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A tale of erotic fantasy.

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  • #5146
    Janine Dee

    I still remember the look on her brother's face when he found us in the hayloft. Typically when someone found their sister half-naked and kissing someone they would thrash the someone and be done with it, but in our village boys didn't hit girls.

    He settled for dragging her away as she protested and tried to get her dress righted, but that confused look never left his face, and it wouldn't be the last time I saw it either. I saw it on his face as he struggled, and often failed, to make sure we were never left alone together, and I saw it on the face of other brothers, and fathers, and mothers as any chores I would perform with the other village girls always took a good deal more time.

    I don't know, maybe I could have helped myself and stopped, but I didn't want to, and no matter how nervous they were at first the girls never wanted me to stop either.

    Who knows how long the situation might have continued, but during the warm weather of my eighteenth summer the orcs, and ogres and their ilk took to raiding our filled store houses. It grew bad enough that a band of mercenaries were contracted to deal with the problem, and despite the fierceness of the inhuman raiders their savagery couldn't match intelligent tactics.

    When it came time for their payment they said they needed a young woman, and while such a request was quite controversial all knew armies on the march had their camp followers.

    Of course I didn't know about this until my parents called me out of the house, but it seemed the village decided to solve two problems in a single blow.

    The next part is easy to guess with the shrieking and crying on my part, and the shamed looks on the faces of those I had grown up with, as well as the course comments  of the mercenaries.

    Where the tale turns is when the first thought to take my maidenhood. While there was blood it was his as I got his dagger from the belt he struggled to undo, and plunged the blade into his throat.

    It was their turn for cries out shock and outrage, but their cries of shock and outrage brought someone who took action, their commander.

    SHE was the one who told them to fetch a maiden, to be her hand maiden to aid her with mundane tasks as she handled the many duties of running a mercenary army.

    The fact that her men were so undisciplined as to misconstrue her orders so greatly seemed a great personal affront to her, and she was quite sincere in her apologies as she offered to return me to my village.

    Remembering the regard those I thought my people held me I asked her what it is she would have of me.

    (OCC as I note I will be keeping my name as my handle, and I'm going to break this into smaller posts because it's already getting huge.)

    Janine Dee

    While I started serving my Lady as one would expect a hand maiden to do the fact that I had bested a grown warrior nearly twice my weight impressed her and she began training me in the warrior's ways.

    To my surprise I took to them quite handily. My girlish figure firming into womanly curves, and the childish cunning growing into outright guile.

    I could tell my Lady was quite pleased, and I found myself hungry for her approval. I actually hungered for much more, but was so in awe of her I couldn't voice it, but I didn't need to. My lady read my eyes, and one night as she and I bathed away the days exertions she bade me to draw closer.

    I looked everywhere but her, but she cupped my cheek and brought my eyes to hers, and there I saw a smile, and yes there was some amusement there, more importantly there was a tenderness that I knew the rest of her army never got to see. Leaning in she pressed her lips to mine, and finding me unresisting she slipped her arms around me and pulled our naked, still damp bodies together.

    At that contact of flesh I gasped and her tongue invaded my mouth, and that gasp transformed to a  moan. While I had been with girls before this I was now with a woman and as my hands moved with wonder over firm shoulders and strong arms her one hand moved to support me at the small of my back while another moved to cup and squeeze my breast and softly tug at my nipple.

    My head rolled back and I found myself looking to her shining eyes as her hand stopped. Seeing my look of dismay at her ceasing of actions she smiled. “Don't worry. I'm not stopping.”

    The hand that had been cupping my breast moved to my bottom and lifted me up before carrying me to her bedding. Laying me out gently she laid out beside me be with one arm supporting her on her side as her opposite hand moved to softly explore my breasts.

    Several times I tried to speak, but my frantic breathing made it difficult. She smiled and that exploring hand caressed my cheek before she would lean in and kiss me. “It's all right Janine. Just feel, words can come later.”

    Then her hand returned to her explorations, soft, gentle, and maddeningly slow. Part of me wanted to beg her to move to that aching center between my thighs, but the rest of me was much happier letting her do as she will.

    Her will however did find its way there, and as it did the arm supporting her weight then supported mine as I cried out in pleasure. She rolled me to her, and I kissed her collar, her neck, and the tops of her breasts as her fingers moved though the damp, heated center of my need.

    My Lady's fingers found her way inside me, and to my maidenhead. She paused, a silent question in her eyes as she made me meet her gaze, and all I could do was nod. I can't say I consciously knew what I was agreeing to as I nodded, but I knew if she wanted it, and I could give it to her I was more then ready to.

    There was a brief bit of pain, but she kissed the resulting tears, away. The pained tears, and the pleasured ones as my eyes clenched shut and my body locked tight and I cried out her name.

    For all of my ability to perceive time I could have spent days in her arms as my body shook in the aftermath, but soon I found myself looking back into those dazzling eyes. Eyes that held a new question, and a matching hunger, and again I couldn't even contemplate denying her.

    She turned so that her feet were facing my head and mine hers, and our legs interlocked almost like the grappling maneuvers she had been teaching me. This intimate grapple however was much  different as I felt her dripping hot folds pressing against mine, and rubbing new life into them.

    A new life that moved into my arms as I braced them behind me  to better push against her, something that brought that pleased smile I recognized from when I would master one lesson or another of her's both quickly and well.

    She stayed smiling as she rocked against me, but her smile became less focused, lost in the pleasure she was experiencing, pleasure that I was giving her. I found myself rocking harder, knowing I could make her feel like she had just made me feel, and as she cried out my name I knew I had succeeded.

    Without thinking about it I grabbed her in my arms, and while I knew my Lady could have countered the maneuver easily enough she allowed herself to be grabbed and kissed by me.

    I never returned to my own bedding in any of my time with my Lady's army.

    Janine Dee

    My time with my Lady's army ended as much as it had began. This time however it had been a noble observer who had been sent to travel with us as we fought his Liege's battle.

    An enemy village had been secured, and this “noble” observer had thought himself entitled to one of the girls of that village. While I knew his importance and kept my sword sheathed many of the men said I was actually kinder with my sword as the wound killed cleaner then the injuries I could inflict with my skilled hands.

    Though he was left alive it took divine healing to ensure he would walk again, and suddenly the entire army was in danger of  the much larger force that we had been simply reinforcing being sent after us once the larger battle was finished.

    The nature of the observer's actions left our employer eager to resolve the matter, but the undeniable fact that his observer had been attacked by someone in his employ could not be ignored, and so I voluntarily left the ranks so that face could be saved without blood being spilled.

    None were happy with it, but I sought to make the best of it.

    I quickly found employ with a merchant who was enamored with the idea of a female swordsman because he felt sure he didn't have to worry about his daughter's virtue… and I can swear that the entire time I was protecting her she didn't even notice the men who sought to woo her.

    He had been so pleased with my ability to keep her away from men that he actually recommended me to many of his friends… and I can again swear they weren't bothered by any man's attentions the entire time they were under my care.

    More then once I almost felt guilt at their profuse gratitude.

    Some employers were more… aware, and some like the sorceress who first hired me to guard her as she gathered rare ingredients for her spells sometimes seemed to find frivolous reasons to  hire my sword as to get the rest of me near.

    She graduated to a genuine lover, and was numbered with many other dear souls that I met during my travels and happily hoped to see again.

    Now however I found myself at the gates of a city I had never been to before.


    With a twitch, my body translating the threatening scene in the dream, into an uncontrolled sharp movement, I suddenly wake up. The nightmare familiar, haunting my subconscious for months now, setting me on my journey towards the city. An undertaking starting months ago, now nearing the end as I can feel the presence of the city on my skin.

    As I walked the woods, the hills and fields to my destination, carving small statues on the way, selling them to get the necessary supplies, hundreds of miles passed beneath my feet. The destination always clear, the way to get there under subject of choice, as the brotherhood ordered me to stay hidden, my travels a secret.

    Born destined to become a Ranger, sent to the monastery at the age of 5, I was trained in the skills of an assasin and a forestwalker. Knowing all living plants, trees and animals in this part of the world, having intimate knowledge of sleight and silent ways to kill, I was educated to be a scholar, as well as trained in celibacy. Intimate relations not forbidden but discouraged, since Rangers can not have ties keeping them in one place or occupying their minds.

