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: We Need a revolution here, HO HEY . Just positive ♥♥♥  ( 7789 )
Hero Member
: 503

« : January 12, 2017, 06:42:42 PM »

Hi Folks,

Within the last 15 days I came back to the A-chat world. In the period when I was away, I often remembered the wonderful moments I've spent here with beautiful great people who motivated me for various things, here as well as in my real life too - and that is totally, irrevocably true. It was amazing to me, knowing that such a virtual (Achat) world could have such a powerful effect on person, at least on me. And if that's not a good reason to be back I don't know what it is.

I feel a deep gratitude (speaking from the heart) to the entire A-chat community, developers of the game, as well as all the wonderful people here who keep this place alive. (especially moderators of this forum as well as long-time members, and my dear dear friends)
I'll never find enough words or ways (at least in English lol) to express gratitude to all people for what I've got here. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Anyway, I see that many things have changed here and in the game too. Which is normal and expected. Some of these changes are good some are less good, if I may say so. The game has improved a lot but I'm surprised with some changes on the forum. I see many new members, some I've met already, other I known only by their topics here. I'm thrilled with individual creativity some of them and their mutual interaction - that was really nice to see.

But I'm very surprised that there is no many interaction - expression of feelings and views between all of us together. Good, healthy exchange of opinions, teasings and all of that. Especially when it comes to emotions and spontaneous expression without any constraints or fear of how others will see us here if we say this or that etc.. Real - true, common interaction (reactions) here I can see now only when it comes to conflicts. Then, many or all forum members came to take a part in the discussion , ( although it's probably not pleasant for some), for me it was wonderful to see this joint action, with plenty comments and all other kinds of different emotions. These reactions , interest of the members we need in other positive and good interesting topics to keep this place alive and entertaining. Such common reactions were one of the best characteristic of this place, now I can see only a fraction of that.

-  My question is why would only conflict gave rise to such an interest and a large number of participants?
 I know it is common among people conflicts attract more attention, but as I said it wasn't so usual for this place before.

-  Why there is no such a interest in other topics, I mean any other issues here? Or at least more interest ?
You might say, but we don't have a lot of interesting creative topics, or maybe none of the members don't want or can't participate more, or members aren't interested enough in the way they should be, or we got tired of looking for the same things from dev-team constantly,or we've just lost interest for everything for many other reasons, we don't have enough time because we are busy in rl ... etc.

-  I'll ask why is this so? Why are we here then?
 We can have fun in the game on the way we want, why should we waste time on forum, whats the point of the forum if we don't participate,talk and share thoughts and feelings together.

At the end, Hell Yess, Why Not Conflicts, better conflicts and wars if it means more life and interactions on this place - Just kidding.  ;D(I truly hope moderators will not  lynch me because of this - Love you guys, please be merciful  ::) ) ♥♥♥  Conflicts, as we all know, can be very constructive, with respect for others  and their opinions. So, be assertive in such situations. Personally. I practice that skill all my life.

It is sad to see that some topics ceased before they had a chance to live. I don't know why, maybe due to a lack of interest or lack of concern of all of us here. Or we're just used to the withdrawal, or too afraid to expose anything that could might happen to us here. If this is not the right place - the place for the expression of real personal emotions and attitudes - I don't know then witch place would be better than this world. 
"Witch place" is just typo error ...    

I want to apologize in advance because of anything that I said above - what may be offensive to someone. This would be the last thing I'd like. I'm sort of philanthropists by my own choice, I respect differences and opinions others - always and at any cost. Even when it comes to the haters lol. Also I hope I've managed to express my impressions . English is not my native language. Sometimes my knowledge of English in these things holding me back but I'm doing my best.

I wont mind if this topic dies as well as many others - I'll find my way. For me personally posting anything here without my personal expression, comments, even short comments. does not make much sense and even less fun in such a interaction. This is just my opinion and my impression

Please feel free to say whatever you want, I can handle it. Anything is better than the silence here.

PS From all this I have exclude the threads that are still active, they are great contribution to this place - such as Erotic Story Contest .. Thanks BB and all of you guys.

« : January 15, 2017, 10:54:08 AM jeanona31 »

: 41

« #1 : January 12, 2017, 08:29:40 PM »

Jeanona, hello.  Thanks for returning to the game.  It is nice to have you here.

I disagree with advocacy of additional drama here in the game and in the forum.  This is for fun only.

Okay, certainly some people are amused by deep, intense drama.  I feel, however, that this being a 3d-sex-animation community makes a difference.   I'd prefer not to invite debate and controversy.  I encourage, rather, just relax and have fun.

