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Solved. Chatlog not saving. Refresh required

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Home Forums Slip of the pen (Report bugs) Solved. Chatlog not saving. Refresh required

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  • #7422

    Hey all,

    This isn’t a problem with achat per se, but with the chatlog. I’ve had a couple of instances where chat sessions haven’t saved to the log. Couldn’t understand why, as it would then revert back to saving again with no problems.

    Then the most recent time, I finished a session and I went to the log, and none of the session was there. However, what I realised then was that I had opened my chatlog after I’d logged in, and had then left it open whilst I was logged in. So maybe if you open your chatlog when logged in, and leave it open, any new chat/conversations will not then save to the log?

    Has anyone else had this happen?

    Any technical-minded people who could verify that if you log on, open your chatlog, and keep it open, then any new chat won’t save? (E.g. is this something to do with the way the notepad program works?)



    tommy thats not the case.

    if your chat log is open during a session it doesnt updaste  BUT if you reopen it (either a second  or after closing) the new one is up to date with the latest chat.  let me know if you still have problems.


    Thanks for replying, Woody.

    Yeah, i guessed that the text doc wouldn't update in real time, and would need to be reopened to update. When i went to close it, it asked 'save changes?'. I'm pretty sure i had made no changes, i had just opened it to read, but i figured this maybe was part of the update process coming from achat, so i clicked yes to save changes, then it closed. I then opened it up again, and…  nothing. The new chat wasn't there. So i don't know what's happening, maybe clicking 'save changes' somehow means that the original chatlog as it was before the last login gets kept…

    Both times it's happened, i'm sure it's been when i've opened the chatlog when i was logged in, and then kept it open during the session, so i figure that's got to have something to do with it…

    I'll try to carry out a few tests next time i'm online and see if i can figure it out…



    Yes tommy saving the old chat over the new one will wipe out the updated chat


    Yeah, i think that's what i must have done both times. Doh! So annoying! I just tested it out chatting with the lovely Robot girl, and that's exactly what's happened.

    I've only been using chatlog for a couple of weeks, I wasn't really aware of it or thought much about it before joining the forum, so I guess it's a newbie mistake. You live and learn!

    Cheers, Woody.



    anytime  Tommy

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