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      A.D. 999. In the ancient Continent of Drakoonia, fear for the announced end of the world had taken control in every corner and the same had happened in the small Kingdom of Lombrady. King Lockhard died defending the borders of his realm from the neighboring Kingdom of Swabia and afterwards, taking his place was the pregnant Queen, according to the royal law.

    Everyone in the realm was praying for the birth of a little girl who would become the next heir of the throne, but after three males, everyone was expecting little chance to have an heir, especially because the war against the Kingdom of Swabia was now taking her away from her husband. He was still leaving the castle to administrate the realm, preparing reinforcement for their army and anything else the soldiers were in need of to resist at the continuous attacks coming from Swabia.

    So, when the notice of the pregnancy of the Queen had finally reached every corner of the realm, a faint hope lit the hearts of the entire citizens, pushing away the darkness that had surrounded their hearts and mind. But this little hope was close to disappearing in the last day of 999, when a little girl was born. The happiness of the Queen and of the Prime Minister suddenly disappeared when they discovered there was another baby, a twin brother, which born exactly a minute after the begin of the New Year! Their mind immediately ran to the old prophecy the royal family passes from a generation to another:

    “There will be a day when two twins will born. They will bring the fall of the Kingdom, something no one can avoid: it will be the end of Lombrady”

    Scared by the prophecy, the first thought of the Prime Minister was to kill the little boy but the Queen, who never had faith in the old prophecies, opposed that decision with all her strength, holding both the babies tight in her arms. Conscious of the fact that the Queen was not going to change her mind about the decision to end the boy’s life, the Minister suggested to hide the birth of the twins from the eyes of the whole realm and let the Royal nanny take care of the boy in the secret chambers of the castle. It was the only option for the Royal family to avoid the possibility of fear and sufferance to overwhelm the whole kingdom.

    Many years passed from that happy day and the twins grew without meeting each other. Princess Ophala, the girl, grew up in the castle surrounded by the love of her mother and her oldest brothers, learning everything she needed to know to become the new Queen of Lombrady’s Kingdom. How a lady should behave in every situation and, more importantly, everything about diplomacy.

    On the other side, the young prince had only known the love of the Royal nanny, without ever having chance to meet his family or feel the warm of his mother’s hand caressing him, in a small and welcomed sign of love.

    But letting the boy live in the secret chamber wasn’t enough for the Prime Minister: to let him survive. He demanded that the boy was raised as a girl, just in case something happened to Princess Ophala, especially now that the war against the Kingdom of Swabia had turned so cruel.

    Since the first day, the nanny had dressed the boy as his sister, teaching him the same things Ophala learned and sometimes, using the hidden passages of the castle, she had made him look at her, to understand and exactly replicate her attitude and movements.

    This was a slow but unstoppable change in the boy’s life. But it wasn’t only something that interested him. It did involve changing his appearance but whilst observing his sister year after another, he was fascinated by that bright and luxurious world where she was leaving so happily and secretly. He began to envy her and dream for that world, so bright and yet so far from him.

    “Why can Ophala have all she wants and I can’t?” was the question which ran every day through his mind, creating a bigger distance between him and the whole world outside the secret chambers of the castle.
    No one had ever caught any sign of this hidden dissatisfaction the boy was experiencing, even the nanny and the Prime Minister (the only two people authorized in the whole castle to talk and meet with him) had always thought it was all part of his nature, something due to the way he had grown and was bought up.
    Secretly, the boy began to follow his sister all around the castle, watching Ophala even in her more intimate moments. He would stare at her perfect naked body in the bath and sometimes at night, while Ophala was sleeping, he would sneak in her room to observe her from a closer distance.

    He was now obsessed by his sister, to the point that having her same appearance wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to become her! He wanted to be the real Princess Ophala!

    And after the departure of the nanny, the only one who had ever shown him what love was, things got worst. The loneliness made the obsession of the boy grow more and more. There wasn’t a single day that he didn’t spend staring at his sister watching every little thing she did. He learnt from his observations how to impersonate the real Princess Ophala, reproducing even her smallest action.

    Of course, this was possible thanks to the attitude of the Prime Minister, who had entrusted every aspect of the boy’s education to the nanny, till one day he had stopped visiting them so much. Even if now, with the nanny’s departure, the Minister was only visiting the boy once a week.

    He was never able to pick up the real intention of the boy, which was to take the place of his sister Ophala!
    The Prince didn’t know when this was going to happen, but he knew that day would arrive, sooner or later!

    Meanwhile, in the Kingdom, another change has begun: the Queen, cursed by a mysterious disease no one in the whole realm and their allied one was able to cure, died, leaving the battle against the Kingdom of Swabia in the hands of her young and not so experienced daughter.

    When this happened, Ophala was 19. Even if she had studied every single day of her life to be able to properly rule the kingdom, she wasn’t ready to take the responsibility and the future of Lombrady and its citizens on her young and fragile shoulders.

    Plus, with her brothers at the front fighting against the army of Swabia, she was now feeling alone and abandoned, even unable to satisfy the expectations of the noble’s family and of all the citizen of the realm. But even in the worst moments, sometimes a ray of light shone.

    For Ophala, this happens during the funeral ceremony of her mother. Many allies of the realm come to the capital to assist in the celebration of the Queens life and achievements and a young Prince from a neighboring realm tickled her attention.

    He was the same age as her eldest brother but what was really fascinating her was the gentle smile he showed to her to comfort her torn soul. A simple smile, to tell the truth, but no one in the court was able to show her one till now….a true one, anyway!

