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       “Wars, regardless of whether you win or lose,” they say, “bring misfortune to both sides that are involved.”

    The conflict that rages between the Kingdom of Ysindor and the Kingdom of Ghortan for ten years now, is no exception. On the battlefield, after each clash between the two armies, there drops an eerie silence. Every time, without fail, the silence broken only by the cawing of the crows that eat the bodies of the fallen. The sadness of loss hangs heavy in the air. Suddenly, the crows scatter and fly away disturbed by the urgency and galloping hooves of a passing horse and rider. A messenger rides upon his strong, sleek, back at full speed towards the Castle of Ysindor, bringing ill news from the front: Lady Serpentina, one of the four Generals, loyal servants of the King, fell during the last fight. Although she was the youngest of four (she had just turned 35 years old), her strength and her loyalty to the King were undisputed. As is the terror that her figure could invoke.

    She was half woman and half snake and struck terror in that of her enemies who dared to cross weapons with her. The weapon she used was a long spear with large double blades, similar to an axe. She was an expert in using it to protect her and beat the enemies of the Kingdom. But undoubtedly, her most formidable weapon was her tail covered by scarlet scales. Anyone who was unfortunate enough to come in between its coils was at her mercy and rarely survived its grasp, or at least, unless she allowed it and showed mercy.

    The news of the death of a warrior such as she, shook the hearts of all those present in the throne room. On one hand they were all relieved to know that the King was safe but learning about the death of one of the four generals of the kingdom, was a clear confirmation of the strength of the army of Ghortan and a clear explanation why it was so feared on the battlefield.  But the one who was more shocked by this news, was the Princess Kyla who had always been closely linked to the general, despite the age difference. The two girls had created between them a strong friendship that recently had become something deeper, something special. The Princess locked herself in her room to cry and grieve for several days. Attempts by the Queen, her mother, to comfort her, were of little use. In the heart of the young Princess, a wound and chasm had opened too deep, too wide and even maternal love could not heal it. No one could fill that void that gripped her heart, that deep feeling of emptiness and loss. Seeing her daughter so broken hearted made the Queen feel helpless and sad. She so wished, she could do something to help.

    A week passed and the situation had improved only in part. Kyla now no longer remained locked in her room, but her eyes were bleak and empty and her thoughts always turned to her deceased friend and confidante. It was clear for all to see that the link between them had become very deep, perhaps too much so, looking at their social position and not to mention the fact that they were both women. Not that such a thing was weird (after all even the King had engaged in “intimate” meeting with some selected young people in the past), the problem was in the fact that everyone expected Kyla to produce worthy descendants for the royal family. The family were historically important and had earned respect over the centuries with their wisdom and kindness for each subject who lived within the realm of Ysindor. It was important to keep the bloodline running in future generations. The Queen consulted the court doctors, soothsayers, anyone who could offer her advice and an effective way to help her daughter, but none of them were able to do anything, at least until that day that loomed in the not too distant future.

    Every month, at the gates of the castle, merchants gathered around the entire Kingdom, some sold weapons and armor, others, horses perfect for a king and, there were magicians and soothsayers seeking powerful lords who might need their services.

    It was walking through the various shops that a faint hope was opened in Kyla’s heart: a minstrel narrated a story about a witch with great powers, able to do anything, even to resurrect the dead! It was these last words that kept replaying in the Princess’s mind, so she asked the minstrel to follow her to the court, where it was her desire to learn as much as possible about the witch. The minstrel told her every detail he knew about the witch and all he had heard in the various cities he had visited: her more or less noble deeds, her powers, but the most interesting thing was where she could be found. It was after hearing all these stories, that Kyla took courage and made the decision to go in search of the witch with the only aim to revive her beloved Lady Serpentina, the only one that showed her affection, not for her rank or royalty, but as a normal red blooded girl.

    In the days that followed, she planned her trip meticulously, everything she would need such as, herbal medicines, food and of course a weapon to defend herself. She studied the regions and terrains she was to travel and the type of dangers she might encounter along the way.  She took the decision to follow the shorter path, which would take her thorough the territory of the Kingdom of Ghortan. The Princess was well aware of the risks she would encounter, enemy soldiers patrolling the territories, citizens of Ghortan who could easily recognize her and sell her whereabouts for food or money and who knew what other things! But the decision had been made.  She wanted to reach the Swamp of the Witches as soon as possible and meet that mysterious and powerful witch. Of course, she acquired more suitable clothes for the long journey that she would have to endure, the luxurious clothes she usually wore would be uncomfortable to face such rough terrains. She prepared everything she might need in secret.

