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Questions about the gifting system

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Home Forums Got any problems running AChat? Questions about the gifting system

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  • #200219

    I am gonna use steam wallet and charge 40$ to buy 10kA$ what are the kind of gifts that i can get with this amount i am gonna buy premium for 1 year and the rest 3kA$ for poses and clothes and other stuff


    Hi Raptor
    Welcome to Forum.

    The gifting system now in force to reward members for spending real cash in Achat is fairly new and no one really knows the amount of gifts awarded to members compared to cash spent.

    Achat lets each member know when they log into “Gifts” on the menu bar above the choice of gifts that can be collected on your account.
    The gifts range from poses and clothes to rooms and profile backgrounds.
    You can either take the gifts immediately after a spend or can save to qualify for more expensive items.

    Hopefully as more members get used to this gifting following a spend, they will post the experience and number of gifts given with cost of spend for the info of our members.

    Please let us know how you get on.

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