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Yureixx. Greetings from Belgium.

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Yureixx. Greetings from Belgium.

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  • #6522

    Hello people.

    How you can see, my name is Yureix. i’m 27 old and i’m from Belgium. A little country just to the nord of France (for people who doesn’t know this).
    I’m a newsbie in this type of things. I count on you to be kind wiht me.

    About language:
    I Speak French (native language) and a little english (it’s more easy for me to read or whrite in english) but i’m very not perfect.
    I hope that will not be a frontier between you an me.

    I have made my inscription a little bit by curiosity and hope have many fun. If some people wanna make roleplay, i say to them that i will be happy to play with them but i’m a beginner in roleplay.

    Well, i think that it’s all for now.

    See you later.


    Ps: sorry for my english, i do my best.


    Welcome Yureixx,

    thanks for joining the forum. We call it AChat Village

    Don't worry about your englsih skills, you're not the only one who isn't native english speaker We'll understand you. So feel free to post and to add your ideas and thoughts.
    Look around, we have some polls for poses, rooms and more… frequently are doing contests, events and games and also have a bar here. Visit it, first drink is for free and soon you will “read” about a concert

    Please send me a pm with your day and month of birtday, we want to send you greetings on your special day.

    Have fun


    Thank your for your kindness.

    Well, i'm happy that you can understand me. To make easy discussion, it's not too difficult bur for experienced Discussionit's a little bit more delicate.

    i'm goong to see these things that you say so.

    And for my birthday, i send you that even if my birthday is already passed^^.


    Welcome to the forum Yureixx

    There is nothing wrong we your English, Its better then mine and I'm from England.

    Hope you enjoy your stay in the mad world that is the Achat forum village

    As Lovers say's we have a great bar here and the first drink is on the house

    Have great fun looking around.   


    Welcome to the forum Yureixx,

    I have never know belgium was north of france, i always tought it was south of my own country the Netherlands 

    Hope you are going to enjoy your time here.


    Welcome to the the village!

    It's always nice to see new people join us here…..and more important, we like to have their opinion about AChat and what it can be done to make it better! soooooo…..let's share yours with us!


    Thank you all.

    tangoracer , i'm sure that your english is better than mine. I must find my word before writting and i have some difficulties with conjugation (but i'm sure if i wars reading my “Learn english easy”, i will be beter^^.

    And mrsexlover, well find. For a moment, i was writting my presentation and  i thought to myself  to whrite that is between France, England, Netherlands and Germany and of course Luxemburg 


    Greetings Yureixx, and welcome to our village we look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas to improve the game. and stop by the bar for a drink 


    Welcome Yureixx.
    We are all happy to have you here on the forum to share your thoughts and opinions.
    Have fun always.


    Bienvenu en Ville Yureix, et ne fait aucun souci pour ton Anglais, on apprends bien des choses ici


    A big welcome  to our Forum Village Yureixx,  Its fun, crazy & full of great people.

    Take a look around at all our fashion houses where the talented designers show their new clothing lines and ideas and the galleries of  Art & banners.

    We have a wonderful bar – the AB&G  and  an amazing library of  stories.

    Please feel free to post any of your views and ideas in topics of interest.

    Hope to see you around more.

    Have fun. 


    Bienvenue Yureix,

    Ah un voisin 
    Forum et gens très sympa ici, tu verras 

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