    Soon the night came for her to leave, the first night without a clear moon.  She had decided to secretly leave in search of the Witch. She left the castle alone to begin her long journey, an adventure that would take her away from her usual comforts and protected world she had around her.

    The journey was arduous and much longer than she expected. She was forced to take many breaks and deviations to avoid the soldiers of Ghortan, and more than once she was very nearly caught by Ghortan’s soldiers and sometimes of losing all hope to succeed in her quest. At these low times she would think of her Lady Serpentina and a new determined  strength would invade her weary bones to step forward once again and continue on her way.

    Eventually and suddenly her journey to seek the Witch was over, she finally found herself in front of the cave. The cave that she had been looking for, the same cave where she could find the only person in the whole continent who could bring back her beloved Serpentina!

    Her clothes and white skin were covered by mud and blood which had seeped from several light wounds she had sustained all over her legs and arms, but at last she was there. With a deep breath, she followed the steep path and approached the entrance of the cave with caution, when she heard a voice from inside.

    “Come in Princess, I've been waiting …”

    Those words unnerved her, “Was it possible that the witch was able to predict the future? Or maybe it was just a trap to capture her and blackmail the King, her father, to surrender to the reign of Ghortan?”

    Instinctively, her hand clasped the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it at the smallest sign of danger. She walked into the cave when, just after a few steps, she saw a fire that lit up the inside. The dim light allowed her to see a figure beyond the flickering flames. This figure was sitting cross-legged, a dark elf with long hair bleached by the inexorable passage of time. Kyla watched that dark elf carefully. She appeared friendly enough to put her trust in her.

    “I know why you're here, Princess, you wish to bring life back to a person close to you. But you must know that this is an impossible task!”

    Those words, froze Kyla’s blood. If a revived Lady Serpentina wasn’t possible, what was the purpose of her journey and facing the dangers she had encountered along it? She felt her eyes filling with tears, but she wouldn't, couldn’t give up after all she had done, all that she had gone through.

    “There must be a way, I’m willing to do anything, anything to bring her back to me!”

    The Witch looked into the eyes of the Princess for a long moment, then continued. She saw the sincerity there.

    “There is a way to do it, Princess, but I can’t guarantee that you will be able to save this person. There is a great risk to yourself. Are you still willing to take that risk, to take that chance?”

    “Of course I will!” Kyla replied without hesitation, “She is the only one that is really important to me!”

    “I understand, you're a young Princess, but you have a strong will! I can make you travel back in time with my magic, but to save the one you love will depend entirely upon you! Are you sure you want to try? “

    “I'm ready to take the risk, I know that I have to try. It is not an option to fail! I can’t fail, I just can’t”

    “So be it, with my magic you will go back in time, before the death of your loved one, but the rest will depend only on you!”

    The Elf stood and walked to a corner of the cave and towards a large stone that was as big as a man. He gestured for Kyla to follow. He waved his arm and hand with purpose and the stone magically vanished.  The disappearance of the stone revealed a passage, lit by torches that lit up as they advanced in to the tunnel. At the bottom of it was a large room, carved out of the rock itself. The walls were covered with endless shelves of encyclopaedias and scrolls of every type and age. Kyla was fascinated. Even in the library of the castle there wasn’t a comparable number of books and literature such as these!

    The dark elf nodded to Kyla who moved to the centre of the room and stood still. Then the dark elf began, singing something which seemed like a litany. Small hand gestured accompanied her words. Strange things occurred on the ground, a design began to shape and form. It slowly expanded, surrounding Kyla and despite trying to remain calm, she began to be frightened by these unfamiliar events. When the design was complete, the light that formed around it became more intense, until it is almost unbearable and dazzling. Kyla had the impression of floating in air, as if something was lifting her off the ground. She heard the voice of the Elf.

    “Princess, it all depends on your will now, but remember, the outcome of your mission is uncertain! Your fate is in your own hands now.”

