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: A tale of erotic fantasy OOC  ( 175445 )
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #60 : March 24, 2011, 04:54:50 PM »

Actually, maybe it's time to start working on working each others threads nearer if not together.

Just putting Adera in your story would make it much more lighthearted Bear. Just like it could give your story the direction you seem to be wanting Adera.

Right now I deliberately set myself in a spot where I could branch into other tales. The ladies I'm meeting in the bath might have recognized an experienced sell sword and may introduce me to the guy Tight is supposed to kill so I can then get hired to protect him.  ;)

Or they might tell me about the beast hunting the cities streets at the nights of the full moon.

I can also cross paths with Adera, but at this point either she'll have to come to the baths or wait for me to get out of them.

But otherwise I have some ideas I will probably mix in either way, but am also ready to develop on my own.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 2415

« #61 : March 24, 2011, 05:22:27 PM »

The future of Umbra is yet uncertain. The fight in his head between passion and endlessly repeated training not even unleashed. He could go either way. Dive deep into the sexuality/sensuality of Libidinis or stick to his believes and convictions and perform his quest or die..
As he was ordered to stay hidden, an immediate meeting with one of the other characters is purely based on chance.
Though, the chances of all other characters (in the thread now, come on guys, plenty of room for others to join in!!) noticing Umbra is much bigger as the commoner in the streets. Janine for having a trained eye, picking out veterans, trained persons. Adera, the pixie with magical powers would notice him instantly. And the shapeshifter woulf smell him..
He might go through the sotry without crossing paths with anyone, but I find that doubtful...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 3047

« #62 : March 24, 2011, 05:45:34 PM »

I think I will go to the baths. What I'm not sure about is if I'm going to walk around there confidently naked or hide my sex under an illusion or morph it. Not hiding anything would be fun because people would look at me with an initial shock when they see my dick. :P

I don't think direct interaction is needed but at least getting the opportunity to notice each others at times would be fun. I'm afraid Bear and Tight's characters are prone to try and blend by their very nature. Well I'm sure they look really hot but they probably try to not be seen too much considering their situations.

Anyway I might put myself a little on display at times so I can be noticed in the background of your stories. Hmm though if someone recognizes Bear and a chase begins or if Janine gets dragged into some fighting for some reason (well you know the warrior type :P) I can imagine it would be hard to miss things if I was nearby.

@Tight: I guess your character will have a hard time, I can see him fall for the pleasures and temptations offered to him but I think he will still strive to continue his quest anyway. Btw even if I'll notice you I might not see anything suspicious about you since I'm really new to human society and such.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #63 : March 24, 2011, 05:51:06 PM »

It will certainly move in thread, but I thought it better to start it here since we're all putting in some truly quality work, and I know I for one didnt' want to just stomp on in.

As far as Adrea and the baths? I dunno, I see Libidinis as a society where bi is actually the norm. So shock would be understandable, but it would likely quickly turn to curiosity.

And for me to meet Umbra... I would basically have to be in the same area. That's why I mentioned possibly being hired on to bring some skill to his personal security.

If we want to weave all the threads together Bear's demon might have a cult, either that Umbra's target is a part of or the Brotherhood itself is a part of.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3856

« #64 : March 24, 2011, 07:36:33 PM »

h yes a cult is involved, I see the "ritual of fire" as solstice event, in this matter, a sort of sexual depravity carried with human sacrifice as an effort to  call forth Faule, the demon overlord to Zirest whom my character seeks. Caduceous in fact plays a role in this cult,.., obvious his intent to drug Xegis  has been demonstrated.   Perhaps Janine, your character is hired to protect  a daughter marked for the ritual sacrifice.

"Bear": the character has his limits, as the moon wanes, so does the animalistic senses, until with the new moon he is essentially "human", but for his natural shapeshifting powers. Those attributes which give him an advantage,are by-products of the taint, gone at the new moon, only to return in slow increments with it's waxing.

 ;D I had been struggling with the end game, after all how does one dispose of a demon? But Adera's little gem gave me the hook,... I see that ending now very clearly with that gem. Getting the gem posed a bit of a dilemena, but I think I figured this out, ...

I have a couple principle characters ready to roll out,..Odeus Hammerhand, a Darwven smitty and his 4 gnomish companions (unnamed at the moment).  I see the gnomes as tinkering creatures of chaotic good, full of right intentions, but of random disaster afoot if left to their own devices. (Adera's character encountering the gnomes could be highly interesting.) The pragmatic dwarf is their balance, a character who can set their brilliance to fulfillment. 

the other a female Elven herbalist,... to follow shortly... anyway it's food for thought in consideration of your stories.

I can see this as a large city, where the prospects of contact may be fleeting,..or as Janine states potentially entwining.

