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Here more brand new ideas i’ve got to enhance your cool software

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Here more brand new ideas i’ve got to enhance your cool software

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  • #5577

    Here some brand new ideas i've got to enhance your cool software.

    1. About Japanese market. Japanese people is weird and bizarre as me. They love manga and hentai (as me). So why don't try to make this software yet more attractive for japans adding hentai-style avatars/faces?
    2. About group sex: I seen there are threesome animations (i bought them lol). Why to be limited to threesomes? What about foursome (M-M-M-F) and more (at least 5 males and 1 woman it should possible to manage, i think). You can re-use threesome animations and couple animations just adding the other men watching and playing with themselves waiting while two, three or all of them are playing with the woman. Same for shemales and women. And you can do mixed up actions too.  And don't forget the final action!
    3. About sounds: you shouldn't directly add the sounds to the animations but instead you should build soundpacks with very different voices inside: mistress voice, deep male voice, teen voice, hentai voice and so on. This way you can sell the soundpacks and users can choose their own preferred sounds.
    4. Why don't you allow users to change the sexy clothes (lingerie) directly from inside the room instead to go out and back inside?
    5. About the (relatively) small quantity of items in the shop: give a look to There you can find lot of mesh object. They sell projects to game developers or 3D professionals. Lot of shoes, clothes and so on.


    lol all this have been talking and why only one orientation in your propositions ? 

    but you know 3some is still poor for now we lesbians must be at 5 “true” poses so 4some and more seem not really interesting at this time


        First let me extend my warmest welcome to you, FateInfinity. You already created a similar topic to this one so please, use discretion. We try to keep new threads to a minimum in order to prevent duplicate topics from being created. You might be surprised to hear that most of your suggestions have been discussed before.

    1. I happen to be Japanese (are we really that bizarre?) and have met others also from Japan here. AChat is attracting the attention from lots of people all over the world.

    2. Group sex is limited to 3somes because of technical issuses. Perhaps in the future it may be possible. I believe there is a thread about this too somewhere.

    3. Regarding sounds, there is a completely separate board where discussions about creating in game sounds are taking place.

    4. Having access to your wardrobe while in a room might seem easy but I assume it would conflict with the main mechanics of the game, considering how you are in a subpart of AChat at that point. But it may be possible in the future.

    5. The developers already added a texture upload tool that is currently in it's beta stages but once it's complete, we are hoping it will give more freedom to upload more unique styles and designs for members to create a unique look.

    I hope this answers a few of your questions.


    Well, they was not “questions”, just “ideas”, as the forum topic suggests. But it seems that everything I post here passes across a very hard examination and the posts are not really wellcome.
    I don't know what had been already posted, I can't do an exhaustive research about other people ideas. I am sorry if I have so “common” ideas.
    Well, since they seems to be really “common” and not really welcome, I think i should avoid to continue posting them and limit myself to just play the game.
    But probably a sticky post with a short list of already-made ideas could help “distracted” people as me.

    Thank you anyway for the welcome.
    And sorry for my confusing english, as I said I am italian.


    Fate, first you have to know, every idea is welcome.
    Just think about one moment… imagine you are member of forum for 3 weeks. You create 15 new topics with good ideas at all. You get several answers and the topics become good discussions.
    Now 4 or 5 new members also start new topics, including your ideas…
    – Are these good ideas? Sure they are and they might be important to them, as they are for you and as they have been for us when we made them
    – Do you believe, you will answer in all those topics again and again, giving your opinion?
    – Then you have to stay away for one week – you come back and look for new ideas, new answers…. are you gonna find them?

    So if you are thee woman I think you are, having good ideas, willing to share them, trying to improve Achat, think twice about stopping posting.
    Just take some time and try to find out, if a similar thread still is existing.

    I agree, sometimes it's hard to recognize this. But it will be more and more difficult to recognize, if every new member is starting his own topic without reading existing ones first.

    To your idea of “exisitng ideas topic”: I think it's a very good one. We also offered our help for something like that in the FAQ-board. Unfortunately the A-Team didn't answer. All members here aren't able to add several posts together, this only moderators can do.
    But perhaps I or some of the other ones take your idea (or perhaps you?) and try to create an overview-topic.


    Fate, sorry if it comes across like that, that's not really the intention. I rather show you where these things have already been discussed before so you can read my opinions and ideas there because then I don't have to rewrite the same things all the time.


    fate, don't remember if i had say to you in another post, but wellcome again.

    don't stop posting, every one can add a little hint to exsisting suggestion. a little help must come from old users, trying to add the link to the post where we had discuss that thing (if we can find it out too……sometimes it's not easy!) when we answer to new one.
    For some better information on the work in progress about gangbang (4some or more!? we don't know!) look here:,1118.0.html
    about the sound, there was a tread but i really don't remember in which section and i agree whit you about the chance to change dress in the room: it will be really nice! i had suggest it too in a closed post!

    about 3d object…..if you are interessed in them, take a look at renderosity and renderotica, two wonderfull site.

    about hentai…….well, my nick tell you all! 

    1. About Japanese market. Japanese people is weird and bizarre as me. They love manga and hentai (as me). So why don't try to make this software yet more attractive for japans adding hentai-style avatars/faces?

    i can presume you are talking about anime or manga character style, don't you!?


    Thank you everybody.

    About japanese market, i didn't meant to offend japanese people when i was talking about “weird” and “bizarre” because i added “(as I am)”. I just think they likes things like tentacles, robots and so on and those are not “normal” sex things, are them? But like them i enjoy reading hentai comica sometime. I think it is funny and exciting to have those “alternative” things here too.
    But mainly i was talking about hentai avatars… you know… big eyes… dolls faces… and so on. And yes probably lot of hentai lovers are here and that idea was surely not that original.

    About 3D items I just was thinking A-Team could avoid to build their own characters and clothes, buying instead pre-made professional items and concentrate their resources on the active development of the game.
    But probably they already know this and they are already doing that.
    I know another MMORP that allows people to directly upload rigged mesh avatars to use This probably it is not really easy to do in Achat because of the animation sync and avatar positions while “in action”. Different avatar sizes could be very hard to match… So probably the user's uploadable avatar is not the best idea.

    Anyway, i love Achat already as it is.
    I will enjoy it looking forward for every new features they will add to it.
    It is exciting!

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