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Contest: Ready for some fooootball?!

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Home Forums Contests Contest: Ready for some fooootball?!

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    The Teams –
    Schedule. (Includes game results )  –


    1.  Brandybee        Seattle  Sea Hawks     

    2.  Covems            Green Bay Packers     

    3.    Hukk                New York Giants         

    4.    FoxyRoxxy      San Diego  Chargers 

    5.    Bear                San Francisco  49ers   

    6.    jayc                Chicago Bears             

    7.    Stone              Chicago Bears             

    8.    Pookie 77        New York Giants       

    9.    Lover              Philadelphia Eagles     

    10.  Old_Goat        Carolina Panthers 

    11.  Terric              New York Jets

    12.  Leighdeexxx    Oak Land Raiders 

    13.  tangoracer      Dallas  Cowboys

    14.  mrsexlover      Miami Dolphins

    Above added for easy reference, thank you Stone.  Modified by Brandybee.


    Back to Hukk

    The calm, harmonious days of spring and summer will soon give way to the gritty grid iron war zone that is football.


    Men in tight pants tackling other men.

    Helmet to helmet concussions.

    Elaborate end zone celebrations.

    For the wives, girlfriends, or boyfriends out there who enjoyed the months of football free respite, prepare yourselves…for the coming onslaught of beer guzzling warriors will soon arrive, clad in their Dorito stained jerseys and pants.

    My God…it will be glorious.




    Some should say this is not REAL football.


    @ Goat ~ perhaps a return to old timey uniforms would make the sport feel more authentic again. I think George Clooney has time to spare to toss the old pigskin.


    Well said Hukk… our house becomes a divided house during the season.  One is a Giants fan… One is a Packers fan and one is a Colts fan (with the reasoning of “I like their uniforms”).

    The game has evolved, Old Goat, but always think that the NFL is just entertainment and enjoy the pagentry and the fun of it.

    Even though my Packers got spanked on Thursday, I still offer this as a bit of pomp!


    Football ?   Our boys don't need pads and pom pom girls …       And your games last way too long in the action.

    But I will support Jayc's team …  I think it's the Chicago Bears.

    So we will scrag your padded asses and have brilliant pom poms



    Not my  kind sport but I wish you all the  best 

    We Chargers are winning this  year 

    They are my Home Team  and I am only 10 mints away  from them 


    Jayc… you're a Bears fan?  Da Bears!  Well… the Packers are heading to Soldier's Field on the 28th of September.  Would a friendly wager interest you?

    Here's what I'm suggesting…. 

    $A 300 says that the Green Bay Packers will beat the Chicago Bears.

    Whadda ya say?


    both Teams  performance  last week  was not  the way they want  to start the season  :
    But i will take your wager  Coves 


    Bears fans vs Packers fans

    let the trash talking begin 


    Green Bay Packers lost against the Seahawks, may have a tackling problem (again) and Clay Matthews may not be %100……..but they still have Aron Rodgers at the helm.

    *looks at JayC*

    My Giants tried to help you guys out by at least beating the Lions to keep everyone but the Vikings at 0-1 in your division. Unfortunately the Giants of last yea.. showed up again. 


    Sorry Hukk… it looks like it may be a long year for you Giant fans.  Hopefully not.

    I love all those Packer fans….

    Perhaps we can sweeten the pot….


    @ Covems ~ Loser must perform a poetry jam about the winners team at the Bar?

    That or just a strip tease, while dressed in the cheerleader outfit of the opposing team. Panties will be flying (along with my boxers) for that one.



    I remember doing quite well with the  Seattle SeaHawks last time 



    I remember doing quite well with the  Seattle SeaHawks last time 

    I approve of this message…tough living here in 49er and Raider country, but someone has to set them staight


    The reality is I am more of a college football fan… much fonder of the pageantry , tradition and passion of the game at a non-professional level.

    Had a chance this weekend to scoot across the border… ok not scoot necessarily it was a 700 mile drive all night and into the morning,.. to catch the Oregon MSU game a last minute gift of tickets to a friend. Had a great time, and when they debuted Mat Kearney's song, (see referenced video)  it was a special moment, that left a lot of older quacker-backers from out of state returning to Autzen a bit teary eyed…

    Mat Kearney Coming Home

    so while you all enjoy the professional season I'll catch up to you after the college kids  finish up their regular season.

    Till then,… I'll be addicted to quack

    oh,… and Stone…


    there's little down time in blur ball

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