    Sent by the brotherhood, feeling their order as a constant pressure, pushing me forwards. An unexplainable urge pulling me towards this secretive city, where my assignment is due to be fulfilled. My ability to hide in the shadows and travel unseen and unnoticed, perfected when I was an adolescent as I trained myself to be within 3 ft of an unsuspecting girl without her noticing it as she was bathing.

    This night the dream was more vivid, more alive and more threatening. The proximity of the city maybe having its influence. I sit up and poke in the cinders, still lightly glowing as the crumbling branches and logs covered the ever slower burning flames, leaving nothing but ashes. I put on some more logs and blow in the orange glow, adding my breath to the slumbering fire until small flames start licking the dry wood. The fire a monster, finding fresh food, soon flares up, lighting the long, leave-covered branches of the huge oak I chose as my resting place for the night.

    It is almost morning, the sky not as dark anymore, the horizon showing the bleak grey of a clouded day. As I let my eyes get used to the morning twillight, my ears pick up something.
    A slight noise, seemingly a branch snapped in two by careful feet. The flustering of leaves as they are stepped on, a brach swushing as it swings back into place. Someone is there, moving towards the small creek a hundred pases away.

    The branches of the oak so low, they shield the fire shining through and quickly I get up and move towards the creek. Without a sound, moving past two squirrels without them noticing, I reach the stream, my eyes first finding a black long skirt, a white blouse and low shoes, then hearing splashes in the water. Hidden in the dark shadows of  a weeping willow, a white figure glides through the dark water, her head leaning backwards, her long, dark hair curling around her neck and shoulders as it is submerged in the rushing stream.


    Her breasts just above the water, her mouth half opened, her eyes looking at the sky as she floats on her back. Unaware of her spectator, she stand up, the water low and just covering her legs up to her knees, and starts washing herself. A soft, white cloth, held by slender fingers, sliding over her body. Caressing and gently washing her skin, starting at her face and neck, sliding over her breasts and stomach, then down her long, strong legs. She moves her hand up the back of her legs, then sliding over her round, firm butt. As she moves her hand to her front, she spreads her legs a little, sliding the cloth between her thighs and over her sex.
    As she moves her hand, she closes her eyes and relaxes. Then she suddenyl drops the cloth, her not taking action to catch it before the creek takes it out of reach. Instead her hand is pushed harder against her sex and a soft moan comes from her lips. I move in closer, hiding behind the huge trunk of the willow, watching her from the front. I can see her finger move over her clit, twirling around it, rubbing fast and hard. Her hand curving and bending, pushing a finger inside her, keeping the same tempo as her finger rubbing her clit.

    Her moans turning into gasps as she nears her climax. Her thighs trembling, her feet struggling to keep their hold on the slippery stones in the creek. Then she clenches her legs, catching her hand between her thighs as a high pitched scream leaves her throat. Her head leaning back, releasing her outing of pleasure into the world. Her body frozen as the waves of her orgasm turn into ripples then slowly subside.

    She opens her eyes and looks around dazed. Her view glary, not fully returned to the present yet, she slowly starts moving towards her clothes, sucking on her finger before she rinces her hand clean in the clear water. She dries herself off quickly before rushing to put her clothes on. Shivering with cold and the after glow of her pleasure, she hops onto the bank and swiftly disappears between the trees.

    Her presence and body already aroused me, her pleasuring planting an unbearable seed of lust in my head, growing quickly into a thought-entangling twine. Knowing it will be impossible to get the girl out of my mind before release, I slide my hand in my pants and grab my cock. My thoughts drawn automatically to the scene I just witnessed, I close my eyes and dive deep into it. Forming myself into her hand as she plays with her clit and wet centre.

    Within seconds I find bliss and I let my orgasm rip through my body as I deposit my warm seed in the rushing water of the creek. Biting my jaws down, I force myself to keep quiet, allowing my mind to absorb the fullness of my climax. A slight shiver through my legs before I return the iron grip on my mind and body and close my pants, before focussing and returning to my camp. Five minutes later nothing would ever tell someone had spent the night under the magnificent oak. In my mind I find the city in the distance, focussing, smelling the first smell of the streets in the distance. I disappear between the trees, moving towards the edge of the forest..


    The darkness of alleyways and narrow city streets wrapped to her as she headed home ., but for the full moon these passages would have been near impassible to navigate. Even in the bright light of the moons glow, she walked with trepidation, fear lingering since the killings had occurred only under such conditions. She would not have dared to make such journey, but for the growing  fever of the child,…her fear the daughter would not have lasted till daybreak unless the soothing herbs from the apothecary could be gained. Now with them, she rushed the streets  praying it not too late.

    The gnawing sensation of being watched, raised the hairs of fear… the sounds of movement ever present behind her. Try as she wanted she sensed something there, stalking, close but hidden in those shadows

    The sudden crash of crates made her turn,.. the onrushing blackness huge,  growling as it pounced from the darkness, freezing her in fear… that bottomless grip of doom crashing on her. Jaws of death seemed imminent to tear at her, the clawed digits reaching…

    Then a second shadow streaking by,… colliding, the impact sending both tumbling, crashing into the near crates.  They rose in a flash,… bodies bent unnatural,. The elongated snouts, yellow eyes burning in the moonlight. Canine features which struck dread into her as she backed to the building walls, trembling,..soiling herself with fear of recognition..


    One hissing, snarling, the bared fangs dripping with salvia,.. wild,..eyes darting onto her with anticipation of flesh. The other moving with purpose, measuring its antagonist,.. circling slow until its yellow eyes marked with cognitive intelligence, glanced to her,.. the deformed lips pulling back exposing razor sharp canines,.. a growl,.. almost human like,.. the sound a twisted command directed to her. In Fear she was oblivious to it.

    It growled again,.. the tone underlined with emotion…a stern command, the action enough to cut the ties of her panicked sense. Her mind shaken, deluded seemingly, by the sudden cognition this creature might actually be directing words towards her. She stared hard at the werewolf, it’s eyes barely moving from the vicious snarling creature before it,…the sounds clearly underlined by frustration and impatience as it growled,.. the word barely understandable…but clear enough…


    Pressing to the wall she slid slow, then darted into the street, her legs churning in desperation, daring a glance back to see her flight had not gone unnoticed. The harsh bark clear enough her attacker found her movement of flight distracting. Turning in hesitation, it posed to pounce…  the moment enough as she saw the one who had crudely spoken leaped now attack sinking his fangs into the wild creature.

    Her screams ripped through the stillness of the night as she fled,.. heart racing gripped in fear. Eyes focused only on the flight path ahead, the sounds  crashes,…growls,. .yelps and howls erupting, the violence of a brutal fight echoing through the narrow streets of city. Never looking back she was almost to the door of her home, her legs burning with fatigue, breaths short,…when she heard it,…a singular baying howl of triumph that rose through the city streets.


    “And this scar?” she asked he lips kissing soft along the edge of the white marks along my shoulder.

    “Howler wolves…”, I replied, the well rehearsed lie slipping easily from me. Should I tell the truth I would not have imagined her willing to share my bed.

    She dipped lower,..kissing slow over the scars of claw marks on my chest…”and these?…”

    “A mountain cat,..” , I answered choosing another lie shortened by a sharp gasp as her tongue danced below,.. rolling around my nipple .  She caught my reaction,.. glancing up,..reaching with fingertips to trace the thin scar along my cheek…

    “and this?…”

    My lips drew in a smirk, not every scar had an exotic tale to it. “Bar fight in Fort Wilderness.”

    “Oh, my a bad boy are we,?”.. Her tone half teasing as her lips drifted off to another scar, her tongue and lips tracing slow across my skin. What is it of woman and scars?

    I smiled, of any of the scars, that one was the result of attitude. If anything, the taint held to predictable patterns of behavior. The aggressive apprehension before the change,.. prone to violence, and anger, the lust filled need of contact which drove me after. Both carried by the heightened sense of awareness, the clear sharpening of all the senses. It’s what made sex so addicting after the change,.. the amplification of the senses. The smell of her desire filled my lungs,. The brush of her tongue and kisses on my skin, mind twisting of effect. The sound of her heart, racing with want,…pressed to the edge of anticipation. My lips smacked with the taste of her scent lingering in the air…. wild,…erotic I needed no other sign of how wanting and willing she had already become.

