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Maekimmi. HI! I have been lurking around for a couple days …

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Maekimmi. HI! I have been lurking around for a couple days …

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    HI! I have been lurking around for a couple days finally got the nerve to speak…

    I have a really long and boring, yet sometimes freaky sexy story. But I won’t tell it here. I Just wanted to break the Ice and tell everyone hi. So, uh, *shuffles her feet, looks around.* Hi

    🙂 I started out playing online games with my ex boyfriend. The repetitiveness and violence wore on me. So I found another social game. Got totally wrapped up with another player on that game, and had my first and only affair. Go figure it was on a video game. I am a total PervaNerd.

    Anyway, I wont get too far into all that ‘cept to say my ex, (who liked to play war games more than going to work.) told me to end my online sex ventures or he was leaving me. I missed him for awhile. Not long though really.

    I really enjoy my ventures in that other game world. I worked my way from being a stripper, to owning my own strip club, two houses, and all kinds of other stuff that makes me actually very rich and powerful in that world. And the fact that I am amazing at sex, real and cyber makes me very popular girl there.

    But now the problem. I dive into my P. C. to escape reality. As time progressed that other world got as real as the world I am escaping from. So the other day I threw my hands up and said (to my empty bedroom) I’ve had enough of this place it’s getting as dramatic as real life, and I just want to get laid!

    I spent the other day throwing my time and money into a few different sites, trying to find a place I can play and have fun and orgasms without hassle. I came across A Chat…I was premium within like ten minutes. I love to cyber clothes shop, and omg I had to have my own positions, at least my favorite ones to get started. I love this game. I have met so many really sweet people already. I even have a couple actual friends already. You know not the names on a list but the people that make me smile when I think of them. I have spent a couple days browsing this forum and I have gotten crushes on some of you just reading your sweet and insightful posts. I am glad I found A Chat. Much fun, amazing cyber, awesome people, and Yay, no drama!

    About me: I will try anything for a half hour to an hour. If I like it I will do it again. My faves listed by fave to ok: FM,SM,M, I LOVE GROUP SEX.


    Hi maekimmi and welcome to this indeed wonderful world!

    I get moved when i read it about your ex, it could sound sad to prefer virtual sex than real one. But What I understand from it is that it makes you happy enough, and that's what matters after all! 

    Like you it's the community met on the forum that made me want for more. I'm sure you'll meet even more interesting open minded people out here and have a lot of fun on Achat. Even if the game could seem limited, imagination has no boundaries and can still make it very interesting and exciting experiences.

    I'm sure you will have much to tell us here and can't wait to see you more on the forum.



    Hi Maekimmi  welcome to the  forum  Glad you  found  Achat  and that you are happy

    there is a lot of kind  sweet  caring people here  enjoy  your time  and keep posting

    hope  to  meet you  or hear all your  story . 



    I think I love you already

    Dammit! I do love you already


    Welcome to you… Or maybe just  Hi!
    I like your story .. I think you'll have lots of fun on here and especially in the game.


    Hello and welcome to AChat, maekimmi!

    I understand what you mean…..after i had try AChat for the second time after long time, i feel the impulse to join it as premium and now it's about two years and half…Manythings happen, many friends come and go, but the important ones are all here!


    Welcome, Enjoy the free cookies.  You have about a week to read the story contest stories and vote
    BrandyBee will brief you on that shortly, I am sure


    Welcome to this Crazzzy place, girl, you'll like it here. I've left and come back, and things are goin well for me, as I'm sure they will for you.


    Welcoming you with a big hug and some kisses, it's always good to see some new faces in this town. I'll hope we get to see you in the bar. On your way there you might like to drop bye in the town square too


    Massssssssssssive Welcome to our Forum Village.

    There's lots of info, advice and little games for you to check out as you mosey round.  Most are designed to meet and greet our other residents and sometimes we have A$ prizes so you can treat yourself.

    I hope you like Erotic Stories  ( Chuckling at Momma_Andreas post,  my reputation precedes me  :  )

    We have  5 days of voting left in our latest contest to decide the winners.  Deadline is 31 March 2014.