    Ophala was surprised about how a simple thing like a smile was able to let her forget the sadness which grasped her heart so badly and in the following days, she had many chances to talk to the young Prince and learn to know him better. He was smart and good looking, but what really impressed Ophala was the way he spoke to her. The nice words he used to give to Ophala some support in her darkest moments.

    In the months that followed Ophala’s coronation, the two youngster’s grew closer until Ophala’s heart developed a strong feeling for Prince Henrik. At the beginning, she was fascinated by his pleasant manners and the knowledge he was showing to her, but soon she began to look at him in a new and unexpected way.
    It all began the day she caught Henrik training in the armory of the castle. Ophala was astonished by the grace and harmony of his movements, but soon her attention was caught by his sculpted and toned body, till the point she wasn’t able to stop staring at that unexpected but pleasant vision the Prince was offering to her. Henrik’s skin shone in the light of the dusk, while the mid length long brown hair followed any movement he made, letting him appear like a God in Ophala’s mind. A God who was now stealing her heart, in the way of love and attraction!

    Ophala stared at Henrik till he had finished his training when he noticed her at last.

    “Your Highness,” he said, bowing in front of her while the Queen approached him.

    When Ophala was right in front of him, the Prince took her hand and lightly kissed it. A usual gesture he did every time they met, but this time it was different for Ophala! That little act of kindness and Henrik’s lips barely touching her skin, made Ophala’s heart beat fast and she felt her cheeks burn and her whole face flush for an instant.

    “Hope he didn’t notice it,” she said to herself, without realizing that her hand was trembling and Henrik was holding it again, now standing close in front of her.

    “My Queen, your presence always raises my spirit and enlightens my day, as the sun torn the darkness of the night.” he took a deep breath and looked in Ophala’s eyes “I have waited so long for this moment and I can’t wait any longer, I can’t hide my feelings for you.”

    “Your…your feelings, Henrik?” she asked, with trembling voice.

    “Exactly! Ophala, my sweet Ophala. I have never known a lady as you, with your grace, your beauty and your strength! Please, Ophala, accept my heart and my love.”

    “I-I…I didn’t expect this, Henrik,” she answered, feeling her cheeks burning again and more intensely. Her breath turned heavy and a strange sensation bore in her…something she never had felt before! And the more she hesitated to talk, the more that sensation grew.

    “Henrik, since the first time we met, deepest in me something happened. I don’t know why, but I felt a bond between us and now I know it’s stronger than I ever imagined,” she swallowed nervously, then continued, “I gladly accept your love and I give you my heart. I know you will protect it!”

    Henrik smiled at her words, feeling his heart relieved by them, as if an incredible weight was lifted from his soul. Holding Ophala from her waist, he pushed her close to him in a tight and warm embrace, finally placing his lips on hers in a gentle, endless kiss.

    All around them there was only silence, just interrupted by the sweet song of the birds. There were no servants or other people who could disturb them right now or interrupt the idyllic scene.

    While the dark of the night had begun to replace the last rays of sun, a shadow watched them, hidden by the friendly walls of the castle, the only witness of his existence. The eyes of that figure were glued on the two lovers while they kissed, staring at their lips and at the naked torso of Prince Henrik. Henrik’s arms held Ophala’s waist so tight.

    Why can’t he experience that same sensation! Why had he got to live all his life in the shadow!

    Those thoughts began to crowd the boy’s mind, making him more and more jealous of his sister and at the meetings of the two lovers, at every kind gesture they exchanged…and the more Ophala and Henrik become intimate, the more the darkness in the boy grew too, till the envy for Ophala pushed over rode all sense and pushed him over his limits. Now, he wasn’t just secretly impersonating her, and pretending to be a girl. Now he wanted to take Ophala’s place and meet the man who made his heart beat so fast, making him feel alive for the first time in his whole life!

      When Ophala and Henrik officially announced their engagement, the whole capital of the Kingdom of Lombrady was overwhelmed by laughs of happiness and by music played at every corner of the city.
    The engagement was also important to establish a more definitive alliance with the Kingdom of Romiria or even the possibility of joining together to make a new and more powerful realm able to resist the seemingly unstoppable advances of the army from the Kingdom of Swabia. Of course, this new Kingdom would be ruled by Ophala and Henrik and probably, as Henrik was only a prince at the moment, the heir of the new throne was going to be established, following the same rules of the Kingdom of Lombrady.

    Once again, the happiness of Ophala was seen in the hidden eyes of her recluse brother, causing him more pain and envy. The world outside the secret chambers was now attracting him much like a light can attract a moth. He wanted to walk in the daylight and, finally, meet and talk with Henrik, the only man who was able to open a breach in the darkness all around him, bringing some hope in his solitary life.

    But till his sister Ophala was in the castle with his lovely Henrik. This was a wonderful and pleasant dream, a dream he wanted to grab with his own hands, but alas, there was always a distance between him and Henrik he was not able to fulfill. The desire to be in his beloved Prince’s arms becomes a drug and at last, this strong desire made him takes the next step. A step which was going to cause a deep and inevitable change in the lives of all three of them, once and for all.

    The wait was so long, anytime Prince Henrik came to visit his beloved Ophala, they spent many hours together talking in her private room or walking in the royal garden, dreaming about a wonderful future together and planning about the union of their kingdoms. But today was different, something unusual happen. Ophala had to leave the castle to go to a nearby town until the next day, leaving her beloved Henrik alone! Finally, the chance was here, he had been waiting for so long. He just had to wait a few more hours and he could be with his beloved prince, at long last!

