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mawiz1. Hi

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Home Forums Introduce yourself mawiz1. Hi

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    Hello members!

    I am a 38 year old guy. Great sense of humor, always try to smile and a good listener. 🙂
    Although, I do type quite a bit. (are girls shy or worried they might give too much personal info?)

    Still getting the hang of it here, but already “met” with a couple of nice girls.

    I had my first mini RP last night. Let me state that is way out of my normal comfort zone, but, what a great time we had!
    I seem to be gravitating towards RP in a big way. I am probably not that good, yet, but it was enough to commit to more sessions. 😀

    My wish would be to learn from the “masters” of RP, show me how it is done correctly.



    Hi mawiz1,

    welcome and thanks for joining our little crazy village. I'm sure you will have a great time here and in game. We all come together to improve the game and to have plenty of fun.

    To learn more about rp, you can check our story section
    Adult Game AChat > Discussions about sex > Erotic Stories,13.0.html

    and we also have a thread with ideas in same board,441.0.html,457.0.html

    Hope this helps and keeps you busy for a long time

    Have fun


    Hello mawiz1 and welcome to AChat forum!

    As lover said you, rthis is a crazy place where you can have funny time or help to make AChat a more nice place with suggestion or criticism. So, please…..don't be shy and wrote your thoghts!


    Hello mawiz1

    Welcome  you found the right place this  is the  place for  good sense of humor .

    take care have  fun.


    Hey mawiz,

    Nice you found the way to the village. Knock at all doors and enjoy it!

    As for RP, everyone can be a master. Just let your imagination, feelings and fantasy flow. Going passed the limitations of the poses and just describing your state of mind and desires, actions of the moment make the rp rich.
    A good RP is just depicting a scene and most of all sharing a nice moment together. And it seems you already had some. So you're already growing as “master”. 

    Welcome and keep enjoying!


    Hi ya mawiz1,  Welcome to our forum village.

    You have certainly come to the right place to find role players.  Forum is full of some very imaginative players.

    May I suggest you take up Lovers advice, we have some very talented writers. Their stories tease and titillate  and use fabulous vocabulary to set scenes and describe bodily functions 

    And while you are at it.

    Please  read and vote in our current story contest 7 . Your vote counts and shows support for our authors and the contest.  Thank you.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > ” JOURNEY ” THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 7.,3232.0.html

    And the new theme is being voted on for Erotic Story Contest 8 in September. Please vote for a theme that takes your fancy.  I'm sure our future contestants wont disappoint.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 8 – O.T.                  ,3231.0.html 

    Please take a look round the village and post your views and ideas.  Enjoy 


    Thanks all,

    I *knew* this was the right place. Kinda puts a human face on the tech that is the aChat client.

    I will “knock” on the doors, break out of my comfort zone, and most importantly, have fun.

    I started reading the stories, amazing. (I need to expand my vocab…..

    Bye, bye

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