    It was the sex however fleeting that momentarily gave me reprieve,  that helped me forget what I was,.. consoled the wound to my soul of the events which had led me here.

    The half breed that I was, part elf and part human, marked me as an outcast.  An aberration to both races, the elves looking on me as defective, be they polite, the stoic reserve of judgment ever present. Humans were more belligerent of attitude, their racist guard clearly evident,…though the women more likely to bed me, looking at me as some form of exotic dallying, human enough to warrant crossing the lines in lust, in experimentation. But even those numbers were few.

    My human mother  had bore me late in her life, the birth too taxing, taking her from the world, leaving me to be raised by my elven father. He found himself straddled not only with infant, but of the biased attitudes casted at his newborn. Neither Elve or human  society appeared willing to accept the child, and the wise creature he was, he retreated into the woods,.. rearing me,.. teaching me of the craft of his people and the lore of the woods. Those were years of wonder for me countless for though human, I age slowly. He taught me to handle a bow, a knife, the only weapons he emphasized I would ever need in that land.

    Perhaps, true I doubt that any weapon other than enchanted could have saved him that night when the lycan descended on our camp. The scars on my shoulder a testament to when it drug me from my bedroll, ready to tear at me before my father leaped to the defense. Instead it attention to him, tore into him and my meager efforts to aide met with brutal vicious rebuke. A crushing blow, casting me easily aside,.. the creature taking taking it’s toll on my father instead.

    I laid there broken of body for days dying with the torn remnants of my father close at hand.

    Why she did what she did I never knew, but the woodland nymph who found me close to death the following days, intervened. Though never seen my father always acknowledged her presence in those woods,.. the small gifts of flowered boughs,.. perhaps touched her.  She breathed life back into my battered body,…found the plague of the taint on me, knowing she could not cure,… she used her magic, tapped the roots of elven blood elven , twisted it into something,.. more tolerable, the attributes of a shapeshifter.

    In the following years she continued to rear me, but not motherly,.. but tolerant,.. caring,.. she mentored me. Taught me how to connect to the forest creatures, bind to their souls, and with that the understanding and ability live and breath in that form. It was her gift,.. her ability to change form at will. The countless days at we played as squirrels in the trees,.. the leisurely stroll as a great stag and cow,…the stalking as mountain cat of intruders, and the occasional scare we threw to belligerent interlopers in the form of enraged great bears.

    At least until the moon filled full,.. then the curse of the taint held,.. I was locked to one form,.. that of the werewolf. Her gift made it manageable… the curse undermined to the extent I was still in control. Thinking, rational,.. not a servant to the primal predatory drive that the disease gave to others. I lived as I always did, only condemned to the pattern of that horrific shapel. While  in such form she would come,.. lie with me,.. hold me, the soft touch of her spirit always tempering the edge of the change.

    When manhood finally arrived, she took me as her lover, coming to me in the still of that first night, her beauty radiant as she slipped the translucent gown she wore from her and taught me of the ways of pleasure, intimacy with a woman.

    Timeless… decades passed, and somewhere I must have touched her soul, rose the emotion of love, for she told me her name. Gave me that power… Aldaris…


    What man could ask for more, the idyllic life in the woods, in love…life was a contiuous stream of bliss.

    Until the time  taint arrived,.. and while in recluse they came. I could sense the foul corruption, of orc, and demon..  it filled the woods. Bound to the lycan form that first night I waited for her,.. but she never came,.. so I set to find her, fearful or the intruders. Orcs were of little consequence but the demon spawn a different matter.  My heart crushed, torn asunder when I finally found her, strapped to the stump of a log. Used,.. tortured by the foul hands which had carved her in brutal precision…my love dead. The scent of the demons handiwork, everywhere.

    Enraged I set the hunt, disregarding that whatever had the power to overcome her magic could easily overcome me. I wanted my vengeance. The lycan form held, even after the passing of the full moon, anger filled my soul, demanding retribution. Oh, I found the orcs… the hundred some no match for the hunt that befell them. I picked them apart through the following days, one by one, tracking them through the woods. They tried to hunt me,.. even using their hellhound in a futile effort. Sometimes darting in,…I wrecked havoc to their lines.. disappearing into the woods as a blood soaked apparition.  I had become ever terrorizing them. Until but one, their leader and his pet hellhound remained.

    My fingers traced the scar on my chest. Hellhounds put up a good fight.

    Only the demon remains… he had long vanished from their ranks. This one I seek,…the name gained not thru the orcs I killed, but the brief binding to the hellhound before I killed it… Zierst. I left those woods so many years ago,.. traveled the lands seeking information… eradicating the corruption of the lycans along the way where I might. I hold lycans in contempt,…mindless killers, capable of a corruption on those around. There are a few who have the control, endure the affliction with purposed will… those I cautiously spare,…but the predators… none should suffer such a curse, if I can relieve the burden, eradicate,  I will with no regrets.

    But no lycan has brought me to this city,, I come for a different purpose to find the one who holds a key. A sage, …

    My thoughts evaporate under the stroke of her tongue at another scar.

    “Hmmm,.. one part remains unscathed,.. are you going to ignore it completely?” I speak,  her attention has reared the flames within me

    She glances up, eyes sparkling of delight, the wicked smile crossing her face, as she slides down gripping my manhood in her hands.  Kissing it softly along the rim,…as she speaks, “In no way would I ignore this.”

    Her lip part pulling over the rim, smack before reaching again, dragging further and further, until they wrap around it,.. sucking the head slowly. Her tongue slowly stroking the crown,… playfully teasing the rim of the slit. I am where I want to be, lost to it.

    Stroking my shaft slowly, she slips further down onto my shaft, running that tongue along the rim,.. creating a soft bed for my cock as she slides further down,.. bobbing slow, pull it free as she takes a deep breath,.. licks slow along the shaft, then kissing slowly as she works back up, collecting herself before descending again. Pressing me into her throat,.. bobbing, sucking,…rising gasping,.. her want filling my lungs, the heat pressing me to mad lust.

    By the gods I can stand it no more,… when she rises gasping for air , , I roll her quick to her back, my kisses falling wildly on her lips, as I press forward, the head tight to the wet gate of passion…the pain on my soul momentarily lost.


    I'm a type of pixie while we might not have any wings we're quite a bit more intelligent, bigger and aware of things than our smaller sisters. Whatever power it is that created us she probably wanted her own kind of humanoids other than our more spirit type cousins after seeing the elves and dwarves.

    Being pixies and all we all look like females though there are two genders, the only apparent difference being our genitals. We're by no mean immortal and live for about 300 years. Our bodily build might be a bit short of stature and very lean but with very definite and a little unnatural feminine curves covered by a spotless smooth skin. By nature we move and carry ourselves with an almost impossible grace and smoothness though even if we're completely developed we still look really innocent with our short length, cute features, big eyes and often long, thick and beautiful thick hair.

    We live in our own realm though, a wonderful and magical realm that fills all our needs. Our realm is always warm and comfy, colours and hues are stronger and everything has a warm fantastic feel to it. Much of this is of course because of the powerful magical river flowing through the lands, this river grants us an excess of magical power that we can always draw from and do whatever with.

    Over the millennias we haven't had much contact with the other realms and no one nearly ever visits them at all… we're far to busy playing around in our own realm. But we do have a general knowledge about other creatures and races and have pictures and scrolls picturing them though the males always appear so strange to us.

    Now though, I'm a quite young pixie but fully developed and with my 5'3″ I'm one of the tallest… probably taking after my daddy in this regard. I've got a long thick wavy blond hair, big sparkling blue eyes, a small nose and cute pouty lips. I have always been very curious and adventurous… probably seen our whole small realm a few times as I've been walking around in it. That's a problem for me though, I want to see new things and I been nagging my parents about teaching me how to get to the earthly realm for quite a while.

    I had read about the cities assumed to exist there and lots of other things that I had no idea what they could be but it just sounded so very exciting. At first my parents where against the whole deal but the more I talked about it the more they melted to the idea. Finally they relented and when they did it was almost them planning everything, getting overly excited about my adventure… my daddy almost deciding to join me.