Your English is just fine.   I commend you.  I appreciate your post  (especially "witch place").


Hero Member
: 503

« #2 : January 12, 2017, 08:49:27 PM »

Hi Gigi,

Thank you for your comment , I appreciate it. The name of the topic is just for fun and of course to improve the forum and the game too - meaning more entertainment and enjoyment in the game and on the forum too. It's not imagined as an invitation to drama or conflicts . The part where I mentioned conflicts is in fact only an attempt to compare how different involvement of members when it comes to conflicts over other treads here. That's all. Me neither, same as you, don't like drama or conflicts to much.

Main point is that there has been much more activities and fun for all than now  - that's all.

"Witch place" did i say that haha.. ;D  sorry .

Hug. :)

« : January 13, 2017, 12:23:22 AM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #3 : January 13, 2017, 10:15:57 AM »

Hello Jeanona :)

You remember the old forum lol. Yes, it's still the same forum, but we got new members. Which is natural for a forum like this. People come, people go...well, some old are connected to this place, they only leave when they are dead lol (Looking at myself).

You can't force anyone to join a discussion, a story thread or any event. One reason will be language barrier, another reason are personal interests, another is what I call app-like life. Everything has to be quick and may not take much attention. Post and leave... don't get me wrong, I don't complain, I describe a situation.

AChat also didn't help us - all their broken promises,  ignoring ideas, wonderful designs and wishes very talented members have made. Because of heir ignorance, the forum (and the game too!) has left members.

At the moment, it's more a blog than a forum. But we still have contests, game and events. We still keep on working to get new ideas - and I'm sure, if AChat starts listening again (which they said they will do), this will change to better again too.
We had a thread about getting more equality for our shemales, lesbian and gay community. This was a success! Lots of members posted, many for their first time. And many more have read and told us, they are supporting too. This is a sign, it's not dead. Maybe it's just a time, which is not made for stories and discussions... and this can change always.

More constructive discussion?! If there is something, somebody wants to talk and discuss about, he/she always may start. But here alos always is a big danger - words or quotes might be misunderstood, people get affected, a discussion changes to a big fight. I believe, everyone is careful, not to be the reason for this. Or there is just nothing to fight about at the moment haha..still the time of peace and harmony, which is wonderful too :)

Nevertheless I want to thank you for this topic. Maybe some more members answer and have a contrary opinion. Maybe some say I hit the nail. Maybe, more old members come back ;)
And maybe some take this and think about... and we get another, great change here.

You always have been very smart in noticing things like this. And you have been a great designer. I'm happy you're back :)


« #4 : January 13, 2017, 10:46:05 AM »

Hi Jean *hugs*   I enjoyed reading your thoughts and also the clarification in your meaning after Gigi's post. That's what a forum is ALL about; conversation, dialogue, a discussion between two or more people. The objective and results may differ, perhaps ending in understanding, or in disagreement but as long as we engage each other with "truth" and provide mutual "respect", we learn, acquire an appreciation for somebody else's perspective. Why would be want to ALL be the SAME, I prefer lots of flavors over just vanilla...... just say'n

YES, I agree with Gigi, I am NOT a fan of DRAMA, the contrived type. But I am a fan of "DEBATE". I want to stay open minded, I want to hear other points of views. This does not imply these discussions have to cover RL things, I too agree this place is an escape for us ALL. A different WORLD that comes with its own discussions and politics too.  :o

I am a relative newbie, although I am active in forum, I have not yet celebrated my one year birthday. I am also an avid reader and have read much of the history here. For those that have not looked, let me share .... there are treasures to be found in these halls, these threads. I understand Jean's words, when I look back upon this forum's history I see a world more engaging, more inclusive, more dynamic than the forum today. There is a small group here that keeps these halls alive, not as many as it used to be.  Is that bad? Is it good? I can not say for ALL, it is relative, we are each here for our own reasons. I say contribute when you want, take what you like and leave what you don't for others. We should be, BETTER be, all ADULTS here. We do not have to share the same views and opinions, just respect that we are different. Have the courage to believe in your convictions without the need for them to be right for all others. I am not sure bout all of you, but if I tried to please everyone around me ..... I would NEVER get anything done.

While the "game" develops and grows in numbers it appears the forum is shrinking. There are countless explanations, each personal. I find this sad, I happen to enjoy the forum, preferring words to the click of a mouse, but that does not make it better, more right. It just fits for me. We ALL have RL that demand our time, while our time here is voluntary. I think everyone must be true to themselves, be SELFISH with their spare time and do what they want ...... as long as it does not prevent anyone else from doing the same.

