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The Masked Ball
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: The Masked Ball ( 123648 )
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: The Masked Ball
#105 :
June 24, 2010, 08:03:41 PM »
Ahhhh but I'm sneakier than that babes.
Leaving the ballroom, I quickly dash up stairs. Reaching the top I turn left an walk down the hall til I reached the 4th door. Going inside I turn on the light an I face the room with a smile. A room full of several different costumes. I so love shapeshifting.
"You may see me, but will you know me?" throwing back my head I let out the clishe evil villian laugh. Loki is loose, and I think a Norse Gods power trumps wizardry. HAHAHAHAHA
Full Member
: 124
Re: The Masked Ball
#106 :
June 24, 2010, 08:19:11 PM »
"Oh no, it doesn't mean that at al, It just means I give you the opportunity, to retain your dignity a few minutes longer, for we have moved so swiftly none know we are gone just yet. And when they notice all they will see is a dress on the floor" At this moment my hands are exploring carefully, fingers reaching into your warm supple body cavities dexterously and smiling as you moan, and clench in an attempt to stop me finding the jewels hidden there. "My you have been busy. what shall I do about this? I command you to return to the place where your dress lies, retrieve it, and return to me here, and I urge you do not keep me waiting long." as I say this I remove your mask so all can see who you are.
Re: The Masked Ball
#107 :
June 24, 2010, 09:06:37 PM »
You hear me in your mind as you approach the Ball Room "Silly trickster I am not a wizard, I am Count Dracula. I can see you, I can smell you, I can sense your aura. Wearing a costume will avail you naught, and surely it does not give you God-like powers."
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: The Masked Ball
#108 :
June 24, 2010, 09:16:50 PM »
"Ahhhh such arrogance. A undead thinks he can best a God. We shall see."
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: The Masked Ball
#109 :
June 25, 2010, 02:09:56 AM »
OOC: Actually my first reaction will be in character for who I really am... a lecture.
Just as a note to anyone who ever finds themselves with a lover who wants to be bound... you NEVER leave them alone while they are tied up. I even go so far as to use the bathroom before binding them as I don't even like to leave them alone those few moments.
I have however heard too many tales of Dominant's who step out for just a moment... or even just to another room and a bond slips and cuts off circulation doing real damage to a limb, or a breathing tube gets out of place, or the whole damn building catches on fire... whatever the case they are entirely helpless and the person who tied them in up entirely responsible for them.
In this case of course I am not really tied up, but Sinnnn knows boys are a limit for me, so that barrier is a sort of watcher that in a real life situation could mean another trusted person who can keep an eye on the bound submissive if the Dominant needs to take care of something, but doesn't want to untie the submissive.
The Dom is still 100% responsible, but they are able to trust that watcher... though I do feel the sub should be informed of that sort of change, that's just how I am.
IC:I might not see the face, but I know the voice. I can read it's passion, it's desire, it's intent, and my body readily responds. As that all too familiar touch is upon me, and I am pressed to that all too adored flesh I relax. Knowing I'm safe, knowing I'm protected. Knowing that if this is what she wants then I want it too.
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: The Masked Ball
#110 :
June 25, 2010, 03:25:51 AM »
Looking around from a dark corner I am satisfied. Many guests are nude and more and more are kissing and touching themselves or the person next to them. In the middle of the room is a ball of 6, maybe 7 people, who seem to merge to one.
Although, still a few are dressed. Does it show no effect to them? I have to search for sinnnn to talk with her. But who is she? I can't see her; what I see is another undressed, but bondaged woman. I'm not sure. Is she excited? Does she feel anger? For a short moment I think about what to do with her. I decide not to intervene. There must be a reason she is in this situation.
The next question I ask, what to do with the band. They are still dressed, but strangely they play music as if nothing had been happened. Are they robots? Are they senseless in any way? Did they get drugs? I sneak to the band along the wall. As I am just few steps away...