    Then, nothing. When she recovered consciousness, she was alone in the dark. The scent that surrounded her, was the same that she had smelt in the room where the spell was performed. She waited for her vision to get used to the darkness, then tried to reach the passage that would give her a way out into the daylight.

    To her surprise, she found herself in front of the witch sitting in the same place where she had seen her when she arrived at the cave. The Elf looked at the young girl: the white and smooth skin clearly meant that she came from a prosperous family and further confirmation was her well groomed ashen hair and hands.

    “Who are you, young girl? And why you was here, in my ceremony chamber?” she asked after few moments.

    Kyla was surprised by the question and hesitated to respond, then she replied with an ostentatious confidence, she was far from feeling, but was befitting to her princess rank status.

    “I'm Princess Kyla, daughter of the King of Ysindor. You should have helped me travel back in time, but I see that you just want to yell at me.”

    “I do not know you, girl. This is the first time we meet, but if what you say is true, then know that you are now in, what for you is, the past!”

    The past? All seemed the same to Kyla! Then, suddenly, it came back to her mind the words of the Elf on her arrival, “Come Princess, I've been waiting for you!” and she realized then that he had been referring precisely to this meeting.

    “So I'm really back in the past, I'm not dreaming!”

    “No, Princess, for you this is the past, for me this is the present.”

    “I'm grateful, Witch. You have kept your promise and I had my doubts of you! How can I repay you?”

    “It is not necessary. Now go, follow your destiny!”

    Kyla nodded, left the cave and began to descend from the mountain. The journey that lay ahead was much longer than the one she had already done because now she had to reach the camp of the Ysindor’s army as quickly as possible and, of course, that meant it would be more troublesome than the one which had led her to the Witch’s cave. But Kyla was ready for it. Her determination was at its highest peak and the image of the face of her beloved Serpentina was enough to spur her on from the difficulties she encountered along her path.


       Time flew fast, but she was able to reach the camp of Ysindor’s army the night before the battle. The fires were lit in the army’s camp and some soldiers were preparing their weapons and armors, whilst others prayed for the upcoming battle, hoping to appease the Gods for victory or, at least, to return alive from the clash.

    Kyla covered her face with the cloak to prevent anyone recognizing her and approached the tent occupied by Lady Serpentina. Although she knew the layout of the camp, as she made her way between the soldiers, some stopped her looking for some fun, mistaking her for a servant girl.

    She managed to avoid their carnal interest, claiming to be an important messenger and looking for the four Generals, something unexpected during the night before an important battle, but not so unusual.

    At last, she was in front of the tent she was looking for and saw the silhouette of her beloved. She was relieved to see her alive, but at the same time she was at a loss of how she could convince her not to take part in the upcoming battle. She started to approach the tent when a sentry stopped her roughly.

    “This is no place for a handmaid. Get out!”

    “I was sent from the castle to deliver a message to the General, I received orders to deliver it to her only!”

    The soldier seemed hesitant, then disappeared into the tent. She waited patiently for him to return. He did shortly. He announces her entry to the person inside and allowed her to enter. The sentry then returned to his guard duty. Kyla entered and when she saw the General, she felt her heart pound and her mouth getting dry. Serpentina was in front of her, beautiful as always: the scales of her tail glowed scarlet in the light of the braziers and her black hair was still wet. A clear sign that she had just had a bath. Kyla could not help but notice that the thin vest she wore was wet and revealed her hardened nipples and the large areolas that surrounded them. She was stunning.

    “So, what is the message you have for me, Princess Kyla?” Serpentina says with an authoritative tone and with a gloomy expression to the face.

    “How did you know it was me, Serpentina?”

    “You can fool other humans, but you can’t fool my sense of smell. Why are you here? It's too dangerous for you!”

    Serpentina moved closer to her with a solemn and almost threatening movement. This was the first time that the presence of Serpentina was so oppressive, almost threatening, but Kyla had come there with a very important purpose and was not about to be intimidated. She took a deep breath and began to speak.

    “I came to ask you not to fight on the side of my father tomorrow, believe me or not, but know that tomorrow you will die and I don’t want lose you!”

    “You…you ask me to betray the trust of the King your father? Maybe you're out of your mind, Kyla!” she said in a menacing tone, towering over her. “And what is the story of my death?”