Jean, thank you for launching this discussion, it is a perfect "trap" for me. I am a chatty creature, I can't help myself from rambling.

Probably more than my two cents ....  ;D

« #5 : January 13, 2017, 12:59:14 PM »

- My question is why would only conflict gave rise to such an interest and a large number of participants?
  I know it is common among people conflicts attract more attention, but as I said it wasn't so usual for this place before.

- Why there is no such a interest in other topics, I mean any other issues here? Or at least more interest ?
  You might say, but we don't have a lot of interesting creative topics, or maybe none of the members don't want or can't participate more, or members aren't interested enough in the way they should be, or we got tired of looking for the same things from dev-team constantly,or we've just lost interest for everything for many other reasons, we don't have enough time because we are busy in rl ... etc.

- I'll ask why is this so? Why are we here then?
  We can have fun in the game on the way we want, why should we waste time on forum, whats the point of the forum if we don't participate,talk and share thoughts and feelings together.

Hello Jeanona,

I am a newbie :) joined here April 2016.
LOL had my route to go through stages in the game as many of us.
So I will open my mouth and share my mind ( just hit the keys )

First of all, like "LOVER" said, a big problem is the language barrier. English is the language of the Games website and majority of players.
Also, the forum is in English.

Many Members posting in English but English isn't their native tongue.
So my wish and maybe a hint, please don't be shy of your native language and post in the information where you coming from.
It might help for the "english" to look at the other writers than with a little bit more of understanding.

It was happening to me when I posted a (from my view sarcastic) thread about some frustration what causes a shitstorm. I deleted than many of my posts cuz I was frankly just pissed.
Expressing in a foreigner language is hard. And I know it from first hand.

SO a little bit more welcome to all might help.
Some posts I do need to read more than 2 times with help of a translator. AND NO Google translator isn't the best to translate a longer sentence.

We never should forget what the game website capture for clients.

SOME like me :) hey let's look giggles hot stuff for free too WOW sex free and anonym, great game.

But then, we start to talk to the AVATARS.
And find out, hm...... might be a nice Typist behind that Carton figure.

A friendship developed, Feelings grow. The play continue
BUT then, A post just let the Ballon burst.

TROLLS and SOCK PUPPETS spoiling the game.
A scream out to the AChat Gods was like a cold invite-is wasn't answered.

That what happened in the past too much too massive.
I am in many other 3D games but honestly, I never faced such a trolling or sock puppet shit play.

Rules and policies
are not been followed what is a shame to those who do.
It's a game, yes a sex game but still a typist is a human been who should at least have some kind of manners.
Call it internet etiquette.

That was my 2 cents of my thoughts.

Ein liebes SERVUS aus good old germany

Hero Member
: 1379

« #6 : January 13, 2017, 04:38:33 PM »

  I joined here when the poker room and the meeting places were a dream.  As far as I know there wasn't much drama.   And had to start chatting / rooming without the use of such additions.

  The drama / conflict,  started when people started to meet each other socially.  I'm not complaining about the poker or the Meeting Places,  I think they are a wonderful addition.

  Some People like / love conflict, they like to make trouble.   They live for it.  I for one,  don't.  It spoils this place almost to the point of just forgetting about this place.  The good / nice people draw me back in.

  These trolls / idiots can't be eradicated.  But they can be ignored to a certain extent. 

  As of the Forum.  Lots of ideas have been ignored / forgotten.  No response from the devs.  Why should we even suggest ideas ?  When now I know they will be ignored or not commented on by the Devs.  (I know that this must take a lot of effort keeping this place active, but just a comment from them would be nice). 

  We just have the usual forum members making comments (which is nice)  :-* and that's it.  No one else.  No one new nowadays seem to stick around.   That's why threads die.  No one apart from the resident forum members give a S***.  Unless there is a competition that need votes,  then all of a sudden lots of new members appear and then, never to be seen again.

  If this sounds pessimistic then ........... it is.  It's how I feel these days about it all.

  Now back to the shy and retiring Zuz.   :D :D,  Oh and welcome back. 

