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Jayc. Moderator Elder ‘s Wall.

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Jayc. Moderator Elder ‘s Wall.

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    With Bear resigning from his moderator post , i was approached by the team and asked if i wanted the job.

    After giving it some thought for a week i have decided to accept.

    How could i say no to our great Mod team? I just hope im up for the task. the next few weeks will be on the job training as i learn from the team.

    So i would like to thank Lover, HB. and Brandy who seem to think im the guy for the job and to Bear for his service to the village, i have big shoes to fill but will do my best.


    Congratulation Jayc

    You will make a excellent mood , they  choices wisely..

    many Blessing to you 


    YAYYYYY I couildn't think of a better choice for moderator
    Congrats. You're already part of the scenery in here.
    Great  choice Achat 


    Great News,  Jayc on joining our team – the Forum Moderators of Achat.

    I know you didn’t take this position lightly and had thought long and hard about it due to Bear’s exceptional legacy and for the respect you have for him and his standing in the Forum Village, as we all have.

    I am glad you decided to accept the position and am sure your enthusiasm and loyalty to Forum and the game will show you in good stead. You are an excellent choice by Achat.

    You are funny, imaginative and care for Forum and the game. You always help out when asked and have hosted games and written stories and joined in the fun of the contests.

    You are the perfect man for the job and I look forward to working with you in the future.

    Of course, as junior member, you have to make the tea, buy the cream cakes, run errands for us and polish our shoes. All that and more, even before taking a stroll round the village with your 5  green stars.   



    Welcome in the team jayc

    Thanks for accepting our offer. We're happy to have you on our side now. Bear left big footsteps, but your job isn't to fill them – we're sure you do your own path.
    You don't have just our support – it's a great forum with wonderful members and I know, everyone will make it easy for you.

    In Germany we say with starting a new job, you'll get 100 days to get used to it. First day is over now

    Let's start

    Great Choice

    Congratulations are due.  I'm sure that with your calm demeanor and you knowledge of the Forum Village and AChat itself, that you will do a superb job in the position of moderator. 

    We offer three cheers.


    Hip, hip Hooray!

    Hip, hip, Hooray!

    Hip, hip, Hooray!

    and a Tiger



    Welcome to the dark side of the force, padawan! or have to said the naughty side!? i don't know……….

    Aaaaanyway, welcome in the team, my friend…..i'm quiet sure you can give us a big hand in our job!

    I want to thanks again Bear for all he done in past and, more important, Tightfit74 too, another ex member of our team! Thank you both for everything!


    Now I must cause a ruckus just to annoy you and give you trial by fire 


    Congratulations JayC,
    and good luck with your new responsibilities
    im pretty new here  but  I found you to be a good bloke
    and im sure you will do a great job as a Moderator

    you have my support


    Congrats and Welcome Jayc as our new mod.

    I'm sure you will do a great job, and if you need any help or support you know where the find me. (Or just ask Brandy, she seems  always to know how the find me )


    Jayc is an excellent choice, an active contributor whose passion and fondness for the game and the our forum is there for all to see and is matched by few.

    It is a choice that pleases me.

    There are no shoes to fill Jayc, you need only to bring your enthusiasm and vision for our community. From what I know of you I am quite confident we are good hands.



    Congratulations, JayC! 

    Excellent choice. I know that you'll be a superb addition to our Mod Team.


    A big thanks to everybody  for wishing me well 

    Highlights from my 1st day as a moderator

    I arrived  bright and early to find that nobody else had showed up yet. when Brandy finally showed up she pointed to an old desk in the corner. after fixing the short leg that made the desk wobble with  some tape and a matchbook .I checked  the drawers i found the usual stuff, rubber bands and old paper clips and dried up pens. in another drawer i discovered  what i think might have been an orange 100 years year ago and was 1/2 way on its way to turning to coal.

    settled in and eager to get moderating, Lover walked up and tossed a tape measure on my rickety desk. Lover told me to get out there and measure  banner sizes. from the tone of his voice i guess its a big problem  so  i hit the bricks and measured and kept a detailed record.

    returning to office i found the place empty again. On my desk was a note. my imagination running wild i hope its a plea to help diffuse  a major crisis in the village. im soon back to earth when i read it……….its an errand list!!!

    pick up HB's art supplies

    Get Lovers dry cleaning

    go to the market for tea, milk, coffee  and pastries  for the office pantry.

    they didn't leave any money  so i figured they have tabs at the stores  i visited……………..turned out no to be the case, but there good folks and will pay me back.

    All in all it was a good 1st day 



    I step into the office and put my feet up on my desk,  I hear some movement in the back kitchen and within minutes Jayc arrives with a steaming hot cup of tea. Brewed to perfection.  Seems Stone has taught and trained him well.

    He places it on my desk with some Tim Tam biscuits and has his own glass of iced tea in his other hand!  Yukky

    I chuckle, “I think you are going to fit in here very well,”  and sip the tea with relish. Very well made.

    “Pity you are into that stuff,” I nod disapprovingly at his glass, “You could have tried the Tim Tam slam!”

    We both grin at each other.  “Welcome to the Team Yank”  and raise my cup towards him in a toast, as well as my little pinkie. He mirrors the action before we both take a drink.

    “So, tell me how your first day went….”   


    Round of applause*

    Another Merican' in the mix is fine by me! Congrats to you Black Sparrow.

    Now that you've moved up in the world, I have a small list of things that would make this place x100 better.

    *rolls out a list of 'requests'*


    1) unlimited banner sizes
    2) free pizza day
    3) Balloons
    4) Unlimited power to all users here
    5) Make me supreme emperor for a day (Optional, but highly recommended)
    6) Animal cookies

    I think all these requests are reasonable and are 100% backed by everyone here. Make it happen… 

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