    “I know it's hard to believe, but I know what will happen because I've lived it, my heart has already suffered for having lost you once!”

    She looked up and stepped closer to her beloved Serpentina, but Serpentina moved away, turning her back to Kyla. Kyla realized that actually her story did seem incredulous and unbelievable. Even she would find it hard to believe, if she hadn’t lived it already. How could Serpentina believe such a claim! She knew that this would be hard to explain, but how was she to convince her friend that, it was the truth, it was the reality. Then she suddenly remembered the object she had taken with her.

    “Serpentina, the pendant that I gave you when you left for the front, you have it always with you?”

    “It’s always around my neck, it matters to me, you know this,” she said turning to Kyla and showing the pendant. Kyla opened her hand and she saw an identical one laying there, the same shape, the same colors and the same image inside it: a portrait of Princess Kyla! How was it possible! Was Kyla telling the truth!? Doubt crept into her mind.

    Kyla approached her and held her face in her hands, staring into her eyes

    “I could never lie to you, my love.”

    Her lips came close to Serpentina’s, then leaning in, their lips met in a sweet and intense kiss that grew into a voluptuous dance of their greedy tongues, a clear omen of things to come from them recently.

    She narrowed her eyes while Serpentina’s hands undid and dropped Kyla’s cloak to the ground, followed by the belt with the sword that adorned Kyla’s waist. Despite being equipped with a force out of the ordinary, in these situations the hands of Serpentina knew how to be so delicate and how to give intense pleasure with each stroke, with each caress. Only Kyla knew this gentle and feminine side of her!

    Inexorably, the clothes of Kyla fell to the ground one after the other, revealing her white skin in its entire splendor, made even more beautiful by the dim light of the braziers that lit up the tent. The Princess felt Serpentina’s fingers run all over on her skin, following the shape of her body, hesitating a little over her round and full bottom, the most sensual part of Kyla’s body. Serpentina’s fingers move slowly, causing intense and pleasurable shivers that reached even the most hidden corners of her soul.

    Instinctively, Kyla embraced Serpentina with all her might, as if to make sure that the one in front of her wasn’t an illusion. She wanted to exorcise the fear that accompanied her throughout the journey and finally it was beginning to succeed. She felt Serpentina’s hair scroll between her fingers, her skin through the light vest she was wearing, that soon dropped dissolving the knots that held it on Serpentina’s shoulders, revealing her firm and shapely breasts. A hand slipped on it, stroking it gently as her lips moved on Serpentina’s neck, and then follow the line towards her round and wholesome breasts.

    Serpentina was surprised by Kyla’s initiative, usually, she was much more shy, more awkward and hesitant, but now it seemed she was another person. She was passionate, resourceful and bold, a beautiful mistress! Serpentina felt the pleasure growing inside her at every kiss, every touch of those thin but full lips on her breasts, on her erect nipples and now the way Kyla suckled her between her lips, sucking lightly, no one could do it like Kyla!

    She felt Kyla’s tongue moving down to her belly, slowly. This heightened her pleasure at every moment, contrary to what people might think seeing her on the battlefield, or in her everyday life, Serpentina loved to be pampered in intimate moments and Kyla knew it instinctively.

    Seeing the pleasure sculpt into the face of her beloved Serpentina and hearing her breath getting heavy and starting to pant, Kyla also felt intense pleasure running through her body and she felt the first flushes of excitement between her thighs. She was visibly excited and could not hide it! She gently grazed her labia against Serpentina. They are swollen and wet! At that thought, her face flushed. Now she was with the person she loved, but she was still a princess, of royal blood and educated. She wondered what her tutors would think, seeing the Princess of Ysindor  lost in “lowly desires of the flesh” like common girls do! At this thought, she could not suppress her smile.

    She looked at the face of Serpentina, although she could not see hers, she was sure that they had the same expression of two girls in love who just wanted to give and receive love and pleasure that only the hands and mouth of a loved one can give.

    She felt the arms of Serpentina wrap around her head and tighten a little. Bringing in her face to rest on Serpentina’s belly.  She closed her eyes and remained silent, she listened to the beat of their hearts, now  almost beating as one.

