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Just A Whisper Away

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    Onyx  stands over looking the lake,  turns his head and nuzzles at me , his soft brown eyes glint with the moonlight .. .. I stroke at his mane and climb from my saddle , ” Yeah I know boy , it's beautiful isn't it “? , I have missed this place , missed being away from here but most of all I had  missed my beautiful horse '  Onyx '  it feels like I have been away for yrs it's been so long … …I have recently returned and staying with my grandad or Pops as I called him. My Fiance Shane had come back with me to help care for my old Idol. 

    I  grew up around these parts but for the last few years I have been away with work and university and on my return there has been so many new developements … The big 4 acres  Farm house  had just been bought so grandad had informed me and I hoped the new owner a nice gentleman by all accounts would love it the same way as it's previous owner.

    I lead Onyx down to the edge of the water and look out over the vast lake, it's illuminated by stars … it is breathtaking and I take in a huge gulp of night air … I can smell the scent from the tree's and plants as my senses come alive … it's so good to be back here … I spot movement right over the other side of the lake but I can't make out what it is ..its so far away …. Onyx snorts as if he can hear my thoughts then rests his head over my shoulder , I cup my arm around his neck and kiss the side of his face .. it's a comforting scene between a woman and her horse finally reunited … Who knows .. I may just stick around for a little while longer … One thing is certain though .. If I leave again , I'll be taking my boy Onyx with me ..

    Climbing back into my saddle and with a gentle tug of the reins we turn to leave , Onyx responds to my every soft pull and as the silhouette of a woman on her horse makes its way across the skyline of the hill we begin to gather speed …

    Together for a few moments both myself and horse become weightless , Onyx gallop reminding us both that we are free as he strides through the air all four feet off the ground,  with huge flowing sprints.  The cool breeze shooting through the core of both .  This is just what I needed,  to feel the wind tearing at my soul ..blowing away what felt like years of built up dust that had engulfed me .

    My Gypsy Spirit had returned.  I was home .. and this time I had decided to stay , this time I wouldn't run from break ups , this time I wouldn't hide myself in my work load to avoid my feelings .. This time I would live and this time I would hold My head high and do my grandad proud … I had come too far in my life to allow myself to abandon my inner prowess.


    Opening the thatched door I found him knelt down by the fire , he had turned instinctively as if he was expecting me . My lips curled as I shot him that smile , my hair was tussled from the horse ride, my cheeks flushed and my eyes looked dark as I caught my reflection in the mirror above the fire.

    He stepped to his feet and made his way over to me, his fingers finding my chin he gently lifted it and placed his lips against mine , as we remained locked in our embrace his hands stroked at the back of my hair , gripping me,  he was happy to have me home and I was happy to be here, our kiss said it all without the need for words.


    Nice to have you writing  Amethyst 

    your a good writer  thank you.


    No problem … Thank you


    “well what do you think? , the old place scrubs up well doesn't it” , his words were crisp and clear, ” I even found this old pot, be great for stews on a winters night ” , He picked up a dark rich copper tin pot and I recognised it instantly. ” Your old pops can't have used this in a long time.

    “oh god that was my nans! , don't think he has touched that since she passed away” ,  those words bit at me a little as I remembered my sweet nan , Sighing I continued “Where is pops anyway”?

    Shane lifted the brow of his hat and raised two fingers as he saluted to the window, I followed his eyes as he looked out ,  pops was down the end of the garden by the lake sat in his chair. He'd let the old cottage gather dust and had not been taking real good care of himself since nan passed away and it was heartbreaking to see , he just looked so lost without her and his eyes had lost the life in them they once held.

    “Has he been sat there long ?” I enquired.

    “Afraid so, I tried to get him to come in but he insisted he was fine where he was”, Shane sounded defeated. 

    “Let me go and talk to him” , I smiled at Shane trying to sound optimistic, then opened the old creaky wooden back door and stepped outside.

    I Walked across the gravelled path , it was getting chilly outside and it was certainly no place for an 88 yr old man, Pops was 'still' in his chair , the rocking beams unmoving .

    Speaking softly so as to not make the old man jump I kept my voice low, almost whispering , ” Hey pops  you should really come inside now, its getting cold out here and we wouldn't” …. as I approached pops I noticed his eyes closed and his chest wasn't rising , “Oh god No Please .. I rushed closer ..Pops ..pops !! ..Oh Noo Please Pops wake up !!” .. I began to shake .. pops wasn't responding and his lips were grey.. I Screamed for Shane  … “Shane ..SHANE … Oh god no ..please not pops !!”  Pops was clutching something in his hand but still not responding.

