Hello all,
my name is Elio - not in real life, but in this game. I wanted to basically tell you about my experience in this game and want to say good bye on the same occasion. I am gay, maybe bisexual, I still don't really know it myself. And maybe you will say: Lol, of course he is a faggot - or any other word you learned from your grandparents while visiting some markedly manly festivity like wrestling where two sweaty guys grunt and choke each other lol - You will maybe say: Of course he is one of THOSE because he gets all whiny and whimsy about something so profane.
And guess what: If you say so, you are part of the problem. I don't care what you think about it. I will not answer anything anyway. And if you feel addressed by the following rant, you for sure know that you did something wrong.
I wandered through the rooms here, at the beginning shy as if this was a party where you were invited by accident and try to catch up to anyone who seems as alone as yourself. And first of all: It's okay if you don't want to talk, but please just tell that in a nice manner and please respond to a greeting with a little Hi or Hello too. What seems weird too is that especially - and irl I had quite the different experience, since toxic masculinity is still common and widely accepted in our world - especially women ignored my approaches or called me names, mocking me for my sexuality or for everything else I never chose to be, but became. I really expected more empathy, especially from some women (although I met some rather genuine, strong girls who I wish nothing but the best for) since you know how it is to not have the same status as the other gender in society because this world was crafted by white, old men throughout centuries.
Some of you don't know how it is to grow up feeling like a mistake of nature and having no place where you can go without being constantly reminded that you are not normal. And yes: Maybe I get too bitter about all this. I just wanted to chat a bit since there are not many opportunities around where I live to get to meet people during this corona times. I don't want to seem like a r/niceguy who acts sweet while being toxic on the inside. And of course you all can think whatever you want. This place does not treat gay men well.
I have just one example for how it is a new male member to approach people:
It was in the city, there were three people standing at the railing. I came near since I thought I already talked to one of them who seemed kind of nice back then.
Elio_: Hello, Angie
Elio_: Hi, Lynne too and Hi Tych0
AngieXX: hello
Elio_: I think I spoke to you the other day?
Lynne95: is that a guy on your cock...or is it u on his
Lynne appearantly got aware of one of my poses which shows two man having sex with each other. Be aware that she didn't greet me at all and just asked the question. And now imagine me walking up to a woman asking: Is that a cock you suck there? Wouldn't that seem kind of offensive? It's the same heteronormative bigotry.
Elio_: What?
I didn't really understand it at first.
AngieXX: must have been memorable
AngieXX: lol
Tych0: wait... what did i return to? sitting on cocks... where?
Lynne95: yep i was right lol
AngieXX: lol
Elio_: I have alzheimer's maybe, good thing is I am easily surprised that way
This my response referred to the memorable-line of Angie.
Elio_: What cock?
AngieXX: whats that useless piece of skin on te end of the dick called
Elio_: For4e
AngieXX: a man, lol
Is this joke supposed to be funny? What if I said: What's the useless thing surrounding a cunt? Haha... Yes right: a woman?
Again , it hurts you. Maybe I am a whimsical idiot and not tough enough for this time and this medium internet. But guess what: I don't care. I don't want to dull like apparantly so many of you already did.
Lynne95: check out his scenes....
Now I realised what she meant and you see by the shaky response that I was really angry.
Elio_: Wow. You are almos
Elio_: t
Elio_: as funy as colon cancer
Lynne95: i have W.H.T.
Elio_: Okay
AngieXX: what a nice guy, and i bet hes wondering why he cant get laid lol
Elio_: No
Lynne95: *gropes angies fine arse
AngieXX: lol
I am not made to insult people. Sometimes I just say stuff like the following to maybe get them to think about their behaviour.
Elio_: You started being mean
Lynne95: see told u
Lynne95: Wandering Hand Trouble
AngieXX: bye fucktard

Tych0: not that way Elio... this way *spanks angie's fine arse*
Lynne95: hey tych
Lynne95: hands off
AngieXX: stinging the cup killer, lol
Tych0: i only used the palm lynne
Elio_: You are just mean
Lynne95: lol
Then I left.
Of course everyone reading this can think what they want. Look out for other clues. Maybe I am just a big liar. Quote Bill Burr or Ricky Gervais who are white heterosexuals to prove that I am just too easily offended. I really don't care anymore. I just hope that maybe one of you thinks a bit further. There is nothing more worth than empathy in these troubled times.
Keep safe and away from the idiots. Expect to be surprised and deceived and embrace every sweet moment.
God be with you (or who/whatever you else believe in)