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The Unofficial Newbie Helpers aka Achat Mentors

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Home Forums Groups & Families The Unofficial Newbie Helpers aka Achat Mentors

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    When I first joined this site a while ago I was slightly overwhelmed and confused by everything. There was so much to see. Luckily for me, Miss_X was nice enough to show me the ropes and explain how things worked around here. Like I said, it’s a while ago, and I’ve had lots of fun here, but if no one had shown me the ropes I doubt I’d have stayed or bought premium, which I did the day after I joined.

    Since then I’ve spent some time helping newbies get familiar with the site. I’ve met a lot of nice people, some really great role-players, and a few thousand assholes asking me to show them the ropes just for sex…

    We all know that newbies can be a pest, but I’ve found that when I take my time to explain things, some of them are actually intelligent people(Some of them… Not all…) and since AChat doesn’t have such a thing as an Official Newbie Help/Greeting team, I’d like to suggest that some of us volunteer to do it unofficially


    If you’re interested in subjecting yourself to a myriad of horny newbies with silly silly questions hoping to god that one of them will be an intelligent human being, then let me know and we can get started at organizing something n_n


    Well, Jaiana, i know i can talk for everyone here: when it's possible we allways try to help newbies and we had talk about this for long time.

    And you are absolutely right, not all the free member are bad (men or women don't matter!), just need a intial guide to understand the best way to use Achat and approach other users.

    Anyway, i like to see you are making a wonderful and really appreciated work! 


    Hello Jaiana , Hentaiboy and all of the kinds Peoples of the Dreamworld's Forum

    I may said I trry my best to help also newcomers in the Dreamworld. But if they seem to be sincerely lost.
    As you said Jaiana, many newcomers are just rudes peoples only interested in virtual sex ( at least )
    and they don't understand that, for some of us ( like me, but I think and hope I am not the only one )
    the Dreamworld is more important than just Virtual intercourses.
    … how could they know … that's right … but still it is disturbing to feel to be only a bag of meat for them.

    Well so, when I have time, ( and no friends onlines ) when I am the mood also, I really try to help.
    because making new DreamWorld's friends is always a great pleasure.

    So welcome Jaiana and glad to see you on our great DreamWorld.


    Maybe renaming as Newbie menotr? It's a worthy calling and my hat tips to you for taking the time and patirnce there.  Undoubtedly you'll meet some who are complete juerks… which I guess you can always respond.

    “Let me show you how the ignore button works.”


    I remember my first few days here on the system… somewhere between mayhem and chaos, but I somehow managed it. 

    Being a long time Forum groupie (and I won't say how many… lolz), I took the initiative and introduced myself on the forum… That first post is still lurking here somewhere… lolz. From my first intoduction, I offered the other forum regulars the invitation to say hello to me in game.

    Now, newbies on the system now… There are some that just beg to be added to my ignore list, while there are still ofthers that do appear genuine… and fewer still that display a desire to actually be polite and eanestly want to learn the game. It is these chosen few that I have taken the time to show them the ropes. My friend's list is testament to these early beginnings.

    Having a group of Volumteer Mentors is a great idea, and in my own way I will continue to do my part in sending newbs in the right direction… but having an Unofficial Newbie Helpers is not neccessarily a step in the right direction. If any of us choose to volunteer our time to make introductions and tutor newbs in the intricate details of AChat, feel free to direct newbs towards the NEWB User Manuals that have been created… and if a particular member requires further assistance, then do as I do and provide some answers.

    … hehehehe, it has been known to create a few new friendships that start with nothing more than “WELCOME TO ACHAT”



    Funny, this.
    I'm just talking to a complete newbie right now……

    We have had many discussion on how to best serve “Newbies”

    There were some quite frank exchanges about the dangers of allowing “Mentors” and it may be worth bumping that topic back up


    Thanks Tight.


    I guess the idea has been up already then, sorry to have wasted peoples time n_n

    To any newbies; Feel free to look me up if you need help


    Not a waste of time… all opinions and thoughts  are emcoraged/ There may be esisting threads we can link further information though.

    Your post was spot on in the right section… and we should encourage thinking outside the box to enhance the game.


    @ Jaiana,

    It was not my intention to kill the subject while it just was started. The subject is still worth talking about. With new members coming to the forum (welcome, forgive me I didn't before), ideas are bound to be brought back to our attention.

    I feel it should be a joined effort. For both the dev-team and us. 'We' can be the ingame guides, the dev-team can provide more help by adding the newbie guide to the installation pack and have it opened when they first install..



    Please, please Jaiana. Thanks for coming to the forum and your contributions and observations are as important as everyone else's, especially mine.
    Newbies have lots of questions and they only seem silly to pompous people who think THEY are more important.. I'm glad you found someone to help guide you and that it encouraged you to “pass it on” to Newbies yourself. AChat needs nice people like you and you should keep coming here to the Forum and help make the site a better place.




    Welcome Jaiana

    We don't wanna stop a discussion. Most of all help newbies and are happy about every new member, no matter if here or in game. You have a great attitude in helping and I wish you also enjoy this time.
    Sometimes it happens we discussed a question before and the link just should help you to get more infos about the pros and cons of your idea.

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