Hero Member
: 2415

« #65 : March 24, 2011, 07:57:21 PM »

Besides the internal struggle Umbra is going through and which are perilous to his true purpose, other forces are working in this political gumbo as well. In a next post few characters will be introduced. The caretaker f the monastery, in charge of the place as the highest representative of the Brotherhood with his assistant. Their worries about the faith of the Ranger in this delightful city growing. A rumour about the Ranger's presence might be brought to the city as the characters might be joined by a fifth..
Besides that, although never discussed, the influence of the Brotherhood on the political arena is public secret. Everyone knows, noone talks about it. With the caretaker and his assistant, the governors of the city will be introduced as well. Tjose characters prettydefined, the Brothethood not yet as clear to me..:

Signis of the house Mercator, Prefect of Libidinis.A proud man, coming from old riches. Confident in his command, yet weak for his preference of male servants. Him and his wife not sharing bedrooms, a few nights per week the Prefect sends for a boy.

Lydia of the house Mercator, born Clericus, Prefect´s wife. Mentally not blessed with very high capabilities. She’s pretty dumb, but with her beauty and her seductional skills, she is worth a lot to the Prefect. As they don’t share an intimate relation, she is free to bed with anyone to her likings. Discretion a must and guarded heavily since she does not want to lose her status, derived from her husband. Nor can she go without his large chest of gold.

Comes of the house Mercator, only son of the Prefect, designated heir of the command of the city. Spoiled, cruel and an insatiable lust for twin sisters, servants at the residence. As they submit to his position as son of the Prefect, they are bound to his will to do his every bidding. His room holding a secret chamber where he lives out his depraved fantasies. His only weakness as he is under constant guard, the captain his friend and beneficial to his favors when he lends out the girls he owns.

Soon the Ranger will need to gather information about the son, he will meet his supplier. Meanwhile the festival is getting closer to opening.. Will that happen at the solstice? In my last post, the solstice will be in 4 days.. Will that date compromise your story Bear? Maybe we should end the days, by closing them, keeping a kind of countdown?

As for entertwining threads, I see a high possibility that Umbra will lose his faith momentarily, diving into the sensuality of the city. The central square a lure to all visitors of Libidinis, looking for entertainment. Be it a sexual encounter, watching a good match of Ludus Vitae or the skills of a trained swordsman/woman..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #66 : March 25, 2011, 04:15:36 AM »

On marriage, would Libidnis have any problems with adultery? I ask because as I'm seeing the nation marriage would still exist, but having other lovers would be seen almost as a matter of course, BUT that sort of thing could range from people assume it's happening, but never talked about, to open secrets, to just plain open.

I could start weaving into your story right now Tight as I see the women I'm in the baths with as members of a sort of women's social society... which this being Libidinis of course includes a great deal of girl on girl action.  ;D I also see it as an inroad to the various strata of the city.

As far as the other ideas... I do see that sort of sexual enslavement you described as an abomination in Libidinis. Sexual servitude would be one thing, and a mutually agreed on situation, but what you seemed to describe was anything but consensual.

By the same token while I would see kids as taught that the body and sexuality are not BAD I see turning kids into sex objects as you describe the prefect doing would also be called an abomination.

Which of course means I wouldn't be hired to guard the guy as I'd pick up on that soon enough and probably kill him before you got over the wall.  ;)

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 2415

« #67 : March 25, 2011, 05:37:18 AM »

Comes of Mercator is definitly an abomination in Libidinis. His father knows about his secret and his twisted mind, but since it is his only son, he forgives him every flaw. This behavious is yet unknown to Umbra, though he will find the room, empty when he goes out on his scout.
Suspecting what goes on in that secret chamber, Umbra might get enraged. Knowing know the sweetness of making love.
I could also see a coalition between Janine and Umbra possible if Janine finds out about the secret of Comes. It might be interesting to see how they both go after him. Either in an outspoken coalition or a situation where both go after him, without knowing about the other. An accidental meeting, a shared goal might create a dangerous team Comes has to be very aware off...

In a city as liberal as Libidinis, I'd see it as an open behaviour. No shame or secrecy. Both men and women can have mutliple lovers besides their spouse. Each relationship deepening a different aspect of sex- and sensuality..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 3047

« #68 : March 25, 2011, 08:59:21 AM »

Hmm I think that quite a few nobles and others marry just for political or economical reasons even in a city like Libidinis, the good thing on the other hand is the view on sex in Libidinis which will let them have sex however they like. :)
Hero Member
: 3856

« #69 : March 25, 2011, 10:24:35 AM »

hmm,...interesting, viewpoints. The threads of Tight and Janine give a very stratified viewpoint of the city, . I had to sit back and absorb the flow of the stories there, ponder the weave. I see this city distinctly human, a social stratification segregating the noble families and wealthy from the common folk. This suggests either a segregation of economic neighborhoods, or houses controlling distinct neighborhoods. In such case I am having a hard time to see a natural blending of the races. A sprinkling of the races thru the city no doubt, but I sense  that natural order suggests a enclave of the other races

Being a port city, the advantages of being an economic hub are obvious, but tempered in some manner that all who follow trade routes would not necessarily be compelled to find such openness and attitudes a comfortable situation. One must also cater to your clients.