What's this? A woman in a long red dress is beside a nude man, removing the mask of his face.
I straight look into the face of...
Full Member
: 116
Re: The Masked Ball
#111 :
June 25, 2010, 04:54:48 AM »
Guided by my masters thoughts, I follow the movements of the invisible trickster. My eyes still unable to see her, but the image of her burning in my mind as my master directs me. I wait until I get a clear shot from my standing point to hers, then I concentrate and point my wand in her direction while uttering "Aguamenti".
A jet of warm water is produced from my wand and hits the trickster's body. While still invisible, the water all over the trickster contorts the light so that a silhouette can be seen. A wave of pleasure washes over me as my master sees the positive result of the spell.
As I feel the resulting wetness between my legs, I'm unable to control myself and push my body into my masters. Lifting my head up to his ear, I whisper in my hoarsest voice "Is there
way I can please you again, my Master?" ...
Re: The Masked Ball
#112 :
June 25, 2010, 07:38:01 AM »
"Yes my Child there is..."
OOC: but let's keep everyone in suspense
Hero Member
: 1379
Re: The Masked Ball
#113 :
June 25, 2010, 10:15:37 AM »
Oh Sweetpea I would never leave you alone in RL. That kind of trust is special.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: The Masked Ball
#114 :
June 25, 2010, 10:25:29 AM »
OOC: I know that Darling... I just wanted to note it here because it is a sadly common kink goof, and if someone read of our play I wanted to make sure they knew "Don't try this at home."
I could have did the whole we were professionals... blah, blah, but I am very passionate when it comes to kink, and sex in general and if even one person is given a clue I consider it worth it.
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 39
Re: The Masked Ball
#115 :
June 25, 2010, 11:44:25 AM »
I am stunned and speechless, still reeling at the series of indignities heaped on me in quick succession, in so short a time. When my tormentor loosens her hold, unmasks me and issues her order, my first instinct is to lash out and turn the tables on her. My soft, feminine and buxom appearance are beguiling and serve well to shield my aggressive nature and lithe, lightning quick and deceptively strong form. I have shamed many a man with my blade and quite a few without. Most men who fight me start with a smirk on their face, lust in their eyes and drool in their mouth. It doesn't take me long to wipe these out as they writhe in pain and gasp for breath in the throes of a headlock under the vice-like grip of my powerful thighs.
Physically, I have little doubt I could subdue Ms. Harker very easily and enjoyably too. But something about the way she looks at me alerts me that it would be unwise to test her. Her pale blood-starved skin and deep, dark eyes give me pause - and then there's the strange ease with which she lifted me and wisked me away... how did she manage that?!! I have more than a couple of inches and several pounds on her. No... this is no ordinary woman. I better play along for now...
I meekly nod to my tormentor and get up on my feet. I then temporarily give up the privacy of the alcove, as commanded, and set out to the grand hall in search of my discarded garments, hoping to get in and out unnoticed...
Jr. Member
: 97
Re: The Masked Ball
#116 :
June 25, 2010, 12:31:13 PM »
The erstwhile character previously known as Zorrina finds herself accosted before she can even get to her dress. "You're not going anywhere, thief!" The palace security has apprehended her! She feels hands firmly grabbing onto her body. She sees the eyes of onlookers burning with curiosity and a murmur goes through the crowd.
A messenger is dispatched, and meanwhile the palace cop whispers in her captive's ear. "You dirty little thief. Did you think that I wouldn't notice you purloining items just because you are now naked and unmasked?" She slaps her crop hard on your bottom, leaving a reddened patch of skin. The sudden pain both shocks and excites you. To show she is serious the cop cuffs your hands behind your back before publicly frisking you, very slowly, and thoroughly, lingering inappropriately in your most sensitive areas, eliciting a gasp from you and a sudden feeling of wetness between your legs.