  Edited today, when thinking straighter.
« : January 14, 2017, 07:17:43 AM zuzannah »

Hero Member
: 503

« #7 : January 14, 2017, 10:15:10 PM »

Hi Jean *hugs*   I enjoyed reading your thoughts and also the clarification in your meaning after Gigi's post. That's what a forum is ALL about; conversation, dialogue, a discussion between two or more people. The objective and results may differ, perhaps ending in understanding, or in disagreement but as long as we engage each other with "truth" and provide mutual "respect", we learn, acquire an appreciation for somebody else's perspective. Why would be want to ALL be the SAME, I prefer lots of flavors over just vanilla...... just say'n

YES, I agree with Gigi, I am NOT a fan of DRAMA, the contrived type. But I am a fan of "DEBATE". I want to stay open minded, I want to hear other points of views. This does not imply these discussions have to cover RL things, I too agree this place is an escape for us ALL. A different WORLD that comes with its own discussions and politics too.  :o

I am a relative newbie, although I am active in forum, I have not yet celebrated my one year birthday. I am also an avid reader and have read much of the history here. For those that have not looked, let me share .... there are treasures to be found in these halls, these threads. I understand Jean's words, when I look back upon this forum's history I see a world more engaging, more inclusive, more dynamic than the forum today. There is a small group here that keeps these halls alive, not as many as it used to be.  Is that bad? Is it good? I can not say for ALL, it is relative, we are each here for our own reasons. I say contribute when you want, take what you like and leave what you don't for others. We should be, BETTER be, all ADULTS here. We do not have to share the same views and opinions, just respect that we are different. Have the courage to believe in your convictions without the need for them to be right for all others. I am not sure bout all of you, but if I tried to please everyone around me ..... I would NEVER get anything done.

While the "game" develops and grows in numbers it appears the forum is shrinking. There are countless explanations, each personal. I find this sad, I happen to enjoy the forum, preferring words to the click of a mouse, but that does not make it better, more right. It just fits for me. We ALL have RL that demand our time, while our time here is voluntary. I think everyone must be true to themselves, be SELFISH with their spare time and do what they want ...... as long as it does not prevent anyone else from doing the same.

Jean, thank you for launching this discussion, it is a perfect "trap" for me. I am a chatty creature, I can't help myself from rambling.
Probably more than my two cents ....  ;D

Dear Kait, hugs  :)

I totally agree with your opinion about many things you've stated here. And also I agree we don't have to please everyone It would be pointless, or like everyone have to engage in any topic - no, no. In just one sentence you clearly say exactly what I think we lack here now "more engaging, more inclusive, more dynamic " thank you.

Same as you I like debate too. It's really important to stick together when we want more from this world and from devteam too. I can remember the time when we are in these common situations asked many things from devs and they gave us requested. Some things we get soon after they requested , for some we had to wait some time, some / rare I would say / have not yet fulfilled. And for those things that have not yet been obtained, I believe there are reasonable reasons and most likely complications. Although it may not seem so.

I believe we can change things if we want, on the way we want, to make things even more fun and better for all participants in the game and on the forum too. It is important to stay positive in everything

Cheers !

@ Lover thank you so much for being here, for your compliments  and your opinion. I appreciate it. Sorry, In one thing I can't agree, I don't believe they don't listen members , or they don't care about them , sure they don't ignore members either - this is entirely true, otherwise none of us would be here, this Achat world would not exist. Moreover I don't know them as such - quite the opposite. I speak from my experience with devteam and definitely during this experience I have repeatedly been able to meet their attitudes.

I'm sure they care about everything and they doing their best at the moment. We don't know and we can't know all reasons why has not filled this or that. A little understanding, patience, positivity and perseverance I believe would brings us much more.

Sorry, I'm such a incorrigible enthusiasts  and optimist ...  You can't take that away from me ;D  :-*

« : January 14, 2017, 11:00:38 PM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 503

« #8 : January 14, 2017, 11:51:52 PM »

Hello Jeanona,

I am a newbie :) joined here April 2016.
LOL had my route to go through stages in the game as many of us.
So I will open my mouth and share my mind ( just hit the keys )

First of all, like "LOVER" said, a .big problem is the language barrier English is the language of the Games website and majority of players.
Also, the forum is in English.

Many Members posting in English but English isn't their native tongue.
So my wish and maybe a hint, please don't be shy of your native language and post in the information where you coming from.
It might help for the "english" to look at the other writers than with a little bit more of understanding.

It was happening to me when I posted a (from my view sarcastic) thread about some frustration what causes a shitstorm. I deleted than many of my posts cuz I was frankly just pissed. Expressing in a foreigner language is hard. And I know it from first hand.

SO a little bit more welcome to all might help.Some posts I do need to read more than 2 times with help of a translator. AND NO Google translator isn't the best to translate a longer sentence. We never should forget what the game website capture for clients.

SOME like me :) hey let's look giggles hot stuff for free too WOW sex free and anonym, great game.
But then, we start to talk to the AVATARS. And find out, hm...... might be a nice Typist behind that Carton figure.

