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Bear. Achat, VL, Short Notes and Things

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Bear. Achat, VL, Short Notes and Things

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    Taking time off to focus on some RL issues,the Holidays, friends and family.
    Will pop in from time to time,…since I am a board junkie…
    Anyways,.a Happy, safe and enjoyable season to you all


    Have a good time, make the right decisions and enjoy your life, even the problems and challenges.

    And don’t forget to come back….


    See you Bear!


    Well you take care of what your got to take care off.  Will miss you babe.  Happy Holidays.  Take care.  N don't you dare be a stranger.  :-* :-* :-*

    Janine Dee

    Absolutely understandable. Happy Holidays and come back soon.


    Hope you'll find time to achieve all your goals. Happy holidays and take care. Of yourself and anyone that matters around you Bear…


    Hi Bear, are you back? Or was it just for today?

    No matter. Nice to read your posts again. Hope, you brought everything to a good end!


    Back,…though my experiences took a number of bizarre turns. Lucky though to have an angel on my shoulder.
    Very lucky and thanks for the welcome back, it is most appreciated.


    Bizarre turns… seems like you’ve been on an adventure of some sorts and welcome back. 🙂

    Janine Dee

    Nice to see you back Bear.


    To Bear. Thank You.

    Since I was unable to post in the Forum News topic, I will put this here… complete with Bear’s post.
    As I am sure there are others who would like to post a few words of thanks.

    Over the past 18 months I have found that my capacity to be an active participant as a forum moderator increasingly difficult. hence I have decided to tender my resignation to tom and suzy and the forum moderators that effective immediately I will no longer be a forum moderator.

    That said I desire to give my thanks, to tom and suzy for taking a bold step and instilling active forum members as moderators. My thanks to Lover, Tightfit and Keiko, who volunteered to step forth and do this with me and face the initial firestorm of what was then not a popular idea.

    I wish to give gratitude to Lover for his unending devotion to the banner of Achat, he worked tirelessly to the creation of the structuret within the forum that we have today. His eagerness to answer questions and direct newcomers in the right direction.
    Again to Tightfit for developing and encouraging the groundwork of threads for creative members to find an outlet to express themselves.
    To Brandybee for her tireless efforts in recruiting and encouraging members to take a look and participate in our growing community.
    To HB for picking up the slack of matters during my absence, his uncertainty grew into confidence.

    I am certain they will find someone within the community with equal zeal and appreciation for what has developed here.

    And finally my thanks to all of you readers and posters it is you who brings life to these threads.

    I have seen much here thru the years. Be it by simple banter, or the suggestion of creative ideas to enhance the game for all to play, to those who stepped forward perhaps with trepidation,and posted stories. and those who…. *cough, cough*…. gave us some visually appealing erotica.

    You all collectively make this a special place.

    end quote


    I hope this doesn’t mean you will no longer contribute to the Forum

    My friend, thank you for all you have done to help put this Forum on a firm foundation. When I first arrived into this place, it was a mess, with folks posting anything and everything in all the topics. It was difficult to find any help via the Forum because I had to wade through post after post of blather.

    You and the others who started it, Keiko, Tighfit74, and Lover took a lot of abuse during the flame war that erupted when you all first attempted to moderate. The result is a place where information is easily available, and a friendly atmosphere in which to make any inquiries.

    You leave the Forum a much better place than when I started and in very capable hands… and for that I’d like to offer a round of applause, and buy you a beer.


    Hear Hear Covems,


    I too would like to say a big Thank you to Bear and his dedication to the Forum as a foundling Mod.
    He has without a doubt set firm foundations for what Forum is today.

    I am one of the second generation Moderators, having replaced my good friend TightFit74.

    It is with a heavy heart I see you move on but hope too you will stay around to share your great wisdom, wit and wonderful stories. I am and always will be in awe of your knowledge- kinky and otherwise- and vast experience.

