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Caristiona. Hi

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Home Forums Introduce yourself Caristiona. Hi

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    I am Caristiona. Boy have I had some awkward moments my first week here. But Ive also learnt a lot and met some nice guys (yes, its possible! Anyway, I decided to stay after much consideration and I feel glad I did, real glad. Ive terminated a rather unpleasant relationship more than a year ago and had some other problems and now Im kinda drifting. I want a safe place to explore my feelings and sexuality. Both are important and somewhat battered. I like sex a lot, even the kinky stuff or whatever. (Is anal kinky? I feel really oldfashioned saying that … )

    Anyway, I dont tend to separate sex and emotions although sometimes I do. I can sometimes want to just fuck without questions. But after all that 'unpleasant stuff' (which lasted for about 2 years before the breakup) and some more unpleasant stuff before that, I do sometimes feel either guilt, fear or a mix of both when having sex, or just allowing myself to enjoy 'just sex'. Im romanticly inclined but not hoplessly so Id like to think. And altho I sometimes like to say porn-stuff when I get laid, Im not really yearning to live life as a 'fuck slut'. I guess Im pretty normal in that matter. I hope so.

    So what am I looking for here? Well, I guess I am looking for a virtual relationship, ultimately, which would be a sorta testing ground for getting something moving in realspace again. But it would be valuable in its own right. Im not naive of course, people arent here to get married most of the time. And Im fine with just fuckin from time to time, if I can get myself in a state where I trust the guy (even if its virtual) and keep those battered, messed up feelings on a shelf somewhere in my mind, not allowing them to mess things up more. Does that make sense? Trying to normalize by playing cybergames, haha. I hope the joke is not on me.

    I do go out sometimes where I live, and I have been with some guys since the breakup, and it was okay and a bit mixed, and sometimes nice. No earth-shattering revelations there. Im gonna write a diary of sorts about my journey under the Erotic Stories forum and try my best to be responsive to other peoples stories. (Would that be ok, mods?)

    So … all new ground for me. It feels good right now. A good way to help me sort out some of the mess in my mind, safely. So I guess I dont need to say: no skype, no pics, no other realspace stuff than what I decide to share and no guarantees either.

    Can I sum up this confused post? Well, I guess it would be:

    1) Long term hope: Looking for a virtual relationship (with a good man), but patient. Also friendships with men and women, all genders and orientations, very welcome too. In fact, now that Ive explored a bit I do hope for more non-sex chat and interacting in the forum, but realize its also my own responsibility (to find time, set expectations etc)

    2) Obviously okay with achat being the “greatest online fuck-community” or whatever the ad says. I like to just fuck from time to time too and I like it dirty sometimes too, but mostly the oldfashioned stuff – including oral and sometimes anal. Maybe mild bondage.  Not anymore.

    3) The only realspace stuff/contact I want to give is what I already give, and some of it will be  mixed up with story to protect myself and other people. Respect that. I do the same for you.

    As regards (3), Ive already told someone that my stepfather is ill (cancer) and another that I sub in the health sector, but without going into specifics. Theres gonna be more of that in my diary when I get my ass together to begin it in that story section, but the focus is obviously going to be on sex and love. As we all like it

    I hope to be treated well here, and I aim to always treat others well, too.


    P.S. I guess you can guess why I often set my profile as “talkative”


    Well let me be the first to welcome you to the village here Cari.  Stop by the AB&G or even the new chat room
    Hope you enjoy your time here.


    G’day Caristiona.

    Welcome to the forum.
    People are friendly here I hope you find as many good friends as I have.

    We also have an open chat room where a lot of the members hang out and chat.

    Here’s a bit more about it.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square,3031.0.html

    Feel free to drop in and get to know some of us

    🙂 Same TOS as Achat. You would be made welcome.

    The Square

    Look forward to seeing you there.

    Oh, the bar is open and the chef will feed you



    Hello Cari,
    big welcome to our forum Hope you love it as much as you love the game already.
    You are talkative? I never would have thought that

    I wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for. The best way here in AChat: Take your time, be patient and kiss many frogs before you find the prince
    We're looking forward to read your stories, just don't give more personal details than you really want. Everyone can read this forum and usually it's better, to keep some things private, don't you agree?

    We have a Secret Easter event soon – come and join us. It's a good way to get to know new people and have fun – with or without sex.
    Adult Game AChat > Organizations & Events > Events  > Secret Easter 2015,3605.msg120486.html

    If you have any questions, just ask. If you have any ideas or wishes, just post.