A friendship developed, Feelings grow. The play continue, BUT then, A post just let the Ballon burst.
TROLLS and SOCK PUPPETS spoiling the game. A scream out to the AChat Gods was like a cold invite-is wasn't answered. That what happened in the past too much too massive. I am in many other 3D games but honestly, I never faced such a trolling or sock puppet shit play.

Simply  Rules and policies are not been followed what is a shame to those who do.
It's a game, yes a sex game but still a typist is a human been who should at least have some kind of manners. Call it internet etiquette.
That was my 2 cents of my thoughts.

Ein liebes SERVUS aus good old germany

Hi GsCougar,

First of all thanks for the hint  :) I'm not ashamed of my native language, I simply forgot to add that information here on the forum. Just corrected. You're right a big problem can be language barrier. But it may be overcome  if we motivate members / or new members to relax and to try to communicate with us despite the language barrier. Just like you've done in this post. So thanks a lot for that.

Also I appreciate for sharing your thoughts and experiences about the game and main problems. I agree with you - players should have some kind of manner.  Shitstorm lol sadly I wasn't here to see that side of your temperament, I like your spontaneity and the way you express your feelings in English, although it is not your native language.

In addition I enjoyed very much in your topic Good Bye 2016 Hello 2017, in all those wonderful pictures from party 2017. You and BB also were so sexy, cute and irresistible in dancing. At the and I admire your and Vaughan relationship . Just like in a movie - its amazing.

Nice to meet you GsCougar !
« : January 15, 2017, 12:17:21 AM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 503

« #9 : January 15, 2017, 12:16:02 AM »

  I joined here when the poker room and the meeting places were a dream.  As far as I know there wasn't much drama.   And had to start chatting / rooming without the use of such additions.

  The drama / conflict,  started when people started to meet each other socially.  I'm not complaining about the poker or the Meeting Places,  I think they are a wonderful addition.

  Some People like / love conflict, they like to make trouble.   They live for it.  I for one,  don't.  It spoils this place almost to the point of just forgetting about this place.  The good / nice people draw me back in.

  These trolls / idiots can't be eradicated.  But they can be ignored to a certain extent. 

  As of the Forum.  Lots of ideas have been ignored / forgotten.  No response from the devs.  Why should we even suggest ideas ?  When now I know they will be ignored or not commented on by the Devs.  (I know that this must take a lot of effort keeping this place active, but just a comment from them would be nice). 

  We just have the usual forum members making comments (which is nice)  :-* and that's it.  No one else.  No one new nowadays seem to stick around.   That's why threads die.  No one apart from the resident forum members give a S***.  Unless there is a competition that need votes,  then all of a sudden lots of new members appear and then, never to be seen again.

  If this sounds pessimistic then ........... it is.  It's how I feel these days about it all.

  Now back to the shy and retiring Zuz.   :D :D,  Oh and welcome back. 

  Edited today, when thinking straighter.

Thank you zuzannah for your welcome and your post. Yes, you sound quite pessimistic if I may say :), but i do understand your reasons. I said above my opinion about dev-team .

You said:  just a comment from them would be nice - Yes that would be nice indeed , on the other hand may be also counterproductive. In this case, devs should comment everything what we want - otherwise it would have been incurred even more conflicts.

PS I will fight for your Collars Zuzannah and I'll give my best  :)
« : January 18, 2017, 10:29:00 AM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 1379

« #10 : January 16, 2017, 06:14:16 AM »

  Yes commenting on all the ideas here might take some time if they commented on every idea, but at least it would show that they are actually taking notice of us.

  And yes collars would be a real good addition to this place.  I know the reason some would wear a collar with the  Dom / Sub culture we have on here, but, me,  I'd have one on because I like them.  More of a fashion thing for me.


« #11 : January 16, 2017, 11:09:18 AM »

I could NOT resist, I tried really hard, but I had to chime in because I did forget a very important part.

As Lover, Sarah (GSCougar) and Zuz have mentioned in their posts, but I did NOT at least not in this thread, is the role and responsibility that Achat plays in this forum. It is after all an extension  of their world, their creation. A valuable asset but not really used. I do not expect Achat to comment on ALL forum member ideas or questions .... BUT, nor do I feel appreciated by their total SILENCE, their complete lack of involvement. This is what I do not get, do not understand?

They are the creators, they pull ALL the stings behind their curtain of OZ, but they too should remember .... they are not invulnerable. They NEED us too, to survive. This is a "symbiotic" relationship between us. Maybe you better look that up so you, ACHAT, understand what that means.

NO ONE, NO THiNG is above these WORDS

Just SAY'n

maybe you should listen up Achat
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