    Here's the link. They are hot.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > ” MEDIEVAL ” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6.,3006.0.html   

    There are 11 short stories in total over 2 pages as you scroll down, all published by me Authors will be published after voting closes

    This is useful to look over too. It tells you a little about Forum.

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

    Take your time, look around and please post any ideas or views you may have

    Pop into our infamous  fantasy bar  The AB&G

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html


    First  drink is on the House. 

    Or meet some of our villagers hanging out at The Square.  Beware though, you may end up running naked round the fountain. LOL

    Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Most of all,  Have fun .


    Hi, and welcome Mae. Here's your very own Hugh Jackman picture, wearing God knows what! It's our gift to you.


    Enjoy your stay. 


    I have never really been a forum posting girl…mainly cause as I read them it was worse than fightbook for flaming and useless arguments that could be answered by a fast stop at google.  But I really do just feel at home when I am on this forum. So being a forum noob I may post in the wrong place or other fupahs, but my submissive nature makes me an eager learner. So I figured I would add to my Intro now that I have had some feed back. I have a couple comments and questions:

    1) Don't worry I do get the kind of sexy where you actually pass body fluids.  The nice thing is he is a reclusive like me.  So we just get together when we both have some extra time and need to fuck away some tension.  Then he raids my fridge watches a little netflix with me and leaves…the perfect man

    2) After a few days on A Chat, my only frustration, and it is small, is the random partner thing.  I am Irish and rude people or …ok well rude people get my Irish up.  I realize its like going to a new club or something, I have to make some friends, then I can spend my in room time with people I already know I like.  SO THE QUESTION: What is the best way to increase my friends list of nice sexy people without having as many random exploits?

    3) I love to post my sex adventures from the cyber world and the real world and would love to continue to post my story on here so I can get to know people on here, so…finally THE QUESTION: Is that best done in the sexy story section, and if not, where would it be good to continue posting my story and telling about me and learning about other?

    Thank you again for your comments.  Though I am physically reclusive for personal and somewhat upsetting reasons.  I am a very web social person. (except when I am in hiding angry girl mode, then I stay offline and play my sims) So I would love to make friends I know are sweet on this forum and be able to meet with them in game to have sexual adventures.  So If you want to meet up in game and see if we click then be friends, let me know how and when and I'm in. TTY all soon….The Noob


    Never been a Forum posting girl   That will change I hope

    Our Forum is our village,  the residents are crazy but great and on the whole they have formed their own code of conduct.  As you will read and get involved, you will see the good will and tolerance here.

    Maybe, its because we have no under 18s here,  but I am very proud of the conduct on this forum, which makes for easy moderating.

    Occasionally, we Mods get involved in disputes and occasionally we have to remind members of the TOS but they are too few to mention really.

    There  is no fightbook here and flames are quickly doused by hugs.

    If you post in the wrong place, don't worry about it.  Obviously we ask you look first and try to post in the topic you think best. We will move it if we feel the need or join it to another topic.

    Q2   You are in the right place to make friends.  Obviously, there is the game.  Then there is here, have a look at some of the simple meet and greet names …  Next one posting ;  What If I give you.. ;  in the  “Quizz, Fav TV, Fav Music, Fav Films, Books…”  section at the bottom of the Forum Home Page.  As you post and engage in topics, people will involve you.
    Then there is  The Square …  pop in, say  Hi.

    Q3 –   If your exploits are stand a lone stories,  then post in The Erotic Story Section like Momma_Andrea.  If  its more a sexploits journal , then open a Topic in the same section and post in the same topic each time, like Shezawolf.  Take a look and see for yourself. 

    The important thing here is to enjoy the experience , chill and please post any ideas or views you may have.

    oh and pssst  …   Don't forget to vote in the story contest, Deadline is 31 March  and if you like writing stories, maybe even enter the new Contest coming soon
    We are voting on the next theme     See what you think and vote there too 

    Forum Home Page  > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 7 – OT,3013.0.html


    Than was very helpful.  Answered my concerns and questions.  Thank you!


    Of course,  We are the best Forum in the World  

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