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: Oli's lane  ( 47753 )

« #75 : September 12, 2016, 01:42:54 PM »

I have not heard from you my mysterious friend,
and I believe I may know why now, did I offend?

I fear I must have, although maybe not you
but innocently, unintentionally someone close to you

A note I wrote along with my cancellation
I assured her, it was not personal, just a location

But alas I learn a lesson here too, regardless of my intentions
I am not in control of how they are construed or  impressions.

Please forgive me, if this is all true
Let me make right, what is wrong, for you

I am sorry Oli
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #76 : September 12, 2016, 06:46:58 PM »

I have not heard from you my mysterious friend,
and I believe I may know why now, did I offend?

I fear I must have, although maybe not you
but innocently, unintentionally someone close to you

A note I wrote along with my cancellation
I assured her, it was not personal, just a location

But alas I learn a lesson here too, regardless of my intentions
I am not in control of how they are construed or  impressions.

Please forgive me, if this is all true
Let me make right, what is wrong, for you

I am sorry Oli

OMG Kaitlyn,nothing is wrong. I was only a bit unable to do anything....

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #77 : September 12, 2016, 06:59:32 PM »

This ones are only for you Kaitlyn. A little gift for my mysterious follower.. *kisses*




 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #78 : September 16, 2016, 02:05:33 PM »

WOW, All for ME?    Oh, so HAPPY to see.

But what's really more important, and now I feel better
I did NOT offend or hurt you, as I thought I did in my letter

Your special treat for ME, is all I needed to see
to set me on my way with Andrea as company

I tend to like to share, it's more fun that way you see
I would invite you along, maybe, but  you always hide from me

Sometimes all we need is a change in "Perspective" to see the light that is always there

And when searching for your dream,
remember where it comes from,
deep inside you, no two the same

Be true to yourself, be true to others too
and a stairway to heaven can be your view

Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #79 : October 05, 2016, 12:49:12 AM »

Kaitlyn... One more for you


 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #80 : October 05, 2016, 12:52:37 AM »




 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #81 : October 05, 2016, 07:52:28 AM »

Hi OLI, *HUGS* I have missed your posts
I have wondered where you have been

I hope all is well in ALL your WORLDS
I hope YOU are as  happy as I AM.

I always enjoy your imagery
especially that "middle" one  :)

I leave a little POEM for anyone in need
a confession , an apology, a heart set freed


Our lives are full of little bumps, they happen unexpectedly
reminding us of what is important, demanding our attention selfishly

Our lives are full of twists and turns, decisions at every one
although we want to do what’s right, sometime we choose to run

Sometimes a decision comes back to haunt us, wishing we had done better
refusing to leave our mind until we share our thoughts, a confession in a letter 
An admission of regret, a desire to be better, to learn from these mistakes
to find the courage in the future to stand up for OUR beliefs, whatever it takes

Forgiveness starts from within, for none of US are perfect
share your thoughts, clear your conscious, show your respect
Then let it go and continue you on your journey once again
remembering every moment only touches us once and never again.

With each decision we make, we choose how we see our world
Will we see it DARK and SCARY? Or will we see our DREAM unfurled?
That decision, is up to each of us, a choice we have to make
I choose to follow my dreams, explore myself, in sleep or while awake
« : October 05, 2016, 07:59:29 AM Kaitlyn1989 »
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #82 : October 25, 2016, 02:02:53 AM »

                                       Forgotten & Faded






Thats what happens to once funny places
« : October 25, 2016, 02:41:10 AM icebox »

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #83 : October 26, 2016, 07:38:08 AM »

Hi Oli *hugs* So nice to see you post again, to hear from you too.

I must confess, these are not my most favorite images from you, but I understand your message, the implied meaning.

YES, ALL things,  we are presently aware, are subject to the universal law of ENTROPY.

Ahhh, BUT there is a "thing" so precious, so unique,  capable of defying this omnipotent law.

This "thing" is not subject to this law, for it is free from the limitations of "MATTERr"

This "THiNG" ...... is our SPiRiT, our SOUL

Coincidently, so are we in this world of fantasy.
Free from the limitations of reality, infinite possibilities only bound by your spirit.

OLI, I wish YOU happiness in ALL your worlds where ever they may be.
And I continue to hope our paths meander and cross occasionally allowing us to share for a brief moment in time.

*giggles* ..... "PUN" intended .....
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #84 : November 17, 2016, 09:31:20 AM »

                            Often the live decide for us which road we use...





 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #85 : November 19, 2016, 01:22:43 PM »






« : December 19, 2016, 11:57:09 AM icebox »

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #86 : November 19, 2016, 02:30:14 PM »

Welcome back Oli, *hugs* 

I like these images much better; the majestic colors of Autumn and I am a sucker for LOVE, for HAPPY endings.

Yes, it is true LIFE places significant pressures on each of us. Sometimes with hard decisions that test our convictions and our resolve. Sometimes with easy ones that are painless and "no brainers", and most often times Life presents us with what seems like a confusing array of options. Yet, they are all them same ..... each is a decision, each has consequences, no excuses. Once a child, no longer. I am now responsible for my ME. I am responsible for my actions., for my words.

As tough as LIFE can be the weight of it's gravity crushing at times, it is always easier with others, with love. I am a afraid by myself, yet I am fearless for my family, my friends. It is my LOVE for THEM, someone other than me that makes this possible, turns a coward into a heroine.

I prefer to walk with others, I am but a mere mortal and need all the help I can get.

As always, thank you for sharing. I enjoy when our meandering paths cross.
I wish you well in all your worlds.


Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #87 : December 19, 2016, 12:01:54 PM »

           I wish all Merry Christmas...... yes ALL  ;)





 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
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: 671

If all other fails...turn to Achat :)

« #88 : December 20, 2016, 01:32:35 AM »

Really...............Even me?

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: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #89 : December 20, 2016, 04:09:40 AM »

Merry Christmas IceBox  :)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
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