As the cop finishes conducting her thorough and sensual search, Dionysus arrives. "What is the meaning of this, Nemesis?", he asks with a glint of anger in his eye. "Who dares to disturb this night of revelry?" Nemesis replies as she shoves the captured offender to her knees. "This dirty whore has been stealing from the other guests! Permission to punish, my lord?" Dionysus replies in a sonorous voice of grim judgment, "Permission granted. I will leave the means of the punishment to your capable hands, Nemesis. Nobody disturbs the enjoyment of my guests without paying a price." Dionysus then returns to his table, surrounded by a small gathering of nubile and celebrating maenads.
OOC: Nemesis is the greek goddess of punishment.
The caputured thief's humiliation now takes center stage. Nemesis parades her in front, keeping her firmly under control. Any disapproved movement is immediately chastened with a flick of the leather crop. She feels simultaneously humiliated as never before and yet excited as never before. The watching onlookers only add to her shame, her face flushes red. "Now my dirty little slut, you will learn that all misdeeds will go punished, and by my hand!" The crop flicks forward like a leatherbound snake, stinging and punishing her most tender areas. *whip* *whip* She wants to cry for it to end yet beg for it not to stop at the same time. Nemesis is a strict mistress indeed! Who will plead to Nemesis for mercy on this captive's behalf? Will nobody come to her rescue or do they feel that here the punishment fits the crime?
: June 26, 2010, 02:49:44 PM AZNLoverV
Re: The Masked Ball
#117 :
June 25, 2010, 01:13:24 PM »
...Ignoring the disturbance as palace security arrive to take away the beautiful naked thief, I wrap Hermione up in my cloak and hold her tight to me.
I whisper softly in your ear "I am very pleased with you. You have done well my Child." Your spell now cast, I allow the full sensuality of my presence to overpower you. You feel a warmth starting to spread through your body. I remove your tie, then your cape, and drop them to the floor. I lower my head and start to suck on your neck. My fangs graze your skin and your body shudders as you feel me in your mind.
My thoughts command you "Pleasure yourself as you pleasure me my lovely creature. On your knees Child."
You slip one hand inside your dress to caress your breasts while the other slides slowly down your side, over your hip, moving slowly under your dress towards your center. Head thrown back, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, you slowly lower yourself to your knees...
Full Member
: 124
Re: The Masked Ball
#118 :
June 25, 2010, 01:53:24 PM »
@ blossom In your mind you hear a voice "Shh child, do not cry out to them.Don't show them your pain. You will only feed their desires, their cruelty. Allow me to help you mask the pain you feel. Let it flow to me where it is has not the desired effect, In return I grant you a new sensation to replace it. I can not stop them, for their powers are a match for my own, but they are surely not superior" as you hear these words you can feel the pain being siphoned off, only to be replaced with a heightened sense of pleasure, even desire, arousal.You also sense from me an excitement as I feed upon the pain, gaining strength from it.
: 39
Re: The Masked Ball
#119 :
June 25, 2010, 02:26:56 PM »
Ever since I was accosted and overpowered, I've been too shocked to utter a word or put up any serious resistance. At first it was due to the suddenness of the turn of events and the sheer numbers of the security team, then it was the awesome presence and mesmerizing voice of the magnificent Dionysus and finally it was the sweet, yet rough humiliation at the hands of the captivating Nemesis...
I was finally brought out of my trance-like stupor by the unexpected sharp report and accompanying sting of the leather crop on my exposed and stretched out derriere! To my dismay I discovered that it was only the first of many that followed... I squirmed as much as I could to in a completely futile atempt to escape my predicament. Eventually the whip gave way to hands... kneading, pinching, clawing, slapping, leaving a trails of redness in their wake...
Through it all my squirming continued, even intensified, though I was no longer seriously trying to escape... oh no... far from it... it was an involuntary reaction to the ministrations of my imaginative captor. Images of the delicious Nemesis and awesome Dionysus danced in my mind within my closed eyes as I braced, perhaps even yearned for whatever lay in store for me next...
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