    For the first time after so many years, the boy didn’t follow his twin sister and knowing she was away and for how long. His plan could finally begin! In the late afternoon, he entered Ophala’s room, a place he had visited so many times in the past, and probably he knew it as well as the maids in Ophala’s service! It was easy for him to collect all the things he needed to achieve his plan: clothes, make-up, jewelry, everything he needed to become her, the so hated Queen Ophala!

    In Ophala’s room lit by just a candle, he took all the time he needed to prepare himself: he chose an appropriate dress, one not too formal but at the same time not too audacious. He combined it with a beautiful and majestic white gold necklace with ruby gemstones, which fanned tightly round his neck and which was the favorite of Ophala. To complete his transformation, he gathered his black hair in a long braid and used a light but sensual make-up, which made him appear more feminine and sensual.

    When he had finished, the image of a girl reflected back in the mirror. It surprised him: his lips covered by the red lipstick made his lips appear full and kissable, the light touch of eye shadow made him look really pretty. Even nature had helped over the years as his sister didn’t have such big breasts. They both had a full, round and shapely ass, something that nature had kindly given to him too. He was really fascinated and satisfied by his new appearance, but his plan was far from being accomplished

    When midnight finally came, he sneaked out of Ophala’s room and using the secret passages of the castle, he reached Henrik's room, avoiding any possible obstacles along the corridors and, most important, avoiding being seen by the guards all around the castle. Finally in front of the secret door which granted access to Henrik’s room, he hesitated in opening. He felt a lump in his throat and his heart began to beat fast as never before. The anxiety was strong. For the first time he was about to leave that world of shadows which was his home for all those years. He was about to meet the man who had captured his heart! Still hesitant and with his hand trembling, he slowly grabbed the handle and after had taking a deep breath, opened it, trying to avoid any possible noise. The door emitted a light crunch while opening and finally he was there, in the room of his beloved Henrik.

    “Who’s there?” a male voice asked in the dark of the room.

    “It’s me, my beloved. I’m sorry if I awoke you,” he replied, moving close to the bed.

    Henrik looked in the direction where the voice came and when his eyes finally grew accustomed to the darkness that filled the room, he was really surprised to recognize Ophala’s silhouette.

    “Ophala! This is… unexpected! I supposed you were away and we couldn’t meet till tomorrow afternoon!” Henrik said, standing on the bed.

    “I was, but I just wanted to be with you tonight…be with the one I love!” Imposter Ophala replied, moving close to the bed and revealing his girlish body wrapped in a long blue dress with slits on both sides. It revealed perfect long legs. Henrik stared at his Queen, looking at her from toes to head, dwelling on the legs, first, and then on the naked shoulders. He had never seen his Queen wearing such a sexy dress before and that vision, unexpected but very welcome, made his heart beat faster with heavy thuds, so heavy that Ophala could probably hear it, close as she was to him right now.

    “Ophala,” Henrik tried to say but Ophala, knelt over the sheets, placed a finger right over his lips, smiling at him.

    “I know this is not appropriate for a member of the royal family, but I can’t resist any longer, and trust me, my love, I have tried so hard.”

    Henrik grabbed his girlish forearm and suddenly pushed Imposter Ophala down on the bed. He rolled over her and placed his lips on hers, in an endless, deep and passionate kiss. Ophala’s full and voracious lips made shivers run all over Henrik’s body. He caressed her long and firm thighs, something he had dreamed of for long time. Now that dream was a reality! The strong hands of Henrik over his naked skin, made Imposter Ophala tremble for the first time. This was the first time for her to be touched by someone who was not the old nanny and that sensation was so pleasant, better than he ever thought possible. He felt a fire burning inside him and this was all because of his beloved man, Henrik! Then, when their lips finally became free from each other, tears began to roll from Impost Ophala’s eyes.

    “Ophala, you don’t have to do this if you are not ready,” Henrik said, kneeling over his girl and caressing her cheeks, trying to dry the tears.

    Imposter Ophala looked at him, with a pretty smile on his lips, then shook her head.

    “I’m just a little nervous, my love, this thought has haunted me for a long time and now…”

    Henrik’s kiss stopped her, pleasantly.

    “I dreamed of this moment for a long time too, Ophala, the wait for it has driven me crazy so many times!” Henrik said, just before kissing her again. Gently, Henrik lay Ophala on her back and fondled her thigh, while Ophala was lightly scratching his back.

    Slowly, Henrik’s hand rise from Ophala’s thigh, moving in to her inner side, till it reached her secret spot. Suddenly, Henrik jumped away from Ophala with his eyes wide open.

    For a long moment, he stared at his hand, not being able to push away that strange sensation from it then, he looked back at his lovely Queen, with an expression on his face never seen before by Imposter Ophala.

    “Ophala…you…you are…” he tried to say with his voice broken by disappointment and looking at Ophala’s face, now covered by tears streaming down her face, “YOU ARE A MAN!”

    Ophala was shocked by Henrik’s reaction but he was expecting as such. After all, it was impossible for him to hide his true nature and form in a situation like this


    “I’m…I’m sorry, my beloved, I know, I didn’t tell you the truth about me, but any words I said and my feeling were real, trust me!” he replied, hiding his face in his hands and crying. Looking at him and at how he had reacted to his words, Henrik felt a little guilty for his reaction, but after all, he had hidden a damn important truth about “herself” to him!