    Mommy kept making me cute dresses with stockings telling me it might be cold there and that a little skirt might not be enough. Yeah we tend to just walk around in miniskirts not one bit ashamed about our bodies but covering our genitals is usual. I really don't hope its as cold as when a few tried to make it snow here and things resulted in a blizzard… we tend to be a bit impulsive at times and not really think things through.

    I left our realm early a morning really excited, my mommy and daddy having quite a trouble holding back their tears as we said goodbye.

    I skipped of into the forest, we've created a magically enhanced way of skipping that lets us travel really fast without getting tired, plus it looks really cute. Using my magic I started to gradually make the changes I had been taught until I suddenly found myself in a completely different forest, the feel of everything different. I smiled happily, my daddy was truly a genius at magic and he always teach things so well.

    I looked around the forest wide eyed, it seemed so old and regal the power in it harnessed in such a refined way, nothing like the fleeting forest of our realm always brimming with new magic.

    In a clearing in front of me I could see a figure and approaching her I decided she might be a forest nymph, she watched me approaching a bit perplexed. I skipped up to her smiling brightly and reaching out my little hand to her and with a melodious and light voice I greeted her “Hi, I'm Adera are you a forest nymph? This forest is really beautiful btw. Oh, and these mushrooms I found are so sweet and tasty. Do you know where I can find a city? I've always wanted to see a city, they seem so wondrous. Oh look, a cute bunny!”. She stops me almost screaming “Calm down! And don't eat those mushrooms they're poisonous!” I got a little scared at her sudden outburst, looking at her with sad eyes “… well… apparently not for you” watching as I had apparently eaten them for quite a while now. “Yes I'm the nymph of this forest sweety” smiling at me and taking my hand in hears my eyes shining up again but she stopped me right before starting my rambling again with a raised finger “Can you please tell me what you are? I've never seen someone of your kind before”. “Oh me? I'm a pixie and I guess you might not have heard of my kind since we tend to stay in our own realm. I'm just here alone adventuring.” putting my hands on my hips smiling proudly at my own bravery “I see, well should a sweet girl like you really walk around alone like this?”. She called me a girl, how odd “I'm a boy” she's raising an eyebrow in disbelief making me pout, “Here I'll show you.” I pull up the hem of my short dress and down with my soft underwear showing hear my cute penis “See”. I could see her eyes widen but she composes herself quickly “Okay so your a boy, but still does you parents approve?”, “Yes, of course they do and I know magic. Can't you just show me the way to a city? Pretty please?” she sighed loudly muttering something about pixies and faeries.

    After some persuasion she finally relented and she told me she'd show me the way to a road going through the forest and she told me that if I walked south on it I would eventually find myself in quite a city. As we walked through the forest she haggled me with words of advice and things to look out for like an overly protective mother. I had to agree about some things though, apparently I didn't look like a male to anyone as she put it but rather like a female and she told me it might be vice not telling everyone that I was a boy.

    When we reached the road she hugged me tightly, kissed my cheeks and had a very worried look on her face as I walked of happily… I wonder why.

    I had been walking down the road for quite a while when I smelt something really tasty in the air and after a few turns I saw a camp fire at the side with a group of creatures around it. I approached them without worry but they didn't seem to notice me so I greeted them loudly when I stood quite close making them all jump… not very good hearing these ones. They quickly invited me to sit with them by the fire staring a little at me, apparently not very used to creatures like me but I looked as wide eyed as them back at them. We greeted each other, they where humans and this was the first time I had seen males of this world. The females wasn't very strange but the males, well they looked really strange to me… one man in particular. He was a younger man with jet black hair, quite large build with well defined muscles and a handsome face (I wasn't actually familiar with that word though so I didn't have a label for it). He looked back at me out from the corner of he's eyes glancing down at my legs and at my cleavage quite obviously. A woman offered me some warmer clothes since it was going to get colder but looking at their ugly long dresses I much rather stayed with my short cute dress. Somehow I think my dress wasn't very appropriate though I had no idea why, the handsome man really didn't seem to think so on the other hand. I told her I could use magic to keep myself warm and they all look at me a little worried at the mentioning of magic so casually.

    They had been cooking for a meal and offered me some, first time eating meat for me and I have to say it was pretty tasty. Later in the evening the handsome man said he would go to a nearby lake and take swim. He had been looking at me a out of the corner of his eye all evening and well I can't say I didn't react to it, somehow I found it quite exciting but I had no idea why. Thinking a little about it I decided to follow him for a swim, I was really curious as to how these males bodies looked.

    I saw him stand by the water with his back to me, moonlight shining on his body showing his well defined muscular body and I could feel a tingling inside of me and my nipples hardening a little making me really confused. Seemed like he was preoccupied with his something in front of him, his arms moving. Smiling mischievously I conjured an illusionary growl from a huge beast which made him jump in surprise and fear and I couldn't hold myself from giggling at him. “Hey! No tricks like that girl, I've got a sword here and I know how to use it.” I walked out from the forest to the lake still giggling, “Sorry, it just seemed like such a good opportunity as you where so occupied” my eyes falling to his crotch “with umm…” I flushed hotly seeing his big hard cock. I'd never seen such a big penis, it wasn't cute like mine at all but rather raw, angry and filled with animalistic power. He noticed where I was looking, my flushed face, visibly hard nipple “Why don't you join me for a swim?”. I looked him over, muscular, big cock and handsome… I smiled at him pulling my dress of and down with my underwear showing off my butt to him for some reason.

    Slowly I turned to him pulling back a few of my golden locks from my face, my nipples and dick hard from my excitement and somehow I knew I just wanted this man. He looked at my naked body greedily but hesitated visibly at my dick, I got afraid it would somehow put him off. I walked past him dipping my feet into the cold water, his eyes following me. I kicked some of the cold water his way, he flinched visibly when it spattered over him and I ran out into the water laughing. He chased after me me growling something about getting back at me with his deep voice. Finally he caught me, well I had somehow wanted that and I could feel his still hard cock pressing into my butt making me flush from joy and excitement… he seemed to find me attractive. He held me tight and told me that even though I confused him immensely he wanted me… now! I felt his hands turn my head, kissing my lips, the other tracing over my skin, finding a breast and a nipple. He pressed his cock against my butt and I felt myself push back against him, I slowly turned in his arms to meet his kiss better and push my body against his wile my hands traced his back and arms.

    He lift me up in his arms and carried me out of the water and lay me down on a patch of soft grass kissing me passionately, his tongue digging into my mouth and I met his lips greedily and sucked on his invading tongue. I suddenly knew how I wanted him, in my ass. Well I'm not a virgin and not back there either as our kind is quite open sexually but I was a bit afraid of his thick big cock. I felt him push against me back there, mostly by instinct. I told him to wait and lay down on his back, he did so looking at me, I smiled naughtily at him licking my lips “I have to make you slippery wet if I'm going to be able to take you in my ass” his eyes widening at what was to come and I could hear him sigh in pleasure as I got down on him, sucking his wonderful cock.

    When he was satisfyingly wet I straddled him, aligned his cock with my rosebud and slowly sat down on it. It took a while, I had to go slow, relax myself a lot and it still hurt a little. When I finally had all of him inside me I sat on him for a while adjusting before slowly rising and then sitting down. After just a few strokes it started to feel very good and I started to ride him with longer strokes while whimpering in pleasure. He suddenly turned us around, me on my back and he told me that he couldn't just lie there with a creature like me pleasuring herself on his cock. He started fucking me faster and deeper increasing his pace until he was pounding into me. I loved it, moaning louder and louder, my dick dripping of precum. He thrust himself deep into me, his cock growing a little more inside me and he cried out, his cock suddenly bursting its cum deep into me. I screamed in pleasure and I felt my own orgasm ripple through my body, my dick spurting and my anus flexing around him.

    When I descended from my pleasure I found that he had collapsed onto me breathing heavily. We stayed like that for a while relaxing, I could feel his cock soften and slip out of me leaving me with an emptiness and his cum oozing out from me. After a while though we got up cleaned us, dressed and walked back to the camp me clinging on his arm happily.

