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Search name lenght and strap-on

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Home Forums Slip of the pen (Report bugs) Search name lenght and strap-on

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  • #5516

    Well, i open this tread cause i had found a little problem whit a really long name in the search window inside the game. The name was 14 letters (counting the space) and i can’t type it all, so the search button doesn’t work.

    I had notice i can see only the first part on the avatar pic, so i try to type only it, but it doesn’t work.

    Suggestion!? Solution!?

    Plus, we had found out the strap-on for female we can buy in the shop, gonna be replaced by the basic one eve if used like “sex clothing”. Dev-team, can you fix it for the pleasure of our girls!?

    thanks for your attetnion!


    Solution? Long names have to be forbidden

    Do you know the first letters of the name? Login to homepage, go to “Members”, choose “Partner search”, type one letter inside the search window. You get an empty page, but being able to start browsing the members-list trough alphabetic order.


    You should be able to put the first couple of letters of a name into the search and then see all the members that start with those letters
    Some of the names are hard to remember exactly, this would make the search much better and It wouldnt be that hard to do


    It would be soo easy to have placeholder (filter text), just using one or more letters and then a star *…
    Not just showing the members starting with this letters, also every member with this combination in his name.

    By the way, one of our long list of older wishes


    i'm talking in game……i know the name, but….man!….if the search can't support so many character, why we can use that leng name!? it's a nonsense! i think dev-team have to fix it. seriously!


    Ah, now I see…never noticed this before, but also never searched someone with such a long name. Yes, this has to be fixed soon, as it's just simple setting in the database.

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