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My Chiropractor is my Dom and I Didn’t Even Know it!

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Home Forums Erotic Stories My Chiropractor is my Dom and I Didn’t Even Know it!

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    This was taken from another site. All credit belongs to Valeo.

    So today I had to go get an MRI on my shoulder due to an unexpected pain after rope play Friday night. I thought I was just gonna go in get the MRI and maybe some work done on it. But no that's not what happened at all. What really happened was I did a scene with my chiropractor and I didn't even consent to it or realize I've been doing scenes with him for 2 years without realizing it! My chiropractor is my Dom people and we never even discussed limits or expectations or what we both wanted to get out of this. Worse yet…I'VE BEEN PAYING HIM TO TOP ME FOR TWO YEARS!!!

    Let me give you the run down of what happened and you'll understand my distress. First I showed up to the office and after paying my copay and getting MRI done I was brought in and laid on a table with a tens machine hooked up to my shoulders and pecs. So right off the bat we're doing electric play. I'm fine with this, I love electric play and my chiropractors assistant keeps amping up the intensity as I get warmed up. Standard for any play session and I love that stingy, pulsy hurt so good feeling. I'm getting all relaxed and in a good headspace when the timer goes off and it's time to get up and go into the exam room.

    Now here's where shit gets real. My chiropractor is a good looking guy, bald with mustache and goatee and very assertive…domineering if you will He starts telling me where to stand, different positions to put my arms in, how to sit, how to lay. Like the good little sub I am I follow every order to a T. He figures out where the restrictions in range of motion are and where the pain is coming from and then begins the real fun. He gets behind me and puts one hand firmly on my neck holding me in place while he begins digging into the muscles in my bicep, shoulder, pec and lat….all the places I told him hurt. He's a fucking sadist and even said “it's gonna hurt but you need this to hurt”. Wtf?!?! I never told him about my penchant for pain. How'd he know I need to be hurt?!

    But it doesn't stop there because next he puts my arms behind my back and leans into me while painfully groping (he calls it trigger point I call it groping) the side of my boob to “release the tension”. He leaning into me enough that my hand is pressed against his cock (hello mr 8 inches or more) and still has a hold of my neck. So I'm being restrained and in a position to feel him up while he's inflicting his form of breast torture on me. Again, we aren't done yet because next he's holding my hair, very firmly I might add, to get it out of the way to continue “working on” all the areas around my shoulder. After he's sufficiently made me want to call red he commands (asks nicely my ass) to lay on my side and puts all his weight on me telling me to breathe out while he cracks my back. He's doing breathe play with me and that's not even on my list of fetishes!!!

    Once he was done with me he sent me on my way but not before making me schedule another play session (appointment he calls them) with him for Friday. I left feeling used and yet slightly satisfied and aroused. I'm not sure if this means I should change my relationship status to being owned. One thing I do know is that I am now convinced all chiropractors are the smartest Doms on the planet. They get to inflict pain and own you and get fucking paid to do it! The insurance companies are even in on this shit too. I wanna be mad but the thing is….I kinda like it…a lot. Dammit fine I, Valeo, am the proud submissive of my chiropractor. Ok that felt good just get it out and yay I get to see my Sir again on Friday happy dance for play date that includes financial domination!!!


    Fantastic.  Hats off to Valeo.

    I'll never look at a chiropractor the same again.


    Its no secret physical therapy has the cruelest sadists on the planet. Strong willed and able to inflict pain with surgical precision. I swear they get off on the moans and pops. The 'breaking' point they revel in cuddling up to and nursing your agony beyond what I think tolerable slowly. Always keeping the pain hot and pulsing, pushing the boundaries further with each movement.  I never had a chiro but I hope if I ever have to get adjusted, I find one like yours heheh


    Nice Piece Sir , thanks for sharing 

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