    We slept together that night and in the morning I felt him spooning me from behind and I snuggled against his warm big body. He had a hand cupping one of my breasts and his cock a little hard against my rear. I rubbed myself back against a little feeling him grow against me which was very exciting as he was still sleeping. Feeling a little naughty I took his cock in my hand and guided it into my anus pushing myself onto his hard cock, he awoke to this and slowly we made love silently and he had to hold a hand over my mouth when I came.

    It turned out they where heading the other way moving from a big city, probably the same city that I was on my way towards. A little sad I said goodbye to them in the morning… a special goodbye for the handsome guy with lots of kisses and then headed my own way. I was still a little confused about the feelings that the man had awoken in me, I hadn't been expecting that at all… but I liked it… a lot.

    The road took me out from the forest and and I could now see vast fields ripe for harvest and I started meeting more and more people mostly humans but a few elves and dwarves as well. I got quite a few looks even from elves that where not sure what I was which made them think very hard… quite funny to watch. I didn't care much for people staring at times as I was very occupied with my surrounding and I was looking back at some people back with my big curious eyes.

    I passed quite a few villages on my way to the city, in the first a nice old woman explained to me that this wasn't a city and that a city was far bigger which made me really excited. I was a little disappointed at first when I had thought the village had been the city.

    I started seeing soldiers walking and on horse travelling the road as well, one particular group marching in formation and synchronized so I shortened my phase to walking so I could ask them questions about it. One big burly man in their group apparently got angry and told me to get lost, I pushed out my tongue at him and made a foul grimace before skipping off. The soldiers looked completely frustrated as they saw me leave them behind with apparent ease.

    I got really wide eyed though when I saw a mighty warrior in golden magical armour neatly weaved into it and on an equally mighty and impressive horse. I tried talking to this man as well but he just ignored me… humpf, I scared the horse with an illusion making them go charging out on a field. It was so hilarious I fell to the ground in giggles and the people walking by took circles around me with scared faces.

    As the sun stood at its highest point in the sky I walked over a hill and could see a huge mass of buildings a few kilometres away and behind it a vast ocean. Can there really be that much water in one place, I have to go check that out but first I needed to see this huge city with its large buildings, impressively high towers and some buildings that must be castles scattered inside it. After standing there a bit stupidly with my jaw hanging I continued my easy skip down the hill towards the city.

    Janine Dee

    At the gate I catch the eye of the guards, but that is not surprising. I was catching people's eyes long before I ever took up the sword.

    I suppose it could be a contest, my lean, muscular frame in black leather breeches with knee high boots in the same with steel shod toes and knees, obviously there for combat.  My only other coverings a black leather brassiere and black leather gloves, with the rest taken off and stored in my pack in the warm weather.

    Just as easily however it could be the sword hanging easily at my hip. Not only is it exceedingly rare for a woman to take up the blade, but to wear it with the easy veteran's confidence I do would mark me to them whatever my gender.

    Their wide eyes and urgent whispers coming from the fact that it's the massive hand and a half blade commonly known as the “bastard” sword. Less then the mighty two handed claymores and their kin, but longer the the long sword favored by most men at arms. Most could only hope to wield it with two hands, but I could wield her with one, and with such speed that I could end a great many fights before they truly started.

    Still, I do not blame them. They are the city guard, and they have every right to mark my passage. Were I here to do harm I could go a great deal, but I am here for the celebration of the coming summer.

    It was actually here, but the festival was always held a little later then most of it's ilk to let the city fill to capacity.

    Lidibinis, the City that Morality forgot. Or at least that's what a great many called it, doing so in scandalized whispers.

    Of course I had warranted those whispers more then once myself and when a woman who had paid my bounty on a bandit leader and his lieutenants had mistaken me for a native after our tryst I knew where I would go to spend the windfall the murderous rabble had provided after they had become enough of a nuisance to get gold placed on their heads.

    While I had bathed in several streams I would almost swear I could still smell the smoke on my hair from the bandit leader's tent. After I had snuck in  during the dark of night and slit his throat. Then looting his tent I set it on fire. As the bandits battled the fire I slipped amongst them and cut down their leaders. By the time they had realized they were under attack they got to watch the last lieutenant fall, and had simply fled in panic driven chaos.

    Yet while I was a woman of the sword I was still a woman, and now that I was in a city it was her I would take care of.

    The guard had been a little nervous when i first started speaking to him, but I would guess I was hardly the first traveler to ask the way to the baths.


    I hated crowds, the decades of my solitary life with Aldaris had little prepared me for the journey I had been on. The rush on my senses always overloaded ears filled with the swarm of heartbeats, the smell of conflicting scents from the people about. At least the biased worked in my favor. Seeing a half breed, people unconsciously took that extra measure of step to avoid contact… my path always slightly wider then others might encounter. The bulk of my frame was human, but the shape of the pointed ears jutting from the braids of my silver streaked hair, the piercing blue almond shaped eyes clearly defined the mixed race.  All was well, the library of Lidibinis was my goal.

    My partner had performed well, tempered the lust filled needs for the moment, which gave me some clarity to this day. Easily aroused she had succumbed to my driving needs,.. several times. Finally pleading departure, she left wobbling,.. sore from serving as my fuck toy for hours, but had manage to dull the edge of the lust driven need that ate at me.

    Enough, that I focus as I traversed the swarm of the market place. The whispers I picked from the crowd showed the continuing of concerning  the body found in an alley the prior day, another victim of the speculated lycan. It was pretty clear that the authorities had not freely acknowledged this. The brutality of the attacks, the timing, certainly gave credence to the rumors circulating Such news would certainly have dampened the ensuing celebration ahead. Some sort of festival,…, of which I had little interest in.  My purpose here singular, speak with Xegis the Wise,.. and see if he could enlighten me of the demon I sought.

    Following the directions given by my innkeeper, I found the library easy enough, a rather unimposing building set in the religious district of the city. Compared to the temples and shrines which rose around it, the building looked to be an ignored step child of neglect. Not surprising the city itself bore a reputation of more sensual indulgences. That Xegis should reside here suggested something of his own dalliances. I climbed the few steps entering into the dull lite chamber,  The handful of scribes absorbed in their work paid scant attention to me,.. but for one whose attention was clearly fixed on my intrusion.

    He rose, measuring my plain appearance. I wore nothing impressive, the plain loose fitting leather shirt and breeches…clean, but spotted with marks of my journeys, my  boots worn and tired looking. The singular knife sheathed on my belt and  staff hardly threatening.

    “What business do you have here?” he demanded, the voice sharp and quick.

    I let the sharp inquiry fall flat,  choosing not to answer immediate. Measuring him no different than a barking dog, as my eyes wandered, letting him know his stance and position irrelevant as I took in the surroundings. Then glanced to him,, answering in a even soothing tone.

    “I seek audience with Xegis. Does he still reside here?” I could sense the stiffening attitude and reluctance to answer. He merely nodded, speaking quietly for me to wait as he turned quick on his heel, moving across the room towards the large door holding the valued archives of manuscripts. He didn’t enter, turning instead at the wall towards a stairwell, disappearing as climbed up, no doubt to private chambers housed on the higher floor.

    The man who descended with him hardly of what I expected, tall, fair featured with a short well trimmed beard. He approached with authoritative confidence, the underling overlord of the scribes slipping back to his desk, apparently passing me off to his companion. We stood there briefly, he measuring me as I did him.

    “Xegis?” I asked, apparently introductions were beyond this one’s manners.

    He shook his head, “No, I am afraid Caduceus, second scribe of the Library of Lidibinis.  Xegis no longer offers counsel here. Perhaps I may help you.”

    My eyebrow arched in surprise, second scribe, he looked far too young to hold such a position. There were far older men present in these chambers, more inclined to hold such a title. He was either extremely bright or…

    I pressed, I had come too far to meet rebuke.  “Only if you are well versed in the knowledge of demonology? Otherwise I must speak to Xegis”

    “No,…and no” he spoke, the second a retorting stand. He pressed a hand to my shoulder, no doubt an urging anticipation for me to leave. “Xegis is old, of bad health.. he no longer has the mind to answer or recollect anything at all. And no one here has the expertise on what you seek”

    I can smell a lie, literally. The tensing of the body, dilation of the eyes, quicken pulse, not to discount the undeniable change in scent. He was lying. At what level I could not discern. The mark of a true scribe of sages lies in a knowledge that of their lack thereof a topic, is supplemented by at least knowing who to speak to, who might have that knowledge. He offered no suggestion as he ushered me from the scribroium.