    At the same time, however, deep in his heart, Henrik could not hate the “woman” who has caught his heart. He truly wished to live at her side forever. Henrik  took hold of Ophala’s hands and gently moved them away from her pretty face, trying to smile at her.

    “Ophala, my feelings are true too, but this, this… Oh God, this is something I can't accept so easily!”

    Ophala’s heart was now suffering as never before. Even all the years passed in the shadows of the true Queen weren’t so painful!  The boy wasn’t ready to give up so easily with the one he loved. Sobbing, Imposter Ophala tried to find the courage to answer.

    “I know, I’m sorry, this is my destiny, my curse,” he took a small break to dry the tears then continued, “something I didn’t choose nor ever wanted!”

    Tears continued to flow down Ophala's cheeks and unstoppable. A clear sign of the pain which was gripping his heart and soul. It took a minute before he could continue with the explanation.

    “The Prime Minister said it was for the sake of the Kingdom, for the people who live in Lombrady, and they raised me as girl, but I don’t regret it, because I met you. My only and true love!”

    Saying this, he kissed Henrik again. This was so sudden that Henrik wasn't able to avoid it, but what really surprised him was the fact that all the hate that wrapped his heart just a minute ago, was now disappearing! Indeed, the lips kissing him were the ones of a man!  The feelings he felt (and had also in the past!) were so deep, true… and damn pleasant!

    Henrik held Ophala tight in his arms, answering to that passionate kiss with the strongest and deepest passion he ever expected to have before that moment. In his mind, now there was no more hesitation but only the desire to protect that pretty and fragile “girl” and to makes love with her!

    “Ophala, I can't hate you, every moment I spend with you is wonderful and unforgettable! Maybe I’m crazy, I don’t know, but I love you from the bottom of my heart!”

    Those words. It was working! The plan the boy had masterfully prepared, was now taking the right direction! But this was just the beginning, there was more to do to accomplish his strategy!

    “Henrik, my beloved. Your words and feelings make me so happy! The happiest girl in the whole world!”

    A lovely smile appeared on Ophala’s face and finally, her body had now stopped trembling. The warmth of Henrik’s arms wrapped around her and his naked body were all she wanted. Finally she could feel it. She could feel the love she never had experienced till this night and it made her want more. Her hands fondled Henrik’s body, slowly, exploring it. It looked so different from her own body! It was bigger, more toned and touching him was really wonderful, even more than Ophala had ever imagined! And the same was happening to Henrik: the soft touch of Ophala’s hands gave him the vigor he had lost just some minutes ago and with it the desire to finally taste the forbidden fruit of Ophala was now back, stronger than ever!

    Gently, Henrik pushed Ophala down on the bed, while he kissed under Ophala’s chin, and continued to move down along her neck with sweet kisses that made Ophala moan softly.

    The upper part of the dress Ophala was wearing, soon slid down to her waist, leaving her flat chest exposed to Henrik’s kisses and hands that played with her nipples, till Ophala became breathless. Any inhibition they both had till a moment ago had now fallen away, replaced by a passion that burned them from the inside with a disruptive force. The fact they were both males didn’t worry them anymore.  This intimate moment they were finally sharing and enjoying together was stronger than any possible doubt which ran in their minds, especially for Henrik, now truly fascinated by the unexpected femininity and sensibility Ophala showed to him, despite the manly appearance of her body.

    Henrik looked at Ophala’s face. It was flushed and she was really breathing hard. That vision made Henrik’s blood fire up and loses self-control. He sat over Ophala’s chest, placing his hard and mighty rod right in front of her face. Ophala looked at it puzzled, that “thing,” she had seen something similar to it before through the secret passages of the castle but never so close as tonight and now. His beloved Henrik was expecting something from him! Of course, Ophala had never been intimate with other men and he really didn’t know what he must do or what exactly Henrik was expecting of him, but soon the instinct began to drive her actions on the right path.

    Embarrassed but tempted by it, she grabbed that pulsing and warm thing in her hand, gently, and slowly began to strokes it. That new feeling was strange, she could feel it pulsing faster and growing in her hand, while Henrik began to moan softly under that pleasant touch.

    Ophala moved her hand faster, following the increase of Henrik’s intense moan and groans, till she noticed a sort of white liquid leaking out of the tip of that wonderful cock. Intrigued by that thing, she touched it with her fingers, finding it a little weird and sticky, but interesting. Curious about the nature of that liquid and how it can tasted, Ophala moved her finger to her mouth and licked them clean, maybe it tasted just a little salty and of course it was sticky in texture, but it was better than Ophala was expecting, and more began leaking out of his tip!

    This was a totally new experience for Ophala and in her mind she was trying to understand why that was happening right now. Maybe it was some disease Henrik had and her actions had just made his situation more complicated and dangerous, so she suddenly stopped, worried by the possible consequences.

    “Was that hurting you, my love?” Ophala asked, feeling guilty and even more worried.

    Henrik looked at her, with his deep brown eyes. As he was expecting, Ophala had no experience about sex. After all she was raised as the future heir of the Throne of Lombrady and, of course, it was never permitted for her to have certain “entertainment” with people of the other sex, especially because of her true gender. Henrik smiled at her, trying to relieve the Queen of any fear.

    “It’s a natural thing my love, don’t be worried, that’s the proof of how much my body likes what you are doing to it!”

