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: backgrounds  ( 292522 )
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: 1597

« #435 : April 14, 2011, 08:20:20 AM »

I agree I just dont carry them around < it`s my heritage > hunting  sportaman  <  small business  on the Island  survive w hunting and fishing parties that come from all over the world  ! Goverment of Canada spent over 2 biiion dollars on the gun registery , to find out  it does`nt work . A crimnal doesnt carry around aregistered  firearm  > that will trace it back to him . Cut back s on our law reinforcments makes no sense when that 2 billion , could of been put to better use > RCMP ( Royal  Canadian Mountie  Police )  , Law enforment officers  , Game wardens , etc.  And creat employment . States has a few places they can carry a conceald weapon . Not Ontario , and I hope it never does. I have a gun safe , trigger locks , amo lock up separatly. I`m registered through RCMP > They did back ground check . I paid $ 159 .00 for my hunting and fishing  license this year ,still have to pay for small game lic. andmigatory lic. , half my clients are hunting and fishing parties . it`s a way of life . for many small communities, for generations . Revenue Canada makes billions . Factory workers make the hunting and fishing  gear > whole saler> Retaiiler >buyer > trickle down effect , on and on  it`s about money . I`m all for strictness . I follow the rules >To take my fire arms to the mainland to hunt > I need  gun transport ticket , trigger lock , gun in case locked , amo locked separat . and I do believe  violence is glorified to much !

@ Tight I agree Parents should  be careful what their kids watch ,they do have video s > example > a friend of mine, I dont agree w it , she lets her young boys play a video >they pick the hooker out hairs color etc. the firearm , throw hooker down stomp on her head abuse her then go on a shooting spree . There is1397 females being assaulted by partner per day in canada ( NO FIRE ARM THEIR FISTS ) And I wont go into child percentage , Thats to close to my heart !
Hero Member
: 2415

« #436 : April 14, 2011, 08:28:38 AM »

As far as I am concerned they can bring back castration as a punishment for those kind a male trash!!!
preferably unsedated..

@ Sunny Am a pacifist.. Hunting and fishing is different.. Violence is glorified too much!!!!!

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 1597

« #437 : April 14, 2011, 08:45:09 AM »

@ Tight        I AGREE
Hero Member
: 3856

« #438 : April 14, 2011, 09:50:20 AM »

interesting thoughts,...

@Adera, if he had been under care then indeed it was a fault of the state to not properly screen his background. Gun registration is merely a bad knee jerk reaction here in the America's to a deeper underlying social issues. As sunny states a criminal doesn't run his weapons through such channels.

I really don't see the issue as a glorification of violence either in the media. Certainly doesn't help the situation, but matters like this are more likely rooted in something Adera pointed out, the failure of the traditional ethical structure that normally is derived from the family values. When parents begin sloughing off their duties in guidance of their offspring as to moral issues, matters like this will arise. Raising an issue like morals around here is pretty much heresay..., but the fact exists... whether we wish to face up to it or not.

Economic stress on family hierarchies has a lot to do with it. As Adera pointed out when both parents are forced into a situation of having to work,  the normal guidance is lost,.., and the kids are free to attache to the media influence for identity and direction. Reminds me of the issue in Africa, where game officials were trying to control the elephant herds by culling the alpha bull and female elephants. What resulted was a series of unusual patterns which developed in the young bulls. Random violence increased,...including an escalation in the deaths of rhinos, all traced back to the act of culling the primary "moral" teachers of the herd. When alpha females and males were reintroduced, the violence dissipated.

Honestly, parenting registration is more likely to work then gun registration. Some folks just shouldn't be allowed to breed without knowing the reality of parenting responsibility.

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #439 : April 14, 2011, 11:37:29 AM »

A big part of my rant on video games was that the parents should be monitoring what their kids are into. While the dual income IS an issue with games running from $20 at the low end new and over $50+ for your higher end new games the cost combined with them being treated like the adult fare they are means that some adult somewhere along the line LET it get into a minors hands.

Now while the dual income families WILL have issues with both parents having to work they CAN just NOT buy restricted games like that for their kids, but Bear hit the nail pretty dead on that people who probably shouldn't even be watching kids are having kids of their own.

I'm not going to say there are easy solutions, but some common sense and minimal effort would minimize the damage. Instead those same people who can't be bothered to raise their kids will scream to the government to ban those things that they should have kept out of their kids hands themselves.

Now on the gun issue, can anyone quote any case of someone who went through the training to own and carry a concealed firearm using said firearm for one tragedy or another?

It's not the legal users who are causing the problems.

I do support licensing, cars are similarly dangerous items and we are expected to have licensing to use them, but I personally don't know of those who take those steps abusing said firearm. Whether the firearm is in a gun safe or concealed on their person.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3856

« #440 : April 14, 2011, 02:15:43 PM »

Specific case Janine? Well the statistics are easy enough to track down. Since 2007 there have been close to 300 such episodes where a permitted concealed handgun owner was involved in a shooting. 18 of those were multiple victim situations;  25 involved murder and suicide. The issue here is that there is no guarantee that a permitted party retains stability in the future, life happens, events can push once stable parties to do matters inconceivable.
« : April 14, 2011, 02:22:04 PM Bear »

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #441 : April 14, 2011, 03:24:00 PM »

Okay, the cases I always heard were the wack jobs who just bought it and then abused it.