    As I stood on the front step of the library, paying scant attention to Caduceus smug sense of success as he reentered the building, my eyes glancing up to the open windows of the upper floors airing the heat from the rooms.

    There were other ways to gain access.

    I found a thick cluster of shrubs along the side of the building, slipped behind them unseen, pulling the  leather shirt from me as my mind reached  for memories. Lifting as I bound,.. my remaining clothes falling free,.. the swirling rush of the meld, the momentary confusion as my mind and physical shape adapted, reconnecting…and  lifted into flight. A crow rising from the bushes would hardly be suspect, and though an awkward shape, one I had never truly mastered,.. I held enough control to rise to the second story, flap hovering,..from window to window…until I found what I suspected my goal.

    The old man sat at his desk,.. the disarray piles of books, scrolls surrounding him in ,..his attention focused on the manuscript,…withered hands flipping the pages slowly.. I flew forward,.. entering the room, releasing the binds of the shape,..the shimmering blur surrounding me as I step forward easily. Manifesting back into my human form as his eyes darted up, a measured gazed to my naked form standing before him.

    I was confused, my senses finding no rush of excited heartbeat,… just a vacant stare. His challenge equally puzzling as he spoke nonchalantly.

    “Did you bring my soup?”

    Janine Dee

    The bath's were as busy as the rest of the city with the number of travelers normally impressive tally doubled for the festival the natives struggled to compete, but compete they did. All seeking to either remove the grime of the day or freshen up for the revels of the night. Yet as I walked among them I found myself starting to smile.

    I could see why I had been mistaken for a native because even before I took up the sword I had cast down modesty, knowing I was expected to keep my flesh covered, but caring about as much for that as I did the expectation that I should find a nice boy and settle down to start having children.

    My body was not diseased or deformed, and I had never seen undue need to cover it. Even now while I had picked up scars in battle I always healed cleanly and those feint reminders seemed to more accent my beauty, giving it a fierceness most women never considered matching.

    Here however clothing more for ornamentation or protection then hiding breasts or genitals, and where most baths had people wrapped in towels or darting from one place to another in hopes they weren't noticed people without a stitch on and their towels over their shoulders walked openly and unashamed.

    All that was seen over the main desk where a woman and a guard stood collecting coin from all those who sought to enter.

    My smile served me well, and both returned it as I explained I wanted a female attendant and a full massage as well. I paid the extra coin and was directed to a private room with a cloth covered table in the middle of it. The woman from the front desk set some oil to warm and then left.

    Knowing what was expected of me I undressed and set all my gear in the corner, though as always my sword was on top and angled to be drawn quick and clean. Though I can not say I expected an attack I always prepared for one.

    Now naked I laid on my back and laced my palms behind my head as I let my body drowse. In that half daze I heard some cries of passion that told me it wasn't just nudity that they were comfortable with, and I smiled.

    I heard another person approaching my door, and turning my heard I saw a swarthy young woman. Slender of limb with swarthy skin and long black hair to her waist, breasts the size of apples capped with nipples already hardened. At the juncture of her legs was a mass of curls maintained in shape, but otherwise grown freely.

    “You wished for a massage M'Lady?” I nodded. “Then we usually start with you laying on  your stomach.” I had given a great many messages to my Lady when I served in her army, and simply rolled to my stomach, my hands still laced, but my cheek now resting at the top of them, my face turned towards her, smiling as she stepped next to the table.

    She picked up the oil and poured it at the small of my back. First she rubbed upward smoothing the oil into the smoothe skin and long mucles of my back, and already I could feel old aches starting to ease.

    She continued her ministrations to my arms, showing she knew her profession as she paid extra attention to my wrists and hands, obviously aware a warrior puts a great deal of strain on them.

    More oil was added and she started massaging downward. I smiled into my hands as I knew she spent an inordinate amount of time massaging my bottom, but she was not the first woman to enjoy digging her fingers into the muscular globes, and she certainly would not be the last.

    The long muscles of my legs came next and between them and my feet I found myself groaning in appreciation.

    “I'm pleased you are enjoying yourself M'Lady. If you wish to enjoy yourself more you will need to roll over.”

    I did so, my hands now at my sides as I smiled up at her, and she down at me. As she gathered the oil again I allowed myself to regard her more closely, and the nipples that had seem just textured from exposure to the air now seemed painfully erect, and the curls at the juncture between her legs now glistened with her arousal.

    If I still had said curls I would be in a similar state, but I had shaved all but the smallest patch at my sex, and instead I felt that arousal mixing with the oil she had rubbed into my thighs.

    As she poured the oil onto my belly I noticed her noticing my signs of arousal and could tell she was just as pleased. Her overall demeanor though was calm as she rubbed the oil into my stomach, but as she reached the proud globes of my breasts and started rubbing them my own drawn out moan stated cracking her reserve and she started breathing heavy as she squeezed the mass of my breasts and tugged the hard nipples.

    I was wondering if I might reach release just from such treatment, but she stopped, knowingly or otherwise and got the oil again.

    More was applied to my midsection, but this time it was massaged downward over my legs again, and I KNEW the little vixen was teasing me. I met her eyes and the twinkle there confirmed it. So I spread my legs wide and rested the sole of my feet on the table.

    That got a nod from her in response, but the dreamy cast to her eyes made it almost look as if she was nodding to herself.

    It was then her hands moved to my needy sex. The first two fingers of her right sliding easily into my hungry folds while her left quickly moved to the top of my need and pressed down firmly to make my back arch, raising my body into her touch.

    As skilled as her fingers were it was obvious I was close and she was moving firm and fast to get me there, and with a delighted shriek I crested, and broke, my body giving several lurches upward, my mouth emitting several sobbing cries before I felt my body start to go slack.

    I believe my internal muscles had clamped down as well, because it was only then she was able to remove her fingers from inside me, but it was just as possible she had simply wanted to feel my pleasure from deep within.

    She climbed up on the table next to me, and I realized it was sized for just such a thing. While sexual services were neither asked for nor offered it seemed a custom here, and prepared for.

    I felt one leg laid over mine as a arm was rested over my still heaving chest, but while this darling girl may expect most clients to be satiated and rest I was not.

    “Climb up and straddle my face.”

    My words seemed to shock her, but once they sunk in a dazzling smile took over her features and she complied, and I had my own bright smile as her dripping sex was brought to my mouth.

    My hands moved up to rest on her thighs and hold her open to me as my tongue happily worked to gather the taste of her now soaked into her curls and coating her soft flesh.

    After several long moments of my tongue lapping happily between her legs I moved my mouth up to suckle that hard little pearl of her need and it was her turn to cry out. Just as it was my turn to tease as I quickly returned my tongue to pressing between those gripping internal muscles.

    She sobbed her frustration, and I could no longer deny her as I again sucked that hard point of flesh and she cried out her delight, my face finding itself coated with a fresh wave of her nectar.

    My hands had to move quickly from her thighs to catch her as she crumpled, not unconscious, but nearly. Still my reflexes were more then up to the task and I cradled her to my breast as she regained her senses.

    Soon enough she did, and got up on shaky legs to being the process of scraping the oils from my flesh, in the process removing the fluids from our combined arousal as well as the grit and grime that I carried from my journey here.

    Though I still required a bath the process had left my skin softened as well as cleaned, and freshly aroused.

    The darling girl recognized my state, and seemed confused as I guessed the normal clients of the baths didn't recover their passions so quickly.

    That adorable look of confusion remained as she directed me to the baths where I could finish cleaning myself up.

    I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to my gear and kept my legs straight as I walked over to my gear and bent over to pick it up, giving her a good look at my sex, where her fingers had been so deep inside so recently.

    I smiled as I looked at her dazed expression and walked to the baths.


    The sun finally breaking through the heavy branches that have surrounded me all morning. The trees breaking, rays falling down, shining upon the green forest floor. The edge is near, far away in the distance, the first noises of the city reach my ears, i can feel the mass of people closely packed together behind the thick, massive walls. I find a high rock at the edge of the forest and hop onto it. Setting my hand above my eyes, I look in the distance, smelling the ocean breeze, seeing the friable edges of the city, blurred against the light grey of the skies.