    Bear ( and Lover & Tightfit ) has helped to guide me along the Forum village, patted me on the head (ok butt ) when I did good and smacked my butt when I needed it. How often that was will remain tight-lipped between me and Bear.

    ;D ;D ;D ;D

    Thank you for being my mentor, my friend and writing buddy, and when or if RL issues allow, I will gladly step aside for you to take your place back up again.

    Good Luck Bear.

    Love always.

    Bee. xxx



    The forum as it is today will always be related with some members who already left (Adera, Janine just to mention these two) and some mods who already left (Keiko, Tight). And it always will be related with your name. That we are able to have open discussions, almost always gentle and peacefully though we have many members from different countries, different languages and different cultural backgrounds, is possible because some people came together to push this forum. You are one of them. That some of our wishes for game are fulfilled is your “fault” too 😉

    Before your rl time issues started, you have been very important for a lot of good improvements we have got. The story section would not be as hot as it is today. And I know for sure, without your ability to mediate between different opinions, we would have had much more argues than we had.

    The god thing is, as now you don’t have to deal with the little and big troubles a mod sometimes has to deal with, you can focus on the things you like most now. Also I hope – and I’m sure – you always will give your opinion to questions, discussions and new ideas. Bcause this was one point, all of us mods always have been and still are fighting for: A place where everybody is encouraged to talk open and honestly.

    Saying this, I don’t say farewll as you stay in forum. But I want to thank you for all the good things you have done. Thank you for the time we have been working together – without being vain I can say it was a success. And last but not least thank you for getting to know you.

    Good bye mod, welcome “new” member 🙂


    Dear Scary Bear,  the King Dom of Achat

    I am sorry to hear that you can no longer find enough time to carry on your position as Moderator.
    I will miss you greatly prowling and growling round the village.

    You, TightFit74 , Lover and Keiko have made this Forum grow into the wonderful village that it is today. For that you should be very proud.
    I don’t think many people know here, but you have assisted in many ideas that have been realised in the Achat game and forum, one of which is the Log Cabin with the Bear blankets as a tribute to you.
    We love our cabin and home here – Hyperion Homestead. Thank you.

    I implore and hope you will remain a part of our village as an honorary Moderator and continue to post your ideas , especially your naughty pose ideas.  Jayc and I quite enjoy trying those out even if in  stories and role play.

    I would like to extend my personal thanks to you for taking precious time out, reading our stories and offering ideas and advice. That has been invaluable to us in our writings and we still have much to learn.

    I have also read your stories and do hope you will continue to write for us here. I would really like you to continue with the Talon – the Lycan story in Erotic Fantasy Story when you have the time.

    Although we do not see each other in the Achat Game so much, (I'd be way to scared)  I feel I have got to know you in the AB&G, hence your nick name of Scary Bear when my traitorous spouse and you plotted your charm revenge.  Your ideas and erotic thoughts are amazing and I will always remain a fan.

    I also believe you had quite a soft spot for Doris.  Maybe I could arrange a personal haunting LOL.

    In case you haven’t got the message, it’s quite simple  –  Please don’t leave. Your Forum and it’s villagers need you.

    We love you too.

    Highest  Regards

    Stone and  Jayc. 


    Thank you 5 for the kind words.

    To be clear I will still be about the game and forum,… lurking… prowling…

    I hope to channel my free time again into more creative endeavors.

    Look for the “The Word” in late August after I return from a hiatus for family time. As to Ta;on. I do have more, he's a marvelously flawed character who I  have had fun with in my own personal writings which have never been posted. If interest is there in that format of story, I may share them.


    Bear, dear friend….

    I know this last year adn half was full in your life and you can’t be here to help us as the role of mod request and that was a shame, cause i always considered you as a pilla for them four.

    Now, let me thanks you for all you did in past, as mod and as user for this wonderful place and i can say i’m very happy to read you will stay as a member of the AChat family.

    High five for the coewboy! 😀

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