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SF. Pose Review Request. 44. Joint Gymnastics – couch.

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Home Forums Shemales and their lovers in AChat SF. Pose Review Request. 44. Joint Gymnastics – couch.

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  • #6957

    Exists in FF and SF version
    Price: A$ 199 each

    This topic will deal with the SF version.
    For the FF version please see: Topics » Woman with woman in AChat » FF Pose Review Request. 43. Joint Gymnastics.

    SF. Pose Review Request. 44. Joint Gymnastics – couch.

    PRICE: 199A$
    This pose can be found in “Scenes” of the in-game Achat shopping Mall, FS Section. Box 5 – Riding Poses.

    This is a general request for someone in the FS community to review this pose please when they get a suitable opportunity and post it in this topic.
    It’s fairly simple to do.

    1. As you “Play” the game and find a willing partner, please list the actions on the both sides.
    2. Please identify if there is a “Change Role” button or do both partners have to own the pose to swap positions?
    3. Then write a short paragraph of 1 to 6 sentences about what you like about the pose, what you don’t and if it can be improved.
    4. Let your (un/identified) partner do the same kind of review that you have and post with yours.
    5. Both give it a star rating. If it differs with your partner, rate it the lowest star.
    6. Identify if a good buy for a new join in the initial A$1,000 gift they receive and what section it can be bought in the Achat Mall if not identified already.

    There are examples of MF pose reviews in the Woman with man in AChat section of Forum by Vaughan & JessiCapri to give you an idea of what to do.

    1 Star. – No. Hate it. Don’t bother – its rubbish.
    2 Stars. – Yes. Didn’t like it much. Will buy it if I have A$ to waste.
    3 Stars. – Yes. Liked it. Will use this occasionally but other poses need collecting first.
    4 Stars. – Yes. Really liked it. Will use regular. A good add to my collection.
    5 Stars. – Yes. Excellent. A must have. Will use this often.


    I bought but not yet tested and my favorite test girl is not there  ???


    In FM there is a hot kiss action,im sure you have it too 🙂


    QUOTE: “In FM there is a hot kiss action, im sure you have it too :)”

    I just hope they put the kiss in FF Version 🙂


    Voted no , we have a pose similar to that one on the bed , it has be better to give us a pose that we dont have


    You can always count on the paddle queen to object 


    Lol, Jondas, and in the fs thread too.

    Well, Nat, I hope you found someone, I haven't been so lucky. Of course, I could always lower my expectations and try Robot Girl, I guess.


    Oh, I got lucky

    Starts with s on floor and f on sofa fucking.

    $ = continue fucking
    * = cuming breaks pose

    S actions
    Massage Tit – $ and massage f's tit
    Pinch nipple – $ and pinches f's nipple
    Rub clit – $ and rub's f's clit
    Grab knee – $ and grabs f's knees – nice
    Rub nipple – $ and rubs own nipple *
    Grab waist – $ and grabs f's waist
    Grab cock – $ and grabs self, masturbating
    Lick tit – leans forward to lick f's tit *
    Lick pussy –  f  arches up and s licks pussy *
    Jerk off – f massages tits while s masturbates 
    Bend back – $ while s arches back
    2 x pleasure faces

    F actions
    Massage tit – $ and massage own tit
    Rub nipple – $ and rubs own nipple *
    Rub clit – $ and rubs clit
    legs on shoulder – lifts legs around s's neck – oh god nice
    Anal action – $ switches to anal
    Cock outside – f grabs cock and rubs outside vagina
    Hands on shoulder – $ f leans forward and grabs s's shoulders
    Hip circle – $ f gyrating hips
    Kiss – stop and hug and kiss *
    Lick pussy – stop and f stands pressing pussy into s's mouth
    Enjoy – $ and throws head back in enjoyment
    Handjob – stop and f reaches out and masturbates s
    2 x pleasure faces


    Thank you Concerto for the actions 😉

    Rukya tu as l’air en pleine forme 😀 bises :-*

    I say that the pose is not expensive and this makes it one more.
    I want when I click on the poses in games it covers my whole screen, its why I take all poses of the game.
    I just tested with a girl who was passing and I think the pose is well done.
    I don’t know if the girl come back to see me : 🙂 ;D


    @jondas : If i dont , who will do ? And i just say we have a similar pose with the bed , here the difference is that its on the couch 🙂

    @Nat : anyway you are not in women lol ;D


    This is one of my favourites!

    Love kissing, the handjob and the g-spot hip circle action, just wish there was an action where my TS partner could suck on my toes.  But that probably says more about me than the quality of the pose itself (don't judge!)


    I like it Thanks


    ;D I am hetro only FM but I am sure this is hot as the MF one

    So I I am guessing this is as sexy and hot as the Fm enjoy it 😉

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