    Shane came running ..he could see from the sheer panic in my eyes that something had happened .. ” NOOO POPS ..PLEASE WAKE UP !! OH GOD NOOOoo” … Shane gripped me to him tightly … ” Shhhhh baby ..shhhhh ..its ok “, Shane turned me away from pops as we both knew the old man had passed away and the tears began to fall uncontrollably , my sobs buried into Shanes broad chest.


    It had been a month since pops had passed away and today was the day that I had plucked up enough strength to go into his room and start to clear things , it was then that I found an envelope with my name on it . At first I was in shock fearful of what the letter might say but then I remembered this was my pops and he loved me like I loved him and there was nothing that he would say that would hurt me. I plucked up the courage and with Shane by my side I started to peel the corners of the envelope open .  I couldn't read it and handed it to Shane , ” Please?” I enquired.  Shane smiled and took the letter from me “Sure I will ” . We both sat on pops bed and Shane proceeded to read.

    * To My Dearest beautiful Granddaughter

    I had to write you this letter because something in my heart told me I wouldn't be around much longer, my body is weak and my heart is heavy.
    I miss your nan so much and want nothing more than to be with her. Should the day come that I pass please do not cry for me for I will be on a journey , an adventure as I fly free to find your nan and I truly can't wait for this adventure to begin.

    The day you came home and I saw you walking down the path you just reminded me of your nan when I first saw her 60 years ago. You have the same beautiful glow and the same confident walk she had it almost took my breath away.

    Shane is a very lucky man and I hope he cares and loves you the same way I did your nan , for all those many years we made some very happy memories. ( Shane paused and looked up at me ” Oh I will Pops , I will ” ).

    I want you and Shane to make this place your own, I know it's not the big ranch I once had but this was always mine and your nans favourite place of the two. I want for you to build your own dreams here and hopefully you will grace us with a new generation .

    I have left a little something for you both in the outhouse, you will find it in the far left corner when you move the old wooden chest, its not too heavy and if I could lift it with these old bones I am sure Shane won't have any trouble.

    I want for you to know I love you with all my heart and you have made me one of the proudest men alive. Now it's your time to live.

    I am getting tired now so I will end this.  I need to sleep.

    All My Love

    Pops xxx

    By the time Shane had finished reading I had tears streaming down my face, Shane wiped my cheek , ” HEY now Come on ..You heard Pops .. it's time to smile ”

    His words and positive tone told me he was right as I took the letter from him and held it to my chest for a few moments.  Our journey was just beginning and I loved this man by my side so much .


    “Oh my ..Look at all of this !” I exclamined , I couldn't believe the amount of money that was stuffed into an old brown dusty sack , there were no clues to how long pops had been saving and the only information we had about it was the hand scribbled note ' For A Rainy Day , Make some Memories with Love Pops xxx '.

    Shane shifted his hat up a little further onto his head,  he was as stunned as I was at the gift from pops “Gees Summer , I don't know what to say, but I remember that dream you had of building a horse sanctuary, and well .. with this amount of money you could certainly do that”

    I had forgotten all about my dream with the recent events that had unfolded but Shane was right ..I could have more stables , more room for abused or unwanted horses .. my heart began to race,  I  jumped up and threw my arms excitedly around Shane..” YES YES YES .. lets do it ..Pops would love that!” .   


    The beginnings of a lovely story. Thank you  for sharing.

    I  am enjoying the read and hope you continue with more episodes.



    It was 10am and I had been awake for almost the full evening … it was only after Shane had given me some of his special loving that I eventually fell to sleep . Wrapped in his arms I was at ease , at peace with myself and the world.

    Today the first horse would be arriving, She was a a big girl who's owners no longer had the time for her , she was chestnut in colour with a white flash between her eyes , I was hoping that she and Onyx might become friends and I had my fingers crossed. Onyx had been a wild horse in the past and on that basis I knew he might be unpredictable.