    The pretty and gentle smile of the Prince reassured Ophala.  She became less nervous, even though, she still hesitated, uncertain what was expected of her. Henrik encouraged her. He slowly stroked his mighty rod right in front of Ophala’s face. At first, Ophala was embarrassed by the view, but soon the soft and excited moans of her beloved Prince began to tickle her imagination, making her body excited by the experience.

    Still doubtful but tempted by the situation, Ophala moved her trembling hand over that big and incredible rod, soon replacing Henrik’s hand. Ophala’s hand was so gentle. The sensations it gave to Henrik were intense. He thought that this is the first time she was with a man. It thrilled him and before long, his excitement became too much. He ejaculated copious amounts of white and dense cream from his cock.

    Ophala was fascinated by his reaction to her. It was so new and wonderful! Henrik told her that was the proof of how much his body liked her and those words made her so happy! Her mind didn’t know exactly what was happening now in that room, but for sure her body did! Ophala allowed her body to lead her in to this new experience and even though her inexperience was not able to explain it, she was quite sure that it felt right. 

    Pushed by the strong sensations she was experiencing for the first time, Ophala wrapped the tip of Henrik’s rod with her tongue, licking it clean from that strange fluid that still leaked out slowly. Then, curious about the taste of that impressive and majestic staff, she moved her tongue along its whole length and back, making Henrik moans loudly.

    Her tongue lingered again, the red and swollen tip, making it pulse faster and letting more precum leak out of it. Ophala then opened her mouth, wrapping her burning lips all around the tip, slowly sucking it, finally able to have a good taste of that delicious, succulent nectar.

    Henrik, aroused by the touch of that silky tongue and by the hot lips wrapped around the head of his cock, was finding it difficult to resist the intense pleasure caused by the unexpected and natural skills of Ophala.  He had bedded many girls in the past, but not one of them, at their first experience, had ever showed to him such a natural talent to perform fellatio. Maybe, Ophala was really the girl he was looking for after all!  His lust grew and he wanted more from his beloved Queen!

    Suddenly, Henrik held Ophala’s head between his hands and pushed his swollen rod half way in Ophala’s mouth, making her retch several times. Ophala tried to shake his head to free himself from Henrik grip, but Henrik is too strong for her. All she was able to do was to arouse her beloved Prince even more with her movements. Henrik pushed his mighty rod deeper, till the tip reached the back of Ophala’s mouth, hitting her soft palate and uvula, making her gag visibly. She found, however, the act to be exciting, even if a little strange. After a while, she grew used to Henrik’s invasion of her mouth and began to enjoy it more.

    Henrik pulled his rod back, allowing Ophala a moment to breathe a little easier, but not for long! Ophala wasn’t ready for a second, stronger intrusion! This time, Henrik pushed his rod even deeper, reaching the poor girl’s throat. Soon Henrik began to repeat the action rhythmically, till the tip was planted, deep in the throat of that innocent girl. Ophala felt stifled, she wanted to break free, but feeling Henrik’s rod so deep in the throat, made her feel part of her beloved man, being one with him, finally! Then, suddenly and unexpected, she felt something flood deep in her throat, something warm and unknown to her.

    It was warm and copious. With Henrik’s wonderful shaft still firmly planted in Ophala’s throat, the girl was forced to hold her breath. She did so but soon it become very difficult for her to continue. Henrik’s ejaculate wasn’t stopping and in the moment, the Prince didn’t appear interested in setting free the Queen’s throat. She tried hard to set her head free from the grip of Henrik’s strong hands, failing in her endeavors. To watch his lovely Queen so defenseless and unable to disengage from him was exciting the Prince even more!

    Eager to receive more pleasure from that sweet and pleasant mouth, Henrik began again, a slow back and forth movement, literally penetrating again and again the mouth of the poor Queen. Now she totally submitted to him and began to enjoy it more. When Ophala stopped fighting against that forced but exciting experience, it made the penetration far easier and gave Henrik the pleasure to explode again deep in that awesome throat.

    When her royal throat was finally free from that majestic rod, Ophala found she was disappointed. She greedily stared at that thing dripping in front of her face and the desire to take it again in her hand to taste more of its delicious cream was strong, but Henrik didn’t give her the time to do it.

    Henrik bent over her again and began to move down along Ophala’s body, kissing and caressing it gently until it reached that perfect belly, barely covered by the dress, now totally crumpled. Slowly, Henrik slid it down the Queen flanks and then along her thighs revealing her black panties under that sensual dress.

    The vision of Ophala’s half naked body was stunning, more than Henrik had ever dreamed and despite the fact she was not a lady in the true sense, her lovely body was sinuous and hot in his eyes. More exciting than many other girls Henrik had met and bedded in the past. Feeling Henrik’s eyes staring at her body, Ophala blushed again.

    “Does my body look so strange to you, my love? Is it because I’m a man and not a girl?” she asked, a little worried.

    “I think you have a very beautiful body, my beloved,” the Prince answered, shaking his head and holding out the hand to offer his help to Ophala for standing up. He pulled the Queen against his body, kissing her soft cherry lips passionately, fondling her sensitive back, just to let his left hand slide down and disappear under that cute panties. His fingers frantically searched for the little entrance hidden between that soft and firm bottom cheeks.

    At that touch, so intimate and wild, Ophala felt new and intense shivers run along her spine, extreme and the sort never felt before, but she wasn’t scared the situation. No, she found it extremely beautiful and sensual and the reason for this was her beloved Prince, now so close to her! Instinctively, Ophala closed her eyes to enjoy that strong feeling, growing deep inside her body, making her royal blood fire. Henrik understood immediately that now Ophala belonged to him.

