us ALL
     - All you had to do was ENTER and have FUN

All you Cheaters, Haters and Troublemakers have done is ruined this for ALL.
You have MISSED the entire point of holding this contest. This was supposed to be about having fun, meeting new people, being silly and having a few laughs after what might have been a really hard day in RL for some. And through nothing short of "subterfuge" and it's toxic aftermath have subjected Lydia and Cassiaana,the TWO people that have INVESTED the MOST into this event, Grief, Hardship and hurt feelings.

It is a shame, No "Good" deed seems to go UNPUNISHED these days, what has happened to our world? 
Well, KARMA will be looking for "THOSE" and she can be a real BITCH.  :'(
« : August 04, 2016, 09:21:15 PM Kaitlyn1989 »
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #258 : August 04, 2016, 09:27:32 AM »

Dear  Cat_thangs:

Before start with new posts...

Show the picture  of my message to your profile.

Iam waiting!!!! You posted  I sended the message! Show me! Show to everybody here!
Show to people you not is a liar.
You cannot show? Yes, because I never sended nothing for you, right?
Iam waiting hihihi

Just one hater more!
Kisses All.

« : August 04, 2016, 11:20:55 AM cassianna »

Full Member
: 180

« #259 : August 04, 2016, 09:46:42 AM »

hello dear friends. There's people who love having fun and there's people who like to sow rage, hate and hostility against others and Cat_thangs is such a person. She/he needs hate, hostility in its life. all you do go to game and see her/his profile and all will come clear at once. Cat_thangs is in forum under other name.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #260 : August 04, 2016, 01:17:26 PM »

To all the contestants in the Women Achat Beauty Contest

I have be looking into the public vote and due to the inconsistency of some of the voting, I have decided that the public vote will now be a public judge vote



The public Judges

number 3 - 30   (12.90%)
number 18 - 30   (12.90%)
number 11 - 28   (12.00%)
number 8 -  21   (9.00%)
number 5 -  20   (8.60%)
number 14 - 20   (8.60%)
number 21 -15   (6.40%)
number 6 -  10   (4.30%)
number 4 -  8   (3.40%)
number 15 - 8   (3.40%)
number 17 - 8   (3.40%)
number 7 -  7   (3.00%)
number 20 - 7   (3.00%)
number 19 - 6   (2.50%)
number 10 - 5   (2.10%)
number 16 -  3   (1.30%)
number 1 - 0   
number 2 - 0   
number 9 - 0   
number 12 -  0   
number 13 -  0   

(4 Judges that looks like 58 Votes /  Judge that is equals to 232 Votes.)

Total votes - 232

The contest Judges:

number 4 -   27   22.50%
number 1 -   18   15%
number 11 - 13   10.80%
number 15 - 11   9.20%
number 3 -      9   7.50%
number 9 -   6    5%
number 7 -   5   4.20%
number 8 -   4   3.30%
number 6 -   3   2.50%
number 10 - 3   2.50%
number 14 - 3   2.50%
number 18 - 3   2.50%
number 20 - 3   2.50%
number 21 - 2   1.70%
number 5 -   2   1.70%
number 16 -  2   1.70%
number 17 -  2   1.70%
number 19 - 2   1.70%
number 2 -  1   0.80%
number 13 - 1   0.80%
number 12 - 0   0%

Please tell me which panel of judges are  inconsistency?
The Only inconsistency I see is that your judges Fav Nr 1 and 4 are not doing so good on your Public Judges their!


  The above figures are totally wrong as are the assumptions made. The author of the post does not know, nor is party to the judging process of this contest, nor how it works or who is involved.  Therefore it would be difficult to reach a conclusion and is just total supposition on her part.

There were some inconsistencies in the public voting, unfortunately with so much A$ on offer it brings out the worst in some people. 
It was not one person,  several of the contestants have approached  people to vote for them.
All the contestants were advised about this behaviour and the matter dealt with. A strong warning spelled out that any further violations will result in disqualification.

In addition to this, in the interest of fairness, the Contest Manager - Lydiarose - has made the public vote into a Public Judge.  This is a good sound decision and in effect , keeps the fun of the vote  but ensures it is only a part of the total judging process.

Independent Judges have also been specially chosen to ensure fairness and that  all the outfits are judged rather than a popularity contest. There are more than 4 judges because of this unforeseen circumstance & were not picked by the Contest Manager. They were actually selected by The Moderators.

The Contest Manager has worked hard to make this contest a success, she has secured sponsorship, marketed the contest to secure contestants and worked hard to ensure that it is the success it is.   
And it is a success.  The number of contestants taking part, the efforts everyone has made to take part,  the professional posters & the sponsorship that is secured has already made it one of the best contests to date.

The Contest Manager - Lydiarose is to be commended for all she has done. She has acted fairly in her assessments of situations and tried to deal with this unexpected and quite frankly disappointing turn of events.
However the public vote is only a small part of the process, and those manipulating that and bringing it into question should be ashamed of themselves & thankfully they cannot manipulate the Independent Judges. 

Lydiarose has tried everything in her power to ensure the certain few, over eager to secure votes don't effect the fairness of the contest overall and spoil it for the majority.
After due consideration, she has changed the judging process for the better with the full support of the Moderators.

Lydiarose has already published the decisions of  6 Judges and therefore shows the 4 judges initially asked have been added to.
All the Judges decisions will be published in due course.

Well done Lydia. You should be proud of your achievements and the handling of the unexpected turn of events.

Enough  of the bitching and back biting now. Lets get on with the Beauty contest in hand  and enjoy the fun of taking part.

Good Luck to all.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #261 : August 04, 2016, 06:42:46 PM »

What a loser, this clown is....  Hugs Lydia..
Hero Member
: 10350

« #262 : August 04, 2016, 06:57:09 PM »

Lydia and her friends are doing an amazing job. Spending much time to do it. For free. For fun! More I don't wanna say, it's not worth it. Let's just enjoy a great and funny contest

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #263 : August 05, 2016, 02:28:35 AM »

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #264 : August 05, 2016, 03:22:48 AM »

Let me just ADD........

then I hope its the Last off it!!!!

A girl that want to cheats goes throw all this..............

To make the Contest work.......

Priceless !!!!

Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #265 : August 05, 2016, 04:13:14 AM »

Great job LydiaRose  & all your helpers.

I still think I should have been allowed to enter -  I would have STORMED it  :P

Giza kiss ....

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #266 : August 06, 2016, 06:18:04 AM »

Hi all
I would like to say a big thank you to Vaughan (you would have stormed it) and to Honeybatchy, Lover, Anatasia97, Brandybee, and  Kaitlyn and as you can see she  the go get them one of the group,  for the kind words, I myself never answer people like Cat on my topic but I did send her a few pm. The reason for not answering on here my post would be full of the F word and a few others and when I send pm I always think about what to say.

hugs Lydiarose

ps I did ask her to be a judge but I see now that she is a Guest on here   
« : August 06, 2016, 06:28:52 AM Lydiarose »

Hero Member
: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #267 : August 09, 2016, 12:09:30 AM »

Thanks Lydia

Well we couldn't have done it without you!

Good luck with your Contest!!!

Hope all the bad mouth people are out off our hairs now:):):)



« #268 : August 09, 2016, 01:21:42 AM »

Hate to say it but, this contest is taking way to long, and all the fun has been sucked from it
Hero Member
: 2808

Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...

« #269 : August 12, 2016, 11:39:46 AM »

Just means I can just stare lustily at all the sexy bodies longer.

Cassiana should make all the contestants into calendar girls.  I'd buy one for my boathouse :p

Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
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