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  • #5921

    I am not sure if this has happened to other men on here but there are certain women who ask for gifts. After you send them a gift they log off never to be seen again. Obviously con artists.

    I would like to start a black list to warn other men on here.

    The two I have been conned by are elizawells01 and sarah117. Please add to this list so others are warned.


    New frontier of prostituition!

    More then make a list my friend (welcome to the forum, of course, Theman4it4!), better things to do is to use the report option, so their account can be definitely banned!

    Anyway, thanks for the advice, it's really appreciated!


    Well, as they say… “Let the Buyer Beware”… Perhaps you'd be wiser to be keeping your A's to yourself.

    Giving gifts to the WHORES, just perpetuates their existence.

    Superintendent of Police
    Nymphomania Sex Police Department.


    What Azrielle said… There are so many whores/beggars because people keep giving them A$'s!


    Well, as i usualy say: “Best gift is the one you don't expect!” ! Where is the excitement of find out what is hidden inside the box if you know it till the begin!?

    Honestly, only one time i had send A$ to a girl and she had never ask me for gift! I admit, i had send the gift with a certain purpouse i had explain her and she was really happy of it! And i was really happy do make her that gift……eh eh!

    P.S:  nothing weird of course…..she is so damn sweet! 



    More then make a list my friend (welcome to the forum, of course, Theman4it4!), better things to do is to use the report option, so their account can be definitely banned!

    Why should AChat ban them? Because they got a gift? I don't doubt that they are whores and expected money… but the A-Team won't ban them for receiving gifts, I'm sorry.

    It's a bad experience you had Theman4it4, but you only can learn not to pay money for whores.


    k, maybe pretend a ban was so much…….soooorry!


    Indeed what Az states…
    A fool and his scrip are soon parted…

    excerise some patience and try to develope a relationship not buy one.


    When I first started with AChat, I considered sending a gift in exchange for sex.  But what you described is the scenario that always played out in my mind.

    I could see myself sending the gift and even going into the room then suddenly “uh oh… she lost her connection” and is gone, never to be contacted again.

    If I'm going to pay for sex, it's going to be the real thing.


    my advice will be the same i always give about this subject : If you do a gift , do it cause you WANT do it and not cause you are asked to do one 


    Thanks for all your comments guys. An interesting discussion.

    I think some of you have missed the point though.

    No problem with whores -you pay the money they provide a service.

    A con artist just takes the money and doesn't provide the service.

    Still I have learnt my lesson. Thanks


    Oh My God!  Prostitutes here… on AChat? SAY IT ISN'T SO!

    If you guys would just learn to say “NO” to them in the first place, then they wouldn't have fools parting with their A's. Suck it up, and move on… Learn from your mistake, and as they say:

    “Fool me Once, Shame on You. Fool me Twice, Shame on Me.”

    Thank you in Advance for doing your part to drive the Whores onto someone else's street corner.


    I've noticed more and more girls put something in regards to needing to be paid before going into rooms to the point that I don't see a reason to renew my subscription. I don't give gifts unless it is that: a gift, but so many girls are begging to the point that I'm on for weeks without having a single conversation. As for the being scammed part, sorry, there is no policing on gifting…once you give the gift, you're out the money.


    I dont  agree with what the girls did to you but we should not have a Black list, If you are going to gift a girl before you go into room then lets have a Black list of fools, 


    This will be a neverending discussion. As long as there is a market there will be whores and cheaters. And there always will be a market. In this point AChat is not different then RL.

    I also believe we will have mor whores – we have more fashion, new rooms, new poses… people need more money to get the things they want.
    But I also know there are many nice girls – just look at the forum

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