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Forum Idea. Making a Premium/VIP section in forum

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    CAN WE DO THIS ? Question for Rab and Tom

    I was thinking that this could be a way for Achat giv Premium members and members that get VIP in forum to seperate some issues from normal no paying members

    VIPs could get membership to Premium member room when they get a numberof posts
    any member ( no matter how many posts)can ask for it and the Premium members vote on letting them in room

    I think it would also giv another reason (like they need it) to become a premium member…

    Just a thought I would like to hear what everyone thinks. Premium and None Premium members and also Rab and Tom is possible


    Right now our forum and in-game accounts are in completely separate systems. Is it possible to merge these somehow?
    I understand this will most likely erase our current forum users, but would allow for things like the suggested sub forums in this thread.

    I agree with Sandy and would like to see a thing like this as well as some new sub forums for general chat. It's weird that everything is still posted under the Support – Other issues forum, no matter if it's just for fun, improvement ideas like this one or a real technical problem. This latter thing is incredibly easy to do with the tools at hand, but it's only now that we've got an active enough community to really need it.


    +1 for Sandy i totally agree with it 😉

    Louna the Morbid Girl


    ok for a special part of the forum for premium members, but the VIP one needs a moderator team !


    NO NO the VIPs will be VIP because that will be let into the Premium section of forum thats all.. FOor-Premium members that chat and play the game that Premium members like

    Maybe a way to set up that Premium members can Vote in Each VIP that is asked for by voting

    also could be used as a place the DV team could poll about questions on what premium members want and only get answers from Prem/vip on any number of question that would concern us

    and I like the response Blouli and thanks Louna



    also could be used as a place the DV team could poll about questions on what premium members want and only get answers from Prem/vip on any number of question that would concern us

    +1 Sandy ! THAT is THE point !

    it also can be a place where the dev team can present all the actions of the new positions. so, premium members could know if it's good to buy or not (for the member, i mean).
    some little movies to show the possibilities of new additions ! that would be helpfull !


    #3 in poll is my favourite 


    The general idea isn't bad, especially the voting for upcoming features and the extended previews, but I'm still unsure about one thing: who would decide who would be the first members, and how?

    Let me explain: letting the existing “vips” vote for new members is ok, but who would decide on the first ones: Tom and Rab? But on what basis?

    So let's see your suggestions people! And don't get me wrong Sandy, I do like your idea!


    The general idea isn't bad, especially the voting for upcoming features and the extended previews, but I'm still unsure about one thing: who would decide who would be the first members, and how?

    Let me explain: letting the existing “vips” vote for new members is ok, but who would decide on the first ones: Tom and Rab? But on what basis?

    So let's see your suggestions people! And don't get me wrong Sandy, I do like your idea!

    Rab and Tom could giv VIP to who ever they wanted of course.. I think that vips should all be voted in by Premium Members only even the 1st ones(once Prem Setion is open).. a non-premium member requests in in normal section that would be started that says (request VIP membership) and there certain rules would be set up so they know what the requirement is then a Premium member in Premium section starts a poll for hmm 7days let say and if member gets hmm 80% of Premium members saying Yes in poll voteing then ok if under 80% well then No VIP……
    what am i missing?


    Nice and interesting pictures but : : 🙂 In your last picture, you have small horns and partner testicle black??


    so now Ihave notonly horns but also testicles geesh you are mean well fine then let pick on each other more…  your 1 tooth is a buck tooth and when you eat  corn on the cob it looks like a spiral stair case


    ok back to topic..
    I thikn its a great  Idead but I also think that if not possible then thats ok also.. I kinda like the fact of prem and non prem mingleing here in forum

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