    I turned to face Shane who was breathing softly his eyes shut and I pressed my lips softly against his. Shanes eyes flickered open as he groaned ” Morning Baby” . I smiled at him and without giving him a chance to wake up I started chattering like crazy at him . I couldn't help it I was excited and I wanted him to get up with me .. I wanted him to share everything with me. Luckily for me Shane was a patient man and he just smiled as he listened to my excited chatter. I Sat up making the springy mattress bounce as I jumped excitedly on my knees then rushed from the bed throwing my silk slip off and tugging my jeans about me.  I squealed at Shane,  “I'll make the coffee” as I rushed off downstairs … smiling as I heard his husky voice whisper , ” Ok I'll be down in a few minutes” . 

    I hurry into the kitchen dancing about and wiggling my ass singing to the radio , I can't remember the last time I had been this excited and I feel like I am glowing heart racing.. coffee was just what a girl in my mood needed .. Shane would have his work cut out today.

    ” Nice Ass !” my dancing was interrupted as a wild Shane stood there in the door way , I say wild  but it was more his tussled hair making him look like he'd had a rough night , A VERY rough night. I rushed over to him and jumped up into his arms throwing my legs around his hips .  Shane unprepared for my bolt into his arms stumbled backwards and we both fell to the floor. I lay laughing as Shane groaned “Urgh”!…. “Oh god baby I'm soo soo sorry”,   still smiling I stroke at his tussled hair. Shane just held his hands up in defeat and smiled at me.

    I climb to my feet as I hear the ping of the coffee machine , reaching my hand down I tug at Shane to help him to his feet.   



    I'm enjoying reading your story. It has stirred up some very personal emotions of my own.

    Looking forward to the next instalment.




    thank you , I hope I didn't make you feel sad ..

    Hugs  & Peace


    ” She's here she's here !! ” I jump around excited as I see the Horse trailer coming down the gravelled road ” Shaneeeee she's here “!!  Shane gets to his feet and stands behind me at the window , he grips my shoulders and gives them a squeeze , “This is it baby , the start of a dream come true ” , He kisses my cheek and we both head outside to greet Harry the driver of the trailer.

    “Hey there ” he waves as he climbs from the vehicle , ” You got yourself a beauty here , beats me why the folk wanted shut of her” , he strokes across his forehead and shows visible signs that the journey has been a long hot one.

    I rush to Harry and hug him .. “Thank you,  You go get yourself a nice refreshing drink, we'll take it from here ” , smiling Harry hands me the keys to the lock at the back of the trailer. ” Shes all yours ” , Harry heads to the house .

    I open the lock and find her stood , Hay swings from the side of the trailer and she looks at me ..her eyes are deep brown and she is taking me in , weighing me up, I smile at her and feel an instant love for her , she looks a little lost and I can relate to her. I approach her calmly and pull some dried apple bites from my pocket, always a favourite with horses.  Shane just watches from behind.  I hold my hand out and offer her the treats but to my surprise she turns her nose away “Oh , you don't like apple?” she just turns her head away and ignores me , almost snubbing me leaving me feeling a little embarrassed.  I look to Shane ” She doesn't like me ” shane steps up the ramp to the trailer .. ” Nonsense baby , how could she not like you ” , he takes the treats from my hand and stands next to me and talks to her, ” Hey there now girl , these treats are mighty fine are you sure you want to turn your nose up at them ? ”  she turns and looks at him and takes the treats from his hand . I grunt a little feeling perplexed at her not taking them from me but after a few moments it's forgotten and I am just happy to see her and my man getting along fine.  He does have a way with horses after all it was his equally shared love of horses that brought us together in the first place.

    Something told me that she had chosen him as her new owner and rider and I stepped back a little allowing Shane to take the lead with her. He smiled at me knowing I was ok and lead her down from the trailer.


    It wasn't long before ' Shadow' (the name we had called our first arrival) had settled in along with Onyx , luckily they both got along quite well and I'm sure Onyx was a little protective over her. Myself and shane decided to put every waking hour into the new larger stables and we now had 6 horses . Life was good and the small farm was starting to raise its own revenue with Shane & Myself opening the stables and giving riding lessons . We also held show and information days to help and educate children and youths about horses and various other farm animals. 

    It would soon be weekend and myself and Shane had planned a hike and camp trip .. we would be taking Onyx and Shadow for a well earned break , we had Stan a new farmhand overseeing things. Stan was more than capable  having come from a huge working ranch himself there was nothing he didn't know about horses.

    The horses saddled up I watched as my handsome beau climbed up onto Shadow who stood slightly taller than onyx, she was a big girl and both horse and rider looked amazing together , it made me feel proud. Shane made the perfect cowboy and I couldn't wait till we were alone in the hills . 

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