    The heat that Serpentina transmitted to her with her body, repaid her for all the hardships and dangers she had had to overcome. She was happy and content in her arms and it was all she wanted now.
    Serpentina took Kyla’s hand and guided her toward a large carpet covered with pillows. She laid her down on them and lay down beside her, letting her tail creep slow between Kyla’s legs while her tongue played with Kyla's nipples, now swollen and needy.

    Slowly, she wrapped Kyla’s legs in the grip of her tail, opening them wide and immobilizing them completely. Kyla was now at her complete mercy. The continuous movement of her tail, though subtle, make her scales rub constantly on Kyla’s excited pussy, already swollen and wet. It gave her a pleasure that she could not resist, especially after so many months since they had been together and alone. The scales that covered Serpentina’s tail had on Kyla the same effect of a multitude of tongues that greedily sought and found that delicious nectar produced in her excited state of arousal. It was something the princess was never able to control when Serpentina seduced her.


    Despite the fact she wasn’t usually the one who took the initiative, her young body had always demonstrated to be very sensitive and revealing how the girl enjoyed all those incredible sensations that Serpentina was giving to her. Ever since the first time they had experienced intimacy two years ago, when Kyla was just eighteen.

    At that time, Serpentina wasn’t assigned at the front, but as protector of the Castle of Ysindor and of the member of the Royal Family who were living in it.  Spies at the service of the King of Ysindor, had informed the Royal palace about the infiltration of assassins coming from the Kingdom of Ghortan. They were given orders to kill any member of the Royal family.

    So, for almost six months, Lady Serpentina had patiently watched the Queen and her three children, becoming soon a constant presence for them, especially for Princess Kyla, the youngest of the three, who was always fascinated by the General and her powerful figure. What happened the night of her eighteenth birthday of the Princess, was the spark that pushed the two girls in to the arms of each other.

    That night, after the celebrations for Kyla’s birthday, an assassin sent by the King of Ghortan had tried to kill the girl while she was alone in the balcony of the banquet’s room, but the presence of the General and her incredible abilities had saved the young girl from the peril. Of course, the girl was shocked by that accident, to the point she wasn’t able to properly sleep alone, in the deep darkness of her room. And that is the reason why she invited her savior to come inside the room instead of patrolling it from the corridor.

    The rest of the night was quiet and peaceful, except for the soft sobbing of the Princess, still scared by the event of that night. It was supposed to be a happy and pleasant one. Lady Serpentina had tried to comfort the girl, caressing her hair and whispering sweet words to her, just hoping they could help the Princess to calm and get a restoring sleep. But what happened that night, surprised even the General.

    The innocent kisses Kyla gave to her on the cheek to thank the General and the innocent face of that scared girl, both had a strange and unexpected effect on Lady Serpentina. While she was staring at Kyla’s face, her heartbeat stopped for a moment and totally captured by the beauty of that innocent girl. Serpentina couldn’t resist and kissed her passionately, in a way she had never done before with any of past partners.

    Soon, that kiss became the key that opened the door to the most beautiful gift that Kyla ever had received and the deep passion she felt for the first time in her young and virgin body, was strong to the point she wasn’t able to resist the tender caresses of Serpentina’s hands and kisses. For the first time, Kyla was able to see the tender side of her savior, something she wasn’t expecting from a woman who had the safety of the Royal family all over her shoulders.

    Indeed, the night of Kyla’s eighteenth birthday was unforgettable for the girl, both in good and bad ways. On the one side, she wasn’t able to forget the assault of the assassin and on the other side, that night of passion she had with Lady Serpentina wasn’t one she wanted to get out of her mind. The two girls had become lovers, both conscious of the risks they could encounter if someone in the castle found out their secret and their hidden relationship that had now lasted for almost two years. The King had asked his loyal General to join the army of Ysindor to protect the borders of the Kingdom from the its biggest enemy, the Kingdom of Ghortan.

    The memory of that first night was always vivid in the mind of the Princess, especially now that she was in the arms of her beloved General, who was always able to reassure her with the warmth of her strong but beautiful body. And now, Kyla was trying in vain to hold back her moans of desire, growing louder until her whole body was clouded by a strong and liberating orgasm which gave vent to all the desire and passion that lurked in her body.