    He could understand it thanks to her kisses, from the feeble trembling of her young body and from the heavy breaths of the girl. Henrik was able to push Ophala far over her limits and, unexpectedly, she was demonstrating some incredible attitude for sex, even more than many girls used as sex slaves in the Royal Palace of his father!

    The image of the always so resolute Ophala treated as a slave girl was tickling Henrik’s minds, but that wasn’t what he wanted for his beloved Queen, even if he found that thought so tempting. Lost in his luxurious thoughts, Henrik pushed Ophala away, making the poor girl fall on her belly. Before the Queen was able to stand again, Henrik blocked her with his body, placing his wonderful rod right between Ophala’s bottom cheeks, making the girl bite her sensual lips to stop her moans becoming too loud.

    The weight of Henrik warm body on her was a pleasant sensation for the girl, but what was really stimulating her lascivious side, was the slow rubbing of that marvelous rod between her cheeks and the kisses Henrik was planting on her shoulders and neck. For the first time in her whole life, her pretty and girlish dick was getting hard and throbbing as never before. She remembered Henrik’s words.  That physical reaction was so pleasant but at the same time, her tiny dick hurt. Something she had never experienced before and which forced her to bite her soft lips once more. Henrik noticed that, and pleasantly excited by it, he whispered in Ophala’s ear,

    “Confess it to me, my love, you are really enjoying this, and I’m sure you want more, exactly like me!”

    Ophala, after a first embarrassing moment, nodded at her lovely Prince. Her face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and ecstasy. It was totally overwhelming that young and inexperienced body and the girl were very disappointed when her beloved Henrik moved aside.

    But that feeling lasted only a few seconds. The strong hand of Henrik slid under Ophala’s panties and suddenly, she felt Henrik’s fingers rub against her rosebud. That caught the girl unprepared, she wasn’t expecting something like that. It aroused her more. Looking at her beloved Prince face, Ophala softly moaned and asked,

    “What…what are you doing to me, my love?” she moaned again “This is so strange but so niceee!”

    While Ophala was moaning for the third time, Henrik pushed the tip of one of his greedy fingers right inside Ophala’s wet and pulsing rosebud. Hearing the pretty and excited voice of his Queen moaning again and again, was making Henrik impatient to push his throbbing rod totally into her wrapped by the warm, delicious body of his submissive girl. Even the innocence in Ophala’s voice while she’s asking her question excited the Prince more.

    “Why are you doing this, Henrik? Did I disappoint you in some way?” the girl asked, looking at him, panting and moaning.

    Henrik smiled at her, with a lascivious smirk on his face, different to the Henrik she knew. It was an expression Ophala did not understand. She felt she was in the arms of another man and not in the ones of her sweet and nice Prince. After a moment of hesitation, the girl asked him,

    “Are…are you really my beloved Henrik?”

    The Prince smiled again, to reassure that little and innocent creature of his true identity.

    “It’s really me, my love, I’m Henrik, your Henrik! This is my way to show you how much I love you!”

    With this, Henrik pushed a second finger deep in Ophala’s anal passage, making her moan loudly. Her voice was so sensual and her body so hot and totally at his mercy. Henrik usually saw the strong and independent Queen he met inside the walls of the castle, but he must admit this side of Ophala intrigued him, coupled with the innocent and submissive aspect of her personality she was showing to him for the first time, was really pleasing to him.

    Ophala slowly got used to those two intruding fingers digging deep inside her. The initial pain was disappearing little by little, leaving in place a strong and growing pleasure. What Henrik was doing, felt so unnatural to her, maybe even wrong, but it was making her feel good and her body squirmed with need. She was disappointed when Henrik pulled his fingers out of her, interrupting her pleasure.

    Henrik immediately understood the disappointment of Ophala when he looked her in the eyes. This is what the Prince had been waiting for, the moment his Queen appeared in the middle of the night in his room, her eyes begging him to continue that journey into intimacy that she was enjoying so much. She wanted him to go on, even if this meant she had to offer everything of herself to him, the man she loved.

    Without more hesitation, Henrik ripped off the soaked panties Ophala was wearing but took care to leave her dress wrapped around the Queen’s knees, immobilizing her legs. The fact that Ophala couldn’t move as she wanted stimulated the lustful appetite of the Prince. He placed himself over her exposed body, while the swollen head of his majestic rod aimed straight at Ophala’s pulsing puckered star.


    The wait for the next part of that lascivious ceremony didn’t last long. Soon, Ophala could feel the burning tip of the rod she had just learned to worship, and which gave her such incredible and deep emotions and ecstasy, pressed against her loosened entrance. All the fear she had when she entered Henrik’s room was now gone. She was totally overwhelmed by all the sensations she had discovered this one night. When Henrik’s rod finally pushed its way inside Ophala’s inexperienced rosebud, she learnt how much the pain can be pleasant too!

    Inside her, there was just the tip of that scepter, but it was bigger than the two fingers which had expertly tried to prepare her for that new and great “Prince”. Of course, being her first time, the Queen wasn’t ready at all for taking something that big and the pain it caused her was pretty intense. The only thought to keep her balanced in pain and pleasure, was she was being intimate with the man she had secretly loved for almost a year.  Even for Henrik that sensation was stronger than he was expecting.

