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2 problems on game – Game Download and Steam version Full screen mode shut down.

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? 2 problems on game – Game Download and Steam version Full screen mode shut down.

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    2 problems on game.

    First is with the client version downloaded normally from the site, when run the launcher a message will pop up saying that couldn’t reach the update server and won’t check any updates. Making game settings reset each time that I run it.

    The second problem comes with the steam version. I just can’t go to full screen mode, whenever I try the game goes into black screen and shuts down.

    No idea what’s happening, any tip?


    Sorry I can’t help with the first problem. I’ve never had that problem.

    The second one is a known problem to some of us. Hopefully when the new update arrives all these problems will disappear.

    So in the meantime you’ll just have to do window mode.

    If you do get a black screen in windowed mode, all you have to do to get the screen back is adjust the size of the window.


    Hi Litnay,
    Welcome to Forum. Hope you stay and join in more topics.

    @Zuz… missed you. Good to see you back.

    Back to Litnay’s points.
    Litney, a few strange things are happening with the Web site and with the game. I am presuming or hoping, it is Achat working behind the scenes with the much awaited update.
    Don’t give up, I’m sure it will all iron out in the end. If you are still having issues, perhaps drop a note to Achat using “Support” on the top menu bar and see what they suggest.
    When you get an answer, perhaps you could just update this topic to help other members who may experience the same issues… Thanks.

    I have experienced the “Black Screen” issue in public and private rooms. Its like the lights go out but I all I can see are the name tags of Avatars. I’m not sure if its the same thing you are experiencing.
    It has happened on and off for awhile and Achat is aware of it.
    The best solution to correct it is as Zuz has already suggested, place your cursor on the edge of the game screen, press on the left click on your mouse or touchpad and pull the game screen slightly larger or smaller. For some reason, it seems to reboot the picture.

    I have not experienced the shut down with it and I suspect its Achat working on the update. Try again and if you still have issues, let Achat’s Support know.

    Good Luck and please let us know how you get on.


    hello litnay

    the first problem can be caused by the presence of a firewall that has the site in blacklist

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