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Collated Ideas For Improving the Game

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Home Forums Share your creative ideas Collated Ideas For Improving the Game

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  • #6076

    Hi ya Forum Folks,  I have browsed through the topics in ” Creative Ideas ”  and collected the ideas to improve the game for us all and put them up for discussion and hopefully collect them in one place for the Achat Gods to note for future reference…. hopefully 
    (In the following posts are exerts/ copies of the text of posts from members, not named, who provided the original idea. )

    Feel free to add your views and any new ideas you may have.

    Topics collated :-

    1)  Improved search facility for members
    A) Wild card ; 
    Search by other headers too eg  skin colour;
    C) People on ignore list to automatically be barred from future searches;
    D) Using the “Enter” button on computer to search, as well as, clicking on the “Start” button on screen;
    E) Being able to default to own lists without having to show your own avi profile first, instead of the personal lists of the avi shown
    F) To have the facility to resume a search already started, when interrupted;
    G) To have double arrows to click on to first page and last page;
    H) Sound or notification for when a listed friend, lover, spouse comes on line;
    I )  During search, smaller or omit profile pic altogether of members to prevent loading difficulties.
    J) Stop Loading facility, to skip over lagging and freezing.

    2)  Larger Profile pictures
    A) Larger profile pic so name / stars don't obscure  chosen image
    Colour coded star to differentiate status of members with live subscription & suspended subscription. Both show Blue at the moment and is confusing.

    3)  Friends lists
    A)  To sort lists for friends ; lovers ; spouses in order of own priority;
    Ordered by status

    4)  First Person View
    A) Option of fixing first view camera to prevent bouncing.
    PIP and cam lock

    5)  Chat and message window
    A) Option of speaking privately, using a drop down box, with each person in the room during group play;
    More Emoticons in the game.
    C) Sign, your partner is writing
    D) Save received and sent messages and increase number
    E) Message when friend/lover/spouse has logged in
    F) Add a tabbed chat system
    G) Ideas for redesigning interface

    6) One Off Name Change
    A) Member allowed to change, for a fee (A$ ) , user name in game and forum on a one off occasion only.

    7) Ava personalization
    A) Visual of pussy and more actions
    Body art and jewelry
    C) Adding own backgrounds
    D) Profile and personal infos

    8 Local files
    A) Possibility to add own partner/user notes

    9 Actions, poses & moves
    A) Replace change move when orgasm by a face action
    Make pose request better noticeable
    C) Make the robots more interactive/add a shemale robot

    10 Room functions
    A) Dynamic litghtin/Light switch
    Sounds in rooms
    C) Orgasm sounds
    D) Public rooms for voyeurs and sex in public places

    11) Game functions
    A) Gifting system
    New idea for gifting system

    Topics  revisted :-   

    1 )  Improving Search,1318.0.html
    2A ) Larger profile pic,2125.0.html
    2B)  Smaller Profile pic,2092.0.html
    3B) Friends list order,2464.msg51669.html
    4A) First camera View,1989.0.html
    4B) PIP,1479.0.html
    5A) Chat  Window,1988.0.html
    5C) Sign, partner is writing,1387.msg27363.html
    5D) Save messages,1770.0.html
    5F) Tabbed chat system,1001.0.html
    5G) Interface,2239.0.html
    7A) Ava personalization,2096.0.html
    7B) Body art,571.0.html
    7C) Adding own backgrounds,802.630.html
    7D) Profile & personal infos,2222.msg45805.html#msg45805
    8A) Partner / User notes,1638.0.html
    9A) Replace change move,1836.0.html
    9B) Pose request better noticeable,1668.15.html
    10A) Light switch,1092.msg47295.html#new
    10B) Sounds,1682.0.html
    10C) Orgasm sounds,2322.0.html
    10D) Public rooms/voyuer mode,1021.0.html
    11A) Game functions,2267.0.html
    11b) Reworked gifting system,2980.0.html


    Improved search
    Sometimes I want to look for a nick but dont remember exaclty the name, only how started or some part of the name. That make imposible to find out.
    Waht I suggest is for example use “Leticia*” in the search and the results would be all user with name starting by Leticia (as mine).