    With pain in my heart I leave my beloved forests, knowing I might not return to them for a long time, not sure the city is my final destination. Yet, for now I know where to go, a contact of the brotherhood waiting for me in a tavern in the black smith’s quarter of the city. A rough place, hard work makes strong men, the fire of their forges running through their veins, easily ignited with a puff of air. Not a place to attract attention to yourself.

    First task is to get past the guards. But knowing the local tongue and a pouch full of gold coins will get me through if asked to explain my coming, confidence strengthening my posture, taking on an authoritive pose as my feet lead me closer to the gates of Libidinis. Carts, pulled by oxes and horses lining up as they are thoroughly checked at the gates, the city-state on high alert since it was attacked by a neighbouring harbor, a few hundred miles away. Yet, the flow of visitors for the summer festival too numerous to check very carefully.

    With a sigh and a shrug on my shoulders I step onto the road and mix in with the endless line of travelers approaching the city gates. Commoners, farmers heading for the festival markets, travelling peddlers with handcarts, seeling an array of articles, even while they are on the road to the city. With my plain face and my born ability to mix in and disappear against the background, noone notices me walking towards the gates, seen but soon forgotten as there is nothing remarkable about me to remember.

    I look around with my trained eyes, looking for remarkable things, my eye caught by a figure talking to the guards. An uncommon sight, a swordswoman carrying a bastard sword. Even from the few hundred pases that I am behind her, I can tell she is a veteran. The relaxed, yet vigilant posture airing authority and experience in battle. Not a cat I’d want to stroke the wrong way. The closer to the gates I get, the slower the crowd moves towards it, the stream of people ever increasing since the opening of the festival is almost at hand.

    Without a problem I pass the gates, the guards looking at me, then their eyes move on, gliding across the faces and carts, looking for something out of the ordinary. A strange voice, clothing not quite matching or a strange bulge under someone’s long coat. Yet my presence inconspicuous, my face like the ones beside me, seen and immediatly forgotten as if I never passed them. A map of the city was provided  when I left on my quest and I memorised it during my travels. Burned it on my last night among the trees, the morning after watching the girl pleasure herself in the stream.

    At the first crossroad inside the walls, I turn right. The houses quickly shrinking in size as I penetrate the outher burrows of the city, the main street keeping the grandeur of Trader’s houses, winding itself like a river to the heart of the city, the central square. As if I was born in the city, I turn left and right, finding short cuts I had seen on the map, making decisions on where to go automatically. Looking for and finding “The Anvil”, a dark tavern, frequented by the apprentices of the black smiths, the main occupants of this quarter of the city.

    Suddenly laughter and outcries fill the narrow street and from behind I hear footsteps echo from the masoned houses. Before I can step to the side, a group of young girls pass me by, some bumping into me, one girl struggling to keep on her feet before she falls down. Against my nature and training I walk up to her and reach out my hand to help her up. As she lifts her head and her eyes meet mine, I freeze. Immobilised by the sparkling beauty in her deep brown, almost black eyes. Only the touch of her hand on mine bringing me back to the present, almost drowning myself in the depths of her cornea.

    I grab her hand and pull her on her feet. My eyes still fixed on hers, not able to look away from them. Suddenly she steps in closer, takes my face into her hands and kisses my lips. She presses her full, soft mouth against mine and swiftly slides the tip of her tongue between my lips before she releases me, turns around and runs away. The rest of the group just turning the corner. I am startled, troubled, confused. Years of training, seperating physical need from mental attachment flushed away in an instant. A floodwave of beauty catching me by surprise, gnawing at the roots of my training, carefully planted by the supervisors in the monastery.

    I’m fighting the urge to flee, run away and hide in the shadows to recompose myself, a hasty retreat risking discovery or a situation rememberred by someone. Realising that, I take a deep breath and slowly turn towards the door of the tavern, smelling the scent of stale beer and tobacco mixed with cloves. A mixture often found in harbors, the influence of foreign reigns incorporated in daily life. The entrance almost hidden in the shadows as the sun high lights the other side of the street. I shrug my shoulders and grab the handle of the door, not looking left or right as I pull it open.

    The stench of coal and sweat, beer and food filling my nose as I step over the threshold, halting for a moment to let my eyes get used to the obscured light in the tavern. A big hearth at the back wall of the place, a bar to the left, long tables stretching over the width of the place and a few tables and chairs in nieches on the right side of the room. Only a few people present, 2 young men sitting at a long table, drinking a beer quietly. In one of the nieches an older man with, what seems to be his daughter, is eating a bowl of soup. The girl hanging against the back of her chair, clearly bored. I turn my head away from her, showing only the back of my head to her, avoiding a look to close for comfort. The bar is manned by an elderly woman, the hardship of her life printed in capitols in her face, the tattoo of the outcast on her forehead.

    I walk to the left, finding the elderly woman looking at me uninterested, the hood on my head keeping eyes in the shadows. “A room, a pitcher of water and lamb stew”. Pitching my voice at just the right height, I fid her reaction to my softly spoken words and moving from behind the counter, towards the staicase in the back. I follow her up when she opens a small door to a small room. Immediatly my eyes take in the room, checking the window, access to a small alley at the back of the tavern, a 6 foot drop. No doors to neighbouring rooms, the bed facing the only entrance. I am satisfied. The tavern is off main streets but not too far from the main locations of the city. A ten minute brisk walk to the north will bring me directly to the central square, 5 minutes to the west will take me directly to the prefect’s residence.

    The woman leaves the room after I approved it and I put my few belongings under the bed. I walk down the stairs and find a nieche facing the entrance, the chair I pick hidden from views by the shadows of the low beams on the ceiling. I pull the hood down further, leaving just enough room above my eyes to look at the entrance. Knowing I will have to wait a few ours before my contact will arrive, I am getting thirsty and hungry. Before I can look up to the bar, a plate and cup are placed on my table, followed by a thud as the pitcher of water is put down as well.

    I look up from the door, finding two black coals, arched by pitch black, finely plucked eye brows, staring at me with a wonderous look. “Your food, my lord” A young girl taking a light bow as she steps back from the table. A mouth as red as cherries, a slight smile around it, long, straight black hair, bound by a wreath of wheat, a scent as sweet as roses. Long, slender fingers strangeld together as she sways her hips from left to right, a tight, short skirt covering her youthful hips and buttocks, her chest covered by a tight, woven corset, her full breasts pushed up and almost falling out of her cleavage. Before I can say anything, she turns around, looking back just before she steps behind the bar, giving me a wink.

    Befuddled left at the table, a clash starts to unfold in my mind, the confident sexuality of the young woman arousing me as the trained celibacy is stirred and tested. Hesitantly I eat, trying to come to terms with the new experiences, the dilemma’s I am facing now. The loyalty to the Brotherhood still overwhelmingly strong, yet in a corner of my mind a small spark has been lit, the potential of setting everything ablaze already there…


    As I got closer to the city gate I slowed my phase down to walking watching the huge gate towering itself up in front of me with huge walls on its sides. I had to step in line with all of the others walking into the city, I saw guards by the gate apparently picking out some to search through their wagons for some reason.

    “Hey you there” I looked at the guards, did they mean me? “Yes you young lady, come over here”. I obediently walked over to them a little confused, why had they picked me? “Sorry about this miss but we have to ask you a few questions as your of unknown race”, “Umm, well I'm a pixie”, he wrote down something muttering about all these magical creatures coming to the city at this time of the year. “Not that your just another one, beautiful” and I blushed prettily at his compliment. “Reason for visiting?” I answered bluntly “Curiosity”, he glanced up at me a little at this “You do know that the biggest festival of the year is coming up?”, “No, but that sounds really fun. Thanks for telling me.” and I smiled brightly at him.

    The rest of the inspection wasn't very tricky since I didn't carry anything and my cute little dress couldn't hide much. Seems like they didn't want to inspect my magical dimension where I have tons of stuff but then again its not like it shows in any way. He chatted quite a bit more with me and it was first when a big burly man also dressed like a guard barked at the guard to not chat up girls during work that I got to leave and enter the city.

