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so sad...
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: so sad... ( 9390 )
: 9
the man on the silver mountain
so sad...
November 14, 2020, 06:19:08 PM »
hi..i have been here 5 weeks ..just five weeks and i have talked and met with a good number of people.
We all are different thats a good thing.. but playing with other peoples minds is sick lateraly!
Hiding behind an AV doesnt mean that you have the right to force someone to be in a sick situation that probably aint searching for..
Be careful "healthy" players, the few ones that exist..
I think that the letter A in achat stands for adult, i dont see the S that stands for SICK nowhere..
(probably posted in the wrong session..sorry for this..if a mod can move the post?..thanks )
: November 14, 2020, 08:13:58 PM jan13
Hero Member
: 2808
Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...
Re: so sad...
#1 :
November 14, 2020, 08:26:30 PM »
Hi Jan13, Welcome to forum.
Seems a shame you have had a bad experience in the short time you have been here.
Most are good people and some are here in forum.
Just ignore the players who play the silly mind games and surround yourself with the positive players who enjoy this game for what it is and enjoy building the community with us.
Take a closer look in the Contests section here.
Tift has a fun "Caption" contest going on and the vote is open on the 55 word Halloween stories and poems.
We need more people to vote, so please read and vote for your favourite. Oh and ask your friends to join Forum and vote too.
Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
: 9
the man on the silver mountain
Re: so sad...
#2 :
November 15, 2020, 07:26:02 AM »
Thanks Vaughan.. good to see that there also "genuine" people here!
: November 15, 2020, 07:36:53 AM jan13
Sr. Member
: 323
Re: so sad...
#3 :
November 15, 2020, 01:16:33 PM »
* Welcome to Forum... a SAFE place.
Not many trolls venture into this place. Kinda always been a sanctuary for me.
When i read of "bad" experiences such as your own... i'm saddened and disappointed that our world is no better than any other occupied by humans. Regardless how many good peeps... there will always be damaged ones too. Too broken, hardened, bitter n spiteful... void of compassion or empathy to give... the only way they know of lifting themselves is at the expense of others, pulling them down into their own abyss.
and others have recommended... best solution is Avoidance. Surround yourself with good peeps.
, this takes time, takes chatting and getting to know others. Be weary of those that want to get too close n "personal" too quickly... other than for the FUN quickly.
Just apply the same common sense you would in IRL. It's really no different, we all come with baggage... some of it harder to leave behind than others.
Your post also reminds me how lucky n blessed my experience here has been since my first days. With a cast of special peeps taking me under their care, introducing me to others and mentoring me. You know, you don't have to be a "Mentor" to mentor, just care enough to try. I am thankful for each of them... those that are still close, those that have passed or left and those that have faded.
Words and actions are no different here than any other place... choose them carefully for yourself and use them wisely to judge the character n intentions of others. As for the "stalker" or "bully",
. Don't give them what they need. Your attention.
A personal tip.... stick to the shallow waters, don't get too deep here or share personal details too quickly. There are depths beyond compare and just like IRL... monsters lurking in the dark.
Hope i haven't scared ya away
and hope you stick around long enough to bump into some of those "good" peeps. Your
will certainly improve when you do. Then your problem will be managing all your fun with limited time.
: 9
the man on the silver mountain
Re: so sad...
#4 :
November 16, 2020, 11:39:23 AM »
Thanks a lot for this words Kaitlyn1989!
Really appriciated!
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: so sad...
#5 :
November 16, 2020, 12:27:01 PM »
Jan as stated and shown above there really are good people here. Should you see V and I around in game come on by and say hello. Unfortunately some love to cause drama and pretend they are superior to everyone else. Add them to your ignore list and let them live happily with others just like themselves there.
See you in game!
: 9
the man on the silver mountain
Re: so sad...
#6 :
November 16, 2020, 01:47:12 PM »
Thanks Jessi
: 22
Re: so sad...
#7 :
December 18, 2020, 01:27:22 AM »
Well said Jan13 .. but don't be sad. Good people are always more than the "sick" ones.
Do not hesitate to use the ignore button, it is a very useful tool.
My respect and compassion.
Re: so sad...
#8 :
December 18, 2020, 07:12:13 AM »
This is the mistake of Achat ! All premium ! I spent money,Skal and other players have spent more than me ! For what ? For someone to come with many avatars and humiliate you ? I WANT OLD ACHAT BACK AND MAYBE WITH EMAIL REGISTRATION !!!
Because of this many good players leave from this game !
Sorry Jan...but this is the truth ! Cruel one.
: 22
Re: so sad...
#9 :
December 18, 2020, 07:31:18 AM »
So true Corina.. unfortunately. I also want the old achat back.
Re: so sad...
#10 :
December 19, 2020, 01:51:06 PM »
Btw....i counted the ignore list.....results...323 !!!
: 14
Re: so sad...
#11 :
December 19, 2020, 02:27:21 PM »
I look at it from the perspective of a new player registered with email. (Four months).
Like Cor, I spent a lot of money on poses, clothes, and more. I guess I would expect someone in this game to control the unnatural behavior of the players (creating false identities, bad behavior) - but I don't think anyone is in control of this and any intervention on development goes unnoticed. For example - how is the age of a player controlled?
After all, these are commonly accepted standards for all erotic portals.
: 22
Re: so sad...
#12 :
December 19, 2020, 10:21:23 PM »
Quote from: Corina_33 on December 19, 2020, 01:51:06 PM
Btw....i counted the ignore list.....results...323 !!!
Lol Corina.. believe it or not.. after all these years, I have only 4 on my ignore list haha
Re: so sad...
#13 :
December 20, 2020, 03:02:36 AM »
Easy for you are a man..
: 22
Re: so sad...
#14 :
December 20, 2020, 03:45:41 AM »
Quote from: Corina_33 on December 20, 2020, 03:02:36 AM
Easy for you are a man..
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