    Improved search
    it's clear that it could be good to have more options for our searches, not only by names as you suggest but also by skin color (don't see in it any racism but sometimes some girls, real or not, want a black guy), hair colour, body type for male, size od the breast…

    a sorting system in the members section of the website could be good too, fed up of searching for long minutes to find the right profile of someone who's not in my friend list


    Improved Search

    Keiko, could we have a poll maybe to get this topic out there again. We need to be able to search with wildcard characters, sometimes you know part of the name but not all of it. I cant see where it would be that hard to add, and it would make it nice to find who we want to.


    Improved Search

    I'm not sure if a poll is needed. Cause the answer will be unique: 100% vote “yes, we need wildcard search”

    I also wanna add a suggestion I made long time ago:
    On the right side of screen you have the arrows to jump forward and back one page. Why don't we have the chance to jump to the last and first page?
    One arrow to the right side: Next page    Two arrows to the right side: Go to last page
    Of course same with left arrows


    Improved Search

    Hey there…

    I could not find a topic to suit my suggestions, so I'm going to put them in this one.  It is kinda along the search line.

    I have a couple of suggestions for the search.  Would it be possible for the people who have demonstrated that unique ability to get onto my ignore list to NOT show up in my search results?  I mean, if I ain't gonna to talk to 'em why should I even see 'em?  And… I would love to be able to block some avatars from poppin up on my screen… y'all have to admit, some of them can be annoying.

    Another thing, I would like to have the ability to move my friends around in my friends list.  I ain't got many, but the one person I always check to see if he is on or not is at the very end of my list.  I would like the ability to move this person up the list to the first page.

    Thanks for looking.


    Friends List

    We have talked very long ago about moving friends on your list. The answer is as simple as poor. It's not able because the lists are automatically sorted by the database. As it's depending on a software it would be possible to change but obiously the A-Team doesn't want it.

    Same with people on your ignore-list. They are shown because these people are online. The list is equal for everyone.
    In my opinion it's not really a problem. You recognize them because they have a black star. They can't flood you with invites or messages.

    We also asked if it's possible to see your spouse-lover-friends online before all the other ones. But the answer is the same – the list is sorted equal for everyone. Sorry.


    Friends Lists

    kittenlepurr just raised a point on another thread about search (I don't have a problem with load speed) so I thought I would raise this thread again.

    Being able to use wildcards seems such a simple request to implement. Even simpler is to make enter the default for Start button, so that having entered the info. you want to search for you just have to hit enter to start the search rather than find the Start button with the mouse (particularly useful when you have just finished typing a name in).

    Also, as this thread seems to have strayed a bit from the original post, one thing I find annoying is that, having listed my friends, I can't list my lovers without showing myself again. Why does it change to his/her? I have rarely been interested in who are lovers/friends of someone else.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to quickly redo the last search. For example, having done a search and been presented with the results, someone contacts you and you hit the ? to bring their details up, it would be nice to just hit another button to go back to those results rather than bring up search again.


    Improved Search

    Concerto added a lot of good ideas. Wildcards is a must be in my eyes. And all the other ideas I completely support. Again I bring back an old idea of mine… on the right side you have arrows to go to next and previous page. Why can't we also have double-arrows to jump to last and first page?


    Friends List

    I support the ideas as well, would like to have a sound or a notification when a friend comes online too  . Why dont we sticky one thread, edit it and collect the best ideas to get a better overview for us and the achat developer ?     


    Improved Search – Smaller profile pic

    One thing I don't like when I am searching is how long it sometimes takes to load … how about a click option which makes the profile pictures display as smaller pictures with more results per page. And a way to display which one of your friends is online. Like for example one of the online reminders in something else.   


    Improved Search

    Yes, small profile pics (or nothing, maybe!) will give us the chance to load username during searching more faster. Then, when we put the cursor on the name, the portrait can pop-up.


    Improved Search

    I do support the idea, if you want to improve the speed on your own you could only get yourself a ssd hard-drive or a ram disk in case you have a lot of memory  .


    Profile Pic

    It would be nice if they made these a little larger, or maybe put our profile name somewhere other then blocking part of the picture itself. Also,.. how long does it take to have collars/leash as a accesory??

    Keep up the good work!


    First Person View


      Would anyone else like to “fix” the First Person camera?  I know I would.  I don't use the first person view much, because of the constant bouncing, which is unsettling to me.  In real life, our eyes and our minds are very capable of keeping an object, or a person's face for that matter, in a fixed position without much of a bounce.

    So, I am asking for the Dev-Team to please look into giving me a “fix” button the “First Person” view.  Similar to what we have for the Yacht Room, but able to be used while in the First Person camera.

    Thanks for letting me share,

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