    Most of all,
    have fun


    Hi Cari, and welcome to our village.

    The forum is a good start, so enjoy the game and when you need a break 
    give us a read and we look forward to hearing thoughts and ideas


    Hello Cari

    Welcome to the village

    enjoy your stay and have fun



    Hello Cari, and welcome to the AChat forum!

    Wish your journey in AChat will be better day after day and you would like to share the fun with us here in forum!


    Hey Caristiona,

    Massive Welcome to our Forum Village.  You no doubt will meet some  of the crazy residents as you mosey around the streets here and in the Achat Town.  Please post any ideas or views you may have.

    There is a few topics to check out which may be of interest to you.   Firstly, there is the new Erotic Story Contest 9 – Out Of This World, which has just been launched. Here's the link to the Story Contest & another link that tells you about the rules to enter.

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST 9 – OUT OF THIS WORLD.,3565.0.html

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.,2509.0.htmleaster_egg_blue-512.png

    Then we have The Formula 1 Sweepstake that will be fun to take part in.

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > F1. Grand Prix Sweep Stakes,3604.0.html

    and our friendly meet and greet blind date game  –

    Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events > Secret Easter 2015,3605.0.html 

    This is always useful to read when you are a new join to Forum   It explains about Forum and gives useful tips on how to do things, like posting pics and resizing them if arrows show & are too large etc…

    Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.,2788.0.html

    Most of all, have fun, enjoy and if you have any questions, just ask  :-*


    Thanks very much for all the welcome messages, y'all. I was pretty nervous when I came back after a few grueling workdays, to this 'freespace' nline. I have to admit that.  Ive participated in a few forums in the past, but nothing this personal, if you know what I mean So what would everybody say to little insecure me? I guess I had no need to have worried. You are all so nice and I do feel at home already, and I am smiling right now.

    As for stories, I'm going to pack the 'diary' very much into a filter of sorts so hopefully it will be pretty vague whereever and whoever. Some of it will be all made up, and some of it will be a mesh of realspace experiences and fantasy – and I won't ever write anything that will show something clearly about my realspace life or people in it. Just as I will never try to push people to reveal anything 'real' about themselves. That is my most clear and dear intention! And it will always be like that for me – here in the forums or on the chat. But I guess Ill have to just try and see where it all goes and then ask a lot of questions if I'm in doubt about what is okay to post and not.

    Phew … I dunno what more to say, except that I'm both very excited, relieved and a little humble by it all. I can't believe I made the jump so to speak into this world, but I did, and I feel good about it so far. I hope it will continue to be like that and that I can give a lot to others, friendship and so on, even if its all in virtual space and will never be anything else for me. Oh yes, and sex from time to time would be nice too, if it feels good and right for both. As it always should

    I'm gonna have a look at that 'square' now …

    Hugs to you all,



    Hello Caristiona!

    After reading your introduction, I can say you have very interesting mission at your hands, where AChat may help you in a lot of thins! 

    I hope you will meet many interesting and nice people here and in game, which will make your exploring of yourself smooth and interesting.

    Have fun and see you in game! *HUGS*


    Welcome  Caristiona.

    I hope you like the forums and the square. Some great people so far and far better getting to know ppl here than in AChat. Step up to the bar and have a drink, relax and make friends. Dont mind the panda, he's great at mixing when he isnt sleeping in the bamboo patch.


    Oh that's so sweet of y'all. Thanks so much for making me feel so welcome!!

    Hmm … I have some trouble connecting to Achat Square via Firefox. Do you think its bc I have turned cookies off?

    Just a little tech question from a very non-techie person!!




    Welcome to the Forum, Caristiona


    Thanks, Sam!




    Wowsers, I have just gotten to reading your introduction post and it sounded like I was reading one of the pages out of my own personal diary.

    I can honestly relate to you on every level girl. A broken engagement lead me to this place for the same reasons you've listed above, and while I'm still trying to sort out the mess in my head over A LOT of things, this place has certainly allowed me to explore and get to know myself more. And look at me now, just reached 600 posts yesterday

    With your interests, what you state you're looking for here and the information you're comfortable in revealing about yourself, amongst all the other things you've stated in your lovely post, it's literally like looking in a mirror *Chuckles*.

    Hope you stick around & I'm positive you're going to bring a new spunk, energy & light to this place.

    Oh and don't worry, talkative is good I would know haha : Looking forward to reading your stories! Cheers! xx

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