I still hold that blaming the item is not the way to fix the problem. I just saw a story on Yahoo news about a mother who killed herself and two of her three kids by driving into a lake. The third only survived because he was able to escape, and while she apparently changed her mind after it was too late the loss of those two precious lives is on her.

The point I'm trying (and possibly failing) to convey is that when people choose to do ill they will find a way. Whether it be a gun, a car, a knife, a mixture of fuel oil and fertilizer, or a commandeered 747.

The reason I was getting bitchy was because somehow the States were getting blamed when the event that started the discussion was on a whole other continent.

Which struck me as another case of trying to blame something other then the sick minds that perpetrate these acts.

If anything it proves that people are people, good and bad.

I feel that saying "It's games, or it's guns, or it's America's fault." not only doesn't make anything better, but actively makes it worse because if anything this event shows it's a phenomena that crosses all borders.

Even in Communist China they have some of the most restrictive laws there are and the psychos are just using knives... in schools, busting in and cutting up the kids.

Blame never fixed anything.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3047

« #442 : April 14, 2011, 05:07:50 PM »

I agree about the blame part it doesn't fix anything.

Why I like control on firearms is because you can wreck far more havoc with a gun than a knife and I think acquiring semi automatic and automatic firearms should be far harder than a bolt action rifle.

Can't really say Sweden is free of incidents like this even with our laws, might be less frequent though: http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpps/news/racist-gunman-stalks-swedish-city-of-malmo-dpgonc-20101021-gc_10222431
Hero Member
: 1597

« #443 : April 14, 2011, 05:09:47 PM »

Like that lady awhile back that drowned her 5 boys , but  strange husband knew she was not well . I  mental illness all her live and he made her home school > major depression after recent baby . He remarrys 1 year later same church  they had funeral services for his son`s   . Ask me there`s more to it .

And   depends on circumstance  whats happening in their lives or had happen ,  how much can a body or mind take before they crack !  Everyone has a pressure point  ! With  most cases  until we walked in their shoes .  
Hero Member
: 1597

« #444 : April 14, 2011, 05:22:00 PM »

Any good  shooter can do a fair amount have damage , iits companies that make > called banana  clips here  !  there`s 20 clips and 50 clips ,Illegal to use in Ontario not illegal to sell , or they get from the states . With a 22 rifle  and 4 clips>50 rounds each  200 shots ! scary isn`t   it  ! 

When it boils down to it  Goverment can be helping a hell of alot more !
« : April 14, 2011, 05:23:41 PM islandsun »
Hero Member
: 1597

« #445 : April 15, 2011, 07:36:14 AM »

On a brighter note I still want to see a pirate tall ship as back ground  ! and maybe a  pirate captains  cabin , port hole windows that let in sparkling shine of the stars at night , and the the dancing streaming rays of the sunrise . huge  thick four poster bed , spice it up w  dragon head for head board , hugh candles big wooden pillars on each side of the bed . Ties to each post on the bed . Masive huge table > scattered charter maps , brass horascope , Compass  encaste wooden box <  bedding I think should be silk navey blue , skin w dark blue and candle effect , and the sound of the sea s  ;D   

Waves are roaring outside my place  now and Like always I`m in awe  w the power of it !

 ;) lol ok > I`ve been working on a couple of stories , and will be asking permissiom to use  some  people names !

Hmm And if a certain person I know  > I already have a light house scene , I`ll be doing > if he`s interested  ;)   

Have agood day ! everyone ! ;D      Smile      ;D
Sr. Member
: 316

me? a lil fuzzy rabbit and a carnivour of lust ;)

« #446 : April 15, 2011, 09:41:41 AM »

On a brighter note I still want to see a pirate tall ship as back ground ;D
arrr ye capn, sign me up for matey  :P

Imagination - the most powerful aphrodisiac in existance
Hero Member
: 635

« #447 : April 15, 2011, 10:11:48 AM »

Avast, me pretties! Strike your panties and prepare to be boarded! ::) i like the pirates theme ;D

there`s  no right or wrong....just the consequences of your actions
Hero Member
: 1597

« #448 : April 15, 2011, 10:17:23 AM »

I`m thinking > abduction> reluctance > turns to romance  ;D   ;)      ok corny but been working on a story alresdy ! ;)
Sr. Member
: 316

me? a lil fuzzy rabbit and a carnivour of lust ;)

« #449 : April 15, 2011, 01:11:59 PM »

I`m thinking > abduction> reluctance > turns to romance  ;D   ;)      ok corny but been working on a story alresdy ! ;)
:((( and here i was more in te line of getting all the men up on deck and errrr....polish em wooden bones *giggle*

Imagination - the most powerful aphrodisiac in existance
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