    Despite the fact , the Prince had tried to prepare his lovely Queen to properly welcome his majestic staff, her pretty rosebud was still very tight and the fact she couldn’t spread her long and sensual legs, didn’t help to makes the penetration easy. Not that Henrik was interested in that, he had always enjoyed sex when it was a little rough!

    In fact, he didn’t give time for his Queen to get used to his big intruder. Without hesitation, he pushed his rod deep inside Ophala’s rosebud, making the girl scream aloud in this mix of pain and pleasure.  Slowly, Henrik continued to push deeper in her sphincter, opening its way inside the girl. At very push, Ophala felt the pain growing and she bit down on her lower lip too help her withstand it, causing it to bruise and then bleed.

    At the same time Henrik’s scepter dug in to her, the pleasure slowly began to dominate the pain and her lustful body and mind. Soon, the muscles of her sphincter got used to that wonderful and pleasant staff, even learning to relax when it wanted to go in deeper. She flexed her bottom trying to hold it inside when it moved back a little. It wasn’t long before half of that hard and burning rod was deep inside Ophala. Extreme pleasure overwhelmed both lovers and they felt closer to each other than ever before.

    Henrik panted heavily and leaned over Ophala’s body, with his mouth close to her ear,

    “I’m going to totally fill your round and pretty bottom with my scepter, my love!” he whispered, with a lascivious smirk.

    And before Ophala could reply to him, with a big movement of his pelvis, Henrik totally sank his powerful and big scepter in Ophala’s torn ass, making tears flow down her cheeks.

    Ophala’s scream suddenly filled the room. That intrusion was so painful for her young and inexperienced body.

    So, why she is so happy and excited by it? She thought, was it all because of her beloved man, Henrik? The girl could not explain it. All she knew right now was she didn’t want this intimacy to end.

    Henrik wanted that same thing too! Slowly, he began a rhythmic back and forth movement, taking care to use the perfect mix of strength and speed. Every time pushing his rod vigorously inside the poor ass of the girl. The sound of her excited voice, aroused Henrik more than the sensation of Ophala’s body wrapped around his rod. It pushed him really close to a wild climax. But the Prince was not totally satisfied, he wanted to be sure that his submissive Queen would experience her first orgasm too, whilst he was still deep inside her!

    Henrik movements became faster and rougher and with it the moans of Ophala became wilder and louder, till the point they echoed in the empty corridors of the whole castle. Ophala had already lost her inhibitions. Now she was totally overwhelmed by the intensity and luxurious sensations running amok throughout her whole body. She felt the fire burning inside her, it started from her belly and it reached any single cell of her sexually stimulated body.

    A new and unknown sensation rose from her belly. A sensation which exploded out of control! His dense seed flooded his beloved Ophala’s orifice. She was unable to control her body any longer, there too much stimulant from all those new sensations. She reached her first orgasm screaming and moaning aloud. Henrik noticed it. He smiled satisfied and instead of giving some rest to his exhausted Ophala, he continued to vigorously pound her now-no-more-virginal ass with his excited rod, almost ready to spray a second load of his seed into her depths.

    “The night is going to be long, my love.” Henrik said to Ophala, who was dazed by the experience and wonder of sex.

    “You are what I want, no, what I really need, my love!” the girl replied, smiling at him and drooling.

    Hearing the girl’s words, Henrik rose up on his knees taking care not to let his scepter pop out of Ophala’s now voracious and stretched rosebud. He slapped her round and full bottom cheeks twice. He stared at her, totally defenseless form below him enjoying the view. Then eventually the Prince answered her.

    “I know what you need right now, my naughty and lovely Queen!”

    Both were enraptured with the intense lust that had taken control of them. They smiled at each other, knowing the night was yet still young and this was only the beginning of the change in their relationship from friends to lovers.

    When Henrik woke up in late morning, Ophala was no longer at his side. After he had fallen asleep, she must have left the room and the castle to go back to her duties as Queen….or maybe that wonderful night was just a pleasant dream! He looked around the room, then back to the empty place on the bed, where he noticed a paper partially hidden by the sheets. Trembling, Henrik reached for it and read it, immediately recognizing Ophala's writing:

    “Sorry, my beloved, I would like to stay with you, but I have to go back. Work is waiting me. But I promise you, we will be together really soon.”

    The sadness disappeared from Henrik’s heart while he looked out of the great window, daydreaming of the moment when his lovely Queen will be again in his arms. And when that time will come, he had no intentions of letting her go again!

       It was dusk when Queen Ophala and her delegation finally returned to the castle. Ophala was exhausted and even though the desire to meet her beloved Henrik was strong, the need to rest was stronger. She reached her room to rest a little and has a relaxing bath. She was really in need of that after two days of hard negotiations that had exhausted her. The hot water was pleasant and her tense body finally began to relax and regain some strength. Ophala closed her eyes falling in to a light sleep, lulled by the warmth of the enormous bathtub and the sweet thought of finally being able to hug her beloved Henrik. She didn't hear the feeble sound of naked footsteps filling the room.

    “It’s been a while since the last time we met, sister of mine. It was probably when we were first born!”

    Ophala opened her eyes looking around the room, but the steam is obscuring the presence from her sight.

    “Who are you? What do you want from me!?” she replied, trying to collect her thoughts. She stood in the water.

    “Oh, sister, don’t tell me you forgot about me?” he said with a smirk on his face, “That is so cruel, but after all, I was expecting this…”

    The voice was now closer, but the steam was still too dense and Ophala’s body was too heavily tired to run away as she wanted. There was no one nearby the bathroom to help. She had ordered the handmaids to leave her alone in her peaceful sanctuary.

