I couldn't agree more. Though why this and the previous post it's in response to is in a thread about bullying escapes me.
This is a Public forum where any member should be able to post freely without being restricted as long as they abide by the rules.
If a thread is in Public, then it's available for all to post in.
If the originator of the thread has a desire to restrict what is posted there then I suggest they either clearly state so in the introductory post or lock the thread after they post to prevent anything they don't want being posted.
It's akin to fucking in the public areas and someone posting a screenshot of it then complaining about the post. If it's meant to be private, take it to a room.
I agree with the majority of what's said by Soniaslut but would also like to add a bit more.
A public post is just that public and because it is published, many people can see it, so we have a responsibility to behave in a respectful manner. After all the behaviour of members reflects on the reputation of this forum. Having manners, being kind and respectful costs nothing.
I have always found it here to be friendly and approachable and one of the best forums around because the community care for one another.
There is also Forum Etiquette which is the unspoken rules of obeying the theme of the topics and what the OP wants or intends.
When the Moderators ceased to exist, it became the OP's who looked after their own topics. They can even lock them to keep them private.
If public and open, the topics are still maintained and the same etiquette followed and if asked, posts removed without malice or ill will.
A new topic can always be opened if need be.
I also used to take many screenshots in the past in public of game play but before I published any in forum, I asked all concerned for consent.
Most agreed but occasionally I would have a refusal, then their names were removed. Its all about respect and being courteous.
Both are good practice and helps to make our forum maintain its friendliness.