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LoverBoy71. Hi

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Home Forums Introduce yourself LoverBoy71. Hi

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    hello Achat world.I am LoverBoy71.I really enjoy Achat so far.I am a gentleman and polite,very respectful of others.I like nice people not into rude people.I like to meet new people and have fun..I respect those who respect me and pay no mind to the ones that don't.I don't mind conversating,so if u just want to talk i am ur guy.Hope to see you in Achat have a great day..


    hello Loverboy71 welcome to the forum and i have to say after talking with him last night and yes just talking. he is a real gentleman.

    Interview with Loverboy71 from the U.S.A

    (Q) 1 How long have you be in Achat ?
    (A) 2 months

    (Q)2 What do you think of it so far ?
    (A) Its better then I expected.

    (Q)3 Whats turn’s you on ?
    (A) Polite and Talkitative women…Dirty talk in room.

    (Q)4 What turn’s you off ?
    (A) Rude people,, who put you on ignore list for just saying hi,,Women who dont talk in room..and people who never answer me at all

    (Q)5 If you could change one thing to inprove Achat what would it be and why
    (A)Would like to add undress pose..Sometimes its better to see if a preson is interested in you , then just jump straigh into sex

    (Q) 6 Do you play the game for fun or to find a real partner ?
    (A) To find a good partner.. one whom you can be comfortable with and enjoy the intimacy together.

    (Q) 7 Do you agree with some girls looking for gifts ?
    (A) no , a man should gifts if he likes her and she proves her worth but a man should never have to pay for virtual sex,,just to have fun.

    (Q) 8 What was your first vehicle ?
    (A) 2001 mitusbishi Galant

    (Q)9 Whats your favorite tv show ?
    (A) NCIS

    (Q) 10 If you could have any job you wanted, What would it be ?
    (A) A professional America football player


    Welcome to AChat forum, Loverby!

    mmmm, did youhave some correlation with our friend Lover!? mumble mumble……..hey, maybe you can be he's secret son! 

    ok, kidding apart……take your time to look around, read whatever you want, but please…………share your opinions and ideas with us cause i'm sure can have some interessing one to make AChat and this place beter then how they are!


    Welcome dude. I will welcome you with the manliest of dances.

    Have fun and enjoy.


    Have a nice time here Loverboy!!!

    This is your house


    Hello. welcome to the forum. Enjoy the free cookies 


    Hi Loverboy,
    welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy this crazy village here as much as you enjoy the game. Share your wishes and opinions, help us improving the game and “working” on the best forum ever.
    If you have any questions, just ask and we're always open for new ideas for games, events and contests.

    Have fun


    HI loverboy welcome here

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