    “My my, Sister, I’m so sad. I was sure you would recognize me immediately, even though we met just the one time!”

    At those words, something came in Ophala’s mind, something her mother, the old Queen, had said to her the day before she died

    “Ophir? Is that you? How were you able to come here? And why are you here?”

    Ophala was now worried. She had never met her twin brother in her whole twenty years of life and now he was here, hidden by the steam of the bath. He sounded sinister, planning something in his mind, she was sure. But what he was planning? The girl didn’t know him well and had no idea about he’s feeling for her. Maybe he hated her or maybe not, but for sure, this wasn’t the best scenario to meet him for the first time! She was naked for God’s sake.

    “See? It wasn’t difficult, Sister. Yes, it is me… and I have come to take my life back, my freedom back!”

    Once said, he grabbed Ophala from behind, totally restraining her movements with all his manly strength. Ophala tried many times to free herself from Ophir’s grip, but he was so energetic.  At the same time, the girl was too tired from her long travels to oppose any helpful resistance against her twin.

    In fact, it didn’t take too long for Ophir to push her out of the water completely defenseless. He manhandled her to the access of the secret passage, totally naked. He frog marched her for some minutes in to the darkness that filled the passages until they reached a larger room with a straw bed and a three meter long chain embedded in solid stone.

    When Ophala seen that gloomy room, her blood ran cold. Till that moment, she had no idea about what was in her twin’s mind but now it was clear for her, Ophir wants to chain her there or, maybe, something even worst! Desperate, the Queen tried to collect all the remaining strength she had to escape from that place, but Ophir was expecting a similar reaction. It was easy for him to block her and push her down on the floor. To prevent any other possible escape plans or ideas from Ophala, Ophir didn’t hesitate to lock the chain’s hook around her neck. Then, when his sister was finally immobilized, he moved a step away, staring at the girl with a satisfied expression.

    “This is not exactly as pretty and comfortable as your room, but trust me, you’ll get used to living here!” the boy said, with a devilish smirk.

    “Why? Why are you doing this to me, Ophir? I’m your sister, after all, we share the same blood!” she asked, with a trembling voice.

    “WHY? YOU ASK ME WHY? Oh, Sister,” he thundered back, holding Ophala’s face tight in his hand “I want my life back, the life YOU had until now. I’ll be the Queen Ophala everyone loves! And I want the love of Henrik, the only one who ever filled my heart with happiness!”

    He broke off, looking at Ophala’s scared eyes. Her whole body was trembling, paralyzed by the fear of her brother’s actions and his expression glaring at the inoffensive girl. Now she knew that her twin brother was there to takes everything she had, to gain his revenge against the system which had precluded a normal life to him, a life the role of the Queen of the Kingdom could grant. Ophir gently smiled at her for the first time, but only because he was satisfied by the horror on his sister’s face. Then, he continued,

    “But don’t worry, I’ll take care of you, Sister, I need you for the sake of MY Kingdom!” he said, caressing her flat and perfect belly, “Hope you can excuse me, but it’s time for the Queen to meet her beloved Prince. Oh, I can’t wait to be in his arms again!”

    Totally lost in the ecstasy of that moment and unable to think of anything else except his beloved Henrik, Ophir leaves that dark and cold chamber, abandoning his sister chained in it. But that girl is no more Ophala, the Queen of the Kingdom of Lombrady. Now the one and only Ophala is him, the shadow who had lived for twenty years in the darkness of the whole royal family. Now, this was going to change, the bright world was now waiting its new ruler!

    Just before he was about to leave the secret passages of the castle to going back to the Queen’s bathroom, he heard the voice of that disgusting girl yelling against an unknown man.


    And when the secret door finally closed, that voice appeared so feeble and so far away! Queen Ophala wondered about who the owner of that voice was and who the man was she was cursing. It didn’t matter to her, all she cared about now was to run in to the arms of her beloved Prince, again!

    After that night, many things changed inside the castle, especially to the people which were in close contact with the Queen till that day. The first change, was the two handmaids who served Ophala in the last ten years and assisted her dressing and bathing. They were replaced by two new maids, but this time they weren’t allowed to enter in the royal bath.  No one could see Ophala naked and find out the truth about her.

    The second was about the Prime Minister. During the usual hunt organized for the second Sunday of the month, the horse of the Minister was scared by a huge viper and the Minister, unable to maintain his balance, fell on the ground, hitting his head on a rock hidden by the grass. His death was immediate, no one was able to help him and to explain why a viper was in that area, a place they usually avoid because of the continuous presence of big animals.

    But for sure, the strangest thing which had begun to happen, was the continuous rumors which circulated between the soldiers of the castle. All swore to hear, during the dead of night, the voice of a girl sobbing and crying while she called the name of her true love, but no one was able to hear clearly and understand which name it was. More often, that voice yelled cursing the name of the royal family, especially the name of Queen Ophala, or this is what the soldiers had presumed to understand the name to be!

    The truth behind this mysterious girl was well known just by the Queen and by the stones of the castle, the only witness left of the sad story of two twins. Twins who had the disgrace to be born as members of the Royal family of the Kingdom of Lombrady and ruled by superstitions and fear of them!

    THE END!

    As usual, a special thank to our stories Queen, BrandyBee, for editing my errors and my poor English! Thank you and hugs!

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