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Pose Ideas. Golden shower

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The forums Share your creative ideas Pose Ideas. Golden shower

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      Golden shower Poses

      me and a friend of mine would like to know if in the future are planned some “Golden shower” poses.
      Thanks, ciao


        It's just another one of those things that you think “if the dev team can do this, then why can't they do that?”

        If they can generate orgasms and shoot cum across the room or excite the paraurethral glands to squirt all over the place, you would think that a little piece of piss would be just that.


          Especially as the female orgasm is bit looking like golden shower…
          We have some threads regarding this. The majority doesn't want it, perhaps this is the main reason they never developed these poses.


            Well, you don't see the female orgasm (at least on Achat). What you do see is, as I said, the “excite(ment of) the paraurethral glands”, i.e. squirting. There is a difference. ;)

            Lol, we can smack people, cane them, handcuff them, poke them through a glory hole and hang them from some other contraption. We can even cum all over them and squirt on them but we can't pee on them, that's taboo.


              You never see female orgasm 😉
              The A-Team is working on new stuff, who knows what they will give


                Hello. Is a very interesting topic. I think that this feature is to be output in a separate option. It may look as a scale, with a time delay. And should have two buttons. The outstanding Golden rain “Issue” partner “Accept”. It will relieve of superfluous problems and unwanted results. Thank you.


                  Perhaps I’m reading wrong, – I would love to see, in favor of female orgasm shots, YES! – but, golden showers, refers, at least to my knowledge as, ppl pissing, …

                  O.o… and, no, if that emote were created, I surely wouldn’t be interested in.
                  – diff strokes for diff folks I suppose.


                    holy sheet – just noticed the original post date. – My apologies for stirring up the dead post.


                      no problem, my friend…….we prefear focus all the idea in one thread them starting 3 or 4 for the same subject….


                        QUOTE : “Perhaps I’m reading wrong, – I would love to see, in favor of female orgasm shots, YES! – but, golden showers, refers, at least to my knowledge as, ppl pissing, …
                        O.o… and, no, if that emote were created, I surely wouldn’t be interested in.
                        – diff strokes for diff folks I suppose.”

                        I am with you on this even now when I see the Avatar come I don’t like that it looks like golden shower
                        to me I would like to see the cum more white on the female avatar


                          Hmmm an old subject of mines

                          🙂 . So as i dont remember where is the one where it was talked before , i will rewrite what i said .

                          It should looks like a “spray” and not like someone peeing .


                            I agree with you Rukya and white ;D pee is not the drink for me

                            I am sure not for many man also lol




                              ewwwwwwwwww why would any one want this    :-X


                                QUOTE” Grosssss ewwwwwwwwww why would any one want this :-X ”

                                You really want an answer= Because it´s the ultimate humiliating, submissive. The other is so dominant doing this…
                                Also, it´s clean (sterile), just another body fluid. Why swallow sperm and not this? 🙂


                                  Reading this subject  brings to mind the controversy of female  “SQUIRTING,” the “NEW” phenomena racing round the world of sex sites like an out of control express train.

                                  Not being a woman i am unable to do any physical research personally (lol) but i have a significant amount of experience with the opposite sex, and in over 45 years of sexual activity  i have never personally found a woman that this phenomena occurs. Now I'm not calling all these liars, i believe they have swallowed the story hook line and sinker.  research has proven that :-

                                  When aroused, some women may experience squirting, or a rather noticeable discharge of fluid. What it is exactly and where it comes from has been hotly debated: female ejaculation or adult bedwetting? Researchers are now saying that squirting is essentially involuntary urination.

                                  Female ejaculate is technically the small amount of milky white fluid that’s expressed when climaxing, New Scientist explains. Squirting, on the other hand, results in a much larger gush of a clear fluid, which comes from the urethra, the duct where urine is conveyed from the bladder. The findings, which combine biochemical analyses with pelvic ultrasounds, were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine on Christmas Eve.

                                  A French team led by Samuel Salama from Hopital Privé de Parly II recruited seven healthy women—who’ve reported recurrent and massive fluid emission (enough to fill a cup) during sexual stimulation—to undergo “provoked sexual arousal.” The team conducted pelvic ultrasound scans after urination and during sexual excitation just before and after the squirting event.

                                  All of the women had empty bladders before sexual excitation, however, urine collected just before squirting showed that the bladder was filling up. Urine sampled after squirting revealed that the bladder had been emptied again, revealing the origin of the squirted liquid.
                                  from I Fucking Love Sciencew Website

                                  in fact the shock jock Stern had a porn star  who purported to be  a “squirter” in his studio and she masturbated to orgasm and Squirted into a container and it was analysed to be urine.

                                  My best friend regularly obsesses about her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, who was a “squirter,” and therefore the real-life incarnate of many men's fantasy partner. Porn has encouraged men to believe that when they've truly rocked a woman's body, it starts doing an impression of the Bellagio Fountain in the second-to-last scene of Ocean's Eleven.

                                  The average woman, myself included, doesn't know whether squirting is real or fake beyond your standard urban legends, like, “Ashley's friend's ex's friend's aunt's babysitter's college roommate squirts,” which does not count. So, like the installment in the classic girl's mystery series entitled Nancy Drew and the Case Of Projectile Vaginal Excretions, I sleuthed with the help of a number of experts in order to solve the mystery. Ian Kerner, sexual health expert and The New York Times bestselling author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman,] says that involuntary squirting is the Loch Ness Monster of sex. In other words, an unverifiable legend.
                                  from cosmopolitans web site

                                  i would love to hear both the pros and cons  from members on their experiences in this matter :) of course in the interest of better sex  ;)

                                  Girls  i just want to say this tho:-  Dont feel inadequate if your not a squirter, best case scenario  if squirting is REALLY occurring  it is in less than 5% of  active females  by the best statistiocs available

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                                The forums Share your creative ideas Pose Ideas. Golden shower