    Seeing the young girl being overwhelmed by lust and her ultimate pleasure peak, Serpentina intensified the movement of her coils. She felt the body of Kyla engulfed by spasms and heard her gasps of ecstasy. The excited moans of Kyla were like an aphrodisiac for Serpentina. It seemed like the first time they lay in the same bed. The General felt it clearly, even the scales that covered her own pussy were now totally dilated, revealing it in all its splendor, swollen and wet with her delicious and sensual juice leaking all over the scales, making them shine like rubies.

    Sinuously, her tail moved around the legs of Kyla, until their pussies were now in close contact and their juices could finally mingle in that slow voluptuous dance. A dance that eventually explodes in overwhelming orgasms followed by others, over and over, every one more intense than the last,  to the point that leaves the two girls exhausted, lying next to each other in a peaceful and calm after glow.

    It was an unforgettable night for both, but more importantly, the presence of Serpentina was soothing and took away the pain that had oppressed the heart of Kyla for months. Her fears were dispelled almost completely, but in a corner of her heart, she knew that the future had not changed, not yet, at least!

       When Kyla woke up, the sun was high in the sky. She looked around, fearing that her beloved had already left for the battle field, but then, relief. She saw her, not far away, wearing her armor.

    “Have you decided to go into battle, my love?” she asked, with sadness regaining her heart.

    “I have to, Kyla. I'm a general and I will not betray my King! I have to fight alongside my comrades, as it should be!” she replied, now ready and prepared for the battle ahead.

    The sadness in Kyla’s heart grew, hard to believe that, despite what had happened during the night, Serpentina did not return her feelings. Serpentina approached her, grazing her face with her fingers and hugged her gently.

    “Don’t be sad. I will come back to you, I promise” She said, trying to reassure her, “Trust me, I don’t want to see you suffering.”

    She held Kyla gently. She felt the heat and also the sadness of Kyla. She really wanted to run away with her, but she knew that the King would consider her a traitor and would be after her until she was caught and imprisoned. She had tried to find a solution during the night, in her quiet sleepless moments, but an answer had eluded her. Kyla watched Serpentina for a long moment, unsure and afraid of what might happen from now on.

    “I know I can’t make you change your mind, as I know you always honor your promise.” she said, wiping the tears that had started to slide down her cheeks “I'll wait for you at the Promontory of Fenlyr. I’ll wait for you all my life, if necessary!”

    “I will join you soon. I want you by my side Kyla, forever!”

    She took her leave of Kyla, who watched her figure walk away to the King's tent, where she was to meet the other generals to talk about the latest strategies for the battle. When the soldiers moved out of the camp, Kyla walked away, heading for the place where they were given appointment.

    The promontory was not far away and Kyla reached it easily. Hidden by vegetation, a path led to a natural terrace where someone, who knew about it many year ago, had built a small house in a cave, building a stone wall and a wooden door, that lead to a single room big enough to hold all the basic stuff of a real home.

    Kyla went in and saw that everything was the same when she accidentally discovered it with Serpentina a year ago: the furniture was still in good condition although covered with dust and the bed, quite simple in its structure, was still in the corner where they had moved it.

    After some necessary cleaning, Kyla lay down on the bed to rest and eventually she slept. When she woke up, the sun was setting. She walked outside to enjoy the wonderful view of the sun dipping into the sea, and she sat on the stone wall that served as a railing along the edge of the cliff and leaned back on one of the wooden pillars supporting the vegetation that covered the entire clearing.

    She was lost in her thoughts and in the wonderful view, when she heard rustling coming from the trail. She whirled round, surprised by what she saw. Serpentina was there in front her, unharmed! Incredulous, Kyla ran to her, took her in her arms just to be sure she was real, then when she was sure, Kyla kissed Serpentina with all the passion she had, an endless kiss, that finally blew away all the anxiety from her heart, opening a new way to a new life for both.

    The pain and sadness left and was replaced with hope in a future which may at times be difficult, but certainly looked so much brighter, more than the sun which painted a redness in the sky and reflected the same on the surface of the lake that lay just below the terrace. They looked towards it with hope in their hearts.

    Meanwhile, on the battlefield, the crows scattered as a messenger gallopped to the Castle of Ysindor…

    THE END!

    As usual, a special thank to our stories Queen, BrandyBee, for editing my errors and my poor English! Thank you and hugs!

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