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: I want To Fill Money in Game but I don't have credit card>>  ( 4719 )
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I'm in Thailand...
I love this game...
I want to buy something in shop...
But I don't have credit card!!
How can I fill my money in game??
: 16

I'm in Thailand...
I love this game...
I want to buy something in shop...
Ask someone to make a gift to you.

But I don't have credit card!!
Maybe it's time to get one?

How can I fill my money in game??
Try to use e-currency Webmoney Transfer. You can register for free at http://www.wmtransfer.com (http://www.wmtransfer.com). Then go to http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/addfunds/banking.shtml (http://www.wmtransfer.com/eng/addfunds/banking.shtml) and read instruction how to fill up your e-purse with the money. I think it possible to you make a bank wire transfer.
« : April 06, 2010, 12:02:05 AM marvell2003 »
Hero Member
: 10350

Hi TTgirl,

in the support you will find this link: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,344.0.html (http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,344.0.html)
Maybe this helps you?

Welcome, Lover

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