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Love and Ice (Serial Story)

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Home Forums Erotic Stories Love and Ice (Serial Story)

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  • #6142

    Note: I will be adding chapters as I write them. Space will be taken up to represent that.

    Chapter 1:

    It was a cold, cloudy day in september. The viking ship “Valhalla” rocked on the waves, the sun was close to setting. Jhorn sat in the front of the longboat gazing seaward…..and homeward. The sea took these viking warriors to places where they could become rich, and braught them home. Yes, the sea was good. He stood there deep in thought, tapping his right hand against the wooden rail rythemically, not noticing the shields hanging on the sides where they were stored many times before. Indeed, lady sea braught slaves and wives for some as well; a mysterious mistress…dangerous, yet aluring at the same time. His muscles under the leather armor moved to compensate for the pitching of the ship as the norseman spun around, his short brown cloak momentairly becoming airborne as he did so, just to glance at the woman he had taken captive for his slave. 'Yes, she will do nicely.' He thought to himself as he stared at her, his ice blue eyes taking in every aspect, every feature of her body. He took notice of her brown eyes, and reddish hair that seemed to glow in the sunlight. Her body was almost that of a goddess in his mind, was a shame he had to gag her to keep her from constantly yelling the entire trip. Was equally a shame she needed to be chained to the mast……a fiery tart that one was. Almost made him want to take her and…..
    “Grff” He grunted to himself. “I need to keep myself calm….a nap is in order.” After issueing a few orders to some of the crew, he folded himself up in his cloak and leaned against the ship, staring at the strange scantily clad woman he had captured till he drifted to sleep…..
    Journies at sea took long periods of time, even for the lightening fast longboats. Jhorn stood by the mast, making sure everything was secure…….especially one specific prisoner…then after rationing food looked at the prow of the ship. A dragon was attached, he had always liked that dragon head for it braught good luck. Again they had been victorious. Looking around to see if everyone was busy, this seemingly young, yet wise warlord knew that the prisoners must eat too. He grabbed the now cold stew they had taken from the town, and one hardtack then headed over to his prisoner. The bread started to crumble in his hand as he set it in his wooden bowel, another item taken from thier raid, and after setting himself down crosslegged in front of her, Jhorn began to feed her. The woman looked up upon seeing the food, and not having the use of her arms, was unable to grab the bread. She sat against the pole, and after realizing this simply opened her mouth, to the amazement, yet excitement of Jhorn. “Who was she? What is her trade? Perhaps she is a healer, I could use one of those.” as this woman who seemingly was in need of nourishment stared at her captor, there was a look that passed inbetween them. One not expect by this viking warrior. It was not a look of hate, nor submission, nor sympathy….or any other emotion he had seen. It was something he knew well. A stubborn, will to live, whatever the cost. Jhorn smiled to himself, then after he finished feeding her, ate what was left. It was a large portion for certain, he had made sure of that.

    “LAND HO!” Yells were heard throughout the ship. The sails were lowered, and they pulled into port. After securing the ship, the loot was divied up..including the prisoners. Jhorn took his bag and woman, and headed for the plank. As he stepped off he noted that as usual the women were there for thier husbands…..and the loot they braught with them. Some of those women worried him. The battle hardened men he had faught beside not 3 days ago were now picked up by thier large wives and carried off….one shoulder the man, loot on the other shoulder. “Ah, such is life I guess.” Jhorn practicly whispered it to his now companion as they walked away from the docks toward his farm. He glanced at his slave, gently pulling on her bonds, every few steps remembering how he had found her…


    Chapter 2:

    The road had been long, but it was a beautiful time of year. Perfect for gathering herbs and the like. Cassidy stood for a minute to catch her breath. Long hikes like this should be made only twice a year, yet she made them every month she could. Soon there would be a storage shed full of herbs, roots and other needs for her salves she made. As the herbalist began to walk again, the sky, then the trees….in short everything of nature caught her eye. This woman who was now an adult, still had a zest….no, a exuberance for life. Her long red hair played in the breeze, her deep brown eyes studdied everything and seemingly missed nothing. Both wise and young at the same time they in themselves were something not many ever see, or excel to become. Cassidy's shapely figure strided along, rarely tireing on the 15 mile walk it took to gather the special herbs and return them to her small hut. As she walked her thoughts began to wander…
    “Yes, I love you…..but I dont LOVE you.” Greggory looked into Cassidy's eyes. “Oh, and if you are curious, yes…I am seeing someone else.” A dark smile seemed to enforce the statement, stabbing her deep in the heart.
    “What did I do to deserve your hate? I let you into my home when no one knew, and let you sleep in my bed with me. I almost became pregnant, which would have been a big problem explaining, and still took you with open arms.” She played with her mortar, not even looking up. As she listened to herself, her statement seemed just as cold as his. He wanted to piss her off, and she knew it. He was trying to get her to attack him, so he could claim her a witch due to enchantment making him seduced by her, then his problem would be solved… he though. A cruel look of disgust came over Cassidy, her semidiafinous robe drawn backwards suddenly, revealing her somewhat masculine clothes beneath. “Get out, I am not going to give you the satisfaction of hurting me again, as was your plan originally anyway. Just go.”
    “This is MY house now too!” Greggory stood up, looking at her. Her head not reaching his neck, she looked up at him.
    “I would if I were you!” Cassidy's 5 and a half body moved away from the now angry man, who had a look of malice in his eyes. Thinking quickly, she pulled out some powder and threw it in the hearth. The fire exploded into differant colors and the smoke, though sweet smelling, covered the interior of the hut. “I dont know where you get the idea this is your place when you never belonged here to begin with! Now go, or the smoke will take you.”
    The door opened and the form of a man was seen leaving the hut. “Good” She thought to herself “He had better stay away this time….or I may ACTUALLY hurt him!”
    A few tears rolled down her cheeks as Cassidy walked along the path, her memories somewhat disipating as the dirt made a fog around her feet. Yes, this path was used frequently, and since the miners with thier dirt in thier carts… made it hell for travelers to actually walk on. “Why did I trust him? Why did I think I made a friend who I could trust…who I began to have feelings for, and they did this to me?” A the sound of a single pair of footsteps were soon joined by a second pair. Cassidy looked up, stopping suddenly. A woman approached her. She just stood there mutely watching as her friend approached her, the yellowish dress, and the blonde hair of the woman, along with her pleasant face, and wistome body made it seem like a dandilion had become a nymph had become a mortal. “Gwen, you arent mad at me I guess.”
    “Why would I be mad? Only because of the fact after chasing that bastard Greggory off, you left for 3 days and didnt tell me? Dont you trust me?”
    “Honestly…I dont really trust anyone anymore.” Cassidy looked at Gwen, then turned her head to whipe off the tears quickly.
    “Well, I guess I need to regain it….oh! You have 'patients' waiting in town. Seems the entire town is getting something…do not know what though.” A smile, then kind of a concerned look at the same time was on Gwen's face. They walked back to town….if you could consider it even a town, only boasting of a small port to moor ships, a few farms, a few huts, and one community building….Cassidy not knowing what to truly expect.


    Chapter 3:


    Chapter 4:


    Chapter 5:


    Chapter 6:


    Chapter 7:


    Chapter 8:


    Chapter 9:


    Chapter 10:


    Chapter 11:


    Chapter 12:


    Chapter 13:


    Chapter 14:


    Chapter 15:

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