    First time entering a city like this was really something, I'm sure I looked really silly standing there gaping at the huge amount of people and all the overwhelming impressions on this main road. I walked down the road happily watching everything around me when I felt my stomach protesting, I hadn't eaten in quite a while but in front of me I could smell all kinds of foods so I continued. The road lead to a big market with lots of stands with all kinds of stuff, I walked up to a stand taking an apple getting a question about paying for it… paying? I had no idea what that was and the man sent me off saying there's no free stuff here. Hungry as I was I distracted a few humans with my magic making them simply ignore me and picking foods of all kinds until I was satisfied.

    I noticed a dwarf with a huge beard standing behind a stand having necklaces, swords and all other things one could think of lying on it before him. His wares where completely mesmerizing, beautiful and with such fine details it was hard to think things like these could be made. I walked up to his stand and he peered at me with suspicious eyes “Your not stealing from me miss, tricks like that wont work on me.” I looked up at him, some here doesn't seem to be completely oblivious of magic at least. “What do you mean steal from you?”, “Take from people without paying for it”, “Sorry but I have no idea what this paying thingy is?”, “Money young miss” he held up two flat metal cylinders, I had seen people hand those over between each others here at the market. “Well what does this money thing do”, he looked at me like I was from another planet, well I was… kinda “They hold value and you can exchange them for things that people have”. Oh, so that how it works “Well if you give me those, I hand them over to you, can't I have this necklace then?”, I saw a look of surprise on his face and then it started turning red and with a loud voice “Do you think I'm stupid!? I'm not going to pay for my own things just so you can have them”, “Okay, okay… so, how do I acquire some money quickly then?”, “Well if I knew that I wouldn't be standing here trying to sell these so I can get some money for my own” aaah so that's how it works. I thought for a while, didn't dwarves like rocks and such things “Can I sell something to you so you'll give me some money?” he looked a little bored at me “Well it would have to really be something then” and he looked over my body seeing that I didn't carry anything “and I don't want sex from a creature like you”… oh, I didn't know one could do that for money… seems like most things could be sold or bought apparently.

    I reached behind my back searching through my magical dimension for a pretty rock that I had found once in my realm, pulling it out I held it up for him “How about this one?” it looked like his eyes would pop out from their sockets. Well the stone was pretty, crimson red, see through, glowing with naturally infused magic and the sunlight being broken sharply and prettily from it wasn't very bad either.

    “Put that away!” he hurried around the stand pulling me behind it and we knelt behind it “Girl, where did you find that?”, “In my homeland, the pixie realm”, “Okay see, I'm willing to pay you 5 gold coins for that one”, “Hmm…” I looked deep into his eyes, greed flashing in them and I was kinda fond of the stone too “No, I want more and something tells me its worth more too.”. Our bargaining started after that getting louder and louder, standing up, arms waving… I'm kinda good at measuring people, learning new things and it was really fun too no wonder they used money. It ended with him pleading to me telling me I was killing him like this, well I got lots of money, the necklace and a pretty ring too. When I handed over the pretty stone to him, he held it reverently a little tear of joy falling from the corner of his left eye. I felt a little bad for being so hard on him so I gave some money back to him thanking him for teaching me all this which made him shine up at me so I asked him lots of questions about the city and things which he gladly answered while looking at the stone at times with a funny smile on his face. He even suggested a taverna at which he told me I would be most welcome and they sold the best dwarven ale one could find around here, the only bad thing was the conceited and disdainful elves.

    I put on the pretty necklace and the ring too admiring myself in them, he told me they weren't very valuable actually and that's why he let me have them in the deal. I answered telling him it didn't matter since they matched me and looked good. then I headed off to see more of the city after hugging him and giving him a peck on his big nose which made him blush a little and mutter something about all these frivolous people in this town.


    My eyes keep drifting off towards the bar, where the girl is standing, washing mugs and cleaning up a bit. Unconsciously I keep seeking her eyes and each time I carefully look, they are directed at me and her mouth twists into a smile when she catches me glancing her. In an unguarded moment, my eyes slide down her body, her profile just visible besides the bar, the light of fire in the hearth playing across her face, showing her etched bone structure, her skin tightly pulled over her face, pronouncng her beautiful features, her dark eyes sparkling with delight.

    I clean the plate with a piece of bread, I notice her watching me as I suck the last drops of gravy from my fingertips. With swaying hips she starts to move to my table, her skirt seems to have become shorter, showing more of her strong, athletic legs. “I hope your meal was to your liking my lord?” Askingly, with a big smile around her lips she looks at me. The she bends down, showing her full breasts, her cleavage only covering her nipples and the underside of her fullness. As she gathers the plate and spoon, her breasts swing from left to right. Losely covered by her corset, yet nothing supporting their magnificent breasts. My eyes get locked on the sight, my face flushes as I notice the stirring in my loins.

    How did this happen? I always devoted myself to the training, not wanting to disappoint the supervisors at the monastery. It had been easy to ignore the femininity of the servants there, yet they were instructed to not give the slightest sign of sexuality or sensuality. Dressed in plain, grey gowns, their faces almost covered with a cloth, they were as attractive as a rock on a slope. Yet the girls in the city were very different. My two encounters, drowning in depthless eyes, young, firm bodies, ready for physical attention, free and frivolous, almost enlightened in their care-free approach of sex.. I heard the stories before I left the monastery, remembered all the warnings the suprvisors gave me, yet the stirring in my loins undeniable, my training slowly fading away.

    “Is there anything my lord wishes? Anything?” A seductive smile on her face, a naughty twinkle in her eyes as I raise my head and stare at her, tearing my eyes off her cleavage. My cock swelling, pushing against the underside of the table as pictures of her naked breasts flash before my eyes, driving off the last resistance, the last memory of celibacy. Stuttering I answer. “I’ll retreat to my room for a while, though I wish for a bath”. Needing a bath, yet the words coming from my lips before I can stop myself. “Yes my lord, I will come for you when the bath is ready”. She winks again before she turns and takes the dirty dishes to the kitchen.

    I get up from the table, pulling my heavy leather vest down as far as it will go to hide my throbbing cock, causing my pants to bulge. The light dimmed in the main room of the tavern, only the eyes of an owl would distinguish my excitement. I walk up the stairs to my room and look out the window for a while, combining the view with the outlay of the city I memorised from the map. This alley is connected to a wider road, which will lead directly to the harbor, a possible route to escape if anyone should try and find me here.

    A knock on the door, as I open the girl is wating for me. “Your bath, my lord. Please, follow me”. She walks across the landing and opens a door, stepping into a room at the front of the tavern. The room filled with steam, a brass bath sitting in the middle, the graceful legs hugging a big, oval shaped bowl. The scent of roses filling my nose, towles on a side table, a little planchet with oils and bath salts hanging on the wall near the tub. I follow the girl, standing at the door, waiting for her to leave the room. She looks at me with asking eyes. “Will you bathe in your clothes, my lord? You will have to undress if you’d like to take your bath now”. Appareantly she notices my confusion in my face, something I normally hide naturally, keeping it plain and expressionless. “You requested a bath, my lord. I am here to wash you”.

    I nod and hesitantly start to take of my clothes. Expecting to bathe on my own, I am painfully aware of my hardness and start turning as I slide my pants down my legs, hiding my excitement from her curious eyes. Yet, no possible way to get into the inviting water without her seeing my hard cock, as she stands at the foot of the bath, her arms crossed, her fingertips impatiantly tapping a rythm on her arm. Setting my awareness aside, I turn and step towards the bath. As I raise my leg to step into the water, a muffled shriek comes from her lips as her eyes find my erected manhood. The flicker in her eyes as well as her curling lips show her approvement of my cock.

    I slide into the steaming hot water, getting my face and hair wet before leaning back against the wall of the tub. The tub shallow, my legs only just covered with warm water, my cock laying exposed on my stomach, surrounded by bubbles and foam. Her hand sliding along the edge of the bath as she moves towards my face, standing behind me and getting a bottle from the planchet. Soon I feel her fingers starting to massage a sweet scented moisture in my hair, washing it carefully while relaxing the skin on my head. I close my eyes with the pleasuring feeling, drifting off in a day dream. I hear the clink of bottles put down and taken from the planchet, then her hands on my neck and shoulders, kneeding and rubbing the tense muscles, still trying to relax myself. Tention usually culminating in the thick bundles of strength  between my arms and neck, her skilled hands easing the stress out of them

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