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: Drama  ( 7586 )

« : January 20, 2011, 08:42:32 AM »

A few days ago I let myself get caught up in a really weird situation that involved an ffm with a few other members.  The "m" wanted it and he had been very sweet and I wanted to please him.  He suggested I make the contacts and he gave me the names of people he said he already had a relationship with.  Long story short, these are people who wanted nothing to do with him, it was his way of trying to get them to talk to him.  To make matters worse the ffm did happen, and he got all butthurt because I had "too much fun" with the other woman than with him.  That's the last ffm for me.  Some of the players who I had contacted then went to him to asked why he would send me to them.  He denied everything.

To everyone who was hurt/insulted via this situation (you know who you are) I owe you an apology since, through my involvemnet, I am partly to blame.  I hope you can forgive me and not hold it against me.  I have only been doing this a short time, and I don't want to make any enemies.

To the superjerk who started this (you know who you are).  Welcome to my ignore list.

End rant.
« : January 20, 2011, 09:17:19 AM christinak »
Hero Member
: 3047

« #1 : January 20, 2011, 09:11:40 AM »

"too much fun"... I laughed at that. ;D

It seems to me like you acted in good faith so I don't think your at fault here hon. If he really had a good relationship with those girls and had been honest and nice it wouldn't have become so dramatic.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #2 : January 20, 2011, 11:31:30 AM »

Sadly honey that's just Achat. I think i detailed some of my earlier drama encounters in the Owning thread, but the sad sort of truth is that you haven't fully delved into the potential of the program until you've had it used against you.

I'm still sorry it happened, but I have to think any reasonable person will know you were not the bad guy here.

When you add to it the class you are showing in the aftermath you've done wonderfully, and shown yourself the kind of person we need on AChat.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 10350

« #3 : January 20, 2011, 11:35:06 AM »

Take this as a chance to learn something. First ask the 3rd person if he/she knows the other one. I also now would talk to the girl you have invited and tell her what has happened. If she accepts your apologize it's ok. If she doesn't accept it, you have tried it.


« #4 : January 20, 2011, 12:22:08 PM »

Thanks for the support, it really means alot.  I have already contacted those who were involved and tried to explain things, but I though a more formal apology was required.  I want everyone to know that I really didn't mean to step on any toes, and I will make sure it doesn't happen again in the future.
: 37

« #5 : January 20, 2011, 12:50:55 PM »

Lover that advice was spot on! Right now down to basic's!

I have nothing to hide so I speak out now and say I was nearly one of the victims of this "drama" but I would like to make it clear that i did not participate in any ffm so i presume this was another female victim.

Christina to be frank my dear I am a little angry now has some of this storey is missing and this has led to me feeling the need to speak out. You and I know what my first question to you was when you approched me, after allegedly being sent by the JERK OFF! and you know what your answer was- this is my problem with the situation.  Christina I  have no problem with you sharing the whole storey including all what you told me the JERK OFF claimed me and him have done, the problem i have right now is the whole storey is not being told and this is not on. If its true that you were naive enough to act has this guys lacky, then this is unfortunate and can only be taken has a lesson learnt. You have choosen to discuss this in the forum i pressume because you feel like you have been the victim of the jerk off but are you the real victim here?

« #6 : January 20, 2011, 01:10:26 PM »

I've already apologized to you privately, and now publicly.  I can only say I am sorry so many times before I just have to let it go.  As I said, I take responsibility for my part in this and I offered an apology for it.  And one last time I will offer an apology to you.  I am sorry for contacting you on behalf of superjerk.  If you are going to choose to hold a grudge against me for this I am sorry to hear it, but I'm moving on.  Since your part in this was limited to me contacting you, asking you a few questions, and then you telling me off (never once did I actually ask you to participate), you might want to stop trying to judge me on this.  You have no clue how the rest of this went down or what was said between me and the others.  Keep that in mind.
« : January 20, 2011, 01:15:05 PM christinak »
: 37

« #7 : January 20, 2011, 01:19:50 PM »

What i will keep in mind in this- When you approached me I made it clear that I am hetero, and you replied by saying you are not approaching me for sex! When in fact thats exactly what you was approaching me for... I don't ask for you to keep saying sorry, all I ask is you be totally honest if you choose to ask for honest feedback.