Sexual servitude might be acceptable practice if voluntary, but power, wealth and lust are natural corrupter's,  the desire of possession could easily lend itself to involuntary servitude since not all personalities will lend themselves to attract a voluntary follower, those with enough wealth and influence no doubt resorting to other methods.

I agree Janine, the forced enslavement would be viewed with disapproving eyes, but man is a weak vessel. I would have do doubt it is prevalent.

Corruption of such attitudes makes a natural attraction for the demon Zirest,...who might see the the free and natural expression of sensuality with a different viewpoint. To manipulate and twist into forms of decadence of corrupted lust...a natural pool of attitude to press his own agenda. I see the demon as a natural shapeshifter, someone who could easily twist the weak minded, perhaps corrupting  of your target Tight. Humans are weak willed....makes them distinctive from the other races.

In my viewpoint of the races. a perfect city of sensuality would have been elven in nature,  stronger minds of unified direction. Humans strive to mimic the perfection of elves, but are more selfish in nature, that selfishness the corruption of any idea. That is the nature of humans . A dwarf city of sensuality?....The pragmatic attitudes don't quite fit. The gnomes,...too chaotic of mind to attain. They could conceive, though I see them as finding paths other than straight line solutions. No doubt the gadgetry of invention a heavy undertone of employment. Hobbits?... their nature just not inclined to seek exploration of such an idea.

@ Tight Timewise though,.. I see my story starting much earlier than yours,..I am 3 days out from the full moon,.. if 28 day cycles, probably at this point of my story, If you are four days from the full moon, I am working currently about 25 days earlier. My characters purpose more muddled as he tries to unwind the mystery.Let me think,...I'll post what ramifications his actions might hold on your story at that point.
« : March 25, 2011, 10:53:53 AM Bear »

Hero Member
: 2415

« #70 : March 25, 2011, 06:54:10 PM »

I guess Libidinis is mainly occupied by humans (in the fantasy books I read, they usually were the main group). Therefor I chose to introduce the twisted character of Comes. I believe every human society has deranged minds, especially when fuelled with money and power.

Though Signis is in heart a good man, his favoritism for young boys not something exclusive in the city, his son has twisted thoughts. They might have been enhanced by the presence of the demon. I'll leave that option open to you, Bear. For the Ranger it doesn't matter what kind of person Comes is, and it might be interesting to see if Umbra will run into the demon or has to deal with his influence on Comes. If the demon has no dealings with Comes, his childhood might have formed the breeding grounds on which his deranged mind has sprouted seeds. Umbra will find out his secret. The forced obedience of the girls will be looked at with disgust.

It's his biggest secret. except for the Captain of the guard, nobody knows about this. Not even his father knows about it. The chamber was constructed secretly. Comes is a spoiled young man, his mind corrupted with the power and money his father has (in principle). He is very intelligent, found out early he could do almost anything and get away with it. Uses his intelligence now to weave a political net around his father, gaining the attention of the Brotherhood while weaving.. It will be his downfall as he threatens the peace that has benefitted the Brotherhood so much. At least, as long as the Ranger sticks to his quest...

In a way, this offers an opportunity for all 4 stories to mix together. As the gem Adera left behind, might hold the key for Silvermane.. To be truely honest, I believe this would be worth published as a book if there was a market for eroticism in a fantasy world.. all stories coming together in a way...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #71 : March 25, 2011, 08:46:55 PM »

I have to object to Signis being able to bed young boys without anyone acting, BUT I am seeing the word boys as children. Young MEN are one thing, but honestly working pedophilia in just takes some of the fun out of it.

For the city of Libidinis... open sexuality does not breed abuse but curbs it, and that's something that I see coming out. I mean if this Comes is always retreating to his private room no one knows about rather then having consenting adult relationships... people will notice.

By the same token if sexuality is an open matter kids aren't going to be afraid to tell, and if this guy has a taste for male children people are going to know, and I just can't see it as people being content to cluck their tongues disapprovingly.

Edited to add. The kids is the big thing to me. Having people overlook the suffering of adults is... frighteningly workable, but children fire off primal instincts for too many in my opinion, and again personally VERY uncomfortable with that idea no matter the sad level of historical support.
« : March 25, 2011, 09:10:36 PM Janine Dee »

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 2415

« #72 : March 26, 2011, 03:57:10 AM »


never intended to introduce paedophilia into the story. I should have expressed myself more clearly. Ofcourse I mean young men..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 1597

« #73 : March 26, 2011, 06:20:47 AM »

Thinking  how to jump in  , sorry been so busy , might do small part on the side ! xxx sunny
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #74 : March 26, 2011, 09:41:17 AM »

Sorry, was hoping it was a misscommunication.  :)

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
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