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Weird Shadow

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Home Forums Slip of the pen (Report bugs) Weird Shadow

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  • #7933

       Hi again.   

      I spotted this a few days ago on some of the dresses.


      It looks like I've wet myself.   LOL.  The Red Chinese Dress doesn't look like much but, it's there.  Its just the picture.  (Sorry  :)  It seems that it's only appearing on the lighter / white dresses but, since I don't have all of them I'm not sure.  The Pink Chinese Dress is ok.  (I'm happy  to say.  One of my favourites).   

      I haven't seen this in room.  Well I haven't noticed it anyway.  LOL.

      Anyone else spotted this or is it just me ?

      Or does it only happen to Shemales. ? 

      Yeah I've just noticed it on a Female too.  Is it worth sending a ticket or not guys ?


      This has half been fixed.  I thought it was fixed but…………

      When you select one of the dresses I have shown in the first post in the Customize Yourself option the shadow isn't there,  You go to the “Sex Experience” Lobby and it's there again.


    Hi ZuZ,

    I have not these dresses so I can't test !
    Tested on all my white dress, blue chiness dress and no problems for me.
    No time to test all my dress or skirts but if I have a problem I will post here.

    Send a ticket to the support ZuZ like that they can see that.

    Kisses :-*


      The Blue dress is ok Nat.  Only the red one.

      If you have the White Nurses outfit it really shows up in the lobby.  But NOT in Customize Yourself. Like the rest of them that have this problem.

      What I'll do Nat is I'll wear one that shows this Shadow.  Then You'll see what I mean.

      Anyway,  I've sent a ticket.  :-*


    Ok Zuz, I saw that on some skirts too on me but one month ago or more(don't remember well), now all is ok for me.
    I must try all my dress to see but I have a lot !

    I don't have the nurses clothes because I don't want to look after the wounded guys, I prefer well valid men 

    I had this bug on a red dress too, I try in game and I tell you.

    EDIT: I saw your profil in game with your white dress and yes they are a little bug 


      Well I sent a ticket 18th June.  I had no response back.  And it is there on the new Pink dress too.

      So …..  I'm thinking nothing can be done about it.  But it does seem that it is only happening on the lighter coloured dresses.  The dark ones obviously hide it.  ( Me stating the obvious again ).


    What I know is that this bug appeared when they added the shadows on the character!
    It's a “ShadowBug” 

    ZuZ Too bad you will be forced to dress only in black latex!  😮 


    ZuZ Too bad you will be forced to dress only in black latex!  😮 

      OH NO !!!!!!!!!!  


    Noticed after last weekends update, the shadow has gone from the lobby.

      Doesn't look like  I've peed myself anymore. 

      Thank you ACHAT !!    :-* :-* :-*


    I think they changed the shadows because it's much prettier now 

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