I also ask you that in future you think before you act of behalf of some jerk off, the mere fact that he does not appear on my friends or lovers list is a clear indication that he is neither to me. For me this is the end of discussion , all I asked of you is to be honest, and remember I never asked to get involved in none of this! Things like this are the reason my avatar is harse, I want to avoid approches from females and Jerks off's

« #8 : January 20, 2011, 01:31:33 PM »

Like I said, I never asked you to participate.  I thought you being hetero would be a problem, so I was TRYING to find out if you knew him.  You then proceeded to chew me out in a very rude fashion for even asking.  I have tried to be as nice as I can about this but you just wont let it go.  You were not there.  You do not know what was said.  You have NO CLUE what was going on.  All you know is I contacted you to ask if you knew the guy I was talking to and that he had said he already talked to you about it.   As far as HONESTY goes, the only thing I haven't mentioned here is how over the top you were about telling me off.  All you had to say was that you hadn't talked to him and that you weren't interested.  You didn't have to be so rude.  And you certinally don't need to be calling me out like this.  If what you want is not to be contacted, you are making that VERY easy with your attitude.
« : January 20, 2011, 01:49:12 PM christinak »

« #9 : January 20, 2011, 03:46:30 PM »

oh i agree with you on that christina, she is rude all right...*super* rude

i had contact with you once and you were super rude...you don't even remember you probably piss off so many people here. not jumping on the band wagon at all
« : January 20, 2011, 06:34:35 PM bobbler »
: 37

« #10 : January 20, 2011, 03:57:18 PM »

Christina Lets do honesty then and I shall try hard to remember I am a lady when doing it, So in that case I won't say how your line of questioning towards me began. Christina you are qwick to blame all this on the jerk off but in fact we only have your word on the accusation that it was all his idear. Lets remember his version of events is very different then yours. You were very qwick to tell me that he claimed me and him engage in activities offline, but he denies saying this to you and I know that its totally untrue, but you automatically expected me to believe you over him

Like I originally said,  I never asked you to contact me and your account of the discussions we had are now very much distorted from what was actually said. Ermmm yeah I was "so rude" to you that you came back private messaging again with pleasentries  two days after the initial exchange of words!

Christina it's not that I don't want to be contacted by anyone.... What I want is not to be contacted with foolishness...So I'm at ease now with the fact you find me rude and think I have an attitude has this means if theres a next time you allege a guy uses you to try and sway women into having relations with him you will steer clear of the likes of me.

If you have apologised to all the people involved then that should of been sufficent to put your conscience at rest so really no need to bring it to the forum (yet I am over the top   ). It's a shame the guy in question dosen't seem to post on here, because if he did then possibly all could see the whole picture has he tells a different tale from you. Christina for me it was over the night you approached me, it is you that keeps bringing it back up...

Enough thanxs, enjoy your game... Oh and Bobbler what do you know this? I'm guessing because you were totally alone in your opinons on the owning topic you have jumped on the band wagon of this one ... looking for some back up lmao

« #11 : January 20, 2011, 04:59:10 PM »

Yes you are RUDE.  And yes you have the WORST attitude I have ever seen.  Woman though you may be, you are ANYTHING BUT A LADY.  You are obviously using this unfortunate situation to get attention for yourself.  How pitiful.  Your involvement in this whole thing probably took up about 10 lines of text.  Yet you have unleashed a pathetic temper tantrum a mile long over it.  I don't know who's really worse here.  The jerk that started this or YOU. 

I just got through having a wonderful chat with Adera.  She's twice the lady you are and she has a penis!  Put that in your pot and boil it.

I'm done talking to you about this.  You just go ahead and blow your hot air until you're done listening to your own head rattle.  Cause no one else cares.  ::)
« : January 20, 2011, 05:04:18 PM christinak »
: 37

« #12 : January 20, 2011, 05:44:22 PM »

Relax before you do yourself a injury, I'm glad you found somebody to talk to maybe now you will pack up your violin, have fun hun
Hero Member
: 3856

« #13 : January 20, 2011, 06:14:21 PM »

Christina this is thread u best delete, rather than allow to fester on. I understand you started this with a sincerity to make a formal public apology but that  purpose is no long being served here.

This dirty laundry should be aired privately

Carmel ..you are being rude...you need to step back, take a deep breath and calm down....


« #14 : January 20, 2011, 07:11:13 PM »

Thanks for the advise Bear. I hear you.  But I have no regrets about what I have said here because I gave serious thought to every word.  So I'm leaving it where it is.  At this point I have dropped it.  I'm not repsponding to this anymore. 
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